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June 2007 TechNet Magazine online with some great articles for developers

As I'm sure many of you are aware, our team at Microsoft puts out both MSDN Magazine and TechNet Magazine. Most of the time, there is a very clear line between what's covered in one magazine versus the other.  However, with some topics, the line is blurred and for those, TechNet Magazine can be a terrific resource for developers.  Security is one such topic, and the June 2007 issue of TechNet Magazine, which just went online, has some great articles that will appeal to both developers and IT Pros.  Here are a few of my favorites from the issue about security in Windows Vista that I think all developers will benefit from reading:

Inside Windows Vista User Account Control 
Mark Russinovich

User Account Control, or UAC, is one of the most misunderstood new features in Windows Vista. But its goal—to enable users to run with standard user rights—can solve many security issues. Get an inside look at the problems UAC is designed to address and see exactly how this new feature works.

Keys to Protecting Data with BitLocker Drive Encryption 
Byron Hynes

BitLocker serves two very important purposes: it provides both full-volume data encryption and a way to validate the integrity of early startup components before Windows Vista starts. Get an overview of how BitLocker works and see how it can help you protect your organization.

Exploring the Windows Vista Firewall 
Steve Riley

Mobility has changed computer threats and the techniques that guard against them. As laptops wander outside the perimeter and come back to the network, you need better ways to protect your systems. Find out how you can use Windows Firewall to protect your computers—on the Internet and on your own internal network.

New ACLs Improve Security in Windows Vista 
Jesper Johansson

While ACLs haven't had a major overhaul, there are a number of important changes you need to know about when managing ACLs in a Windows Vista environment. Discover how 30 ACLs have changed to improve security, find out how they will impact your organization, and learn how to manage these changes in your infrastructure.

Definitely check these out.  And if you're interested in security content, MSDN Magazine is of course also a great resource.  You can find all of our past security content at, including a bunch of articles focused on security in Windows Vista such as:
