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Picture of my space...


Kay Giza asked me to provide a photo of my desk. Well, here it is:


On the left side I have a special storage area which I call "the stack". It is sorted by a secret algorithm using the dimension time. The new stuff is on the top, the deeper down, the older...

And you can find all the things to survive on this desk (asked "what would you take with you if you would have to survive in a jungle?" I tend to answer "My desk"). You can find

  • Coffee (see that cup in front of my keyboard... well, I bought this cup being a student at the university of Karlsruhe I guess 12 years ago...yes, it is that old brown plastic cup from the Studentenwerk...if you ever have had one you know what I am talking about),
  • sweets (the container with the Santa-Clauses between laptop and monitor),
  • water
  • music
  • knifes and tools like screwdrivers
  • medicine for colds and headaches
  • ... you can even find a DVB-T television receiver and lots of things to read

So, maybe I should try enlist what I have and ask a giant furniture company to market it??

OK, it is a bit messy. But I never have had a problem finding anything on my desk... really!!



