Page 23 Meme
Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 23. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
I just happen to be working with WSE a bit lately, and the closest book was Web Service Enhancements by Bill Evjen. The sentence:
Web services that you do want to provide to the public need to have the means for users to locate them.
Which reminds me, I need to follow up with Michael Earls...
- Anonymous
April 21, 2004
I have been reading the Tao of Personal Leadership and keep it near by as a good way to start my day.
Page 23 sentence 5 reads:
The wisdom of Tao reminds us to listen to our fears, to learn from them and to make wiser choices.
Which reminds me, I need to speak up more often. - Anonymous
April 21, 2004
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