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{CODE PARTY}개발자를 위한 News+ 16개 링크 업데이트 입니다. 2010-12-07일

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1. {CODE PARTY} 12월 세미나가 지금 접수중입니다.[HOT]
2. {CODE PARTY} On-line 8월 9월 10월 세미나가 모두 올라왔습니다.!!!

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{CODE PARTY}세미나와 기타 이벤트 소식을 리얼 타임으로 알려 드립니다.


Announcing Silverlight 5 Silverlight 5 소식이 올라오고 있습니다. 주요한 새 기능에 대한 소개를 하고 있는 포스팅입니다.

Silverlight 5: The Undisputed Champion for LOB Applications

.NET Framework

Output caching with ASP.NET MVC Razor

.NET Framework

Silverlight 5 roadmap announced


DJ v1.2


Silverlight 5 preview!

Code Sample

Silverlight 5 announced!

Code Sample

Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Code Sample

Monitoring your services with SO-Aware

Code Sample

Real World Windows Azure: Interview with John Gravely, Founder and CEO of ClickDimensions


Thought Leaders in the Cloud: Talking with Kate Keahey, Creator of Nimbus

Release notice

Standardizing HTML6 through the W3C – My Trip to TPAC 2010


The new C++ for the new Windows


New in Window Clippings 3: Perfect shadow-less windows


Functional vs. Object-Oriented JavaScript Development




PerformancePoint 2010 Content Deployment Tool

Windws Azure

Native Extensions For Microsoft Silverlight

Windws Azure