More HTML5 at TechDays
TechDays Vancouver is just a handful of days away. As we are always looking to incorporate your feedback into what we do, we have added more HTML5 sessions to the already-packed agenda.
Currently we have sessions about HTML5 such as Application Development with HTML5 (DEV302) and HTML5 and CSS3 Techniques You Can Use Today (DEV334). Of course we have other sessions that will have HTML5 as a part of the sessions too. You just can’t talk about web development and design without talking about HTML5.
As you asked, we have added two more HTML5 sessions:
- Responsive Web Design: The View of the World Depends on the Glasses I Wear (ARC390)
- Introduction to Drawing with HTML5's <canvas> (DEV290)
The first one discusses the concept of Responsive Web Design. It answers the question: How do you build web sites where the UX is adaptable to the wide variety of web devices out there from the browser, to the phone and future devices? You will have the opportunity to see great examples of responsive sites and how you can begin using responsive techniques in yours today. Oh yes, there will also be some math involved…
The second session introduces you to the <canvas> drawing API that is a part of HTML5. In this session, you will start out with great examples of <canvas> based sites, learn the fundamentals of the API, learn how to build your own casual game with a complete code example along with some lessons learned so you don’t make the same mistakes we have!
Why am I excited about these sessions? Not only am I getting the opportunity to deliver these sessions to you but this is my first time presenting as a member of the Microsoft Canada team! I am setting up home base in Vancouver so I am stoked to talk about the brutality* of HTML5 to my Canadian peeps. Hopefully you will walk away wanting to make your sites responsive and create amazing <canvas>-based applications.
By the way, if you haven’t made your attack plan for TechDays Vancouver, check out Jonathan’s post on Everything You Need for TechDays Vancouver. It will help you stand out from the tourists.
(* Note: I tend to use the term Brutal quite a bit. It is actually a good thing!)