While the cat's away....
I have been out of the office for a week, and will be out for another week.
But this hasn't stopped the team from getting out and doing their job.
ISV Innovation Days
The Age of User Experience
AIMIA Awards
- The Geek Stories: Blogcasts from Windows Vista
- Going large with Nick..
- Behind the scenes: The Geek Stories
- Barcamp, *hic*
- BarCampSydney: The Geek Stories
- BarCamp rocked (and the AIMIAs was ok too)
- My Microsoft Buddies
Virtualization Summit
Mardi Gras
Maybe I should stay away more - a lot gets done when I'm not around
Technorati tags: Frank Arrigo, DPE, Microsoft Australia
- Anonymous
March 04, 2007
In case, readers are unclear about Mardi Gras. I was doing "research" work on digital lifestyle (digital photpgraphy and blogging) and sniffing out the competition. I can report that IBM had a float during the parade ;)