Automating Office 2008
One of our goals here in MacBU is to be a good Mac citizen, which means supporting OS technologies. We've long had a fantastic AppleScript dictionary. In Office 2008, we extended our AppleScript support, and added in support for Automator. All four apps got the Automator treatment. Earlier this morning, I noticed that that the folks over at The Unofficial Apple Weblog have started a series of posts dealing with automation in Office 2008. They're starting off with automating Word, and promise the rest of the apps in the future (although they don't say when).
Go forth and automate! And let me know what actions you've come up with -- I'd love to see some real-world examples of how you guys are using it.
(As a reminder, Automator actions are part of the Standard and Special Media editions of Office 2008. They're not included in the Home and Student edition.)