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Checking Voicemail in Outlook

Do you know that if voice mail is enabled on your account, you will be able to listen to your voice mail from your mobile phone and read it in your Inbox? Yes, that’s true. It’s not just only that; also you’ll receive a text message on your phone to alert you that you have new voice mail and show you part of the voice message. You can also hear your e-mail and calendar information over the phone and manage them using your voice. I got this video shows you (click ‘n’ download it) all of the new and exciting features that are found within Outlook voice mail.

Checking voice mail in Outlook: Also i got one more video shows if your organization is running both Exchange Server 2007 and Outlook 2007, users can check voice mail messages from their Outlook inbox.

Microsoft Office System Video: Checking Voice Mail in Microsoft Office Outlook


  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2009
    It will create good impact,defiantly a good impact on IT.