Příklady rozhraní API HWREQCHK
Některé informace se týkají předběžného produktu, který může být podstatně změněn před komerčním vydáním. Společnost Microsoft neposkytuje žádné záruky, výslovné ani předpokládané, pokud jde o informace uvedené zde.
Funkce popsaná v tomto tématu je k dispozici v předběžných verzích windows Insider Preview . Nejstarší verze, ve které se tyto funkce zobrazují, je Windows Insider Preview verze 10.0.25289.
Tyto příklady pro rozhraní HWREQCHK API ukazují, jak se dá využít k získání informací o hardwarovém zařízení a jeho určení způsobilosti k upgradu Windows pro konkrétní verze Windows 11 nebo novější.
Příklad rozhraní GETHardwareRequirementSystemInfo API
Následující příklad ukazuje, jak získat informace o systému zařízení voláním GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo, což jsou stejné informace, které používá modul pro vyhodnocení požadavků na hardware systému Windows. Kontext spočívá v tom, že nástroj "Můžu upgradovat?" používá k hlášení informací o systému zařízení, které se zaznamenaly do true
nebo false
odpovědi z funkce EvaluateHardwareRequirement.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <hwreqchkapi.h>
#define PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(cond) (cond ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE")
Routine Description:
Get the Hardware Requirements System Info that is used to evaluate against the requirements
Demonstrates GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo API
Return Value:
HRESULT - S_OK or a FAILED HRESULT if unsuccessful getting the defined list of hardware requirements
HRESULT result = GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo(&sysinfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(result))
wprintf(L" SSE2 Processor Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.SSE2ProcessorSupport));
wprintf(L" NX Processor Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.NXProcessorSupport));
wprintf(L" PrefetchW Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.PrefetchWSupport));
wprintf(L" CompareExchange128 Support: %ls\n",
wprintf(L" LahfSahf Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.LahfSahfSupport));
wprintf(L" CPU Core Count: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuCoreCount);
wprintf(L" SecureBoot Capable: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.SecureBootCapable));
wprintf(L" TPM Version: %lu\n", sysinfo.TpmVersion );
wprintf(L" CPU Mhz: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuMhz);
wprintf(L" RamMB: %lu\n", sysinfo.RamMB);
wprintf(L" SystemDiskSizeMB: %lu\n", sysinfo.SystemDiskSizeMB);
wprintf(L" Architecture: %lu\n", sysinfo.Architecture);
wprintf(L" CPU Vendor: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuVendor );
wprintf(L" CPU Family: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuFamily);
wprintf(L" CPU Model: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuModel);
wprintf(L" CPU Stepping: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuStepping);
wprintf(L" ArmV81 Processor Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.ArmV81ProcessorSupport));
wprintf(L" Platform: %lu\n", sysinfo.Platform );
wprintf(L" IsServer: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.IsServer ));
wprintf(L" Lockdown Mode: %lu\n", sysinfo.LockdownMode);
wprintf(L" Product OS: %lu\n", sysinfo.ProductOS );
wprintf(L" Product Name: %ls\n", sysinfo.ProductName);
wprintf(L" Processor Name: %ls\n", sysinfo.ProcessorName);
wprintf(L"Failed calling GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo. Error:0x%.8x\n", result);
return result;
Příklad rozhraní API EvaluateHardwareRequirement
Tento příklad ukazuje použití EvaluateHardwareRequirement. Je to funkce, která se dotazuje na vlastnosti hardwarového systému zařízení, aby se vyhodnotily s definovanými požadavky na hardware. Ukázková metoda, EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample, přijímá HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT strukturu, která obsahuje informace o tom, jaký hardwarový požadavek se má vyhodnotit. Další příklady ukazují různé způsoby, kterými můžou vývojáři vyplnit obsah struktury a určit, jaký požadavek chtějí vyhodnotit.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <hwreqchkapi.h>
_In_ const HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT& deviceHardwareRequirement)
Routine Description:
Evaluate the specific hardware requirement using the information supplied in the HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT structure
Demonstrates EvaluateHardwareRequirement API
deviceHardwareRequirement - Specifies the specific device hardware requirement structure that is used to invoke the EvaluateHardwareRequirement API
Return Value:
HRESULT - S_OK or a Failed HRESULT if unsuccessful invoking the EvaluateHardwareRequirement API
// Automatically free HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_EVALUATION (via CoTaskMemFree)
// objects when it goes out of scope. See WIL (https://github.com/Microsoft/wil/wiki).
BOOL evaluationResult = FALSE;
static const std::map<const std::wstring, const std::wstring> constraintRuleMapping =
{ L"SSE2ProcessorSupport", L"Processor must support the SSE2 instruction set"} ,
{ L"NXProcessorSupport", L"Processor must support data execution prevention" },
{ L"CompareExchange128", L"Processor must support the CMPXCHG16B instruction also referred to as CompareExchange128" },
{ L"LahfSahfSupport", L"Processor must support the LAHF and SAHF instructions" },
{ L"PrefetchWSupport", L"Processor must support the PrefetchW instructions" },
{ L"CpuCores", L"The minimum number of CPU cores that must exist on the device" },
{ L"CpuFms", L"TPM must be version 2.0 exactly(no higher, no lower)" },
{ L"Tpm", L"TPM must be version 2.0 exactly" },
{ L"UefiSecureBoot", L"Secure boot must be supported on the device"},
{ L"Memory", L"The minimum amount of memory in MB that must exist on the device" },
{ L"IotMemory", L"The minimum amount of memory in MB that must exist on the device" },
{ L"ServerMemory", L"The minimum amount of memory in MB that must exist on the device" },
{ L"SystemDriveSize", L"The minimum amout of total system disk size" },
{ L"IotSystemDriveSize", L"The minimum amout of total system disk size" },
{ L"CpuFms", L"The CPU must be a supported Family, Model and Stepping (FMS) processor signature" },
{ L"BlockedByHomeSkuSModeStateSV", L"SMode must be disabled unless the OS SKU is a 'Home'SKU" }
HRESULT result = EvaluateHardwareRequirement(
if (FAILED(result))
wprintf(L"The requirement failed the EvaluateHardwareRequirement API. Error:0x%.8x\n", result);
// On Success, the 'evaluationResult' variable will either be TRUE (evaluation succeeded)
// or it will be FALSE (evaluation failed).
if (evaluationResult != FALSE)
wprintf(L"The hardware requirement evaluation succeeded. The device does meet the hardware requirements\n");
wprintf(L"The hardware requirement evaluation did not pass. The device does not meet the hardware requirements.\n");
// Loop through each constraint evaluation performed
for (const auto& deviceHardwareRequirementEvaluation : deviceHardwareRequirementEvaluations)
auto findConstraint = constraintRuleMapping.find(deviceHardwareRequirementEvaluation.RuleName);
std::wstring constraintDescription = L"Constraint Not Found";
if (findConstraint != constraintRuleMapping.end())
constraintDescription = findConstraint->second;
// Display the Rules that were evaluated as part of the requirements.
// NOTE: RuleName is a non-localized value coming from the internally defined JSON contents.
wprintf(L"\tConstraint Name: %-64ls Succeeded: %-8ls\n\t\tDescription: %ls\n",
deviceHardwareRequirementEvaluation.Succeeded ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE",
if (evaluationResult == FALSE)
// The device failed to meet the hardware requirements, dump the system
// info by calling the other example GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfoExample,
// which calls the API GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo and dumps the contents.
return result;
Příklad rozhraní API GetLatestHardwareRequirement
Následující příklad ukazuje použití GetLatestHardwareRequirement. Je to funkce, která se dotazuje a vrací nejnovější požadavek na hardware pro danou HWREQCHK_PRODUCT_TYPE hodnotu výčtu. Pokud volání proběhne úspěšně, předá obsah struktury HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTEvaluateHardwareRequirement příklad výše.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <hwreqchkapi.h>
Routine Description:
Get the latest hardware requirement defined and then use
the information supplied in the HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT
to evaluate hardware requirements against it.
Demonstrates the use of the GetLatestHardwareRequirement API. If successful, the
EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample method is invoked to ‘evaluate’
the latest hardware requirement.
productType - A valid HWREQCHK_PRODUCT_TYPE enumeration value to get the latest hardware requirement
Return Value:
HRESULT - S_OK or a FAILED HRESULT if unsuccessful getting the defined list of hardware requirements
// Get the currently defined latest hardware requirement for the product type value
// specified in the productEnum variable.
HRESULT result = GetLatestHardwareRequirement(productType, &deviceHardwareRequirement);
if (FAILED(result))
wprintf(L"The call to GetLatestHardwareRequirement failed. Error:0x%.8x\n", result);
// Use the default hardware requirement returned from the GetLatestHardwareRequirement API
// to verify the hardware device requirements for the latest defined OS
// by calling the EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample method.
result = EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample(deviceHardwareRequirement);
return result;
Příklad rozhraní API GetHardwareRequirements
Tento příklad ukazuje použití GetHardwareRequirements k získání celého seznamu požadavků na hardware, které jsou definovány a lze je vyhodnotit. Příklad vyčísluje všechny požadavky, které jsou k dispozici, dokud se nenajde konkrétní požadavek odpovídající argumentům zadaným v ukázkové metodě.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <hwreqchkapi.h>
Routine Description:
Gets all of the defined hardware requirements and evaluates one or more of the requirements
Demonstrates the use of the GetHardwareRequirements API. If successful and a
match is found for the supplied requirement & product enum arguments, then the
EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample method is invoked to ‘evaluate’
the hardware requirement.
targetRelease - A valid HWREQCHK_TARGET_RELEASE enumeration value
used to filter the list of returned requirement(s)
productType – A valid HWREQCHK_PRODUCT_TYPE enumeration value
used to filter the list of returned requirement(s)
Return Value:
HRESULT - S_OK or a FAILED HRESULT if unsuccessful getting the
defined list of hardware requirements
// Automatically free HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT (via CoTaskMemFree)
// objects when it goes out of scope. See WIL (https://github.com/Microsoft/wil/wiki).
wil::unique_cotaskmem_array_ptr<HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT> deviceHardwareRequirements;
// Get the currently defined hardware requirements
HRESULT result = GetHardwareRequirements(
if (FAILED(result))
wprintf(L"The call to GetHardwareRequirements failed. Error:0x%.8x\n", result);
for (const auto& deviceHardwareRequirement : deviceHardwareRequirements)
result = errNotFound;
// Look for a requirement matching the TargetRelease and ProductType enumeration values
if (deviceHardwareRequirement.TargetRelease == targetRelease &&
deviceHardwareRequirement.ProductType == productType)
// We found a match. Now evaluate the requirement by
// calling the EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample method
result = EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample(deviceHardwareRequirement);
if (FAILED(result))
wprintf(L"Error invoking the example method EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample\n");
break ;
if (result == errNotFound )
wprintf(L"Unable to locate a matching target-release '%d' and product-type '%d'\n",
targetRelease, producttype);
return result;
Související témata
Přehled rozhraní API HWREQCHK