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TextArea formatting slice

TextArea is a simple formatting slice which is used to represent text object type from capabilities.json file.

Screenshot of the TextArea slice.

Example: TextArea implementation

In this example, we show how to build a TextArea slice using formatting model utils.

Capabilities object

Insert the following JSON fragment into the capabilities.json file.

  // ... same level as dataRoles and dataViewMappings
  "objects": {
    "labels": {
      "properties": {
        "titleDescription": {
          "type": {
            "text": true

Formatting model class

Insert the following code fragment into the settings file.

import { formattingSettings } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-formattingmodel";

class LabelsCardSetting extends formattingSettings.SimpleCard {
    name: string = "labels"; // same as capabilities object name
    displayName: string = "Labels";

    public titleDescription: formattingSettings.TextArea = new formattingSettings.TextArea({
        name: "titleDescription", // same as capabilities property name
        displayName: "Title description area",
        value: "",
        placeholder: "Title description area placeholder"

    public slices: formattingSettings.Slice[] = [ this.titleDescription ];

export class VisualSettings extends formattingSettings.Model {
    public labels: LabelsCardSetting = new LabelsCardSetting();
    public cards: formattingSettings.SimpleCard[] = [this.labels];