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Eliminate optional vector instances from storage

Azure AI Search stores multiple copies of vector fields that are used in specific workloads. If you don't need to support a specific behavior, like returning raw vectors in a query response, you can set properties in the index that omit storage for that workload.


  • Vector fields in a search index with a vectorSearch configuration, using the Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) or exhaustive K-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithms and a new vector profile.

How vector fields are stored

For every vector field, there could be three copies of the vectors, each serving a different purpose:

Instance Usage Controlled using
Source vectors which store the JSON that was received during document indexing (JSON data) Used for incremental data refresh with merge or mergeOrUpload during document indexing. Also used if you want "retrievable" vectors returned in the query response. stored property on vector fields
Original full-precision vectors (binary data) In existing indexes, these are used for internal index operations and for exhaustive KNN search. For vectors using compression, it's also used for rescoring (if enabled) on an oversampled candidate set of results from ANN search on vector fields using scalar or binary quantization compression. rescoringOptions.rescoreStorageMethod property in vectorSearch.compressions. For uncompressed vector fields on indexes created with 2024-11-01-Preview API versions and later, this will be omitted by default with no impact on search activities nor quality.
Vectors in the HNSW graph for Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN) search (HNSW graph) Used for ANN query execution. Consists of either full-precision vectors (when no compression is applied) or quantized vectors (when compression is applied) Only applies to HNSW. These data structures are required for efficient ANN search.

You can set properties that permanently discard the first two instances (JSON data and binary data) from vector storage.

The last instance (HNSW graph) is required for ANN vector query execution. If any compression techniques such as scalar or binary quantization are used, they are applied to this set of data. If you want to offset lossy compression, you should keep the second instance (binary data) for rescoring purposes to improve ANN search quality.

Indexes created on or after 2024-11-01-preview API version

For indexes created with the 2024-11-01-preview API version with uncompressed vector fields, the second and third instances (binary data and HNSW graph) are combined as part of our cost reduction investments, reducing overall storage. The same index created with the 2024-11-01-preview API is functionally equivalent but uses less storage compared to identical indexes created with earlier API versions. Physical data structures are established on a Create Index request, so you must delete and recreate the index to realize the storage reductions.

If you choose to use vector compression, we compress (quantize) the in-memory portion of the vector index. Since memory is often a primary constraint for vector indexes, this allows storing more vectors within the same search service. However, lossy compression results in some information loss, which can impact search quality.

To mitigate this, enabling "rescoring" and "oversampling" helps maintain accuracy. This retrieves a larger set of candidate documents from the compressed index and then recomputes similarity scores using the original vectors, which must be retained in storage. As a result, while quantization reduces memory usage (vector index size usage), it slightly increases storage requirements since both compressed and original vectors are stored. The additional storage is approximately equal to the size of the compressed index.

Set the stored property

The stored property is a boolean property on a vector field definition that determines whether storage is allocated for retrievable vector field content (the source instance). The stored property is true by default. If you don't need raw vector content in a query response, you can save up to 50 percent storage per field by changing stored to false.

Considerations for setting stored to false:

  • Because vectors aren't human readable, you can omit them from results sent to LLMs in RAG scenarios, and from results that are rendered on a search page. Keep them, however, if you're using vectors in a downstream process that consumes vector content.

  • However, if your indexing strategy includes partial document updates, such as "merge" or "mergeOrUpload" on an existing document, setting stored=false prevents content updates to those fields during the merge. On each "merge" or "mergeOrUpload" operation to a search document, you must provide the vector fields in its entirety, along with the nonvector fields that you're updating, or the vector is dropped.


Setting the stored=false attribution is irreversible. This property can only be set when you create the index and is only allowed on vector fields. Updating an existing index with new vector fields cannot set this property to false. If you want retrievable vector content later, you must drop and rebuild the index, or create and load a new field that has the new attribution.

For new vector fields in a search index, set stored to false to permanently remove retrievable storage for the vector field. The following example shows a vector field definition with the stored property.

PUT https://[service-name] 
  Content-Type: application/json  
  api-key: [admin key]  

      "name": "demo-index", 
      "fields": [ 
          "name": "vectorContent", 
          "type": "Collection(Edm.Single)", 
          "retrievable": false, 
          "stored": false, 
          "dimensions": 1536, 
          "vectorSearchProfile": "vectorProfile" 

Summary of key points

  • Applies to fields having a vector data type.

  • Affects storage on disk, not memory, and it has no effect on queries. Query execution uses a separate vector index that's unaffected by the stored property because that copy of the vector is always stored.

  • The stored property is set during index creation on vector fields and is irreversible. If you want retrievable content later, you must drop and rebuild the index, or create and load a new field that has the new attribution.

  • Defaults are stored set to true and retrievable set to false. In a default configuration, a retrievable copy is stored, but it's not automatically returned in results. When stored is true, you can toggle retrievable between true and false at any time without having to rebuild an index. When stored is false, retrievable must be false and can't be changed.

Set the rescoreStorageMethod property


This feature is currently in public preview. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement, and is not recommended for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

The rescoreStorageMethod property controls the storage of full-precision vectors when compression is used.

For uncompressed vector fields on indexes created with 2024-11-01-Preview API versions and later, this will be omitted by default with no impact on search activities nor quality. For existing vector fields created prior to this API version, there is no in-place ability to remove this copy of data.

On a vector compression, the rescoreStorageMethod property is set to preserveOriginals by default, which retains full-precision vectors foroversampling and rescoring capabilities to reduce the effect of lossy compression on the HNSW graph. If you don't use these capabilities, you can reduce vector storage by setting rescoreStorageMethod to discardOriginals.


Setting the rescoreStorageMethod property is irreversible and will have different levels of search quality loss depending on the compression method. This can be set on indexes created with 2024-11-01-Preview or later, either during index creation or adding new vector fields.

If you intend to use scalar or binary quantization, we recommend retaining rescoreStorageMethod set to preserveOriginals to maximize search quality.

To set this property:

  1. Use Create Index or Create or Update Index 2024-11-01-preview REST APIs, or an Azure SDK beta package providing the feature.

  2. Add a vectorSearch section to your index with profiles, algorithms, and compressions.

  3. Under compressions, add rescoringOptions with enableRescoring set to true, defaultOversampling set to a positive integer, and rescoreStorageMethod set to preserveOriginals.

    PUT https://[service-name]
        "name": "demo-index",
        "fields": [. . . ],
        . . .
        "vectorSearch": {
            "profiles": [
                "name": "myVectorProfile",
                "algorithm": "myHnsw",
                "compression": "myScalarQuantization"
            "algorithms": [
                "name": "myHnsw",
                "kind": "hnsw",
                "hnswParameters": {
                  "metric": "cosine",
                  "m": 4,
                  "efConstruction": 400,
                  "efSearch": 500
                "exhaustiveKnnParameters": null
            "compressions": [
                    "name": "myScalarQuantization",
                    "kind": "scalarQuantization",
                    "rescoringOptions": {
                        "enableRescoring": true,
                        "defaultOversampling": 10,
                        "rescoreStorageMethod": "preserveOriginals"
                    "scalarQuantizationParameters": {
                        "quantizedDataType": "int8"
                    "truncationDimension": null