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Security for Applications


70-330: Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET 70-340: Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET


If you updated your MCSD for .NET last year, there are two interesting new exams that were recently released. The topic this time is Security! The idea is to prove you know how to implement security in you C# or VB code:


Se você atualizou o seu MCSD em .NET ano passado, aqui vão dois novos exames que foram lançados recentemente. O tópico agora é Segurança. A idéia é provar que você sabe implementar segurança no seu código em C# ou VB:

To prepare for those, Microsoft also has released a number of courses:


Para preparar-se para estes exames, a Microsoft lançou diversos cursos:

2300: Developing Security-Enhanced Web Applications
2350: Developing and Deploying Secure Microsoft .NET Framework Applications
2806: Microsoft Security Guidance Training for Developers
 2840: Developing Secure Applications 

You probably also want to take a look at these books. The bottom two are actually for free download as a PDF file:


Você provalmente vai querer dar uma olhada nestes livros. Os dois últimos estão disponíveis para baixar de graça como um arquivo PDF:


Writing Secure Code, 2nd Edition

Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication

Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures


We also already have a specialization for the MCSE on Security. This is total speculation on my part, but I wouldn't be suprised if Microsoft were to create an MCSD specialization on security.


Nós já temos uma especialização para MCSE em Segurança. Está é somente uma especulação minha, mas eu não me espantaria se a Microsoft lançasse uma especialização do MCSD em segurança.


  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2004
    Could you please help in creating a security specialization cert for the MCSD. Forgive me I do not know how much influence you have but I am really interested in pursuing such a certification and am on a security crusade here. I am also trying to get my local University -- the Unviersity of South Florida -- into developing some more coursework on the matter. This is something as developers we all need to start doing really soon.
  • Anonymous
    July 13, 2004
    I just confirmed with a Lead Program manager in the Security Business Unit that there are no plans to create an MCSD specialization on Security.

    By the way, an official announcement of the new security exams and the new course to prepare for those (2840) is scheduled to go out tomorrow, July 14.
  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2004
    Oi, Barreto! Aqui é o Adriano Macedo, de Fortaleza-CE. Ex-Share BBS, Ex-Infoserv, atual Digital Design (produtora web que abri em meados de 1997.)

    Tudo bem?

    Passei prá dar um alô.

    [ ]´s Adriano Macedo