traffic.h header
This header is used by Quality of Service (QOS). For more information, see:
traffic.h contains the following programming interfaces:
TcAddFilter The TcAddFilter function associates a new filter with an existing flow that allows packets matching the filter to be directed to the associated flow. |
TcAddFlow The TcAddFlow function adds a new flow on the specified interface. |
TcCloseInterface The TcCloseInterface function closes an interface previously opened with a call to TcOpenInterface. All flows and filters on a particular interface should be closed before closing the interface with a call to TcCloseInterface. |
TcDeleteFilter The TcDeleteFilter function deletes a filter previously added with the TcAddFilter function. |
TcDeleteFlow The TcDeleteFlow function deletes a flow that has been added with the TcAddFlow function. Clients should delete all filters associated with a flow before deleting it, otherwise, an error will be returned and the function will not delete the flow. |
TcDeregisterClient The TcDeregisterClient function deregisters a client with the Traffic Control Interface (TCI). |
TcEnumerateFlows The TcEnumerateFlows function enumerates installed flows and their associated filters on an interface. |
TcEnumerateInterfaces The TcEnumerateInterfaces function enumerates all traffic control�enabled network interfaces. Clients are notified of interface changes through the ClNotifyHandler function. |
TcGetFlowNameA The TcGetFlowName function provides the name of a flow that has been created by the calling client. (ANSI) |
TcGetFlowNameW The TcGetFlowName function provides the name of a flow that has been created by the calling client. (Unicode) |
TcModifyFlow The TcModifyFlow function modifies an existing flow. When calling TcModifyFlow, new Flowspec parameters and any traffic control objects should be filled. |
TcOpenInterfaceA The TcOpenInterface function opens an interface. (ANSI) |
TcOpenInterfaceW The TcOpenInterface function opens an interface. (Unicode) |
TcQueryFlowA The TcQueryFlow function queries traffic control for the value of a specific flow parameter based on the name of the flow. The name of a flow can be retrieved from the TcEnumerateFlows function or from the TcGetFlowName function. (ANSI) |
TcQueryFlowW The TcQueryFlow function queries traffic control for the value of a specific flow parameter based on the name of the flow. The name of a flow can be retrieved from the TcEnumerateFlows function or from the TcGetFlowName function. (Unicode) |
TcQueryInterface The TcQueryInterface function queries traffic control for related per-interface parameters. |
TcRegisterClient The TcRegisterClient function is used to register a client with the traffic control interface (TCI). The TcRegisterClient function must be the first function call a client makes to the TCI. |
TcSetFlowA The TcSetFlow function sets individual parameters for a given flow. (ANSI) |
TcSetFlowW The TcSetFlow function sets individual parameters for a given flow. (Unicode) |
TcSetInterface The TcSetInterface function sets individual parameters for a given interface. |
Callback functions
TCI_ADD_FLOW_COMPLETE_HANDLER The ClAddFlowComplete function is used by traffic control to notify the client of the completion of its previous call to the TcAddFlow function. |
TCI_DEL_FLOW_COMPLETE_HANDLER The ClDeleteFlowComplete function is used by traffic control to notify the client of the completion of its previous call to the TcDeleteFlow function. |
TCI_MOD_FLOW_COMPLETE_HANDLER The ClModifyFlowComplete function is used by traffic control to notify the client of the completion of its previous call to the TcModifyFlow function. |
TCI_NOTIFY_HANDLER The ClNotifyHandler function is used by traffic control to notify the client of various traffic control�specific events, including the deletion of flows, changes in filter parameters, or the closing of an interface. |
ADDRESS_LIST_DESCRIPTOR The ADDRESS_LIST_DESCRIPTOR structure provides network address descriptor information for a given interface. |
ENUMERATION_BUFFER The ENUMERATION_BUFFER structure contains information specific to a given flow, including flow name, the number of filters associated with the flow, and an array of filters associated with the flow. |
IP_PATTERN The IP_PATTERN structure applies a specific pattern or corresponding mask for the IP protocol. The IP_PATTERN structure designation is used by the traffic control interface in the application of packet filters. |
IPX_PATTERN The IPX_PATTERN structure applies a specific pattern or corresponding mask for the IPX protocol. The IPX_PATTERN structure designation is used by the traffic control interface in the application of packet filters. |
TC_GEN_FILTER The TC_GEN_FILTER structure creates a filter that matches a certain set of packet attributes or criteria, which can subsequently be used to associate packets that meet the attribute criteria with a particular flow. |
TC_GEN_FLOW The TC_GEN_FLOW structure creates a generic flow for use with the traffic control interface. The flow is customized through the members of this structure. |
TC_IFC_DESCRIPTOR The TC_IFC_DESCRIPTOR structure is an interface identifier used to enumerate interfaces. |
TCI_CLIENT_FUNC_LIST The TCI_CLIENT_FUNC_LIST structure is used by the traffic control interface to register and then access client-callback functions. Each member of TCI_CLIENT_FUNC_LIST is a pointer to the client provided�callback function. |