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A Happy Customer

I bought myself a notebook computer a few months ago while Dell was having a Free Printer special. It turns out the printer can also scan, and the scanner has an option to output to MS Word after using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to convert to text.

All the work we do is to make our our customers happy. It’s nice to hear when we’ve pleased them! It’s also interesting to see the different ways our product is used. I just hope I’m not in their database!<g>

We received a letter of thanks and brochure from


October 4,2004


Visual FoxPro Team Microsoft Corporation


Dear Team Members,

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to Visual FoxPro. After returning from the VFP Devcon 2004 in Las Vegas, where much time was spent discussing version 9.0,1 have no doubt that this new version will prove to be the best and most feature rich release of the product to date. Having had the chance to meet many of you, it is clear that you have a continued enthusiasm about the product which is largely responsible for it being such a great tool for developers!

As a solution provider to the law enforcement market, VFP as proven to be a phenomenally powerful and invaluable development tool for providing a flexible, feature rich and scalable solution to our customers. With over 400 law enforcement agencies currently using our product, in 45 states, millions of Americans are being well served and protected in their respective communities by Crimestar's VFP based information management solutions. Whether implemented using a native FoxPro Database or MS SQL Server, there is no doubt that your team's hard work and dedication to VFP has made it possible for Crimestar to succeed in providing our solution to communities large and small across America.

Visual FoxPro has always been and continues to be a superior development tool for building powerful data centric application and we in the VFP community have you to thank for that.

Thank you, and keep up the great work! /

Alec Gagne, President Crimestar Corporation

cc: Randy Brown Yair Alan Griver Calvin Hsia John Koziol Ken Levy Richard Stanton Mike Stewart
