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Canadian Developer Connection

The latest developer news and events in Canada!

Don’t Miss Out on Great Keynotes and Sessions at TechDays 2011

Time moves quickly! Hard to believe that we are only a few weeks away from the first TechDays 2011...

Author: DamirB Date: 10/02/2011

Dude, Where’s My Mango Update?

By now, many of you have probably seen the news that carriers around the world will start pushing...

Author: Date: 09/26/2011

Multi-Platform Apps with HTML5 and IE9

“We should make an app”, says your boss while playing with her new smartphone. This statement tends...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 09/20/2011

Let Us Help You – Resources to Maximize Your Time and Efforts

One of the things that’s great about the team’s role is that we get to show developers,...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 09/16/2011

Evaluating Your Apps For the Cloud

This post is part of a discussion around transitioning applications, as well as development and...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 09/14/2011

Vote for Your Favourite Session to be Included in TechDays 2011

WOW!  That’s all I can say to the response we received to our open call for sessions for...

Author: DamirB Date: 09/12/2011

Like HTML5? Like Phone Apps? Then you’ll LOVE Mango because…

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post referencing how you as a developer don’t have to be torn between...

Author: Date: 09/11/2011

Thank You Thank You Sam I Am! I do so like this ALM!

It’s fall and that means back to school for kids, it also means time to start up and really...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 09/08/2011

How to Move Data from One Table to Another

I recently saw a post on Stack Overflow asking how do you copy specific table data from one database...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 09/06/2011

Get Started With Windows Azure at .NET Saturday

This October, .NET Saturday (Samedi .NET) will connect you with two Canadian industry experts who...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 09/05/2011

How to Study for a Certification Exam

The most common question I get when talking about certification is what should I study? Well, before...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 09/02/2011

Register Now for TechDays 2011!!

It’s here! It’s live! You can now register for TechDays 2011 in Toronto, Montreal, and...

Author: DamirB Date: 08/30/2011

Mobile Devs: Why Windows Phone Matters to You

Everyone knows how competitive the mobile space is.  There are a wide range of platforms...

Author: Date: 08/29/2011

Application Strategy and Training as Pre-requisites to Cloud Development

You’ve heard or read in ads, videos, presentations, and even in some of my previous posts that...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 08/24/2011

Premiere Training on Mango – And it’s free!

If you find you aren’t busy on Tuesday, August 23 and Wednesday, August 24, you may be interested in...

Author: Date: 08/21/2011

Coffee & Code Toronto

Remember the Coffee & Code Joey was doing in Toronto? It’s the perfect place to code on...

Author: Frédéric Harper Date: 08/19/2011

How to Prepare for a Certification Exam

About once every couple of weeks on Reddit, I see a post like this one asking for advice on...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 08/19/2011

TechDays 2011 Session Submissions Now Open!

Are you passionate about technology? Do you have a desire to share your knowledge with your...

Author: DamirB Date: 08/18/2011

Visual Studio Hands On Labs for FREE!

There are a lot of different ways to learn a product or feature. You can watch videos, you can read...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 08/18/2011

YOU could be an MCT sooner than you think!

About ten years ago, I was awarded my Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) certification, I can...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 08/12/2011

Does Certification Seem Overwhelming?

I recently saw a post in a forum entitled “drowning in sea of exams” complaining about how confused...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 08/11/2011

IE 9 on Windows Phone, Now That’s What I’m Talking About!!!

This post was originally created by Atley Hunter here and is re-posted with his permission. More on...

Author: Date: 08/10/2011

How do you update a Pinned Site in IE9? Part 2

Pinned sites are such a cool feature, easy to implement, and they give a great themed look and feel...

Author: Susan Ibach Date: 08/08/2011

What’s In the Cloud: Canada Does Windows Azure - Code of War

I’m always on the search for stories of Canadian developers who have either built new...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 08/06/2011

Mango RTMs! Now what?

Last week, we announced that Windows Phone 7 Codenamed “Mango” RTM’ed (RTM = Release to...

Author: Date: 08/04/2011

What a (Windows Azure) Day! Tools and Training Kit Updates

Wow! This was quite a Windows Azure Wednesday! First the Windows Azure Code Gallery, and now, just...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 08/03/2011

Learn Windows Azure Through Code

Depending on how you go about learning or finding solutions to problems you encounter, books,...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 08/02/2011

The Microsoft Cloud Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

By now, you’ve heard a lot about the “Microsoft Cloud”. We’ve talked a lot about what is Windows...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 07/27/2011

Social Gaming Powered By Windows Azure

Social applications (games, sharing, and location-based applications and services) are very quickly...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 07/21/2011

What’s In the Cloud: Canada Does Windows Azure - PhotoPivot

Happy Canada Day! Let’s celebrate with yet another Windows Azure developer story! A few weeks ago, I...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 07/01/2011

Happy Canada Day 2011

Happy Canada Day folks! I hope you have a safe and relaxed holiday with family and friends! And, of...

Author: John Bristowe - Telerik Date: 07/01/2011

What’s In the Cloud: Canada Does Windows Azure - Scanvee

Since it is the week leading up to Canada day, I thought it would be fitting to celebrate Canada’s...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/30/2011

Make Awesome Web: 200 Awesome Resources and Counting

About six months ago, fellow Microsoft Developer Evangelist, Michael Kordahi (@delic8genius)...

Author: John Bristowe - Telerik Date: 06/30/2011

Long Weekend Plans? One Word – Mango

It’s finally here! The first long weekend of the summer! Looks like all of the stars aligned, giving...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/30/2011

What’s In the Cloud: Canada Does Windows Azure - Booom!!

Since it is the week leading up to Canada day, I thought it would be fitting to celebrate Canada’s...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/29/2011

What’s In the Cloud: Canada Does Windows Azure - Connect2Fans

Since it is the week leading up to Canada day, I thought it would be fitting to celebrate Canada’s...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/28/2011

What’s In the Cloud: Canada Does Windows Azure – Election Night

Since it is the week leading up to Canada day, I thought it would be fitting to celebrate Canada’s...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/27/2011

What’s In the Cloud: Canada Does Windows Azure – Lead

Since it is the week leading up to Canada day, I thought it would be fitting to celebrate...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/26/2011

Code Your Art Out Finale – The Apps and the Winner

On June 10, we announced the finalists of Code Your Art Out, a “wicked” coding competition, as...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/25/2011

Where do you get your “In Person” fix?

My team is in the midst of our planning cycle right now and a question came up that has us...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/23/2011

Designing for Success (through User Experience)

Last week, I was at Prairie Dev Con and had the pleasure of sitting in on David Alpert’s sessions on...

Author: Jonathan Rozenblit Date: 06/22/2011

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