acxstreams.h header
This header is used by the ACX audio class extensions.
For more information, see:
acxstreams.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ACX_RT_STREAM_CALLBACKS_INIT The ACX_RT_STREAM_CALLBACKS_INIT function method initializes the ACX RT stream callbacks. This function is located in the acxstreams header. |
ACX_RTPACKET_INIT ACX_RTPACKET_INIT initializes the ACX RT packet structure. This function is located in the acxstreams header. |
ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_CONFIG_INIT The ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_CONFIG_INIT function initializes an ACX stream bridge config structure. |
ACX_STREAM_CALLBACKS_INIT The ACX_STREAM_CALLBACKS_INIT function initializes the ACX stream callbacks. |
AcxDrmAddContentHandlers The AcxDrmAddContentHandlers function provides the system with a list of functions that handle protected content. |
AcxDrmCreateContentMixed The AcxCreateContentMixed function creates a DRM content ID to identify an ACX audio stream containing mixed content from a number of streams |
AcxDrmDestroyContent The AcxDrmDestroyContent function deletes a DRM content ID that was created by AcxDrmCreateContentMixed. |
AcxDrmForwardContentToDeviceObject The AcxDrmForwardContentToDeviceObject function accepts a device object representing a device to which the caller intends to forward protected content. |
AcxDrmRetrieveContentRights The AcxDrmRetrieveContentRights function gets the DRM content rights assigned to a DRM content ID. |
AcxRtStreamCreate AcxRtStreamCreate creates an ACX RT-based Stream that is used by the OS to stream audio data. |
AcxRtStreamNotifyPacketComplete The driver calls AcxRtStreamNotifyPacketComplete when a packet has completed. |
AcxStreamAddConnections The AcxStreamAddConnections function adds explicit connections to a new ACX stream during EvtAcxCircuitCreateStream |
AcxStreamAddElements AcxStreamAddElements is used to add stream elements to an AcxStream. |
AcxStreamAddEvents AcxStreamAddEvents adds events to a stream using an an ACXEVENT object. |
AcxStreamBridgeAddStream The AcxStreamBridgeAddStream function adds an existing stream to an existing bridge. This function is located in the acxstream header. |
AcxStreamBridgeCreate The AcxStreamBridgeCreate function uses a stream configuration to create a StreamBridge for a circuit. |
AcxStreamBridgeGetTargetStream The AcxStreamBridgeGetTargetStream function gets the stream associated with a specific ACXSTREAMBRIDGE object. |
AcxStreamBridgeRemoveStream The AcxStreamBridgeRemoveStream function removes the specified stream from the associated ACXSTREAMBRIDGE object. |
AcxStreamCreate AcxStreamCreate creates an ACX Stream that is used to control streaming behavior. |
AcxStreamDispatchAcxRequest The AcxStreamDispatchAcxRequest dispatches an ACX request using a WDFREQUEST framework request object. |
AcxStreamGetCircuit The AcxStreamGetCircuit function returns the ACXCIRCUIT Object associated with the stream. |
AcxStreamGetElementById The AcxStreamGetElementById function returns the ACXELEMENT Object handle for the requested element ID. |
AcxStreamGetElementsCount The AcxStreamGetElementsCount function retrieves the number of elements for the specified audio stream. |
AcxStreamGetNotificationId The AcxStreamGetNotificationId function retrieves the Plug and Play notification ID for the specified audio stream. |
AcxStreamInitAssignAcxRequestPreprocessCallback The AcxStreamInitAssignAcxRequestPreprocessCallback function assigns an AcxRequestPreprocessCallback to a stream. |
AcxStreamInitAssignAcxRtStreamCallbacks The AcxStreamInitAssignAcxRtStreamCallbacks function sets the RT callbacks using an ACXSTREAM_INIT object. |
AcxStreamInitAssignAcxStreamCallbacks The AcxStreamInitAssignAcxStreamCallbacks function sets the callbacks using an ACX_STREAM_CALLBACKS structure and an ACXSTREAM_INIT object. |
AcxStreamInitAssignMethods The AcxStreamInitAssignMethods function assigns an array of methods to a stream using the ACXSTREAM_INIT object. |
AcxStreamInitAssignProperties The AcxStreamInitAssignProperties function assigns an array of properties to a stream using an ACXSTREAM_INIT object. |
AcxStreamInitSetAcxRtStreamSupportsNotifications The AcxStreamInitSetAcxRtStreamSupportsNotifications function is used to indicate that buffer notifications are supported. |
AcxStreamResumeIo The AcxStreamResumeIo function is used to resume IO for a stream. |
AcxStreamResumeIoActual The AcxStreamResumeIoActual function is used to resume IO for a stream. |
AcxStreamResumeIoWithTag The AcxStreamResumeIoWithTag function is used to resume IO for a stream. |
AcxStreamStopIo The AcxStreamStopIo function is used to temporarily stop the IO for a stream. |
AcxStreamStopIoActual The AcxStreamStopIoActual function is used to temporarily stop the IO for a stream. |
AcxStreamStopIoWithTag The AcxStreamStopIoWithTag function is used to temporarily stop the IO for a stream. |
DEFINE_ACXDRMRIGHTS_DEFAULT This macro provides the default DRM rights |
Callback functions
EVT_ACX_STREAM_ALLOCATE_RTPACKETS The EvtAcxStreamAllocateRtPackets event tells the driver to allocate RtPackets for streaming. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_ASSIGN_DRM_CONTENT_ID The EVT_ACX_STREAM_ASSIGN_DRM_CONTENT_ID event tells the driver to assign a content ID for the purposes of DRM streaming. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_FREE_RTPACKETS The EvtAcxStreamFreeRtPackets event tells the driver to free the RtPackets that were allocated in a previous call to EvtAcxStreamAllocateRtPackets. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_GET_CAPTURE_PACKET EvtAcxStreamGetCapturePacket tells the driver to indicate which packet (0-based) was completely filled most recently, including the QPC value at the time the driver started filling the packet. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_GET_CURRENT_PACKET EvtAcxStreamGetCurrentPacket tells the driver to indicate which packet (0-based) is currently being rendered to the hardware or is currently being filled by the capture hardware. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_GET_HW_LATENCY The EvtAcxStreamGetHwLatency event tells the driver to provide stream latency for the specific circuit of this stream (overall latency will be a sum of the latency of the different circuits). |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_GET_PRESENTATION_POSITION The EvtAcxStreamGetPresentationPosition tells the driver to indicate the current position along with the QPC value at the time the current position was calculated. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_PAUSE The EvtAcxStreamPause event tells the driver to transition the stream state from Run to Pause. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_PREPARE_HARDWARE The EvtAcxStreamPrepareHardware event tells the driver to prepare the hardware for streaming. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_RELEASE_HARDWARE The EvtAcxStreamReleaseHardware event tells the driver to release any hardware allocated for the stream and put the stream into the Stop state. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_RUN The EvtAcxStreamRun event tells the driver to transition the stream state from Pause to Run. |
EVT_ACX_STREAM_SET_RENDER_PACKET The EvtAcxStreamSetRenderPacket event tells the driver which packet was just released by the client. |
ACX_RT_STREAM_CALLBACKS The ACX_RT_STREAM_CALLBACKS structure defines callbacks for RT streaming to the ACX framework. |
ACX_RTPACKET The ACX_RTPACKET structure represents a single allocated packet. The PacketBuffer must be an MDL. |
ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_CONFIG The ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_CONFIG structure is used to configure attributes, such as the AUDIO_SIGNALPROCESSINGMODEs, and the ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_TYPE for the AcxStreamBridge. |
ACX_STREAM_CALLBACKS The ACX_STREAM_CALLBACKS structure identifies the driver callbacks for streaming to the ACX framework. |
ACXDRMFORWARD The ACXDRMFORWARD structure contains the information that the DRM system driver needs in order to forward a DRM content ID to a device that handles protected content. |
ACXDRMRIGHTS The ACXDRMRIGHTS structure specifies the DRM content rights assigned to an ACX audio pin or to a driver's stream object. |
ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_CONFIG_FLAGS The ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_CONFIG_FLAGS enumeration describes the Acx Stream Bridge config flags. |
ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_TYPE The ACX_STREAM_BRIDGE_TYPE enumeration describes the Acx Stream Bridge Type. |
ACX_STREAM_STATE ACX_STREAM_STATE describes the Acx Stream State flags. This function is located in the acxstreams header. |