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Current or Not?

Has the following ever happened to you? You disable a device using Device Manager and reboot the machine. However, after reboot the device appears to be enabled again. Well, the culprit causing this may very well be fonts!

In all versions of XPe there are a collection of font components (specifically those with "CP" or "DPI" in the display name) that can corrupt current hardware settings, resulting in faulty plug and play behavior. Basically, these font components incorrectly write directly to the HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\HARDWARE PROFILES\CURRENT key instead of writing to HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\HARDWARE PROFILES\001. The Current key should only be created at runtime and is just a link to 001 so any changes to 001 go automatically into Current. But, because of the above problem, the Current and 001 keys can get out of sync. When you disable a device that 001 key is getting updated, but not the Current key. On the next boot, the system checks the Current profile and won’t find the previous changes to the hardware state.

So, how to fix it without having to change the font components themselves? 

The workaround is to delete the HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\HARDWARE PROFILES\CURRENT on the runtime and boot again. The system will now create the Current key and link it correctly to 001.

NOTE: Before deleting the above key, copy all of its contents to 001.

Be aware that on your machine, the current profile may link to 002 or 003 etc instead of 001. To check which number is the current profile, launch System Properties, click the Hardware tab, click Hardware Profiles and look at the available hardware profiles

- Lynda