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Eric Lippert's Erstwhile Blog

JScript, DNA, and Mad Cow Disease

The WebGraphics blog recently had a Javascript quine contest that just ended. I'm totally bummed...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 09/15/2004

The Postmodern Gumballs

It's hard to believe it but it's true: I've been at this for an entire year. How the time has flown....

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 09/13/2004

Thirty Years of Backwards Compatibility

In response to my earlier series on error handling in VBScript, Ian Griffiths blogged that Reuben...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 09/09/2004

Hostile Exception Filter vs Benign Assert: Who will win?

I got a number of good responses to last week's challenge, including some that pointed out potential...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 09/08/2004

"Finally" Does Not Mean "Immediately"

All that talk a while back about error handling in VBScript got me thinking about some error...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 09/01/2004

Error Handling in VBScript, Part Three

Apparently I've sparked a discussion amongst the super-geniuses of LtU on various innovative...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/25/2004

Error Handling In VBScript, Part Two

The way VBScript implements the error semantics I mentioned last time is sort of interesting. Today...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/23/2004

Error Handling in VBScript, Part One

OK, enough about the Peloponnesian war -- a number of readers have asked me questions about error...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/19/2004

The Attribute Of Manliness

This is a technical, not a political, current-events, linguistic or academic blog. (You know of...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/18/2004

Solution to Spot the Defect Part Two

There were lots of good responses to my challenge of yesterday. There are two major defects in this...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/17/2004

Spot the Defect, Part Two

Some fun for a Monday -- for some definition of fun, I suppose. Here's a recent posting to...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/16/2004

Math is Everywhere

A number of coincidences led to this post -- first, I got an email from one of the Mikes, who...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/11/2004

JScript .NET Type Coercion Semantics, Part Four: Coercion at last

Before I get going, a couple notable milestones. First, this is post number 200! Who would have...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/10/2004

JScript .NET Type Coercion Semantics, Part Three: Assignability

Before I begin today's technical topic, a quick link to what promises to be a terrifying, I mean,...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/06/2004

JScript .NET Type Coercion Semantics, Part Two: Promotability

Last time I gave some vague, high-level definitions of the type system concepts promotable,...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/04/2004

JScript .NET Type Coercion Semantics

Stan Lippman has started an interesting series of blog entries on how Managed C++ determines which...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 08/02/2004

Typing Hard Can Trip You Up

Speaking of weird JScript gotchas, here's a weird VBScript gotcha that I alluded to earlier. foo =...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/30/2004

Pop Quiz

Every non-trivial language has "gotchas". Here's one. Consider the following JScript, which creates...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/29/2004

VSTO Web Cast On Tuesday

I've just now learned that my colleagues Andrew Jewsbury and Mohit Gupta will be talking about the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/26/2004

Aargh! Part Eight, plus Boring Metablogging

Q: What's a pirate's second favourite mode of transportation? A: A caaaaargh! Preferably a...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/23/2004

Recursion and Dynamic Programming

Back in May we were discussing the merits and drawbacks of recursive programming techniques -- that...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/21/2004

Why no ++?

Oddly enough, my posting on how to handle a mad crush has become the third most popular article I've...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/19/2004

Not Logical Is VBScript

Quick, what's the difference between If Blah = True Then Print "True!" Else Print "False!" and If...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/15/2004

Eric's Complete Guide To Type Signatures Of Scriptable Object Models

Moving away from the problems of junior high school… Here's a question I've gotten many times...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/14/2004

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

I'm back, and I've almost made it through the 525 not-automatically-sorted email messages, caught up...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 07/12/2004

Going Dark

Hey all, at the end of this week I'm heading off on vacation for two weeks, I've got a metric...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/21/2004

Some Quick Notes On Variable Scoping

Here's a question I got a while back: In a VBS or ASP file, the following code doesn't work, which I...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/18/2004

Reading Code Is Hard, Part Two

I was thinking about this a bit more and talking with Larry Osterman yesterday, and I came up with...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/15/2004

Reading Code Is Hard

Escalation Engineer JeremyK asks in his blog this morning: how do you teach people this...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/14/2004

A JScript .NET Design Donnybrook, Part Two

I am totally amused that the comments on yesterday's entry are nigh-isomorphic to the argument that...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/08/2004

A JScript .NET Design Donnybrook

When you're designing a new programming language, the "main line" cases are easy. It's the "corner"...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/07/2004

Aargh! Part Seven

Q: How do pirates keep their socks from falling down? A: Thumbtacks. I am insanely busy with bug...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/04/2004

Rarefied Heights Part Two, Plus Some Random Short Takes

A few short takes today before I get into the actual subject of today's entry....

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/02/2004

What's the Difference between WScript.CreateObject, Server.CreateObject and CreateObject?

A reader asked me last week I have always used Server.CreateObject in ASP scripts and...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 06/01/2004

JScript .NET Classes Are Serializable -- Surprise!

You learn something new every day in this job. Or, more accurately, some days you learn things again...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 05/26/2004

You Can't Convert Data Structures To Strings In VBScript Without Breaking A Few Eggs

Here's a question I get every now and then: I've written a VBScript program which calls a method on...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 05/25/2004

Revisionist History

Based on the excellent user feedback, I have significantly revised my article on the history of the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 05/21/2004

Original: When Are You Required To Set Objects To Nothing?

NOTE: I have significantly revised this article. What you are reading now is the archive of the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 05/21/2004

Results Of The Fibonacci Challenge Are In

Another bunch of good replies to my challenge of yesterday. And again, a bunch of answers that I...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 05/20/2004

Dude, Where's My Asymptotic Order Analysis?

"There is something missing from this analysis. Saying that this is an O(n) algorithm perhaps isn't...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 05/14/2004

The Stygian Depths Of Hacked-Together Scripts

Last time on FABULOUS ADVENTURES: Eric Lippert: The second term is asymptotically insignificant...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 05/13/2004

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