Commerce Server Training Part IV
Every time I have a blog that is multiple parts I keep thinking that it's a rocky movie :), so I will try to keep it short.
I have been announcing all the different companies who are providing training around Commerce Server and wanted to add one more to the list, me. As you know I have left Microsoft to be an independent consultant\Commerce Server Trainer, and in the process of creating my own company and it wouldn't be a company without a web site. I do have to warn you it's still under construction and I will add content in the few weeks to come.
The web site Commerce Server Training will provide you video tutorials as well as scheduling and contacting me for training\consultancy jobs.
June 19, 2007
You've always been the go-to guy for CS2007, and you did a great job on the bootcamp. Congrats on starting your own company. Hire me when you're ready to expand! -- DanimalAnonymous
June 20, 2007
You know, I just may have to take you up on that offer :). Thanks for the kind words I appreciate it. -Max