dsclient.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
dsclient.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IDsBrowseDomainTree The IDsBrowseDomainTree interface is used by an application to display a domain browser dialog box and/or obtain a list of trust domains related to a given computer. |
IDsDisplaySpecifier Provides access to Active Directory Domain Service objects of the displaySpecifier class. |
DsBrowseForContainerA Displays a dialog box used to browse for container objects in Active Directory Domain Services. (ANSI) |
DsBrowseForContainerW Displays a dialog box used to browse for container objects in Active Directory Domain Services. (Unicode) |
DsGetFriendlyClassName Retrieves the localized name for an object class. |
DsGetIcon Obtains the icon for a given object class. |
Callback functions
LPDSENUMATTRIBUTES The DSEnumAttributesCallback function is an application-defined callback function that is called once for each attribute enumerated by the IDsDisplaySpecifier::EnumClassAttributes method. |
DOMAIN_DESC Contains data about an element in a domain tree obtained with the IDsBrowseDomainTree::GetDomains method. |
DOMAIN_TREE The DOMAINTREE structure contains data about a node in a domain tree obtained with the IDsBrowseDomainTree::GetDomains method. Each of the domains in the tree node are represented by a DOMAINDESC structure. |
DSBITEMA Contains data about an item in the Active Directory container browser dialog box. (ANSI) |
DSBITEMW Contains data about an item in the Active Directory container browser dialog box. (Unicode) |
DSBROWSEINFOA The DSBROWSEINFO structure is used with the DsBrowseForContainer function to supply and return data about the Active Directory container browser dialog box. (ANSI) |
DSBROWSEINFOW The DSBROWSEINFO structure is used with the DsBrowseForContainer function to supply and return data about the Active Directory container browser dialog box. (Unicode) |
DSCLASSCREATIONINFO Used with the IDsDisplaySpecifier::GetClassCreationInfo method to hold data about the class creation wizard objects for an object class. |
DSDISPLAYSPECOPTIONS Used to supply data to a context menu or property page extension about the display specifiers used. |
DSOBJECT Contains directory object data. |
DSOBJECTNAMES The DSOBJECTNAMES structure is used to contain directory object data for use by an Active Directory property sheet or context menu extension. |
DSPROPERTYPAGEINFO The DSPROPERTYPAGEINFO structure is used by an Active Directory property sheet extension to obtain static registration data for the extension. This structure is supplied by the CFSTR_DSPROPERTYPAGEINFO clipboard format. |