To develop Debugger apps, you can work with these headers:
For the programming guide information, see Debugging Resources.
Use the following header to add 2PF debugger transport support to miniport NDIS drivers, to allow increased performance for high speed network adapters. This feature is available in Windows 11 and later.
Title | Description |
EXT_COMMAND macro | The EXT_COMMAND macro is used to define an extension command that was declared by using the EXT_COMMAND_METHOD macro.An extension command is defined as follows |
EXT_COMMAND_METHOD macro | The EXT_COMMAND_METHOD macro declares an extension command from inside the definition of the EXT_CLASS class. |
GetDebuggerData macro | The GetDebuggerData function retrieves information stored in a data block. |
GetFieldValue macro | The GetFieldValue macro is a thin wrapper around the GetFieldData function. It is provided as a convenience for reading the value of a member in a structure. |
GetKdContext macro | The GetKdContext function returns the total number of processors and the number of the current processor in the structure ppi points to. |
DebugBaseEventCallbacks The DebugBaseEventCallbacks class provides a base implementation of the IDebugEventCallbacks interface. |
DebugBaseEventCallbacksWide The DebugBaseEventCallbacksWide class provides a base implementation of the IDebugEventCallbacksWide interface. |
ExtBuffer The ExtBuffer class is used with the engextcpp header. |
ExtCheckedPointer The ExtCheckedPointer class is used with the engextcpp header. |
ExtDeclAlignedBuffer The ExtDeclAlignedBuffer class is used with the engextcpp header. |
ExtDeclBuffer The ExtDeclBuffer class is used with the engextcpp header. |
ExtDeleteHolder The ExtDeleteHolder class is used with the engextcpp header. |
ExtExtension The ExtExtension class is the base class for the C++ class that represents the EngExtCpp extension library. |
ExtRemoteData The ExtRemoteData convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
ExtRemoteList The ExtRemoteList class provides a wrapper around a singly-linked or doubly-linked list. The class contains methods that can be used to move both forward and backward through the list. |
ExtRemoteTyped The ExtRemoteTyped subclass of the ExtRemoteTyped class. The ExtRemoteTyped class provides the ability to manipulate typed data on the target. |
ExtRemoteTypedList The ExtRemoteTypedList class extends the ExtRemoteList class. The ExtRemoteTypedList class adds type information allowing each item in the list to be represented by an instance of the ExtRemoteTyped class. |
ExtUnknownHolder The ExtUnknownHolder class is used with the engextcpp header. |
AddressSpaceRelation Defines the kind of address space being used. |
CallingConventionKind Defines the kind of calling convention of a function type. |
DEBUG_FAILURE_TYPE The values in the DEBUG_FAILURE_TYPE enumeration indicate the type of a failure. |
DEBUG_FLR_PARAM_TYPE The values of DEBUG_FLR_PARAM_TYPE enumeration are tags that indicate the kind of information that is stored in failure analysis entry. |
ErrorClass Defines the class of error which is being reported to the host. |
EXT_TDOP The EXT_TDOP enumeration is used in the Operation member of the EXT_TYPED_DATA structure to specify which suboperation the DEBUG_REQUEST_EXT_TYPED_DATA_ANSI Request operation will perform. |
ExtendedArrayDimensionFlags This enum defines the memory layout of one dimension of an extended array. |
FA_ENTRY_TYPE A DebugFailureAnalysis object has a collection of failure analysis entries (FA entries). |
FA_EXTENSION_PLUGIN_PHASE A value in the FA_EXTENSION_PLUGIN_PHASE enumeration is passed to the _EFN_Analyze function to specify which phase of the analysis is currently in progress. |
IntrinsicKind Defines the kind of an intrinsic (basic) type. This is distinct from the variant type which carries the type. |
KnownCompiler The KnownCompiler enumeration identifies a well-known set of compilers. |
LanguageKind Identifies the programming language of the compiler. |
LocalKind Defines the kind of local that a particular name is (whether an argument to the function or a local variable). |
LocationKind Defines the location of a field or other data. |
ModelObjectKind Describes what an IModelObject is intrinsically. |
NDIS_KDNET_PF_STATE The KDNETPF transport support NDIS_KDNET_PF_STATE enumeration defines the PF state. |
NDIS_KDNET_PF_USAGE_TAG The KDNETPF transport support NDIS_KDNET_PF_USAGE_TAG enumeration defines the PF usage. |
PointerKind Learn more about: PointerKind enumeration |
PreferredFormat Predefined values of the "PreferredFormat" key which may appear as the metadata on a returned key value. |
RawSearchFlags Flags to GetRawValue/EnumerateRawValues. |
ScriptChangeKind Indicates the type of notification firing to the host. |
ScriptDebugEvent The ScriptDebugEvent (dbgmodel.h) enumeration defines values that indicate the type of debug event that has occurred. |
ScriptDebugEventFilter The ScriptDebugEventFilter (dbgmodel.h) enumeration defines the set of debug events or exceptions which the script debugger can, potentially, auto-break on. |
ScriptDebugState Defines the current debugging state of a script. |
ScriptExecutionKind Defines the kind of execution to do. |
SignatureComparison Describes how a type or two signatures compare. |
StorageKind The StorageKind enum defines where a local is stored. |
SymbolKind Defines the kind of a symbol. |
SymbolSearchOptions Symbols search options. |
TypeKind Defines the kind of a type. |
UDTKind The UDTKind enum defines the nature of the User-Defined Type (UDT) in question. |
VarArgsKind Defines the style of variable arguments that a function definition takes. |
WrappedObjectPreference The WrappedObjectPreference enum indicates a preference for how the wrapper and the wrapped object should be treated. |
~ExtRemoteTyped The destructor of the ExtRemoteTyped class. The ExtRemoteTyped class provides the ability to manipulate typed data on the target. |
AbandonCurrentProcess The IDebugClient2::AbandonCurrentProcess method removes the current process from the engine's process list without detaching or terminating the process. |
AbandonCurrentProcess The IDebugClient3::AbandonCurrentProcess method removes the current process from the engine's process list without detaching or terminating the process. |
AbandonCurrentProcess The IDebugClient4::AbandonCurrentProcess method removes the current process from the engine's process list without detaching or terminating the process. |
AbandonCurrentProcess The IDebugClient5::AbandonCurrentProcess method removes the current process from the engine's process list without detaching or terminating the process. |
AcquireFilteredSubNamespace The AcquireFilteredSubNamespace method acquires a sub-namespace of the data model manager that is filtered by a specified filter. |
AcquireFilteredSubNamespace The AcquireFilteredSubNamespace method acquires a sub-namespace of the data model manager that is filtered by a specified filter. |
AcquireNamedModel This looks up a well known model name and returns the data model registered by that name. |
AcquireNamedModel AcquireNamedModel looks up a well known model name and returns the data model registered by that name. |
AcquireNamedModel AcquireNamedModel looks up a well known model name and returns the data model registered by that name. |
AcquireNamedModel The AcquireNamedModel method retrieves a data model registered under a given name. |
AcquireSubNamespace The AcquireSubNamespace method helps in the construction of something which might more traditionally look like a language namespace than a new object in a dynamic language. |
AcquireSubNamespace The AcquireSubNamespace method helps in the construction of something which might more traditionally look like a language namespace than a new object in a dynamic language. |
AcquireSubNamespace The AcquireSubNamespace method helps in the construction of something which might more traditionally look like a language namespace than a new object in a dynamic language. |
ActivateAndDebugPlmBgTaskWide Launches and attaches to a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) background task. |
AddAssemblyOptions The AddAssemblyOptions method turns on some of the assembly and disassembly options. |
AddBreakpoint The AddBreakpoint method creates a new breakpoint for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
AddBreakpoint The AddBreakpoint method creates a new breakpoint for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
AddBreakpoint The AddBreakpoint method creates a new breakpoint for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
AddBreakpoint2 The AddBreakpoint2 method creates a new breakpoint for the current target. |
AddBuffer The AddBuffer method adds a new FA entry to a DebugFailureAnalysis object, and writes the bytes from a specified buffer to the data block of the new FA entry. |
AddDumpInformationFile The IDebugClient2::AddDumpInformationFile method registers additional files containing supporting information that will be used when opening a dump file. |
AddDumpInformationFile The IDebugClient3::AddDumpInformationFile method registers additional files containing supporting information that will be used when opening a dump file. |
AddDumpInformationFile The IDebugClient4::AddDumpInformationFile method registers additional files containing supporting information that will be used when opening a dump file. |
AddDumpInformationFile The IDebugClient5::AddDumpInformationFile method registers additional files containing supporting information that will be used when opening a dump file. |
AddDumpInformationFileWide The IDebugClient4::AddDumpInformationFileWide method registers additional files containing supporting information that will be used when opening a dump file. |
AddDumpInformationFileWide The IDebugClient5::AddDumpInformationFileWide method registers additional files containing supporting information that will be used when opening a dump file. |
AddEngineOptions The AddEngineOptions method turns on some of the debugger engine's options. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
AddEngineOptions The AddEngineOptions method turns on some of the debugger engine's options. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
AddEngineOptions The AddEngineOptions method turns on some of the debugger engine's options. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
AddExtension The AddExtension method loads an extension library into the debugger engine. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
AddExtension The AddExtension method loads an extension library into the debugger engine. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
AddExtension The AddExtension method loads an extension library into the debugger engine. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
AddExtensionCommand The AddExtensionCommand method adds a new FA entry to a DebugFailureAnalysis object and sets the data block of the FA entry to a specified debugger command. |
AddExtensionData The AddExtensionData method adds extension data to a context. |
AddExtensionWide The AddExtensionWide method loads an extension library into the debugger engine. |
AddFlags The AddFlags method adds flags to a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
AddFlags The AddFlags method adds flags to a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
AddParentModel The AddParentModel method adds a new parent model to the given object. |
AddProcessOptions The AddProcessOptions method adds the process options to those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
AddProcessOptions The AddProcessOptions method adds the process options to those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
AddProcessOptions The AddProcessOptions method adds the process options to those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
AddProcessOptions The AddProcessOptions method adds the process options to those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
AddProcessOptions The AddProcessOptions method adds the process options to those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IActionableConcept interface. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IActionEnumerator interface. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IActionQueryConcept interface. |
AddRef The IComparableConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IConstructableConcept interface. |
AddRef The IDataModelConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IDataModelManager interface. |
AddRef The IDataModelManager2::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. It applies to the IDataModelManager3 interface. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelNameBinder::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScript::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptClient::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptDebug::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptDebug2::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpoint::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpointEnumerator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptDebugClient::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptDebugStack::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptDebugStackFrame::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptDebugVariableSetEnumerator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptHostContext::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptManager::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptProvider::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptProviderEnumerator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptTemplate::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDataModelScriptTemplateEnumerator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHost::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostBaseClass::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostConstant::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostContext::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the context object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostContextControl::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the context extension. |
AddRef The IDebugHostData::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostErrorSink::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostEvaluator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostEvaluator2::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostExtensibility::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostField::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostMemory::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostMemory2::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostModule::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostModule2::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the module. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the module. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for the module. |
AddRef The IDebugHostModuleSignature::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostPublic::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostScriptHost::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostStatus::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostSymbol::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostSymbol2::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostSymbols::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostType::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostType2::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an object. |
AddRef The IDebugHostTypeSignature::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDynamicConceptProviderConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IDynamicKeyProviderConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IEquatableConcept interface. |
AddRef The IHostDataModelAccess::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IIndexableConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IIterableConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IKeyEnumerator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IKeyStore::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IModelIterator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IModelKeyReference::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IModelKeyReference2::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IModelMethod::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IModelObject interface. |
AddRef The IModelPropertyAccessor::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IPreferredRuntimeTypeConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IRawEnumerator::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddRef The IStringDisplayableConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. |
AddString The AddString method adds a new FA entry to a DebugFailureAnalysis object and sets the data block of the FA entry to a specified string. |
AddSymbol The AddSymbol method adds a symbol to a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup interface. |
AddSymbol The AddSymbol method adds a symbol to a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface. |
AddSymbolOptions The AddSymbolOptions method turns on some of the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
AddSymbolOptions The AddSymbolOptions method turns on some of the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
AddSymbolOptions The AddSymbolOptions method turns on some of the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
AddSymbolWide The AddSymbolWide method adds a symbol to a symbol group. |
AddSyntheticModule The AddSyntheticModule method adds a synthetic module to the module list the debugger maintains for the current process. |
AddSyntheticModuleWide The AddSyntheticModuleWide method adds a synthetic module to the module list the debugger maintains for the current process. |
AddSyntheticSymbol The AddSyntheticSymbol method adds a synthetic symbol to a module in the current process. |
AddSyntheticSymbolWide The AddSyntheticSymbolWide method adds a synthetic symbol to a module in the current process. |
AddThreads IDebugFailureAnalysis3::AddThreads is used for failure analysis processing. |
AddTypeOptions The AddTypeOptions method turns on some type formatting options for output generated by the engine. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
AddTypeOptions The AddTypeOptions method turns on some type formatting options for output generated by the engine. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
AddUlong The AddUlong method adds a new FA entry to a DebugFailureAnalysis object and sets the data block of the FA entry to a specified ULONG value. |
AddUlong64 The AddUlong64 method adds a new FA entry to a DebugFailureAnalysis object and sets the data block of the FA entry to a specified 64-bit value. |
AppendImagePath The AppendImagePath method appends directories to the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
AppendImagePath The AppendImagePath method appends directories to the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
AppendImagePath The AppendImagePath method appends directories to the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
AppendImagePathWide The AppendImagePathWide method appends directories to the executable image path. |
AppendSourcePath The AppendSourcePath method appends directories to the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
AppendSourcePath The AppendSourcePath method appends directories to the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
AppendSourcePath The AppendSourcePath method appends directories to the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
AppendSourcePathWide The AppendSourcePathWide method appends directories to the source path. |
AppendSymbolPath The AppendSymbolPath method appends directories to the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
AppendSymbolPath The AppendSymbolPath method appends directories to the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
AppendSymbolPath The AppendSymbolPath method appends directories to the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
AppendSymbolPathWide The AppendSymbolPathWide method appends directories to the symbol path. |
AreObjectsEqual Compares this object to another (of arbitrary type) for equality. If the comparison cannot be performed, E_NOT_SET should be returned. |
ArrayElement The ArrayElement method returns the typed data in the specified array element of the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. |
Assemble The IDebugControl::Assemble method assembles a single processor instruction. The assembled instruction is placed in the target's memory. |
Assemble The Assemble method assembles a single processor instruction. The assembled instruction is placed in the target's memory. This method belongs to IDebugControl2. |
Assemble The Assemble method assembles a single processor instruction. The assembled instruction is placed in the target's memory. This method belongs to IDebugControl3. |
AssembleWide The AssembleWide method assembles a single processor instruction. The assembled instruction is placed in the target's memory. |
AssignTo The AssignTo method performs assignment according to the semantics of the language being debugged. |
AssignTo The AssignTo method performs assignment according to the semantics of the language being debugged. |
AttachKernel The AttachKernel methods connect the debugger engine to a kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
AttachKernel The AttachKernel methods connect the debugger engine to a kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
AttachKernel The AttachKernel methods connect the debugger engine to a kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
AttachKernel The AttachKernel methods connect the debugger engine to a kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
AttachKernel The AttachKernel methods connect the debugger engine to a kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
AttachKernelWide The AttachKernelWide method connects the debugger engine to a kernel target. |
AttachProcess The AttachProcess method connects the debugger engine to a user-modeprocess. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
AttachProcess The AttachProcess method connects the debugger engine to a user-modeprocess. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
AttachProcess The AttachProcess method connects the debugger engine to a user-modeprocess. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
AttachProcess The AttachProcess method connects the debugger engine to a user-modeprocess. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
AttachProcess The AttachProcess method connects the debugger engine to a user-modeprocess. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
AttributeGet IDebugFailureAnalysis3::AttributeGet is used for failure analysis processing. |
AttributeSet IDebugFailureAnalysis3::AttributeSet is used for failure analysis processing. |
BindProperty A binder which converts two instance methods on a class to a read/write property accessor. |
BindProperty A binder which converts two lambdas to a read/write property accessor. |
BindReadOnlyProperty A binder which converts an instance methods on a class to a read only property accessor. |
BindReadOnlyProperty TA binder which converts one instance method on a class to a read-only property accessor. |
BindReference The BindReference method is similar to BindValue in that it also performs the equivalent of on the given object according to a set of binding rules. |
BindValue The BindValue method performs the equivalent of on the given object according to a set of binding rules. |
BlameApplication IDebugFailureAnalysis3::BlameApplication is used for failure analysis processing. |
BlameETHREAD IDebugFailureAnalysis3::BlameETHREAD is used for failure analysis processing. |
BlameModule IDebugFailureAnalysis3::BlameModule is used for failure analysis processing. |
BlameProcess IDebugFailureAnalysis3::BlameProcess is used for failure analysis processing. |
BlameStitch IDebugFailureAnalysis3::BlameStitch is used for failure analysis processing. |
BlameTEB IDebugFailureAnalysis3::BlameTEB is used for failure analysis processing. |
BlameThread IDebugFailureAnalysis3::BlameThread is used for failure analysis processing. |
Breakpoint The Breakpoint callback method is called by the engine when the target issues a breakpoint exception. |
Breakpoint The Breakpoint callback method is called by the engine when the target issues a breakpointexception. |
Breakpoint A breakpoint event is generated when a breakpoint exception is received and it can be mapped to an existing breakpoint. |
Call The Call method is the way in which any method defined in the data model is invoked. |
CallExtension The CallExtension method calls a debugger extension. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
CallExtension The CallExtension method calls a debugger extension. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
CallExtension The CallExtension method calls a debugger extension. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
CallExtensionWide The CallExtensionWide method calls a debugger extension. |
CanonicalizeLocation The CanonicalizeLocation method transforms a given location to its "canonical representation", which is a chosen standard form. |
CanonicalizeLocation The CanonicalizeLocation method transforms a given location to its "canonical representation", which is a chosen standard form. |
CanonicalizeLocation The CanonicalizeLocation method transforms a given location to its "canonical representation", which is a chosen standard form. |
CastToPreferredRuntimeType Learn how this method is called whenever a client wishes to attempt to convert from a static type instance to the runtime type of that instance. |
ChangeDebuggeeState The ChangeDebuggeeState callback method is called by the engine when it makes or detects changes to the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
ChangeDebuggeeState The ChangeDebuggeeState callback method is called by the engine when it makes or detects changes to the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacksWide. |
ChangeDebuggeeState Debuggee state, such as registers or data spaces, has changed. |
ChangeEngineState The ChangeEngineState callback method is called by the engine when its state has changed. This method belongs to the IDebugEventCallbacks interface. |
ChangeEngineState The ChangeEngineState callback method is called by the engine when its state has changed. This method belongs to the IDebugEventCallbacksWide interface. |
ChangeEngineState The engine state has changed. |
ChangeSymbolState The ChangeSymbolState callback method is called by the engine when the symbol state changes. This method belongs to the IDebugEventCallbacks interface. |
ChangeSymbolState The ChangeSymbolState callback method is called by the engine when the symbol state changes. This method belongs to the IDebugEventCallbacksWide interface. |
ChangeSymbolState The symbol state has changed. |
CheckLowMemory Learn how the CheckLowMemory method checks for memory corruption in the low 4 GB of memory. |
CheckLowMemory Learn how the IDebugDataSpaces2.CheckLowMemory method checks for memory corruption in the low 4 GB of memory. |
CheckLowMemory Learn about the CheckLowMemory method, which checks for memory corruption in the low 4 GB of memory. |
CheckLowMemory The CheckLowMemory method checks for memory corruption in the low 4 GB of memory. |
Clear The Clear convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
Clear The Clear method of the ExtRemoteTyped class. The ExtRemoteTyped class provides the ability to manipulate typed data on the target. |
ClearConcepts The ClearConcepts method will remove all concepts from the instance of the object specified by this. |
ClearKeys The ClearKeys method is analogous to the ClearKeys method on IModelObject. |
ClearKeys The ClearKeys method removes all keys and their associated values and metadata from the instance of the object specified by this. |
CloneContextForModification The CloneContextForModification method clones a host context object and returns a one time modification interface to associate data with the context. |
CloneContextWithModification The CloneContextWithModification method clones the current host context, associates a particular extension blob with the cloned context, finalizes the context, and returns an immutable interface to the newly cloned context. |
Close The Close method is called on the data model manager by an application e.g. debugger hosting the data model in order to start the shutdown process of the data model manager. |
Close The Close method is called on the data model manager by an application (debugger) hosting the data model in order to start the shutdown process of the data model manager. |
Close The IDataModelManager3::Close method is called on the data model manager by an application (debugger) hosting the data model in order to start the shutdown process of the data model manager. |
Close |
CloseLogFile The CloseLogFile method closes the currently-open log file. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
CloseLogFile The CloseLogFile method closes the currently-open log file. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
CloseLogFile The CloseLogFile method closes the currently-open log file. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
CoerceValue The CoerceValue method converts a value of one type into a value of another type. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
CoerceValue The CoerceValue method converts a value of one type into a value of another type. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
CoerceValue The CoerceValue method converts a value of one type into a value of another type. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
CoerceValues The CoerceValues method converts an array of values into an array of values of different types. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
CoerceValues The CoerceValues method converts an array of values into an array of values of different types. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
CoerceValues The CoerceValues method converts an array of values into an array of values of different types. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
Compare The Compare method compares two model-based objects for equality linguistically. It handles pointers and pointer coercion equality if necessary. |
Compare The Compare method compares two model objects and returns an indication of how those objects relate. |
CompareAgainst The IDebugHostSymbol::CompareAgainst method, when called on a symbol, compares the symbol against another specified symbol for interface pointer equality. |
CompareAgainst The IDebugHostSymbol2::CompareAgainst method, when called on a symbol, compares the symbol against another specified symbol for interface pointer equality. |
CompareAgainst The CompareAgainst method compares the type signature to another type signature and returns how the two signatures compare. |
CompareObjects IComparableConcept::CompareObjects compares this object to another object of arbitrary type. E_NOT_SET is returned if the comparison cannot be performed. |
ConnectProcessServer The ConnectProcessServer methods connect to a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
ConnectProcessServer The ConnectProcessServer methods connect to a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
ConnectProcessServer The ConnectProcessServer methods connect to a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
ConnectProcessServer The ConnectProcessServer methods connect to a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
ConnectProcessServer The ConnectProcessServer methods connect to a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
ConnectProcessServerWide The ConnectProcessServerWide method connects to a process server. |
ConnectSession The ConnectSession method joins the client to an existing debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
ConnectSession The ConnectSession method joins the client to an existing debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
ConnectSession The ConnectSession method joins the client to an existing debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
ConnectSession The ConnectSession method joins the client to an existing debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
ConnectSession The ConnectSession method joins the client to an existing debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
ControlledOutput The IDebugControl::ControlledOutput method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that were registered with some of the engine's clients. |
ControlledOutput The IDebugControl2::ControlledOutput method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that were registered with some of the engine's clients. |
ControlledOutput The IDebugControl3::ControlledOutput method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that were registered with some of the engine's clients. |
ControlledOutputVaList The IDebugControl::ControlledOutputVaList method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that were registered with some of the engine's clients. |
ControlledOutputVaList The IDebugControl2::ControlledOutputVaList method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks registered with some of the engine's clients. |
ControlledOutputVaList The IDebugControl3::ControlledOutputVaList method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks registered with some of the engine's clients. |
ControlledOutputVaListWide The ControlledOutputVaListWide method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that were registered with some of the engine's clients. |
ControlledOutputWide The ControlledOutputWide method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that were registered with some of the engine's clients. |
ConvertException Trap and convert all exceptions coming out of a functor to an appropriate HRESULT. |
Copy The Copy method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
Copy The Copy(constDEBUG_TYPED_DATA) method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
Copy The Copy(constExtRemoteTyped&) method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
CreateArrayOf The IDebugHostType::CreateArrayOf method, when called on a type, gets a new IDebugHostType that is an array of the type with specified array dimensions. |
CreateArrayOf The IDebugHostType2::CreateArrayOf method, when called on a type, gets a new IDebugHostType that is an array of the type with specified array dimensions. |
CreateArrayOf The CreateArrayOf method, when called on a type, gets a new IDebugHostType that is an array of the type with specified array dimensions. |
CreateClient The CreateClient method creates a new client object for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
CreateClient The CreateClient method creates a new client object for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
CreateClient The CreateClient method creates a new client object for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
CreateClient The CreateClient method creates a new client object for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
CreateClient The CreateClient method creates a new client object for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
CreateContext The CreateContext method is called by a script provider to create a new context in which to place the contents of the script. |
CreateDataModelManager The initial call a host performs to create and initialize the data model. |
CreateDataModelObject The IDataModelManager::CreateDataModelObject method is a simple helper wrapper for creating objects that are data models. |
CreateDataModelObject The IDataModelManager2::CreateDataModelObject method is a simple helper wrapper for creating objects that are data models. |
CreateDataModelObject The IDataModelManager3::createDataModelObject method is a simple helper wrapper for creating objects that are data models. |
CreateDataModelObject The CreateDataModelObject method is a simple helper wrapper for creating objects that are data models. |
CreateErrorObject The CreateErrorObject method creates an "error object". The data model does not have the notion of exceptions and exception flow. |
CreateErrorObject The CreateErrorObject method creates an "error object". |
CreateErrorObject The CreateErrorObject method creates an error object. |
CreateErrorObject The CreateErrorObject method creates an error object. |
CreateFunctionAlias The CreateFunctionAlias method creates a "function alias", a "quick alias" for a method implemented in some extension. The meaning of this alias is host specific. |
CreateFunctionAlias The CreateFunctionAlias method creates a "function alias", a "quick alias" for a method implemented in some extension. The meaning of this alias is host specific. |
CreateFunctionAlias The CreateFunctionAlias method creates a "function alias", a "quick alias" for a method implemented in some extension. The meaning of this alias is host specific. |
CreateFunctionAliasWithMetadata The CreateFunctionAliasWithMetadata method is similar to CreateFunctionAlias but allows for passing metadata information about the function. |
CreateFunctionAliasWithMetadata The CreateFunctionAliasWithMetadata method is similar to CreateFunctionAlias but allows for passing metadata information about the function. |
CreateInstance The CreateInstance method creates an instance of an object that implements the IConstructableConcept interface. |
CreateIntrinsicObject The CreateIntrinsicObject method is the method which boxes intrinsic values into IModelObject. The caller places the value in a COM VARIANT and calls this method. |
CreateIntrinsicObject The CreateIntrinsicObject method is the method which boxes intrinsic values into IModelObject. |
CreateIntrinsicObject The CreateIntrinsicObject method is the method which boxes intrinsic values into IModelObject. |
CreateIntrinsicObject The CreateIntrinsicObject method is the method which boxes intrinsic values into IModelObject. |
CreateMetadataStore The IDataModelManager::CreateMetadataStore method creates a key store that is used to hold metadata that can be associated with properties and other values. |
CreateMetadataStore The IDataModelManager2::CreateMetadataStore method creates a key store that is used to hold metadata that can be associated with properties and other values. |
CreateMetadataStore The CreateMetadataStore method creates a key store that is used to hold metadata that can be associated with properties and other values. |
CreateMetadataStore The CreateMetadataStore method creates a key store that is used to hold metadata that can be associated with properties and other values. |
CreateModuleSignature The CreateModuleSignature method creates a signature which can be used to match a set of specific modules by name and optionally, by version. |
CreateNoValue The CreateNoValue method creates a "no value" object, boxes it into an IModelObject, and returns it. The returned model object has a kind of ObjectNoValue. |
CreateNoValue The CreateNoValue method creates a "no value" object, boxes it into an IModelObject, and returns it. |
CreateNoValue The CreateNoValue method creates a "no value" object, boxes it into an IModelObject, and returns it. |
CreateNoValue The CreateNoValue method creates a "no value" object, boxes it into an IModelObject, and returns it. |
CreatePointerTo The IDebugHostType::CreatePointerTo method, when called on a type, gets a new IDebugHostType that is a pointer to the type. |
CreatePointerTo The IDebugHostType2::CreatePointerTo method, when called on a type, gets a new IDebugHostType that is a pointer to the type. |
CreatePointerTo The CreatePointerTo method, when called on a type, gets a new IDebugHostType that is a pointer to the type. |
CreateProcess The CreateProcess method creates a process from the specified command line. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
CreateProcess The CreateProcess method creates a process from the specified command line. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
CreateProcess The CreateProcess method creates a process from the specified command line. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
CreateProcess The CreateProcess method creates a process from the specified command line. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
CreateProcess The CreateProcess method creates a process from the specified command line. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
CreateProcess The CreateProcess callback method is called by the engine when a create-process debugging event occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
CreateProcess The IDebugEventCallbacksWide::CreateProcess callback method is called by the engine when a create-process debugging event occurs in the target. |
CreateProcess The IDebugEventContextCallbacks::CreateProcess callback method is called by the engine when a create-process debugging event occurs in the target. |
CreateProcess2 The CreateProcess2 method executes the given command to create a new process. |
CreateProcess2Wide The CreateProcess2Wide method executes the specified command to create a new process. |
CreateProcessAndAttach The IDebugClient::CreateProcessAndAttach method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttach The IDebugClient2::CreateProcessAndAttach method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttach The IDebugClient3::CreateProcessAndAttach method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttach The IDebugClient4::CreateProcessAndAttach method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttach The IDebugClient5::CreateProcessAndAttach method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttach2 The CreateProcessAndAttach2 method creates a process from a specified command line, then attaches to that process or another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttach2Wide The CreateProcessAndAttach2Wide method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to that process or another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttachWide The IDebugClient3::CreateProcessAndAttachWide method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttachWide The IDebugClient4::CreateProcessAndAttachWide method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessAndAttachWide The IDebugClient5::CreateProcessAndAttachWide method creates a process from a specified command line, then attach to another user-mode process. |
CreateProcessWide The CreateProcessWide method creates a process from the specified command line. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
CreateProcessWide The CreateProcessWide method creates a process from the specified command line. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
CreateProcessWide The CreateProcessWide method creates a process from the specified command line. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
CreateScript The CreateScript method is called to create a new script. |
CreateSymbolGroup The CreateSymbolGroup method creates a new symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
CreateSymbolGroup The CreateSymbolGroup method creates a new symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
CreateSymbolGroup The CreateSymbolGroup method creates a new symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
CreateSymbolGroup2 The CreateSymbolGroup2 method creates a new symbol group. |
CreateSyntheticObject The IDataModelManager::CreateSyntheticObject method creates an empty data model object that is a dictionary of key/value/metadata tuples and concepts. |
CreateSyntheticObject The IDataModelManager2::CreateSyntheticObject method creates an empty data model object that is a dictionary of key/value/metadata tuples and concepts. |
CreateSyntheticObject The CreateSyntheticObject method creates an empty data model object that is a dictionary of key/value/metadata tuples and concepts. |
CreateSyntheticObject The CreateSyntheticObject method creates an empty data model object that is a dictionary of key/value/metadata tuples and concepts. |
CreateSyntheticObjectFromKeyStore The CreateSyntheticObjectFromKeyStore method creates a synthetic object from an existing key store (key/value/metadata tuples). |
CreateThread The CreateThread callback method is called by the engine when a create-threaddebugging event occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
CreateThread The CreateThread callback method is called by the engine when a create-thread debugging event occurs in the target. |
CreateThread The IDebugEventContextCallbacks::CreateThread callback method is called by the engine when a create-threaddebugging event occurs in the target. |
CreateTypedIntrinsicObject The IDataModelManager::CreateTypedIntrinsicObject method boxes intrinsic values together with a native/language type association into IModelObject. |
CreateTypedIntrinsicObject The IDataModelManager2::CreateTypedIntrinsicObject method boxes intrinsic values together with a native/language type association into IModelObject. |
CreateTypedIntrinsicObject The CreateTypedIntrinsicObject method boxes intrinsic values together with a native/language type association into IModelObject. |
CreateTypedIntrinsicObject The CreateTypedIntrinsicObject method boxes intrinsic values together with a native/language type association into IModelObject. |
CreateTypedIntrinsicObjectEx The CreateTypedIntrinsicObjectEx method is semantically similar to the CreateTypedIntrinsicObject method. |
CreateTypedIntrinsicObjectEx The CreateTypedIntrinsicObjectEx method is semantically similar to the CreateTypedIntrinsicObject method. |
CreateTypedIntrinsicObjectEx The CreateTypedIntrinsicObjectEx method is semantically similar to the CreateTypedIntrinsicObject method. |
CreateTypedObject The IDataModelManager::CreateTypedObject method creates a representation of a native/language object in the address space of a debug target. |
CreateTypedObject The IDataModelManager2::CreateTypedObject method creates a representation of a native/language object in the address space of a debug target. |
CreateTypedObject The CreateTypedObject method creates a representation of a native/language object in the address space of a debug target. |
CreateTypedObject The CreateTypedObject method creates a representation of a native/language object in the address space of a debug target. |
CreateTypedObjectReference The IDataModelManager::CreateTypedObjectReference method creates a reference to an underlying native/language construct. |
CreateTypedObjectReference The IDataModelManager2::CreateTypedObjectReference method creates a reference to an underlying native/language construct. |
CreateTypedObjectReference The CreateTypedObjectReference method creates a reference to an underlying native/language construct. |
CreateTypedObjectReference The CreateTypedObjectReference method creates a reference to an underlying native/language construct. |
CreateTypeSignature The CreateTypeSignature method creates a signature which can be used to match a set of concrete types by containing module and type name. |
CreateTypeSignatureForModuleRange The CreateTypeSignatureForModuleRange method creates a signature which can be used to match a set of concrete types by module signature and type name. |
DebugCommandException Specifies a debug command exception. |
DebugConnect The DebugConnect function creates a new client object and returns an interface pointer to it. The client object will be connected to a remote host. |
DebugConnectWide The DebugConnectWide function creates a new client object and returns an interface pointer to it. The client object will be connected to a remote host. |
DebugCreate The DebugCreate function creates a new client object and returns an interface pointer to it. |
DebugCreateEx The DebugCreateEx function creates a new client object and returns an interface pointer to it. |
DeleteAdditionalXML IDebugFailureAnalysis3::DeleteAdditionalXML is used for failure analysis processing. |
Dereference The Dereference method dereferences an object. |
Dereference The Dereference method returns the typed data that is pointed to by the typed data represented by this object. |
DestroyFunctionAlias The DestroyFunctionAlias method undoes a prior call to the CreateFunctionAlias method. |
DestroyFunctionAlias The DestroyFunctionAlias method undoes a prior call to the CreateFunctionAlias method. The function will no longer be available under the quick alias name. |
DestroyFunctionAlias The DestroyFunctionAlias method undoes a prior call to the CreateFunctionAlias method. The function will no longer be available under the quick alias name. |
DetachCurrentProcess The DetachCurrentProcess method detaches the debugger engine from the current process, resuming all its threads. This method belongs to IDebugClient2. |
DetachCurrentProcess The DetachCurrentProcess method detaches the debugger engine from the current process, resuming all its threads. This method belongs to IDebugClient3. |
DetachCurrentProcess The DetachCurrentProcess method detaches the debugger engine from the current process, resuming all its threads. This method belongs to IDebugClient4. |
DetachCurrentProcess The DetachCurrentProcess method detaches the debugger engine from the current process, resuming all its threads. This method belongs to IDebugClient5. |
DetachProcesses The IDebugClient::DetachProcesses method detaches the debugger engine from all processes in all targets, resuming all their threads. |
DetachProcesses Learn how the DetachProcesses method detaches the debugger engine from all processes in all targets, resuming all their threads. |
DetachProcesses The IDebugClient3::DetachProcesses method detaches the debugger engine from all processes in all targets, resuming all their threads. |
DetachProcesses The IDebugClient4::DetachProcesses method detaches the debugger engine from all processes in all targets, resuming all their threads. |
DetachProcesses The IDebugClient5::DetachProcesses method detaches the debugger engine from all processes in all targets, resuming all their threads. |
Disable The Disable method disables the breakpoint. After this call, hitting the breakpoint after calling this method will not break into the debugger. |
DisablePlmPackageDebugWide Disables a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) package debug. |
Disassemble The Disassemble method disassembles a processor instruction in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
Disassemble The Disassemble method disassembles a processor instruction in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
Disassemble The Disassemble method disassembles a processor instruction in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
DisassembleWide The DisassembleWide method disassembles a processor instruction in the target's memory. |
DisconnectProcessServer The DisconnectProcessServer method disconnects the debugger engine from a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
DisconnectProcessServer The DisconnectProcessServer method disconnects the debugger engine from a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
DisconnectProcessServer The DisconnectProcessServer method disconnects the debugger engine from a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
DisconnectProcessServer The DisconnectProcessServer method disconnects the debugger engine from a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
DisconnectProcessServer The DisconnectProcessServer method disconnects the debugger engine from a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
DispatchCallbacks The DispatchCallbacks method lets the debugger engine use the current thread for callbacks. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
DispatchCallbacks The DispatchCallbacks method lets the debugger engine use the current thread for callbacks. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
DispatchCallbacks The DispatchCallbacks method lets the debugger engine use the current thread for callbacks. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
DispatchCallbacks The DispatchCallbacks method lets the debugger engine use the current thread for callbacks. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
DispatchCallbacks The DispatchCallbacks method lets the debugger engine use the current thread for callbacks. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
Enable The Enable method enables the breakpoint. |
EnablePlmPackageDebugWide Enables a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) package debug. |
EndEnumTagged Learn about the EndEnumTagged method, which releases the resources used by the specified enumeration. |
EndEnumTagged The EndEnumTagged method releases the resources used by the specified enumeration. |
EndInput The EndInput callback method is called by the engine to indicate that it is no longer waiting for input. |
EndProcessServer The EndProcessServer method requests that a process server be shut down. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
EndProcessServer The EndProcessServer method requests that a process server be shut down. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
EndProcessServer The EndProcessServer method requests that a process server be shut down. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
EndProcessServer The EndProcessServer method requests that a process server be shut down. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
EndSession The EndSession method ends the current debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
EndSession The EndSession method ends the current debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
EndSession The EndSession method ends the current debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
EndSession The EndSession method ends the current debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
EndSession The EndSession method ends the current debugger session. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
EndSymbolMatch The EndSymbolMatch method releases the resources used by a symbol search. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
EndSymbolMatch The EndSymbolMatch method releases the resources used by a symbol search. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
EndSymbolMatch The EndSymbolMatch method releases the resources used by a symbol search. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
EnumerateActions The IActionableConcept::EnumerateActions method enumerates the actions that are available for the object. |
EnumerateActions |
EnumerateArguments Enumerates arguments to the function in this frame. |
EnumerateBreakpoints The IDataModelScriptDebug::EnumerateBreakpoints method returns an enumerator capable of enumerating every breakpoint when a script debugger is enabled. |
EnumerateBreakpoints The IDataModelScriptDebug2::EnumerateBreakpoints method returns an enumerator capable of enumerating every breakpoint when a script debugger is enabled. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostBaseClass::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostConstant::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostData::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostField::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostModule::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostModule2::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostModule3::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostModule4::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostModule5::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostPublic::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostSymbol::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostSymbol2::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostType::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostType2::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildren The IDebugHostType3::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol. |
EnumerateChildrenEx Enumerates all child symbols of the given type, name, and extended information which is present. |
EnumerateInlineFunctionsByRVA The EnumerateInlineFunctionsByRVA method enumerates the functions that are inlined at a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
EnumerateInlineFunctionsByRVA The EnumerateInlineFunctionsByRVA method enumerates the functions that are inlined at a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
EnumerateInlineFunctionsByRVA The EnumerateInlineFunctionsByRVA method enumerates the functions that are inlined at a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
EnumerateKeyReferences The EnumerateKeyReferences method behaves similar to the EnumerateKeyValues method excepting that it returns references to the keys it enumerates instead of the value of the key. |
EnumerateKeys The EnumerateKeys method on a dynamic key provider is effectively an override of the EnumerateKeys method on IModelObject. |
EnumerateKeys Enumerates the keys within the dynamic key provider. |
EnumerateKeyValues The EnumerateKeyValues method is the first method a client will turn to in order to enumerate all of the keys on an object. |
EnumerateLocals The EnumerateLocals method returns a variable set for all local variables which are in scope in the context of the stack frame represented by the IDataModelScriptDebugStackFrame. |
EnumerateLocalsDetails The EnumerateLocalsDetails method enumerates a set of information about all locals and arguments within a function. |
EnumerateLocalsDetails The EnumerateLocalsDetails method enumerates a set of information about all locals and arguments within a function. |
EnumerateLocalsDetails The EnumerateLocalsDetails method enumerates a set of information about all locals and arguments within a function. |
EnumerateLocalsDetailsEx The EnumerateLocalsDetailsEx method enumerates a set of information about all locals and arguments within a function. |
EnumerateLocalsDetailsEx The EnumerateLocalsDetailsEx method enumerates a set of information about all locals and arguments within a function. |
EnumerateModules The EnumerateModules method creates an enumerator which will enumerate every module available in a particular host context. |
EnumerateNamedModels The EnumerateNamedModels method enumerates the named models in the data model manager. |
EnumerateNamedModels The EnumerateNamedModels method enumerates the named models in the data model manager. |
EnumerateRawReferences The EnumerateRawReferences method enumerates references to all native children (fields, base classes, etc...) of the given object. |
EnumerateRawValues The EnumerateRawValues method enumerates all native children (fields, base classes, etc...) of the given object. |
EnumerateReferences The EnumerateReferences method enumerates the set of names and references to them which will bind against the object according to the rules of the BindReference method. |
EnumerateScriptProviders The EnumerateScriptProviders method will return an enumerator which will enumerate every script provider that has been registered with the script manager via a prior call to the RegisterScriptProvider method. |
EnumerateStorage The EnumerateStorage method enumerates the storage for the local variable, including what registers or memory locations it may be in within the function. |
EnumerateStorage The EnumerateStorage method enumerates the storage for the local variable, including what registers or memory locations it may be in within the function. |
EnumerateTemplates The EnumerateTemplates method returns an enumerator which is capable of enumerating the variety of templates that are provided by the script provider. |
EnumerateValues The EnumerateValues method enumerates the set of names and values which will bind against the object according to the rules of the BindValue method. |
ErtIoctl The ErtIoctl method of the ExtRemoteTyped class. The ExtRemoteTyped class provides the ability to manipulate typed data on the target. |
Eval The Eval method returns typed data that is the result of evaluating an expression. |
Evaluate The Evaluate method evaluates an expression, returning the result. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
Evaluate The Evaluate method evaluates an expression, returning the result. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
Evaluate The Evaluate method evaluates an expression, returning the result. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
Evaluate The Evaluate method evaluates an expression (of the language of the script provider) in the context of the stack frame represented by the IDataModelScriptDebugStackFrame interface on which this method was called. |
EvaluateExpression The EvaluateExpression method allows requests the debug host to evaluate a language (that is C++) expression and return the resulting value of that expression evaluation boxed as an IModelObject. |
EvaluateExpression The EvaluateExpression method allows requests the debug host to evaluate a language (e.g C++) expression and return the resulting value of that expression evaluation boxed as an IModelObject. |
EvaluateExpression The EvaluateExpression method allows requests the debug host to evaluate a language (e.g C++) expression and return the resulting value of that expression evaluation boxed as an IModelObject. |
EvaluateExtendedExpression The IDebugHostEvaluator::EvaluateExtendedExpression method requests an evaluation of a language expression including any additional non-language evaluation. |
EvaluateExtendedExpression The IDebugHostEvaluator2::EvaluateExtendedExpression method requests an evaluation of a language expression including any additional non-language evaluation. |
EvaluateExtendedExpression The EvaluateExtendedExpression method requests an evaluation of a language expression including any additional non-language evaluation. |
EvaluateWide The EvaluateWide method evaluates an expression, returning the result. |
Exception The Exception callback method is called by the engine when an exception debugging event occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
Exception The Exception callback method is called by the engine when an exception debugging event occurs in the target. |
Exception The IDebugEventContextCallbacks::Exception callback method is called by the engine when an exception debugging event occurs in the target. |
Execute The Execute method executes the specified debugger commands. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
Execute The Execute method executes the specified debugger commands. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
Execute The Execute method executes the specified debugger commands. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
Execute The Execute method executes the content of the script as dictated by the last successful Populate call and modifies the object model of the debugger according to that content. |
Execute The Execute method executes the content of the script as dictated by the last successful Populate call and modifies the object model of the debugger according to that content. |
ExecuteCommandFile The IDebugControl::ExecuteCommandFile method opens the specified file and executes the debugger commands that are contained within. |
ExecuteCommandFile The ExecuteCommandFile method opens the specified file and executes the debugger commands that are contained within. This method belongs to IDebugControl2. |
ExecuteCommandFile The ExecuteCommandFile method opens the specified file and executes the debugger commands that are contained within. This method belongs to IDebugControl3. |
ExecuteCommandFileWide The ExecuteCommandFileWide method opens the specified file and executes the debugger commands that are contained within. |
ExecuteWide The ExecuteWide method executes the specified debugger commands. |
ExitDispatch The ExitDispatch method causes the DispatchCallbacks method to return. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
ExitDispatch The ExitDispatch method causes the DispatchCallbacks method to return. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
ExitDispatch The ExitDispatch method causes the DispatchCallbacks method to return. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
ExitDispatch The ExitDispatch method causes the DispatchCallbacks method to return. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
ExitDispatch The ExitDispatch method causes the DispatchCallbacks method to return. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
ExitProcess The ExitProcess callback method is called by the engine when an exit-process debugging event occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
ExitProcess The ExitProcess callback method is called by the engine when an exit-processdebugging event occurs in the target. |
ExitProcess The IDebugEventContextCallbacks::ExitProcess callback method is called by the engine when an exit-process debugging event occurs in the target. |
ExitThread The ExitThread callback method is called by the engine when an exit-thread debugging event occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
ExitThread The ExitThread callback method is called by the engine when an exit-threaddebugging event occurs in the target. |
ExitThread The IDebugEventContextCallbacks::ExitThread callback method is called by the engine when an exit-thread debugging event occurs in the target. |
ExpandSymbol The ExpandSymbol method adds or removes the children of a symbol from a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup interface. |
ExpandSymbol The ExpandSymbol method adds or removes the children of a symbol from a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface. |
EXT_ANALYSIS_PLUGIN When you write an Analysis Extension, you must implement and export an EXT_ANALYSIS_PLUGIN (_EFN_Analyze) function. |
EXT_COMMAND The EXT_COMMAND macro is used to define an extension command that was declared by using the EXT_COMMAND_METHOD macro.An extension command is defined as follows. |
EXT_COMMAND_METHOD The EXT_COMMAND_METHOD macro declares an extension command from inside the definition of the EXT_CLASS class. |
ExtendHostContext The ExtendHostContext method is used by hosts which support receiving arbitrary plain old data (POD) inside a host context. This method extends the notion of a host context with a specific size of POD data. |
ExtExtension::* ExtKnownStructMethod The ExtKnownStructMethod callback method is called by the engine to format an instance of a structure for output on a single line. |
ExtRemoteData The ExtRemoteData constructor creates a new instance of the ExtRemoteData class. For a specified memory region, contents are read from the target. |
ExtRemoteData The ExtRemoteData(PCSTR,ULONG64,ULONG) constructor creates a new instance of the ExtRemoteData class. |
ExtRemoteData The ExtRemoteData(ULONG64,ULONG) constructor creates an instance of the ExtRemoteData class. For a specified memory region, contents are read from the target. |
ExtRemoteList The ExtRemoteList(ExtRemoteData&,ULONG,bool) constructors create a new instance that wraps a singly-linked or doubly-linked list. |
ExtRemoteList The ExtRemoteList(ULONG64,ULONG,bool) constructors create a new instance that wraps a singly-linked or doubly-linked list. |
ExtRemoteTyped The ExtRemoteTyped constructors create a new instance of the ExtRemoteTyped class. |
ExtRemoteTyped The ExtRemoteTyped(constDEBUG_TYPED_DATA) constructor creates a new instance of the ExtRemoteTyped class. |
ExtRemoteTyped The ExtRemoteTyped copy constructor creates a new instance of the ExtRemoteTyped class. |
ExtRemoteTyped The ExtRemoteTyped::ExtRemoteTyped(PCSTR) constructor creates a new instance of the ExtRemoteTyped class. |
ExtRemoteTyped The ExtRemoteTyped::ExtRemoteTyped(PCSTR,ULONG64) constructor creates a new instance of the ExtRemoteTyped class. |
ExtRemoteTyped The ExtRemoteTyped(PCSTR,ULONG64,bool,PULONG64,PCSTR) constructor creates a new instance of the ExtRemoteTyped class. |
ExtRemoteTypedList The ExtRemoteTypedList(ExtRemoteData&,PCSTR,PCSTR,ULONG64,ULONG,PULONG64,bool) constructor creates an instance that wraps a typed singly- or doubly-linked list. |
ExtRemoteTypedList The ExtRemoteTypedList(ULONG64,PCSTR,PCSTR,ULONG64,ULONG,PULONG64,bool) constructor creates an instance that wraps a typed singly-linked or doubly-linked list. |
Field The Field method returns the typed data for a member in the typed data that is represented by this object. |
FillPhysical Learn how FillPhysical method writes a pattern of bytes to target's physical memory. Pattern is written repeatedly until the specified memory range is filled. |
FillPhysical The FillPhysical method writes a pattern of bytes to target's physical memory. The pattern is written repeatedly until the specified memory range is filled. |
FillPhysical The FillPhysical method writes a pattern of bytes to the target's physical memory. The pattern is written repeatedly until the specified memory range is filled. |
FillVirtual Learn how the FillVirtual method writes a pattern of bytes to the target's virtual memory. Pattern is written repeatedly until the specified memory range is filled. |
FillVirtual The FillVirtual method writes a pattern of bytes to target's virtual memory. The pattern is written repeatedly until the specified memory range is filled. |
FillVirtual The FillVirtual method writes a pattern of bytes to the target's virtual memory. The pattern is written repeatedly until the specified memory range is filled. |
FinalizeContext The FinalizeContext method finalizes modifications of the host context, makes it immutable, and returns an interface to the context. |
FindBreakpointById Each breakpoint which is created within the script via the SetBreakpoint method is assigned a unique identifier (a 64-bit unsigned integer) by the implementation. |
FindBreakpointById The FindBreakpointById method is used to get an interface to the breakpoint from a given identifier. |
FindContainingCodeRangeByRVA The FindContainingCodeRangeByRVA method returns the sub-range of instructions that are inlined at a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
FindContainingCodeRangeByRVA The FindContainingCodeRangeByRVA method returns the sub-range of instructions that are inlined at a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
FindContainingCodeRangeByRVA The FindContainingCodeRangeByRVA method returns the sub-range of instructions that are inlined at a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
FindContainingSymbolByRVA The IDebugHostModule2::FindContainingSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindContainingSymbolByRVA The FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindContainingSymbolByRVA The FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindContainingSymbolByRVA The FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindModuleByLocation The FindModuleByLocation method will look through the given host context and determine what module contains the address given by the specified location. |
FindModuleByName The FindModuleByName method will look through the given host context and locate a module which has the specified name and return an interface to it. |
FindProviderForScriptExtension The IDataModelScriptManager::FindProviderForScriptExtension method searches the script manager for a provider that supports a given file extension. |
FindProviderForScriptType The IDataModelScriptManager::FindProviderForScriptExtension method searches the script manager for a provider that supports a given file type. |
FindSourceFile The FindSourceFile method searches the source path for a specified source file. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
FindSourceFile The FindSourceFile method searches the source path for a specified source file. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
FindSourceFile The FindSourceFile method searches the source path for a specified source file. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
FindSourceFileAndToken The (IDebugAdvanced2) FindSourceFileAndToken method returns the filename of a source file on the source path or a variable value associated with a file token. |
FindSourceFileAndToken The (IDebugAdvanced3) FindSourceFileAndToken method returns the filename of a source file on the source path or a variable value associated with a file token. |
FindSourceFileAndTokenWide The FindSourceFileAndTokenWide method returns the filename of a source file on the source path or return the value of a variable associated with a file token. |
FindSourceFileWide The FindSourceFileWide method searches the source path for a specified source file. |
FindSourceLocationByRVA The FindSourceLocationByRVA method retrieves the source file name and the line number for a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
FindSourceLocationByRVA The FindSourceLocationByRVA method retrieves the source file name and the line number for a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
FindSourceLocationByRVA The FindSourceLocationByRVA method retrieves the source file name and the line number for a specific Relative Virtual Address (RVA). |
FindSymbolByName The IDebugHostModule::FindSymbolByName method, when called on a module, retrieves a global symbol by name from within the module. |
FindSymbolByName The IDebugHostModule2::FindSymbolByName method, when called on a module, retrieves a global symbol by name from within the module. |
FindSymbolByName The IDebugHostModule3::FindSymbolByName method, when called on a module, retrieves a global symbol by name from within the module. |
FindSymbolByName The IDebugHostModule4::FindSymbolByName method, when called on a module, retrieves a global symbol by name from within the module. |
FindSymbolByName The IDebugHostModule5::FindSymbolByName method, when called on a module, retrieves a global symbol by name from within the module. |
FindSymbolByRVA The IDebugHostModule::FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindSymbolByRVA The IDebugHostModule2::FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindSymbolByRVA The IDebugHostModule3::FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindSymbolByRVA The IDebugHostModule4::FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindSymbolByRVA The IDebugHostModule5::FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module. |
FindTypeByName The IDebugHostModule::FindTypeByName method, when called on a module, finds a type by type name from within the module and retrieves a type symbol for it. |
FindTypeByName The IDebugHostModule2::FindTypeByName method, when called on a module, finds a type by type name from within the module and retrieves a type symbol for it. |
FindTypeByName The IDebugHostModule3::FindTypeByName method, when called on a module, finds a type by type name from within the module and retrieves a type symbol for it. |
FindTypeByName The IDebugHostModule4::FindTypeByName method, when called on a module, finds a type by type name from within the module and retrieves a type symbol for it. |
FindTypeByName The IDebugHostModule5::FindTypeByName method, when called on a module, finds a type by type name from within the module and retrieves a type symbol for it. |
FindTypeByName2 The FindTypeByName2 method finds a type by name within the module. If an enclosing symbol is given, the type is looked for by name within that enclosing symbol; otherwise, the type is looked for globally. |
FindTypeByName2 The FindTypeByName2 method finds a type by name within the module. If an enclosing symbol is given, the type is looked for by name within that enclosing symbol; otherwise, the type is looked for globally. |
FlushCallbacks The IDebugClient::FlushCallbacks method forces any remaining buffered output to be delivered to the IDebugOutputCallbacks object registered with this client. |
FlushCallbacks The IDebugClient2::FlushCallbacks method forces any remaining buffered output to be delivered to the IDebugOutputCallbacks object registered with this client. |
FlushCallbacks The IDebugClient3::FlushCallbacks method forces any remaining buffered output to be delivered to the IDebugOutputCallbacks object registered with this client. |
FlushCallbacks The IDebugClient4::FlushCallbacks method forces any remaining buffered output to be delivered to the IDebugOutputCallbacks object registered with this client. |
FlushCallbacks The IDebugClient5::FlushCallbacks method forces any remaining buffered output to be delivered to the IDebugOutputCallbacks object registered with this client. |
Get The Get method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. |
GetActualProcessorType The IDebugControl::GetActualProcessorType method returns the processor type of the physical processor of the computer that is running the target. |
GetActualProcessorType The IDebugControl2::GetActualProcessorType method returns the processor type of the physical processor of the computer that is running the target. |
GetActualProcessorType The IDebugControl3::GetActualProcessorType method returns the processor type of the physical processor of the computer that is running the target. |
GetAdder The GetAdder method returns the client that owns the breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetAdder The GetAdder method returns the client that owns the breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetAdditionalXML IDebugFailureAnalysis3::GetAdditionalXML is used for failure analysis processing. |
GetAddressSpaceRelation The GetAddressSpaceRelation method returns the relationship between the virtual memory space of the current context and that of another specified context. |
GetArgStr The GetArgStr method returns a named string argument from the command line used to invoke the current extension command. |
GetArgU64 The GetArgU64 method returns the value of a named expression argument from the command line used to invoke the current extension command. |
GetArgumentPosition The GetArgumentPosition method obtains the position of the function argument within the argument list. |
GetArgumentPosition The GetArgumentPosition method obtains the position of the function argument within the argument list. |
GetArrayDimensionality The IDebugHostType::GetArrayDimensionality method, when called on a type for an array, gets the dimensions of the array. |
GetArrayDimensionality The IDebugHostType2::GetArrayDimensionality method, when called on a type for an array, gets the dimensions of the array. |
GetArrayDimensionality The GetArrayDimensionality method returns the number of dimensions in an array type. |
GetArrayDimensions The IDebugHostType::GetArrayDimensions method, when called on a type for an array, gets a set of descriptors, one for each dimension of the array. |
GetArrayDimensions The IDebugHostType2::GetArrayDimensions method, when called on a type for an array, gets a set of descriptors, one for each dimension of the array. |
GetArrayDimensions The GetArrayDimensions method, when called on a type for an array, gets a set of descriptors, one for each dimension of the array. |
GetAssemblyOptions The GetAssemblyOptions method returns the assembly and disassembly options that affect how the debugger engine assembles and disassembles processor instructions for the target. |
GetAt The GetAt method retrieves the value at a particular N-dimensional index from within the indexed object. |
GetAttributeIndex IDebugFailureAnalysis3::GetAttributeIndex is used for failure analysis processing. |
GetAttributeName IDebugFailureAnalysis3::GetAttributeName is used for failure analysis processing. |
GetBaseLocation The IDebugHostModule::GetBaseLocation method, when called on a module, gets the base loading address of the module as a location structure. |
GetBaseLocation The IDebugHostModule2::GetBaseLocation method, when called on a module, gets the base loading address of the module as a location structure. |
GetBaseLocation The IDebugHostModule3::GetBaseLocation method, when called on a module, gets the base loading address of the module as a location structure. |
GetBaseLocation The IDebugHostModule4::GetBaseLocation method, when called on a module, gets the base loading address of the module as a location structure. |
GetBaseLocation The IDebugHostModule5::GetBaseLocation method, when called on a module, gets the base loading address of the module as a location structure. |
GetBaseType The IDebugHostType::GetBaseType method, when called on a type, gets the base type. The base type is the target type for a pointer or element type for an array. |
GetBaseType The IDebugHostType2::GetBaseType method, when called on a type, gets the base type. The base type is the target type for a pointer or element type for an array. |
GetBaseType The GetBaseType method, when called on a type, gets the base type. The base type is the target type for a pointer or element type for an array. |
GetBitField The IDebugHostType::GetBitField method, when called on a type for a bitmap, gets information about the bitmap structure. |
GetBitField The IDebugHostType2::GetBitField method, when called on a type for a bitmap, gets information about the bitmap structure. |
GetBitField The GetBitField method, when called on a type for a bitmap, gets information about the bitmap structure. |
GetBoolean The GetBoolean method returns a Boolean version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetBreakpointByGuid The GetBreakpointByGuid method returns the breakpoint with the specified breakpoint GUID. |
GetBreakpointById The GetBreakpointById method returns the breakpoint with the specified breakpoint ID. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
GetBreakpointById The GetBreakpointById method returns the breakpoint with the specified breakpoint ID. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
GetBreakpointById The GetBreakpointById method returns the breakpoint with the specified breakpoint ID. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
GetBreakpointById2 The GetBreakpointById2 method returns the breakpoint with the specified breakpoint ID. |
GetBreakpointByIndex The GetBreakpointByIndex method returns the breakpoint located at the specified index. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
GetBreakpointByIndex The GetBreakpointByIndex method returns the breakpoint located at the specified index. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
GetBreakpointByIndex The GetBreakpointByIndex method returns the breakpoint located at the specified index. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
GetBreakpointByIndex2 The GetBreakpointByIndex2 method returns the breakpoint located at the specified index. |
GetBreakpointParameters The GetBreakpointParameters method returns the parameters of one or more breakpoints. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
GetBreakpointParameters The GetBreakpointParameters method returns the parameters of one or more breakpoints. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
GetBreakpointParameters The GetBreakpointParameters method returns the parameters of one or more breakpoints. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
GetBuffer The GetBuffer method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. If it finds an FA entry with the specified tag, it gets the entry's data block. |
GetChar The GetChar method returns a CHAR version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetCodeLevel The GetCodeLevel method returns the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
GetCodeLevel The GetCodeLevel method returns the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
GetCodeLevel The GetCodeLevel method returns the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
GetCommand The GetCommand method returns the command string that is executed when a breakpoint is triggered. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetCommand Learn how the GetCommand method returns the command string that is executed when a breakpoint is triggered. |
GetCommandWide The GetCommand method returns the command string that is executed when a breakpoint is triggered. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetConcept The GetConcept method on a dynamic concept provider is effectively an override of the GetConcept method on IModelObject. |
GetConcept The GetConcept method will search for a concept on the object (or its parent model chain) and return an interface pointer to the concept interface. |
GetConstantName The GetConstantName method returns the name of the specified constant. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetConstantName The GetConstantName method returns the name of the specified constant. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetConstantNameWide The GetConstantNameWide method returns the name of the specified constant. |
GetContainingModule Returns the module which contains this symbol if the symbol has a containing module. If the symbol does not have a containing module, an error is returned. |
GetContainingModule Returns the module which contains this symbol if the symbol has a containing module. If the symbol does not have a containing module, an error is returned. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostConstant::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module which contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostData::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostField::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostModule::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostModule2::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostModule3::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostModule4::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostModule5::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostPublic::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostSymbol::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostSymbol2::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostType::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The IDebugHostType2::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingModule The GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module. |
GetContainingType The GetContainingType method returns the type of the containing parent (the type that contains this symbol). |
GetContainingType The GetContainingType method returns the type of the containing parent (the type that contains this symbol). |
GetContent The GetContent method returns the content (or code) of the template. |
GetContext The IDebugHostBaseClass::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostConstant::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostData::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostField::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostModule::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostModule2::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostModule3::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostModule4::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostModule5::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostPublic::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostSymbol::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostSymbol2::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostType::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The IDebugHostType2::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located. |
GetContext The GetContext method returns the host context that is associated with the object. |
GetContextAlternator The GetContextAlternator method retrieves context alternator, which allows a temporary context change/switch. |
GetContextForDataModel The GetContextForDataModel method is used to retrieve context information which was set up with a prior call to SetContextForDataModel. |
GetContextObject The IModelKeyReference::GetContextObject method, when called on a key reference for an object, gets the context of the object. |
GetContextObject The IModelKeyReference2::GetContextObject method, when called on a key reference for an object, gets the context of the object. |
GetContextStackTrace The GetContextStackTrace method returns the frames at the top of the call stack, starting with an arbitrary register context and returning the reconstructed register context for each stack frame. |
GetContextStackTraceEx The GetContextStackTraceEx method returns the frames at the top of the call stack, starting with an arbitrary register context and returning the reconstructed register context for each stack frame. |
GetCurrentContext The GetCurrentContext method returns an interface which represents the current state of the debugger host. |
GetCurrentEventIndex The GetCurrentEventIndex method returns the index of the current event within the current list of events for the current target, if such a list exists. |
GetCurrentPassCount The IDebugBreakpoint::GetCurrentPassCount method returns the number that the target must reach the breakpoint location before the breakpoint is triggered. |
GetCurrentPassCount The IDebugBreakpoint2::GetCurrentPassCount method returns the number that the target must reach the breakpoint location before the breakpoint is triggered. |
GetCurrentPosition The IDataModelScriptDebug::GetCurrentPosition method returns the current break position in a script debugger session. |
GetCurrentPosition The IDataModelScriptDebug2::GetCurrentPosition method returns the current break position in a script debugging session. |
GetCurrentProcessAddr The GetCurrentProcessAddr function returns the location of the system data that describes the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects::GetCurrentProcessDataOffset method returns the location of the system data structure describing the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects2::GetCurrentProcessDataOffset method returns the location of the system data structure describing the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects3::GetCurrentProcessDataOffset method returns the location of the system data structure describing the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects4::GetCurrentProcessDataOffset method returns the location of the system data structure describing the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessExecutableName The GetCurrentProcessExecutableName method returns the name of executable file loaded in the current process. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects. |
GetCurrentProcessExecutableName The GetCurrentProcessExecutableName method returns the name of executable file loaded in the current process. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects2. |
GetCurrentProcessExecutableName The GetCurrentProcessExecutableName method returns the name of executable file loaded in the current process. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects3. |
GetCurrentProcessExecutableName The GetCurrentProcessExecutableName method returns the name of executable file loaded in the current process. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects4. |
GetCurrentProcessExecutableNameWide The GetCurrentProcessExecutableNameWide method returns the name of executable file loaded in the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessHandle The GetCurrentProcessHandle method returns the system handle for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetCurrentProcessHandle The GetCurrentProcessHandle method returns the system handle for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessHandle The GetCurrentProcessHandle method returns the system handle for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessHandle The GetCurrentProcessHandle method returns the system handle for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessHandle The GetCurrentProcessHandle function returns the system handle for the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessId The GetCurrentProcessId method returns the engine process ID for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetCurrentProcessId The GetCurrentProcessId method returns the engine process ID for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessId The GetCurrentProcessId method returns the engine process ID for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessId The GetCurrentProcessId method returns the engine process ID for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessPeb The GetCurrentProcessPeb method returns the process environment block (PEB) of the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetCurrentProcessPeb The GetCurrentProcessPeb method returns the process environment block (PEB) of the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessPeb The GetCurrentProcessPeb method returns the process environment block (PEB) of the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessPeb The GetCurrentProcessPeb method returns the process environment block (PEB) of the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessSystemId The GetCurrentProcessSystemId method returns the system process ID of the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetCurrentProcessSystemId The GetCurrentProcessSystemId method returns the system process ID of the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessSystemId The GetCurrentProcessSystemId method returns the system process ID of the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessSystemId The GetCurrentProcessSystemId method returns the system process ID of the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessUpTime The GetCurrentProcessUpTime method returns the length of time the current process has been running. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessUpTime The GetCurrentProcessUpTime method returns the length of time the current process has been running. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentProcessUpTime The GetCurrentProcessUpTime method returns the length of time the current process has been running. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex The GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex method returns the index of the current stack frame in the call stack. |
GetCurrentScopeFrameIndexEx Gets the index of the current frame. |
GetCurrentSystemId The GetCurrentSystemId method returns the engine target ID for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentSystemId The GetCurrentSystemId method returns the engine target ID for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentSystemServer Gets the server for the current process. |
GetCurrentSystemServerName Gets the server name for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentSystemServerNameWide Gets the server name for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentSystemUpTime The IDebugControl2::GetCurrentSystemUpTime method returns the number of seconds the current target's computer has been running since it was last started. |
GetCurrentSystemUpTime The IDebugControl3::GetCurrentSystemUpTime method returns the number of seconds the current target's computer has been running since it was last started. |
GetCurrentThreadAddr The GetCurrentThreadAddr function returns the location of the system data that describes the current thread. |
GetCurrentThreadDataOffset The GetCurrentThreadDataOffset method returns the location of the system data structure for the current thread. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects. |
GetCurrentThreadDataOffset The GetCurrentThreadDataOffset method returns the location of the system data structure for the current thread. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects2. |
GetCurrentThreadDataOffset The GetCurrentThreadDataOffset method returns the location of the system data structure for the current thread. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects3. |
GetCurrentThreadDataOffset The GetCurrentThreadDataOffset method returns the location of the system data structure for the current thread. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects4. |
GetCurrentThreadHandle The GetCurrentThreadHandle method returns the system handle for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetCurrentThreadHandle The GetCurrentThreadHandle method returns the system handle for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadHandle The GetCurrentThreadHandle method returns the system handle for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadHandle The GetCurrentThreadHandle method returns the system handle for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadId The GetCurrentThreadId method returns the engine thread ID for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetCurrentThreadId The GetCurrentThreadId method returns the engine thread ID for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadId The GetCurrentThreadId method returns the engine thread ID for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadId The GetCurrentThreadId method returns the engine thread ID for the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadSystemId The GetCurrentThreadSystemId method returns the system thread ID of the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetCurrentThreadSystemId The GetCurrentThreadSystemId method returns the system thread ID of the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadSystemId The GetCurrentThreadSystemId method returns the system thread ID of the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadSystemId The GetCurrentThreadSystemId method returns the system thread ID of the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetCurrentThreadTeb The GetCurrentThreadTeb method returns the location of the thread environment block (TEB) for the current thread. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects. |
GetCurrentThreadTeb The GetCurrentThreadTeb method returns the location of the thread environment block (TEB) for the current thread. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects2. |
GetCurrentThreadTeb The GetCurrentThreadTeb method returns the location of the thread environment block (TEB) for the current thread. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects3. |
GetCurrentThreadTeb The GetCurrentThreadTeb method returns the location of the thread environment block (TEB) for the current thread. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects4. |
GetCurrentTimeDate The GetCurrentTimeDate method returns the time of the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
GetCurrentTimeDate The GetCurrentTimeDate method returns the time of the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
GetData The GetData method returns the contents of the target's memory, represented by the ExtRemoteData object. |
GetDataModel The GetDataModel method is the method on the bridge interface which provides access to both sides of the data model. |
GetDataParameters The GetDataParameters method returns the parameters for a processor breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetDataParameters The GetDataParameters method returns the parameters for a processor breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetDebugFATagControl The GetDebugFATagControl method gets a pointer to an IDebugFAEntryTags interface, which provides access to the tags in a DebugFailureAnalysisTags object. |
GetDebuggeeType The GetDebuggeeType method describes the nature of the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl interface. |
GetDebuggeeType The GetDebuggeeType method describes the nature of the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
GetDebuggeeType The GetDebuggeeType method describes the nature of the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
GetDebuggeeType2 The GetDebuggeeType2 method describes the nature of the current target. |
GetDebuggerCacheSize The GetDebuggerCacheSize function returns the size of the cache that is used by the debugger to hold data that was obtained from the target. |
GetDebuggerData The GetDebuggerData function retrieves information stored in a data block. |
GetDebugState The GetDebugState method returns the current state of the script (whether it is executing or not). |
GetDebugState The GetDebugState method returns the current state of the script (that is whether it is executing or not). |
GetDefaultIndexDimensionality The GetDefaultIndexDimensionality method returns the number of dimensions to the default index. |
GetDefaultMetadata The GetDefaultMetadata method returns a default metadata store that may be used for certain operations (that is string conversion) when no explicit metadata has been passed. |
GetDefaultNameBinder The GetDefaultNameBinder method returns the data model's default script name binder. |
GetDefaultTemplateContent The GetDefaultTemplateContent method returns an interface for the default template content of the provider. |
GetDescription The GetDescription method returns the description of a register. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
GetDescription The GetDescription method returns the description of a register. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
GetDescription The GetDescription method returns a description of the template. |
GetDescriptionWide The GetDescriptionWide method returns the description of a register. |
GetDimensionality The GetDimensionality method returns the number of dimensions that the object is indexed in. |
GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset The GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset method returns the address of the last instruction disassembled using Disassemble. This method belongs to IDebugControl. |
GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset The GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset method returns the address of the last instruction disassembled using Disassemble. This method belongs to IDebugControl2. |
GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset The GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset method returns the address of the last instruction disassembled using Disassemble. This method belongs to IDebugControl3. |
GetDisplayStringForLocation For a given location within the address space of the target as defined by context and location, convert the location to a displayable string. |
GetDisplayStringForLocation For a given location within the address space of the target as defined by context and location, convert the location to a displayable string (according to whatever format the host chooses). |
GetDisplayStringForLocation For a given location within the address space of the target as defined by context and location, convert the location to a displayable string (according to whatever format the host chooses). |
GetDisplayStringForLocation For a given location within the address space of the target as defined by context and location, convert the location to a displayable string (according to whatever format the host chooses). |
GetDisplayStringForLocation For a given location within the address space of the target as defined by context and location, convert the location to a displayable string (according to whatever format the host chooses). |
GetDouble The GetDouble method returns a double version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetDumpFile The IDebugClient4::GetDumpFile method describes the files containing supporting information that were used when opening the current dump target. |
GetDumpFile The IDebugClient5::GetDumpFile method describes the files containing supporting information that were used when opening the current dump target. |
GetDumpFileWide The IDebugClient4::GetDumpFileWide method describes the files containing supporting information that were used when opening the current dump target. |
GetDumpFileWide The IDebugClient5::GetDumpFileWide method describes the files containing supporting information that were used when opening the current dump target. |
GetDumpFormatFlags The IDebugControl2::GetDumpFormatFlags method returns the flags that describe what information is available in a dump file target. |
GetDumpFormatFlags The IDebugControl3::GetDumpFormatFlags method returns the flags that describe what information is available in a dump file target. |
GetEffectiveProcessorType The IDebugControl::GetEffectiveProcessorType method returns the effective processor type of the processor of the computer that is running the target. |
GetEffectiveProcessorType The IDebugControl2::GetEffectiveProcessorType method returns the effective processor type of the processor of the computer that is running the target. |
GetEffectiveProcessorType The IDebugControl3::GetEffectiveProcessorType method returns the effective processor type of the processor of the computer that is running the target. |
GetEngineOptions Learn how the GetEngineOptions method returns the engine's options. Includes parameters and returns. |
GetEngineOptions Learn how to use the IDebugControl2::GetEngineOptions method, which returns the engine's options. |
GetEngineOptions The GetEngineOptions method returns the engine's options. |
GetEventCallbacks The GetEventCallbacks method returns the event callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetEventCallbacks The GetEventCallbacks method returns the event callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetEventCallbacks The GetEventCallbacks method returns the event callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetEventCallbacks The GetEventCallbacks method returns the event callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetEventCallbacks The GetEventCallbacks method returns the event callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetEventCallbacksWide The GetEventCallbacksWide method returns the event callbacks object registered with this client. |
GetEventFilter The IDataModelScriptDebug::GetEventFilter method returns whether break-on-event is enabled for a particular event. |
GetEventFilter The IDataModelScriptDebug2::GetEventFilter method returns whether break-on-event is enabled for a particular event. |
GetEventFilterCommand Learn how the GetEventFilterCommand method returns the debugger command that the engine will execute when a specified event occurs. |
GetEventFilterCommand Learn how the GetEventFilterCommand method returns the debugger command that the engine executes when a specified event occurs. |
GetEventFilterCommand The GetEventFilterCommand method returns the debugger command that the engine will execute when a specified event occurs. |
GetEventFilterCommandWide The GetEventFilterCommandWide method returns the debugger command that the engine will execute when a specified event occurs. |
GetEventFilterText Learn how the GetEventFilterText method returns a short description of an event for a specific filter. |
GetEventFilterText Learn about the GetEventFilterText method, which returns a short description of an event for a specific filter. |
GetEventFilterText The GetEventFilterText method returns a short description of an event for a specific filter. |
GetEventFilterTextWide The GetEventFilterTextWide method returns a short description of an event for a specific filter. |
GetEventIndexDescription The GetEventIndexDescription method describes the specified event in a static list of events for the current target. |
GetEventIndexDescriptionWide The GetEventIndexDescriptionWide method describes the specified event in a static list of events for the current target. |
GetEventProcess The GetEventProcess method returns the engine process ID for the process on which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects. |
GetEventProcess The GetEventProcess method returns the engine process ID for the process on which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects2. |
GetEventProcess The GetEventProcess method returns the engine process ID for the process on which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects3. |
GetEventProcess The GetEventProcess method returns the engine process ID for the process on which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects4. |
GetEventSystem The GetEventSystem method returns the engine target ID for the target in which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects3. |
GetEventSystem The GetEventSystem method returns the engine target ID for the target in which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects4. |
GetEventThread The GetEventThread method returns the engine thread ID for the thread on which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects. |
GetEventThread The GetEventThread method returns the engine thread ID for the thread on which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects2. |
GetEventThread The GetEventThread method returns the engine thread ID for the thread on which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects3. |
GetEventThread The GetEventThread method returns the engine thread ID for the thread on which the last event occurred. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects4. |
GetExceptionFilterParameters Learn how the GetExceptionFilterParameters method returns the parameters for exception filters specified by exception codes or by index. |
GetExceptionFilterParameters Learn about the GetExceptionFilterParameters method, which returns the parameters for exception filters specified by exception codes or by index. |
GetExceptionFilterParameters The GetExceptionFilterParameters method returns the parameters for exception filters specified by exception codes or by index. |
GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand Learn how the GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand method returns the command that's executed by the debugger engine upon the second chance of a specified exception. |
GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand This method returns the command that's executed by the debugger engine upon the second chance of a specified exception. |
GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand The GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand method returns the command that will be executed by the debugger engine upon the second chance of a specified exception. |
GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand The IDebugControl4::GetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWide method returns the command that will be executed upon the second chance of an exception. |
GetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWide The IDebugControl4::GetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWide method returns the command to be executed by the debugger engine upon the second chance of an exception. |
GetExecutingProcessorType Learn how the GetExecutingProcessorType method returns the executing processor type for the processor for which the last event occurred. |
GetExecutingProcessorType This method returns the executing processor type for the processor for which the last event occurred. |
GetExecutingProcessorType Learn how this method returns the executing processor type for the processor for which the last event occurred. |
GetExecutionStatus Learn how the GetExecutionStatus method returns information about the execution status of the debugger engine. |
GetExecutionStatus Learn how this method returns information about the execution status of the debugger engine. |
GetExecutionStatus This method returns information about the execution status of the debugger engine. |
GetExecutionStatusEx The GetExecutionStatusEx method returns information about the execution status of the debugger engine. |
GetExitCode The IDebugClient::GetExitCode method returns the exit code of the current process if that process has already run through to completion. |
GetExitCode The IDebugClient2::GetExitCode method returns the exit code of the current process if that process has already run through to completion. |
GetExitCode The IDebugClient3::GetExitCode method returns the exit code of the current process if that process has already run through to completion. |
GetExitCode The IDebugClient4::GetExitCode method returns the exit code of the current process if that process has already run through to completion. |
GetExitCode The IDebugClient5::GetExitCode method returns the exit code of the current process if that process has already run through to completion. |
GetExpressionEx The GetExpressionEx function evaluates an expression. The expression is evaluated using the MASM evaluator, and can contain aliases. |
GetExpressionSyntax The GetExpressionSyntax method returns the current syntax that the engine is using for evaluating expressions. |
GetExpressionSyntaxNames The GetExpressionSyntaxNames method returns the full and abbreviated names of an expression syntax. |
GetExpressionSyntaxNamesWide The GetExpressionSyntaxNamesWide method returns the full and abbreviated names of an expression syntax. |
GetExtendedRegisterAddressInfo The GetExtendedRegisterAddressInfo method retrieves the architecture-specific register address information in which local data is stored. |
GetExtension The GetExtension method returns the file extension for scripts managed by this provider (without the dot) as a string allocated via the SysAllocString method. |
GetExtensionByPath Learn how the GetExtensionByPath method returns the handle for an already loaded extension library. |
GetExtensionByPath Learn about the GetExtensionByPath method, which returns the handle for an already loaded extension library. |
GetExtensionByPath The GetExtensionByPath method returns the handle for an already loaded extension library. |
GetExtensionByPathWide The GetExtensionByPathWide method returns the handle for an already loaded extension library. |
GetExtensionFunction Learn how the GetExtensionFunction method returns a pointer to an extension function from an extension library. |
GetExtensionFunction Learn about the GetExtensionFunction method, which returns a pointer to an extension function from an extension library. |
GetExtensionFunction The GetExtensionFunction method returns a pointer to an extension function from an extension library. |
GetExtensionFunctionWide The GetExtensionFunctionWide method returns a pointer to an extension function from an extension library. |
GetFailureClass The GetFailureClass method gets the failure class of a DebugFailureAnalysis object. The failure class indicates whether the debugging session that created the DebugFailureAnalysis object is a kernel mode session or a user mode session. |
GetFailureCode The GetFailureCode method gets the bug check code or exception code of a DebugFailureAnalysis object. |
GetFailureType The GetFailureType method gets the failure type of a DebugFailureAnalysis object. The failure type indicates whether the code being analyzed was running in kernel mode or user mode. |
GetFieldData The GetFieldData function returns the value of a member in a structure. |
GetFieldName The GetFieldName method returns the name of a field within a structure. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetFieldName The GetFieldName method returns the name of a field within a structure. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetFieldNameWide The GetFieldNameWide method returns the name of a field within a structure. |
GetFieldOffset The GetFieldOffset method returns the offset of a field from the base address of an instance of a type. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetFieldOffset The GetFieldOffset method returns the offset of a field from the base address of an instance of a type. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetFieldOffset The GetFieldOffset method returns the offset of a field from the base address of an instance of a type. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetFieldOffset The GetFieldOffset function returns the offset of a member from the beginning of a structure. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols4 interface. |
GetFieldOffset The GetFieldOffset function returns the offset of a member from the beginning of a structure. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols5 interface. |
GetFieldOffset The GetFieldOffset method returns the offset of a member from the base address of an instance of the type that is represented by this object. |
GetFieldOffset The GetFieldOffset function returns the offset of a member from the beginning of a structure. |
GetFieldOffsetWide The GetFieldOffsetWide method returns the offset of a field from the base address of an instance of a type. |
GetFieldTypeAndOffset The GetFieldTypeAndOffset method returns the type of a field and its offset within a container. |
GetFieldTypeAndOffsetWide The GetFieldTypeAndOffsetWide method returns the type of a field and its offset within a container. |
GetFieldValue The GetFieldValue macro is a thin wrapper around the GetFieldData function. It is provided as a convenience for reading the value of a member in a structure. |
GetFlags The GetFlags method returns the flags for a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetFlags The GetFlags method returns the flags for a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetFloat The GetFloat method returns a float version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetFrameCount The GetFrameCount method returns the number of stack frames in this segment of the call stack. |
GetFrameOffset The GetFrameOffset method returns the location of the stack frame for the current function. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
GetFrameOffset The GetFrameOffset method returns the location of the stack frame for the current function. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
GetFrameOffset2 The GetFrameOffset2 method returns the location of the stack frame for the current function. |
GetFunctionCallingConvention The GetFunctionCallingConvention method returns the calling convention of the function. Such is returned as a member of the CallingConventionKind enumeration. |
GetFunctionCallingConvention The GetFunctionCallingConvention method returns the calling convention of the function. |
GetFunctionCallingConvention The GetFunctionCallingConvention method returns the calling convention of a function type. |
GetFunctionEntryByOffset The GetFunctionEntryByOffset method returns the function entry information for a function. |
GetFunctionInstancePointerType Indicates what the type of the instance ("this") pointer passed to the function is. |
GetFunctionInstancePointerType The GetFunctionInstancePointerType method returns the type of a function instance pointer. |
GetFunctionParameterTypeAt The IDebugHostType::GetFunctionParameterTypeAt method, when called on a function type, gets the parameter type at a given index in the function's argument list. |
GetFunctionParameterTypeAt The IDebugHostType2::GetFunctionParameterTypeAt method, when called on a function type, gets the parameter type at a given index in the function's argument list. |
GetFunctionParameterTypeAt The GetFunctionParameterTypeAt method, when called on a function type, gets the parameter type at a given index in the function's argument list. |
GetFunctionParameterTypeCount The IDebugHostType::GetFunctionParameterTypeCount method, when called on a type for a function, gets the number of arguments that the function takes. |
GetFunctionParameterTypeCount The IDebugHostType2::GetFunctionParameterTypeCount method, when called on a type for a function, gets the number of arguments that the function takes. |
GetFunctionParameterTypeCount The GetFunctionParameterTypeCount method, when called on a type for a function, gets the number of arguments that the function takes. |
GetFunctionReturnType The IDebugHostType::GetFunctionReturnType method, when called on a type for a function, gets the return type of the function. |
GetFunctionReturnType The IDebugHostType2::GetFunctionReturnType method, when called on a type for a function, gets the return type of the function. |
GetFunctionReturnType The GetFunctionReturnType method, when called on a type for a function, gets the return type of the function. |
GetFunctionVarArgsKind The GetFunctionVarArgsKind method returns whether a given function utilizes a variable argument list, and if so, what style of variable arguments it utilizes. |
GetFunctionVarArgsKind The GetFunctionVarArgsKind method returns whether a given function utilizes a variable argument list, and if so, what style of variable arguments it utilizes. |
GetGenericArgumentAt The IDebugHostType::GetGenericArgumentAt method, when called on a function type, gets a generic argument at a given index in the function's argument list. |
GetGenericArgumentAt The IDebugHostType2::GetGenericArgumentAt method, when called on a function type, gets a generic argument at a given index in the function's argument list. |
GetGenericArgumentAt The GetGenericArgumentAt method, when called on a function type, gets a generic argument at a given index in the function's argument list. |
GetGenericArgumentCount The IDebugHostType::GetGenericArgumentCount method, when called on a type, gets the number of generic arguments to the type. |
GetGenericArgumentCount The IDebugHostType2::GetGenericArgumentCount method, when called on a type, gets the number of generic arguments to the type. |
GetGenericArgumentCount The GetGenericArgumentCount method, when called on a type, gets the number of generic arguments to the type. |
GetGuid Returns a GUID for the breakpoint. |
GetHashCode The IDebugHostType::GetHashCode method, when called on a type, gets a 32-bit hash code for the type. |
GetHashCode The IDebugHostType2::GetHashCode method, when called on a type, gets a 32-bit hash code for the type. |
GetHashCode The GetHashCode method, when called on a type, gets a 32-bit hash code for the type. |
GetHashCode The GetHashCode method returns a 32-bit hash code for the type signature. |
GetHostDefinedInterface The GetHostDefinedInterface method returns the host's main private interface, if such exists for the given host. |
GetId The GetId method returns a breakpoint ID, which is the engine's unique identifier for a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetId The GetId method returns a breakpoint ID, which is the engine's unique identifier for a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetId The GetId method returns the unique identifier assigned by the script provider's debug engine to the breakpoint. |
GetIdentity The GetIdentity method returns a string describing the computer and user this client represents. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetIdentity The GetIdentity method returns a string describing the computer and user this client represents. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetIdentity The GetIdentity method returns a string describing the computer and user this client represents. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetIdentity The GetIdentity method returns a string describing the computer and user this client represents. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetIdentity The GetIdentity method returns a string describing the computer and user this client represents. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetIdentityWide The GetIdentityWide method returns a string describing the computer and user this client represents. |
GetImageName The IDebugHostModule::GetImageName method gets the image name or full path of the module as an allocated string. |
GetImageName The IDebugHostModule2::GetImageName method gets the image name or full path of the module as an allocated string. |
GetImageName The IDebugHostModule3::GetImageName method gets the image name or full path of the module as an allocated string. |
GetImageName The IDebugHostModule4::GetImageName method gets the image name or full path of the module as an allocated string. |
GetImageName The IDebugHostModule5::GetImageName method gets the image name or full path of the module as an allocated string. |
GetImagePath The GetImagePath method returns the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetImagePath The GetImagePath method returns the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetImagePath The GetImagePath method returns the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetImagePathWide The GetImagePathWide method returns the executable image path. |
GetImplicitProcessDataOffset The GetImplicitProcessDataOffset method returns the implicit process for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetImplicitProcessDataOffset The GetImplicitProcessDataOffset method returns the implicit process for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetImplicitProcessDataOffset The GetImplicitProcessDataOffset method returns the implicit process for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetImplicitThreadDataOffset The GetImplicitThreadDataOffset method returns the implicit thread for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetImplicitThreadDataOffset The GetImplicitThreadDataOffset method returns the implicit thread for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetImplicitThreadDataOffset The GetImplicitThreadDataOffset method returns the implicit thread for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetIndexByName The GetIndexByName method returns the index of the named register. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
GetIndexByName The GetIndexByName method returns the index of the named register. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
GetIndexByNameWide The GetIndexByNameWide method returns the index of the named register. |
GetInlinedFunction The GetInlinedFunction method retrieves a symbol for the inlined function that the local variable is contained within, if IsInlineScope() returns true. |
GetInputCallbacks The GetInputCallbacks method returns the input callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetInputCallbacks The GetInputCallbacks method returns the input callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetInputCallbacks The GetInputCallbacks method returns the input callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetInputCallbacks The GetInputCallbacks method returns the input callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetInputCallbacks The GetInputCallbacks method returns the input callbacks object registered with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetInputLine The GetInputLine function requests an input string from the debugger. |
GetInstructionOffset The GetInstructionOffset method returns the location of the current thread's current instruction. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
GetInstructionOffset The GetInstructionOffset method returns the location of the current thread's current instruction. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
GetInstructionOffset2 The GetInstructionOffset2 method returns the location of the current thread's current instruction. |
GetInterestMask The GetInterestMask callback method is called to determine which events the IDebugEventCallbacks object is interested in. The engine calls GetInterestMask when the object is registered with a client by using SetEventCallbacks. |
GetInterestMask The GetInterestMask callback method is called to determine which events the IDebugEventCallbacksWide object is interested in. The engine calls GetInterestMask when the object is registered with a client by using SetEventCallbacks. |
GetInterestMask The engine calls GetInterestMask once when the event callbacks are set for a client. |
GetInterestMask Allows the callback object to describe which kinds of output notifications it wants to receive. |
GetInterrupt Learn how the GetInterrupt method checks whether a user interrupt was issued. Includes returns and remarks. |
GetInterrupt Learn about the IDebugControl2::GetInterrupt method, which checks whether a user interrupt was issued. |
GetInterrupt The GetInterrupt method checks whether a user interrupt was issued. |
GetInterruptTimeout Learn how the GetInterruptTimeout method returns the number of seconds that the engine will wait when requesting a break into the debugger. |
GetInterruptTimeout Learn about the GetInterruptTimeout method, which returns the number of seconds that the engine will wait when requesting a break into the debugger. |
GetInterruptTimeout The GetInterruptTimeout method returns the number of seconds that the engine will wait when requesting a break into the debugger. |
GetIntrinsicType The IDebugHostType::GetIntrinsicType method, when called on a type, gets information about what kind of intrinsic the type is. |
GetIntrinsicType The IDebugHostType2::GetIntrinsicType method, when called on a type, gets information about what kind of intrinsic the type is. |
GetIntrinsicType The GetIntrinsicType method, when called on a type, gets information about what kind of intrinsic the type is. |
GetIntrinsicValue The GetIntrinsicValue method returns the thing which is boxed inside an IModelObject. |
GetIntrinsicValueAs The GetIntrinsicValueAs method behaves much as the GetIntrinsicValue method excepting that it converts the value to the specified variant type. |
GetIterator The GetIterator method on the iterable concept returns an iterator interface which can be used to iterate the object. |
GetKdContext The GetKdContext function returns the total number of processors and the number of the current processor in the structure ppi points to. |
GetKernelConnectionOptions The GetKernelConnectionOptions method returns the connection options for the current kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetKernelConnectionOptions The GetKernelConnectionOptions method returns the connection options for the current kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetKernelConnectionOptions The GetKernelConnectionOptions method returns the connection options for the current kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetKernelConnectionOptions The GetKernelConnectionOptions method returns the connection options for the current kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetKernelConnectionOptions The GetKernelConnectionOptions method returns the connection options for the current kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetKernelConnectionOptionsWide The GetKernelConnectionOptionsWide method returns the connection options for the current kernel target. |
GetKey The GetKey method on a dynamic key provider is largely an override of the GetKey method on IModelObject. |
GetKey The GetKey method is analogous to the GetKey method on IModelObject. |
GetKey The IModelKeyReference::GetKey method, when called on a key reference, gets the value of the underlying key and any metadata associated with the key. |
GetKey The IModelKeyReference2::GetKey method, when called on a key reference, gets the value of the underlying key and any metadata associated with the key. |
GetKey The GetKey method will get the value of (and the metadata associated with) a given key by name. |
GetKeyName The IModelKeyReference::GetKeyName method, when called on a key reference, gets the name of the underlying key. |
GetKeyName The IModelKeyReference2::GetKeyName method, when called on a key reference, gets the name of the underlying key. |
GetKeyReference If the object or one of its parent models has a key named according to the argument 'key', this will return a reference to that key. |
GetKeyValue The GetKeyValue method is the first method a client will go to in order to find the value of a particular key within the metadata store. |
GetKeyValue The IModelKeyReference::GetKeyValue method, when called on a key reference, gets the value of the underlying key and any metadata associated with it. |
GetKeyValue The IModelKeyReference2::GetKeyValue method, when called on a key reference, gets the value of the underlying key and any metadata associated it. |
GetKeyValue The GetKeyValue method is the first method a client will turn to in order to get the value of (and the metadata associated with) a given key by name. |
GetKind The GetKind method returns what kind of object is boxed inside the IModelObject. |
GetLanguage If the symbol can identify the language for which it applies, this returns an identifier for such. |
GetLastEventInformation Learn how the GetLastEventInformation method returns information about the last event that occurred in a target. |
GetLastEventInformation Learn about the GetLastEventInformation method, which returns information about the last event that occurred in a target. |
GetLastEventInformation The GetLastEventInformation method returns information about the last event that occurred in a target. |
GetLastEventInformationWide The GetLastEventInformationWide method returns information about the last event that occurred in a target. |
GetLineByInlineContext The GetLineByInlineContext method gets a line by inline context. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols4 interface. |
GetLineByInlineContextWide The GetLineByInlineContextWide method gets a line by inline context. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols4 interface. |
GetLineByOffset The IDebugSymbols::GetLineByOffset method returns the source filename and the line number within the source file of an instruction in the target. |
GetLineByOffset The IDebugSymbols2::GetLineByOffset method returns the source filename and the line number within the source file of an instruction in the target. |
GetLineByOffset The IDebugSymbols3::GetLineByOffset method returns the source filename and the line number within the source file of an instruction in the target. |
GetLineByOffsetWide The GetLineByOffsetWide method returns the source filename and the line number within the source file of an instruction in the target. |
GetLocalKind The GetLocalKind method retrieves the kind of local variable that has been enumerated. |
GetLocalKind The GetLocalKind method retrieves the kind of local variable that has been enumerated. |
GetLocation The IDebugHostData::GetLocation method, when called on a symbol with a static location, gets the abstract location (address) of the symbol. |
GetLocation For fields which have an address regardless of the particular type instance (e.g. fields whose location kind indicates LocationStatic), the GetLocation method will return the abstract location (address) of the field. |
GetLocation For fields which have an address regardless of the particular type instance (e.g. fields whose location kind indicates LocationStatic), the GetLocation method will return the abstract location (address) of the field. |
GetLocation The IDebugHostPublic::GetLocation method, when called on a symbol with a static location, gets the abstract location (address) of the symbol. |
GetLocation The GetLocation method will return the location of the native object. While such a location is typically a virtual address within the address space of the debug target, it is not necessarily so. |
GetLocationKind The IDebugHostData::GetLocationKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of location the symbol is at according to the LocationKind enumeration. |
GetLocationKind The IDebugHostField::GetLocationKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of location the symbol is at according to the LocationKind enumeration. |
GetLocationKind The GetLocationKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of location the symbol is at according to the LocationKind enumeration. |
GetLocationKind The IDebugHostPublic::GetLocationKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of location the symbol is at according to the LocationKind enumeration. |
GetLogFile Learn how the GetLogFile method returns the name of the currently open log file. Includes parameters, returns, and remarks. |
GetLogFile Learn about the IDebugControl2::GetLogFile method, which returns the name of the currently open log file. |
GetLogFile The GetLogFile method returns the name of the currently open log file. |
GetLogFile2 The GetLogFile2 method returns the name of the currently open log file. |
GetLogFile2Wide The GetLogFile2Wide method returns the name of the currently open log file. |
GetLogFileWide The GetLogFileWide method returns the name of the currently open log file. |
GetLogMask Learn how the GetLogMask method returns the output mask for the currently open log file. Includes parameters, returns, and remarks. |
GetLogMask Learn about the IDebugControl2::GetLogMask method, which returns the output mask for the currently open log file. |
GetLogMask The GetLogMask method returns the output mask for the currently open log file. |
GetLong The GetLong method returns a LONG version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetLong64 The GetLong64 method returns a LONG64 version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetLongPtr The GetLongPtr method returns a signed integer version (extended to LONG64) of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. The size of the unsigned integer from the target is the same size as a pointer on the target. |
GetManagedStatus Provides feedback on the engine's use of the runtime debugging APIs provided by the common language runtime (CLR). |
GetManagedStatusWide Provides feedback as a Unicode character string on the engine's use of the runtime debugging APIs provided by the common language runtime (CLR). |
GetMatchThreadId The GetMatchThreadId method returns the engine thread ID of the thread that can trigger a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetMatchThreadId The GetMatchThreadId method returns the engine thread ID of the thread that can trigger a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetMemberType The IDebugHostType::GetMemberType method, when called on a type for a pointer to a module member, gets the class of the module member. |
GetMemberType The IDebugHostType2::GetMemberType method, when called on a type for a pointer to a module member, gets the class of the module member. |
GetMemberType The GetMemberType method, when called on a type for a pointer to a module member, gets the class of the module member. |
GetModelForType The IDataModelManager::GetModelForType method returns the data model that is the canonical visualizer for a given type instance. |
GetModelForType The IDataModelManager2::GetModelForType method returns the data model that is the canonical visualizer for a given type instance. |
GetModelForType The GetModelForType method returns the data model that is the canonical visualizer for a given type instance. |
GetModelForType The GetModelForType method returns the data model that is the canonical visualizer for a given type instance. |
GetModelForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager::GetModelForTypeSignature method returns the data model that was previously registered for a given type signature. |
GetModelForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager2::GetModelForTypeSignature method returns the data model that was previously registered for a given type signature. |
GetModelForTypeSignature The GetModelForTypeSignature method returns the data model that was previously registered for a given type signature. |
GetModelForTypeSignature The GetModelForTypeSignature method returns the data model that was previously registered for a given type signature. |
GetModuleByIndex The GetModuleByIndex method returns the location of the module with the specified index. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetModuleByIndex The GetModuleByIndex method returns the location of the module with the specified index. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetModuleByIndex The GetModuleByIndex method returns the location of the module with the specified index. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetModuleByModuleName The GetModuleByModuleName method searches through the target's modules for one with the specified name. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetModuleByModuleName The GetModuleByModuleName method searches through the target's modules for one with the specified name. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetModuleByModuleName The GetModuleByModuleName method searches through the target's modules for one with the specified name. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetModuleByModuleName2 The GetModuleByModuleName2 method searches through the process's modules for one with the specified name. |
GetModuleByModuleName2Wide The GetModuleByModuleName2Wide method searches through the process's modules for one with the specified name. |
GetModuleByModuleNameWide The GetModuleByModuleNameWide method searches through the target's modules for one with the specified name. |
GetModuleByOffset The IDebugSymbols::GetModuleByOffset method searches through the target's modules for one whose memory allocation includes the specified location. |
GetModuleByOffset The IDebugSymbols2::GetModuleByOffset method searches through the target's modules for one whose memory allocation includes the specified location. |
GetModuleByOffset The IDebugSymbols3::GetModuleByOffset method searches through the target's modules for one whose memory allocation includes the specified location. |
GetModuleByOffset2 The GetModuleByOffset2 method searches through the process's modules for one whose memory allocation includes the specified location. |
GetModuleNames The GetModuleNames method returns the names of the specified module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetModuleNames The GetModuleNames method returns the names of the specified module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetModuleNames The GetModuleNames method returns the names of the specified module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetModuleNameString The GetModuleNameString method returns the name of the specified module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetModuleNameString The GetModuleNameString method returns the name of the specified module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetModuleNameStringWide The GetModuleNameStringWide method returns the name of the specified module. |
GetModuleParameters The GetModuleParameters method returns parameters for modules in the target. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetModuleParameters The GetModuleParameters method returns parameters for modules in the target. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetModuleParameters The GetModuleParameters method returns parameters for modules in the target. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetModuleVersionInformation The GetModuleVersionInformation method returns version information for the specified module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetModuleVersionInformation The GetModuleVersionInformation method returns version information for the specified module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetModuleVersionInformationWide The GetModuleVersionInformationWide method returns version information for the specified module. |
GetMostDerivedObject The GetMostDerivedObject will use the type system of the debugger to determine the runtime type of an object from its static type. |
GetName If a given data model is registered under a default name via the RegisterNamedModel method, the registered data model's IDataModelConcept interface must return that name from this method. |
GetName The GetName method returns the name of the script as an allocated string via the SysAllocString function. |
GetName The GetName method returns the name of the script as an allocated string via the SysAllocString function. |
GetName The GetName method returns the display name (that is the function name) of this frame. Such name will be displayed within the stack backtrace presented to the user in the debugger interface. |
GetName The GetName method returns the name of the type of (or language of) scripts which the provider manages as a string allocated via the SysAllocString method. |
GetName The GetName method returns a name of the template. |
GetName The IDebugHostBaseClass::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostConstant::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostData::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostField::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The GetName method retrieves the name of the local variable. |
GetName The GetName method retrieves the name of the local variable. |
GetName The IDebugHostModule::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostModule2::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostModule3::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostModule4::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostModule5::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostPublic::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostSymbol::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The IDebugHostSymbol2::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName Returns the name of the symbol if the symbol has a name. If the symbol does not have a name, an error is returned. |
GetName The IDebugHostType2::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetName The GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name. |
GetNameByInlineContext The GetNameByInlineContext method gets a name by inline context. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols4 interface. |
GetNameByInlineContextWide The GetNameByInlineContextWide method gets a name by inline context. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols4 interface. |
GetNameByOffset The IDebugSymbols::GetNameByOffset method returns the name of the symbol at the specified location in the target's virtual address space. |
GetNameByOffset The IDebugSymbols2::GetNameByOffset method returns the name of the symbol at the specified location in the target's virtual address space. |
GetNameByOffset The IDebugSymbols3::GetNameByOffset method returns the name of the symbol at the specified location in the target's virtual address space. |
GetNameByOffsetWide The GetNameByOffsetWide method returns the name of the symbol at the specified location in the target's virtual address space. |
GetNamespaceObject The GetNamespaceObject method returns an object into which the script provider can place any bridges between the data model and the script. |
GetNearInstruction Learn how the GetNearInstruction method returns the location of a processor instruction relative to a given location. |
GetNearInstruction Learn about the GetNearInstruction method, which returns the location of a processor instruction relative to a given location. |
GetNearInstruction The GetNearInstruction method returns the location of a processor instruction relative to a given location. |
GetNearNameByOffset The GetNearNameByOffset method returns the name of a symbol that is located near the specified location. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetNearNameByOffset The GetNearNameByOffset method returns the name of a symbol that is located near the specified location. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetNearNameByOffset The GetNearNameByOffset method returns the name of a symbol that is located near the specified location. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetNearNameByOffsetWide The GetNearNameByOffsetWide method returns the name of a symbol that is located near the specified location. |
GetNext The GetNext method retrieves the next action on the object. This method belongs to the IActionEnumerator interface. |
GetNext The GetNext method moves the enumerator forward to the next breakpoint to be enumerated and returns the IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpoint interface for that breakpoint. |
GetNext The GetNext method moves the enumerator to the next variable in the set and returns the variable's name, value, and any metadata associated with it. |
GetNext Gets the next script provider which is being enumerated and moves the enumerator to the next position. |
GetNext The GetNext method moves the enumerator to the next template and returns it. |
GetNext The GetNext method retrieves information about the next local variable within the function. |
GetNext The GetNext method retrieves information about the next local variable within the function. |
GetNext Moves the iterator forward and fetches the next symbol in the set. |
GetNext Moves the iterator forward and fetches the name of the next key and, optionally, its value (or a reference to it) and associated metadata. |
GetNext The GetNext method moves the iterator forward and fetches the next iterated element. |
GetNext Moves the iterator forward and fetches the name of the raw element and, optionally, its value (or a reference to it) and what kind of element it is. |
GetNext The GetNext method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the next FA entry, after a given FA entry, that satisfies conditions specified by the Tag and TagMask parameters. |
GetNextDifferentlyValidOffsetVirtual The GetNextDifferentlyValidOffsetVirtual method returns the offset of the next address whose validity might be different from the validity of the specified address. |
GetNextSymbolMatch The GetNextSymbolMatch method returns the next symbol found in a symbol search. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetNextSymbolMatch The GetNextSymbolMatch method returns the next symbol found in a symbol search. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetNextSymbolMatch The GetNextSymbolMatch method returns the next symbol found in a symbol search. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetNextSymbolMatchWide The GetNextSymbolMatchWide method returns the next symbol found in a symbol search. |
GetNextTagged Learn about the GetNextTagged method, which returns the GUID for the next block of tagged data in the enumeration. |
GetNextTagged The GetNextTagged method returns the GUID for the next block of tagged data in the enumeration. |
GetNodeOffset The GetNodeOffset method returns the address of the current list item. |
GetNotifyEventHandle Learn how the GetNotifyEventHandle method receives the handle of the event that will be signaled after the next exception in a target. |
GetNotifyEventHandle Learn about the GetNotifyEventHandle method, which receives the handle of the event that will be signaled after the next exception in a target. |
GetNotifyEventHandle The GetNotifyEventHandle method receives the handle of the event that will be signaled after the next exception in a target. |
GetNumberBreakpoints Learn how the GetNumberBreakpoints method returns the number of breakpoints for the current process. |
GetNumberBreakpoints Learn about the GetNumberBreakpoints method, which returns the number of breakpoints for the current process. |
GetNumberBreakpoints The GetNumberBreakpoints method returns the number of breakpoints for the current process. |
GetNumberDumpFiles The IDebugClient4::GetNumberDumpFiles method returns the number of files containing supporting information that were used when opening the current dump target. |
GetNumberDumpFiles The IDebugClient5::GetNumberDumpFiles method returns the number of files containing supporting information that were used when opening the current dump target. |
GetNumberEventCallbacks The GetNumberEventCallbacks method returns the number of event callbacks that are interested in the given events. |
GetNumberEventFilters Learn how the GetNumberEventFilters method returns the number of event filters currently used by the engine. |
GetNumberEventFilters Learn about the GetNumberEventFilters method, which returns the number of event filters currently used by the engine. |
GetNumberEventFilters The GetNumberEventFilters method returns the number of event filters currently used by the engine. |
GetNumberEvents The GetNumberEvents method returns the number of events for the current target, if the number of events is fixed. |
GetNumberExpressionSyntaxes The GetNumberExpressionSyntaxes method returns the number of expression syntaxes that are supported by the engine. |
GetNumberInputCallbacks The GetNumberInputCallbacks method returns the number of input callbacks registered over all clients. |
GetNumberModules The GetNumberModules method returns the number of modules in the current process's module list. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetNumberModules The GetNumberModules method returns the number of modules in the current process's module list. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetNumberModules The GetNumberModules method returns the number of modules in the current process's module list. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetNumberOfParentModels The GetNumberOfParentModels method returns the number of parent models which are attached to the given object instance. |
GetNumberOutputCallbacks The GetNumberOutputCallbacks method returns the number of output callbacks registered over all clients. |
GetNumberPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes Learn how the GetNumberPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes method returns the number of processor types that are supported by the computer running the current target. |
GetNumberPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes Learn how this method returns the number of processor types that are supported by the computer running the current target. |
GetNumberPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes This method returns the number of processor types that are supported by the computer running the current target. |
GetNumberProcesses The GetNumberProcesses method returns the number of processes for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetNumberProcesses The GetNumberProcesses method returns the number of processes for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetNumberProcesses The GetNumberProcesses method returns the number of processes for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetNumberProcesses The GetNumberProcesses method returns the number of processes for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetNumberProcessors Learn how the GetNumberProcessors method returns the number of processors on the computer running the current target. |
GetNumberProcessors Learn about the GetNumberProcessors method, which returns the number of processors on the computer running the current target. |
GetNumberProcessors The GetNumberProcessors method returns the number of processors on the computer running the current target. |
GetNumberPseudoRegisters The GetNumberPseudoRegisters method returns the number of pseudo-registers that are maintained by the debugger engine. |
GetNumberRegisters The GetNumberRegisters method returns the number of registers on the target computer. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
GetNumberRegisters The GetNumberRegisters method returns the number of registers on the target computer. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes Learn how the GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes method returns the number of processor types supported by the engine. |
GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes Learn about the GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes method, which returns the number of processor types supported by the engine. |
GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes The GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes method returns the number of processor types supported by the engine. |
GetNumberSymbols The GetNumberSymbols method returns the number of symbols that are contained in a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup interface. |
GetNumberSymbols The GetNumberSymbols method returns the number of symbols that are contained in a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface. |
GetNumberSystems The GetNumberSystems method returns the number of targets to which the engine is currently connected. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetNumberSystems The GetNumberSystems method returns the number of targets to which the engine is currently connected. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetNumberTextReplacements The GetNumberTextReplacements method returns the number of currently defined user-named and automatic aliases. This method belongs to IDebugControl2. |
GetNumberTextReplacements The GetNumberTextReplacements method returns the number of currently defined user-named and automatic aliases. This method belongs to IDebugControl3. |
GetNumberThreads The GetNumberThreads method returns the number of threads in the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetNumberThreads The GetNumberThreads method returns the number of threads in the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
GetNumberThreads The GetNumberThreads method returns the number of threads in the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetNumberThreads The GetNumberThreads method returns the number of threads in the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetNumUnnamedArgs The GetNumUnnamedArgs method returns the number of unnamed arguments in the command line used to invoke the current extension command. |
GetOffset The GetOffset method returns the location that triggers a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetOffset The GetOffset method returns the location that triggers a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetOffset Returns the offset of the location. |
GetOffset The GetOffset method returns the offset of the base class from the base address of the derived class. |
GetOffset The GetOffset method returns the offset of the base class from the base address of the derived class. |
GetOffset For fields which have an offset, the GetOffset method will return the offset from the base address of the containing type to the data for the field itself. |
GetOffset For fields which have an offset, the GetOffset method will return the offset from the base address of the containing type to the data for the field itself. |
GetOffset The GetOffset method retrieves the offset from the register where the local data is stored. |
GetOffsetByLine The IDebugSymbols::GetOffsetByLine method returns the location of the instruction that corresponds to a specified line in the source code. |
GetOffsetByLine The IDebugSymbols2::GetOffsetByLine method returns the location of the instruction that corresponds to a specified line in the source code. |
GetOffsetByLine The IDebugSymbols3::GetOffsetByLine method returns the location of the instruction that corresponds to a specified line in the source code. |
GetOffsetByLineWide The GetOffsetByLineWide method returns the location of the instruction that corresponds to a specified line in the source code. |
GetOffsetByName The GetOffsetByName method returns the location of a symbol identified by name. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetOffsetByName The GetOffsetByName method returns the location of a symbol identified by name. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetOffsetByName The GetOffsetByName method returns the location of a symbol identified by name. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetOffsetByNameWide The GetOffsetByNameWide method returns the location of a symbol identified by name. |
GetOffsetExpression The IDebugBreakpoint::GetOffsetExpression methods return the expression string that evaluates to the location that triggers a breakpoint. |
GetOffsetExpression The IDebugBreakpoint2::GetOffsetExpression methods return the expression string that evaluates to the location that triggers a breakpoint. |
GetOffsetExpressionWide The GetOffsetExpressionWide method returns the expression string that evaluates to the location that triggers a breakpoint. |
GetOffsetInformation The GetOffsetInformation method provides general information about an address in a process's data space. |
GetOffsetTypeId The GetOffsetTypeId method returns the type ID of the symbol closest to the specified memory location. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetOffsetTypeId The GetOffsetTypeId method returns the type ID of the symbol closest to the specified memory location. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetOffsetTypeId The GetOffsetTypeId method returns the type ID of the symbol closest to the specified memory location. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetOriginalObject The IModelKeyReference::GetOriginalObject method, when called on a key reference, gets the instance object from which the key reference was created. |
GetOriginalObject The IModelKeyReference2::GetOriginalObject method, when called on a key reference, gets the instance object from which the key reference was created. |
GetOtherOutputMask The GetOtherOutputMask method returns the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetOtherOutputMask The GetOtherOutputMask method returns the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetOtherOutputMask The GetOtherOutputMask method returns the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetOtherOutputMask The GetOtherOutputMask method returns the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetOtherOutputMask The GetOtherOutputMask method returns the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetOutputCallbacks The GetOutputCallbacks method returns the output callbacks object registered with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetOutputCallbacks The GetOutputCallbacks method returns the output callbacks object registered with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetOutputCallbacks The GetOutputCallbacks method returns the output callbacks object registered with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetOutputCallbacks The GetOutputCallbacks method returns the output callbacks object registered with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetOutputCallbacks The GetOutputCallbacks method returns the output callbacks object registered with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetOutputCallbacksWide The GetOutputCallbacksWide method returns the output callbacks object registered with the client. |
GetOutputLinePrefix Gets the prefix used for multiple lines of output. |
GetOutputLinePrefixWide Gets a Unicode character string prefix for output lines. |
GetOutputMask The GetOutputMask method returns the output mask currently set for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetOutputMask The GetOutputMask method returns the output mask currently set for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetOutputMask The GetOutputMask method returns the output mask currently set for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetOutputMask The GetOutputMask method returns the output mask currently set for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetOutputMask The GetOutputMask method returns the output mask currently set for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetOutputWidth Gets the width of an output line for commands that produce formatted output. |
GetPageSize Learn how the GetPageSize method returns the page size for the effective processor mode. Includes parameters and returns. |
GetPageSize Learn about the GetPageSize method, which returns the page size for the effective processor mode. |
GetPageSize The GetPageSize method returns the page size for the effective processor mode. |
GetParameters The GetParameters method returns the parameters for a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetParameters The GetParameters method returns the parameters for a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetParentModel The GetParentModel method returns the i-th parent model in the parent model chain of the given object. |
GetPassCount The IDebugBreakpoint::GetPassCount method returns how many times the target was originally required to reach the breakpoint before the breakpoint is triggered. |
GetPassCount The IDebugBreakpoint2::GetPassCount method returns how many times the target was originally required to reach the breakpoint before the breakpoint is triggered. |
GetPebAddress The GetPebAddress function returns the address of the process environment block (PEB) for a system process. |
GetPhysicalAddressLocation The GetPhysicalAddressLocation method creates a location structure that represents an offset as a physical memory address. |
GetPhysicalAddressLocation The GetPhysicalAddressLocation method creates a location structure that represents an offset as a physical memory address. |
GetPointerKind The IDebugHostType::GetPointerKind method, when called on a type for a pointer, gets the kind of pointer specified by the PointerKind enumeration. |
GetPointerKind The IDebugHostType2::GetPointerKind method, when called on a type for a pointer, gets the kind of pointer specified by the PointerKind enumeration. |
GetPointerKind The GetPointerKind method, when called on a type for a pointer, gets the kind of pointer specified by the PointerKind enumeration. |
GetPointerTo The GetPointerTo method returns typed data that is a pointer to the typed data represented by this object. |
GetPosition The GetPosition method returns the position of the breakpoint within the script. |
GetPosition The GetPosition method returns the position within the script represented by the stack frame. |
GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes Learn how the GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes method returns the processor types that are supported by the computer running the current target. |
GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes Learn about the GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes method, which returns the processor types that are supported by the computer running the current target. |
GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes The GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes method returns the processor types that are supported by the computer running the current target. |
GetPrimaryCompilerInformation The GetPrimaryCompilerInformation method Returns information about what might be considered the "primary compiler" which produced the module. |
GetProblemClassIndex IDebugFailureAnalysis3::GetProblemClassIndex is used for failure analysis processing. |
GetProblemClassName IDebugFailureAnalysis3::GetProblemClassName is used for failure analysis processing. |
GetProcessIdByDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects::GetProcessIdByDataOffset method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. The process is specified by its data offset. |
GetProcessIdByDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects2::GetProcessIdByDataOffset method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. The process is specified by its data offset. |
GetProcessIdByDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects3::GetProcessIdByDataOffset method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. The process is specified by its data offset. |
GetProcessIdByDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects4::GetProcessIdByDataOffset method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. The process is specified by its data offset. |
GetProcessIdByHandle The IDebugSystemObjects::GetProcessIdByHandle method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. The process is specified by its system handle. |
GetProcessIdByHandle The IDebugSystemObjects2::GetProcessIdByHandle method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. The process is specified by its system handle. |
GetProcessIdByHandle The IDebugSystemObjects3::GetProcessIdByHandle method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. The process is specified by its system handle. |
GetProcessIdByHandle The IDebugSystemObjects4::GetProcessIdByHandle method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. The process is specified by its system handle. |
GetProcessIdByPeb The GetProcessIdByPeb method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects interface. |
GetProcessIdByPeb The IDebugSystemObjects2::GetProcessIdByPeb method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. |
GetProcessIdByPeb The IDebugSystemObjects3::GetProcessIdByPeb method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. |
GetProcessIdByPeb The IDebugSystemObjects4::GetProcessIdByPeb method returns the engine process ID for the specified process. |
GetProcessIdBySystemId The GetProcessIdBySystemId method returns the engine process ID for a process specified by its system process ID. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects. |
GetProcessIdBySystemId The GetProcessIdBySystemId method returns the engine process ID for a process specified by its system process ID. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects2. |
GetProcessIdBySystemId The GetProcessIdBySystemId method returns the engine process ID for a process specified by its system process ID. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects3. |
GetProcessIdBySystemId The GetProcessIdBySystemId method returns the engine process ID for a process specified by its system process ID. This method belongs to IDebugSystemObjects4. |
GetProcessIdsByIndex The IDebugSystemObjects::GetProcessIdsByIndex method returns the engine process ID and system process ID for the specified processes in the current target. |
GetProcessIdsByIndex The IDebugSystemObjects2::GetProcessIdsByIndex method returns the engine process ID and system process ID for the specified processes in the current target. |
GetProcessIdsByIndex The IDebugSystemObjects3::GetProcessIdsByIndex method returns the engine process ID and system process ID for the specified processes in the current target. |
GetProcessIdsByIndex The IDebugSystemObjects4::GetProcessIdsByIndex method returns the engine process ID and system process ID for the specified processes in the current target. |
GetProcessOptions The GetProcessOptions method retrieves the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetProcessOptions The GetProcessOptions method retrieves the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetProcessOptions The GetProcessOptions method retrieves the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetProcessOptions The GetProcessOptions method retrieves the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetProcessOptions The GetProcessOptions method retrieves the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetProcessorTypeNames Learn how the GetProcessorTypeNames method returns the full name and abbreviated name of the specified processor type. |
GetProcessorTypeNames Learn about the GetProcessorTypeNames method, which returns the full name and abbreviated name of the specified processor type. |
GetProcessorTypeNames The GetProcessorTypeNames method returns the full name and abbreviated name of the specified processor type. |
GetProcessorTypeNamesWide The GetProcessorTypeNamesWide method returns the full name and abbreviated name of the specified processor type. |
GetPromptText GetPromptText method returns the standard prompt text that's prepended to the formatted output specified in the OutputPrompt and OutputPromptVaList methods. |
GetPromptText Learn how the GetPromptText method returns the standard prompt text that's prepended to the formatted output in the OutputPrompt and OutputPromptVaList methods. |
GetPromptText The GetPromptText method returns the standard prompt text that will be prepended to the formatted output specified in the OutputPrompt and OutputPromptVaList methods. |
GetPromptTextWide The GetPromptTextWide method returns the standard prompt text that will be prepended to the formatted output specified in the OutputPrompt and OutputPromptVaList methods. |
GetProperties The GetProperties method gets the name or description (or both) of a tag in a DebugFailureAnalysisTags object. |
GetPseudoDescription The GetPseudoDescription method returns a description of a pseudo-register, including its name and type. |
GetPseudoDescriptionWide The GetPseudoDescriptionWide method returns a description of a pseudo-register, including its name and type. |
GetPseudoIndexByName The GetPseudoIndexByName method returns the index of a pseudo-register. |
GetPseudoIndexByNameWide The GetPseudoIndexByNameWide method returns the index of a pseudo-register. |
GetPseudoValues The GetPseudoValues method returns the values of a number of pseudo-registers. |
GetPtr The GetPtr method returns a pointer from the target's memory version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. The size of the unsigned integer from the target is the same size as a pointer on the target. |
GetQuitLockString Gets a quit lock string. |
GetQuitLockStringWide Gets a Unicode character quit lock string. |
GetRadix The GetRadix method returns the default radix used by the debugger engine when it evaluates and displays MASM expressions, and when it displays symbol information. |
GetRadix Learn how the GetRadix method returns the default radix used by the debugger engine when it evaluates and displays MASM expressions or symbol information. |
GetRadix The GetRadix method returns the default radix (number base) used by the debugger engine when it evaluates and displays MASM expressions, and when it displays symbol information. |
GetRange The GetRange method retrieves the beginning and ending virtual addresses (VA) of the module in memory. |
GetRange The GetRange method retrieves the beginning and ending virtual addresses (VA) of the module in memory. |
GetRange The GetRange method retrieves the beginning and ending virtual addresses (VA) of the module in memory. |
GetRawArgStr The GetRawArgStr method returns a string that represents the arguments passed to the extension command. |
GetRawReference The GetRawReference method finds a native construct within the given object and returns a reference to it. |
GetRawValue The GetRawValue method finds a native construct within the given object. Such a construct may be a field, a base class, a field in a base class, a member function, etc. |
GetRegister The GetRegister method retrieves the register the local data is stored within, or the register it is relative to. The returned value is architecture-specific. |
GetReturnOffset Learn how the GetReturnOffset method returns the return address for the current function. Includes parameters, returns, and remarks. |
GetReturnOffset Learn about the GetReturnOffset method, which returns the return address for the current function. |
GetReturnOffset The GetReturnOffset method returns the return address for the current function. |
GetRootNamespace The GetRootNamespace method returns the data model's root namespace. |
GetRootNamespace The GetRootNamespace method returns the data model's root namespace. This is an object which the data model manages and into which the debug host places certain objects. |
GetRootNamespace The GetRootNamespace method returns the data model's root namespace. This is an object which the data model manages and into which the debug host places certain objects. |
GetRootNamespace The GetRootNamespace method returns the data model's root namespace. This is an object which the data model manages and into which the debug host places certain objects. |
GetRunningProcessDescription The IDebugClient::GetRunningProcessDescription method returns a description of the process that includes several elements. |
GetRunningProcessDescription The IDebugClient2::GetRunningProcessDescription method returns a description of the process that includes several elements. |
GetRunningProcessDescription The IDebugClient3::GetRunningProcessDescription method returns a description of the process that includes several elements. |
GetRunningProcessDescription The IDebugClient4::GetRunningProcessDescription method returns a description of the process that includes several elements. |
GetRunningProcessDescription The IDebugClient5::GetRunningProcessDescription method returns a description of the process that includes several elements. |
GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide The IDebugClient3::GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide method returns a description of the process that includes several elements. |
GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide The IDebugClient4::GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide method returns a description of the process that includes several elements. |
GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide The IDebugClient5::GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide method returns a description of the process that includes several elements. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName The IDebugClient::GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName method searches for a process with a given executable file name and return its process ID. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName The IDebugClient2::GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName method searches for a process with a given executable file name and return its process ID. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName The IDebugClient3::GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName method searches for a process with a given executable file name and return its process ID. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName The IDebugClient4::GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName method searches for a process with a given executable file name and return its process ID. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName The IDebugClient5::GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName method searches for a process with a given executable file name and return its process ID. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide The IDebugClient3::GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide method searches for a process with a given executable file name and return its process ID. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide The IDebugClient4::GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide method searches for a process with a given executable file name and return its process ID. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide The IDebugClient5::GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide method searches for a process with a given executable file name and return its process ID. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIds The GetRunningProcessSystemIds method returns the process IDs for each running process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIds The GetRunningProcessSystemIds method returns the process IDs for each running process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIds The GetRunningProcessSystemIds method returns the process IDs for each running process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIds The GetRunningProcessSystemIds method returns the process IDs for each running process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
GetRunningProcessSystemIds The GetRunningProcessSystemIds method returns the process IDs for each running process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
GetScope The GetScope method returns information about the current scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetScope The GetScope method returns information about the current scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetScope The GetScope method returns information about the current scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetScopeEx Gets the scope as an extended frame structure. |
GetScopeSymbolGroup The GetScopeSymbolGroup method returns a symbol group containing the symbols in the current target's scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetScopeSymbolGroup The GetScopeSymbolGroup method returns a symbol group containing the symbols in the current target's scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetScopeSymbolGroup The GetScopeSymbolGroup method returns a symbol group containing the symbols in the current target's scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetScopeSymbolGroup2 The GetScopeSymbolGroup2 method returns a symbol group containing the symbols in the current target's scope. |
GetScriptFullFilePathName The GetScriptFullFilePathName method retrieves the full path name of the script file. |
GetServiceManager The GetServiceManager method retrieves the service manager container that is associated with a particular host context. |
GetServiceProcess The GetServiceProcess method retrieves the process that is associated with a particular host context. |
GetServiceThread The GetServiceThread method retrieves the thread that is associated with a particular host context. |
GetSetSympath The GetSetSympath function can be used to either get or set the symbol search path. |
GetShort The GetShort method returns a SHORT version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetShortField The GetShortField function reads the value of a member in a structure if its size is less than or equal to 8 bytes, or initializes a structure so it can be read later. |
GetSimpleValue The GetSimpleValue method of the ExtRemoteTyped class. The ExtRemoteTyped class provides the ability to manipulate typed data on the target. |
GetSize The IDebugHostType::GetSize method, when called on a type, gets the size of the type. This method is equivalent to sizeof(type) in C++. |
GetSize The IDebugHostType2::GetSize method, when called on a type, gets the size of the type. This method is equivalent to sizeof(type) in C++. |
GetSize The GetSize method, when called on a type, gets the size of the type. This method is equivalent to sizeof(type) in C++. |
GetSourceEntriesByLine The GetSourceEntriesByLine method queries symbol information and returns locations in the target's memory that correspond to lines in a source file. |
GetSourceEntriesByLineWide The GetSourceEntriesByLineWide method queries symbol information and returns locations in the target's memory that correspond to lines in a source file. |
GetSourceEntriesByOffset Queries symbol information and returns locations in the target's memory by using an offset. |
GetSourceEntryBySourceEntry Allows navigation within the source entries. |
GetSourceEntryOffsetRegions Returns all memory regions known to be associated with a source entry. |
GetSourceEntryString This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. Queries symbol information and returns locations in the target's memory. |
GetSourceEntryStringWide Queries symbol information and returns locations in the target's memory. The method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetSourceFileInformation The (IDebugAdvanced2) GetSourceFileInformation method returns information about a source file that is specified using the Which parameter. |
GetSourceFileInformation The (IDebugAdvanced3) GetSourceFileInformation method returns information about a source file that is specified using the Which parameter. |
GetSourceFileInformationWide The GetSourceFileInformationWide method returns specified information about a source file. |
GetSourceFileLineOffsets The GetSourceFileLineOffsets method maps each line in a source file to a location in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetSourceFileLineOffsets The GetSourceFileLineOffsets method maps each line in a source file to a location in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetSourceFileLineOffsets The GetSourceFileLineOffsets method maps each line in a source file to a location in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetSourceFileLineOffsetsWide The GetSourceFileLineOffsetsWide method maps each line in a source file to a location in the target's memory. |
GetSourcePath The GetSourcePath method returns the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetSourcePath The GetSourcePath method returns the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetSourcePath The GetSourcePath method returns the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetSourcePathElement The GetSourcePathElement method returns an element from the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetSourcePathElement The GetSourcePathElement method returns an element from the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetSourcePathElement The GetSourcePathElement method returns an element from the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetSourcePathElementWide The GetSourcePathElementWide method returns an element from the source path. |
GetSourcePathWide The GetSourcePathWide method returns the source path. |
GetSpecificFilterArgument Learn how the GetSpecificFilterArgument method returns the value of filter argument for the specific filters that have an argument. |
GetSpecificFilterArgument Learn about the GetSpecificFilterArgument method, which returns the value of filter argument for the specific filters that have an argument. |
GetSpecificFilterArgument The GetSpecificFilterArgument method returns the value of filter argument for the specific filters that have an argument. |
GetSpecificFilterArgumentWide The GetSpecificFilterArgumentWide method returns the value of filter argument for the specific filters that have an argument. |
GetSpecificFilterParameters Learn how the GetSpecificFilterParameters method returns the parameters for specific event filters. |
GetSpecificFilterParameters Learn about the GetSpecificFilterParameters method, which returns the parameters for specific event filters. |
GetSpecificFilterParameters The GetSpecificFilterParameters method returns the parameters for specific event filters. |
GetStack The IDataModelScriptDebug::GetStack method gets the current call stack at the break position in a script debugger session. |
GetStack The IDataModelScriptDebug2::GetStack method gets the current call stack at the break position in a script debugger session. |
GetStackFrame The GetStackFrame gets a particular stack frame from the stack segment. |
GetStackOffset The GetStackOffset method returns the current thread's current stack location. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
GetStackOffset The GetStackOffset method returns the current thread's current stack location. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
GetStackOffset2 The GetStackOffset2 method returns the current thread's current stack location. |
GetStackTrace Learn how the GetStackTrace method returns the frames at the top of the specified call stack. |
GetStackTrace Learn about the GetStackTrace method, which returns the frames at the top of the specified call stack. |
GetStackTrace The GetStackTrace method returns the frames at the top of the specified call stack. |
GetStackTraceEx The GetStackTraceEx method returns the frames at the top of the specified call stack. The GetStackTraceEx method provides inline frame support. For more information about working with inline functions, see Debugging Optimized Code and Inline Functions. |
GetStdBool The GetStdBool method returns a bool version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetStorageKind The GetStorageKind method retrieves the storage kind of the local data. |
GetStoredEventInformation The GetStoredEventInformation method retrieves information about an event of interest available in the current target. |
GetString The GetString(ExtBuffer<char>,ULONG) method reads a null-terminated string from the target's memory. |
GetString The GetString(ExtBuffer<WCHAR>,ULONG) method reads a null-terminated string from the target's memory. |
GetString The GetString method reads a null-terminated string from the target's memory. The string is located in the beginning of the region represented by the ExtRemoteData object. |
GetString The GetString(PWSTR,ULONG,ULONG,bool,PULONG) method reads a null-terminated string from the target's memory. |
GetString The GetString method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. |
GetSupportedProcessorTypes Learn how the GetSupportedProcessorTypes method returns the processor types supported by the debugger engine. |
GetSupportedProcessorTypes Learn about the GetSupportedProcessorTypes method, which returns the processor types supported by the debugger engine. |
GetSupportedProcessorTypes The GetSupportedProcessorTypes method returns the processor types supported by the debugger engine. |
GetSymbolEntriesByName The GetSymbolEntriesByName method returns the symbols whose names match a given pattern. |
GetSymbolEntriesByNameWide The GetSymbolEntriesByNameWide method returns the symbols whose names match a given pattern. |
GetSymbolEntriesByOffset The GetSymbolEntriesByOffset method returns the symbols which are located at a specified address. |
GetSymbolEntryBySymbolEntry Allows navigation within the symbol entry hierarchy. |
GetSymbolEntryByToken Looks up a symbol by using a managed metadata token. |
GetSymbolEntryInformation The GetSymbolEntryInformation method returns information about a symbol in a symbol group. |
GetSymbolEntryInformation The GetSymbolEntryInformation method returns the symbol entry information for a symbol. |
GetSymbolEntryOffsetRegions Returns all the memory regions known to be associated with a symbol. |
GetSymbolEntryString The GetSymbolEntryString method returns string information for the specified symbol. |
GetSymbolEntryStringWide The GetSymbolEntryStringWide method returns string information for the specified symbol. |
GetSymbolInformation The (IDebugAdvanced2) GetSymbolInformation method returns information about a symbol that is specified using the Which parameter. |
GetSymbolInformation The (IDebugAdvanced3) GetSymbolInformation method returns information about a symbol that is specified using the Which parameter. |
GetSymbolInformationWide The SetSymbolInformationWide method returns specified information about a symbol. |
GetSymbolInformationWideEx The GetSymbolInformationWideEx method returns specified information about a symbol. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostBaseClass::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind Gets the kind of symbol that this is (that is, a field, a base class, a type, etc...). |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostData::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostField::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostModule::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostModule2::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostPublic::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostSymbol::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostSymbol2::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostType::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The IDebugHostType2::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type. |
GetSymbolKind The GetSymbolKind method, when called on a type, gets the symbol kind of the type. |
GetSymbolModule The GetSymbolModule method returns the base address of module which contains the specified symbol. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetSymbolModule The GetSymbolModule method returns the base address of module which contains the specified symbol. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetSymbolModule The GetSymbolModule method returns the base address of module which contains the specified symbol. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetSymbolModuleWide The GetSymbolModuleWide method returns the base address of module which contains the specified symbol. |
GetSymbolName The GetSymbolName method returns the name of a symbol in a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup interface. |
GetSymbolName The GetSymbolName method returns the name of a symbol in a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface. |
GetSymbolNameWide The GetSymbolNameWide method returns the name of a symbol in a symbol group. |
GetSymbolOffset The GetSymbolOffset method retrieves the location in the process's virtual address space of a symbol in a symbol group, if the symbol has an absolute address. |
GetSymbolOptions The GetSymbolOptions method returns the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetSymbolOptions The GetSymbolOptions method returns the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetSymbolOptions The GetSymbolOptions method returns the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetSymbolParameters The GetSymbolParameters method returns the symbol parameters that describe the specified symbols in a symbol group. This method belongs to IDebugSymbolGroup. |
GetSymbolParameters The GetSymbolParameters method returns the symbol parameters that describe the specified symbols in a symbol group. This method belongs to IDebugSymbolGroup2. |
GetSymbolPath The GetSymbolPath method returns the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetSymbolPath The GetSymbolPath method returns the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetSymbolPath The GetSymbolPath method returns the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetSymbolPathWide The GetSymbolPathWide method returns the symbol path. |
GetSymbolRegister The GetSymbolRegister method returns the register that contains the value or a pointer to the value of a symbol in a symbol group. |
GetSymbolSize The GetSymbolSize method returns the size of a symbol's value. |
GetSymbolTypeId The GetSymbolTypeId method returns the type ID and module of the specified symbol. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetSymbolTypeId The GetSymbolTypeId method returns the type ID and module of the specified symbol. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetSymbolTypeId The GetSymbolTypeId method returns the type ID and module of the specified symbol. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetSymbolTypeIdWide The GetSymbolTypeIdWide method returns the type ID and module of the specified symbol. |
GetSymbolTypeName The GetSymbolTypeName methods return the name of the specified symbol's type. |
GetSymbolTypeNameWide The GetSymbolTypeNameWide method returns the name of the specified symbol's type. |
GetSymbolValueText The GetSymbolValueText method returns a string that represents the value of a symbol. |
GetSymbolValueTextWide The GetSymbolValueTextWide method returns a string that represents the value of a symbol. |
GetSynchronizationStatus The GetSynchronizationStatus method returns information about the synchronization status of the debugger engine. |
GetSystemByServer Gets the system for a server. |
GetSystemErrorControl Learn how the GetSystemErrorControl method returns the control values for handling system errors. |
GetSystemErrorControl Learn about the GetSystemErrorControl method, which returns the control values for handling system errors. |
GetSystemErrorControl The GetSystemErrorControl method returns the control values for handling system errors. |
GetSystemIdsByIndex The GetSystemIdsByIndex method returns the engine target IDs for the specified targets. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
GetSystemIdsByIndex The GetSystemIdsByIndex method returns the engine target IDs for the specified targets. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
GetSystemObjectInformation The (IDebugAdvanced2) GetSystemObjectInformation method returns specified information about operating system objects on the target. |
GetSystemObjectInformation The (IDebugAdvanced3) GetSystemObjectInformation method returns specified information about operating system objects on the target. |
GetSystemVersion Learn how the GetSystemVersion method returns information that identifies the operating system on the computer that is running the current target. |
GetSystemVersion Learn about the GetSystemVersion method, which returns information that identifies the operating system on the computer that's running the current target. |
GetSystemVersion The GetSystemVersion method returns information that identifies the operating system on the computer that is running the current target. |
GetSystemVersionString The GetSystemVersionString method returns a string that describes the target's operating system version. |
GetSystemVersionStringWide The GetSystemVersionStringWide method returns a string that describes the target's operating system version. |
GetSystemVersionValues The GetSystemVersionValues method returns version number information for the current target. |
GetTagByName The GetTagByName method searches for a tag that has a specified name. |
GetTAGIndex IDebugFailureAnalysis3::GetTAGIndex is used for failure analysis processing. |
GetTAGName IDebugFailureAnalysis3::GetTAGName is used for failure analysis processing. |
GetTargetInfo The GetTargetInfo method is effectively a combination of the GetLocation and GetTypeInfo methods returning both the abstract location as well as native type of the given object. |
GetTebAddress The GetTebAddress function returns the address of the thread environment block (TEB) for the current operating system thread. |
GetTextMacro Learn how the GetTextMacro method returns the value of a fixed-name alias. Includes parameters, returns, and remarks. |
GetTextMacro Learn about the IDebugControl2.GetTextMacro method, which returns the value of a fixed-name alias. |
GetTextMacro The GetTextMacro method returns the value of a fixed-name alias. |
GetTextMacroWide The GetTextMacroWide method returns the value of a fixed-name alias. |
GetTextReplacement The GetTextReplacement method returns the value of a user-named alias or an automatic alias. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
GetTextReplacement The GetTextReplacement method returns the value of a user-named alias or an automatic alias. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
GetTextReplacementWide The GetTextReplacementWide method returns the value of a user-named alias or an automatic alias. |
GetThreadContext The (IDebugAdvanced) GetThreadContext method returns the current thread context represented by the CONTEXT structure for the target's effective processor. |
GetThreadContext The (IDebugAdvanced2) GetThreadContext method returns the current thread context represented by the CONTEXT structure for the target's effective processor. |
GetThreadContext The (IDebugAdvanced3) GetThreadContext method returns the current thread context represented by the CONTEXT structure for the target's effective processor. |
GetThreadIdByDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects::GetThreadIdByDataOffset method returns the engine thread ID for a thread. The thread is specified by its system data structure. |
GetThreadIdByDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects2::GetThreadIdByDataOffset method returns the engine thread ID. The thread is specified by its system data structure. |
GetThreadIdByDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects3::GetThreadIdByDataOffset method returns the engine thread ID. The thread is specified by its system data structure. |
GetThreadIdByDataOffset The IDebugSystemObjects4::GetThreadIdByDataOffset method returns the engine thread ID. The thread is specified by its system data structure. |
GetThreadIdByHandle The IDebugSystemObjects::GetThreadIdByHandle method returns the engine thread ID for the specified thread. The thread is specified by its system handle. |
GetThreadIdByHandle The IDebugSystemObjects2::GetThreadIdByHandle method returns the engine thread ID for the specified thread. The thread is specified by its system handle. |
GetThreadIdByHandle The IDebugSystemObjects3::GetThreadIdByHandle method returns the engine thread ID for the specified thread. The thread is specified by its system handle. |
GetThreadIdByHandle The IDebugSystemObjects4::GetThreadIdByHandle method returns the engine thread ID for the specified thread. The thread is specified by its system handle. |
GetThreadIdByProcessor The (IDebugSystemObjects) GetThreadIdByProcessor method gets the engine thread ID for the kernel-mode virtual thread corresponding to the specified processor. |
GetThreadIdByProcessor The (IDebugSystemObjects2) GetThreadIdByProcessor method gets the engine thread ID for the kernel-mode virtual thread corresponding to the specified processor. |
GetThreadIdByProcessor The (IDebugSystemObjects3) GetThreadIdByProcessor method gets the engine thread ID for the kernel-mode virtual thread corresponding to the specified processor. |
GetThreadIdByProcessor The (IDebugSystemObjects4) GetThreadIdByProcessor method gets the engine thread ID for the kernel-mode virtual thread corresponding to the specified processor. |
GetThreadIdBySystemId The (DebugSystemObjects) GetThreadIdBySystemId method returns the engine thread ID for a thread specified by its system thread ID. |
GetThreadIdBySystemId The (IDebugSystemObjects2) GetThreadIdBySystemId method returns the engine thread ID for a thread specified by its system thread ID. |
GetThreadIdBySystemId The (IDebugSystemObjects3) GetThreadIdBySystemId method returns the engine thread ID for a thread specified by its system thread ID. |
GetThreadIdBySystemId The (IDebugSystemObjects4) GetThreadIdBySystemId method returns the engine thread ID for a thread specified by its system thread ID. |
GetThreadIdByTeb The (IDebugSystemObjects) GetThreadIdByTeb method returns the engine thread ID for a thread specified by its thread environment block (TEB). |
GetThreadIdByTeb The (IDebugSystemObjects2) GetThreadIdByTeb method returns the engine thread ID for a thread specified by its thread environment block (TEB). |
GetThreadIdByTeb The (IDebugSystemObjects3) GetThreadIdByTeb method returns the engine thread ID for a thread specified by its thread environment block (TEB). |
GetThreadIdByTeb The (IDebugSystemObjects4) GetThreadIdByTeb method returns the engine thread ID for a thread specified by its thread environment block (TEB). |
GetThreadIdsByIndex The (IDebugSystemObjects) GetThreadIdsByIndex method returns the engine and system thread IDs for the specified threads in the current process. |
GetThreadIdsByIndex The (IDebugSystemObjects2) GetThreadIdsByIndex method returns the engine and system thread IDs for the specified threads in the current process. |
GetThreadIdsByIndex The (IDebugSystemObjects3) GetThreadIdsByIndex method returns the engine and system thread IDs for the specified threads in the current process. |
GetThreadIdsByIndex The (IDebugSystemObjects4) GetThreadIdsByIndex method returns the engine and system thread IDs for the specified threads in the current process. |
GetTotalNumberThreads The (IDebugSystemObjects) GetTotalNumberThreads method returns the total number of threads for all processes and the largest number of threads in any process. |
GetTotalNumberThreads The (IDebugSystemObjects2) GetTotalNumberThreads method returns the total number of threads for all processes and the largest number of threads in any process. |
GetTotalNumberThreads The (IDebugSystemObjects3) GetTotalNumberThreads method returns the total number of threads for all processes and the largest number of threads in any process. |
GetTotalNumberThreads The (IDebugSystemObjects4) GetTotalNumberThreads method returns the total number of threads for all processes and the largest number of threads in any process. |
GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses The IDebugSystemObjects3::GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses method returns the total number of threads and processes in the targets the engine is attached to. |
GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses The IDebugSystemObjects4::GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses method returns the number of threads and processes in all the targets the engine is attached to. |
GetTransition If a given stack frame is a transition point as determined by the IsTransition method, the GetTransition method returns information about the transition. |
GetType The GetType method returns the type of the breakpoint and processor that a breakpoint is set for. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
GetType The GetType method returns the type of the breakpoint and processor that a breakpoint is set for. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
GetType The IDebugHostBaseClass::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The IDebugHostConstant::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType Returns the type (that is "int *") of the symbol if the symbol has a type. If the symbol does not have a type, an error is returned. |
GetType The IDebugHostField::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The GetType method retrieves the type of the local variable. |
GetType The GetType method retrieves the type of the local variable. |
GetType The IDebugHostModule::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The IDebugHostModule2::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The IDebugHostModule3::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The IDebugHostModule4::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The IDebugHostModule5::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The IDebugHostPublic::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType Returns the type e.g. int * of the symbol if the symbol has a type. If the symbol does not have a type, an error is returned. |
GetType The IDebugHostSymbol2::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The IDebugHostType::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The IDebugHostType2::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *. |
GetType The GetType method gets the data type that is associated with a tag in a DebugFailureAnalysisTags object. |
GetTypedefBaseType The GetTypedefBaseType method will return what the immediate definition of the typedef. |
GetTypedefBaseType The GetTypedefBaseType method will return what the immediate definition of the typedef. |
GetTypedefFinalBaseType The GetTypedefFinalBaseType method will return the final type that the typedef is a definition for. |
GetTypedefFinalBaseType The GetTypedefFinalBaseType method will return the final type that the typedef is a definition for. |
GetTypedNode The GetTypedNode method returns the current list item. |
GetTypedNodePtr The GetTypedNodePtr method returns a pointer to the current list item. |
GetTypeFieldOffset The GetTypeFieldOffset static method returns the offset of a member within a structure. |
GetTypeId The GetTypeId method looks up the specified type and return its type ID. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetTypeId The GetTypeId method looks up the specified type and return its type ID. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetTypeId The GetTypeId method looks up the specified type and return its type ID. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetTypeIdWide The GetTypeIdWide method looks up the specified type and return its type ID. |
GetTypeInfo The GetTypeInfo method will return the native type of the given object. If the object does not have native type information associated with it the call will still succeed but will return null. |
GetTypeKind The IDebugHostType::GetTypeKind method, when called on a type, gets the kind of type specified by the TypeKind enumeration. |
GetTypeKind The IDebugHostType2::GetTypeKind method, when called on a type, gets the kind of type specified by the TypeKind enumeration. |
GetTypeKind The GetTypeKind method, when called on a type, gets the kind of type specified by the TypeKind enumeration. |
GetTypeName The GetTypeName method returns the name of the type symbol specified by its type ID and module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetTypeName The GetTypeName method returns the name of the type symbol specified by its type ID and module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetTypeName The GetTypeName method returns the name of the type symbol specified by its type ID and module. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetTypeName The GetTypeName method returns the type name of the typed data represented by this object. |
GetTypeNameWide The GetTypeNameWide method returns the name of the type symbol specified by its type ID and module. |
GetTypeOptions The GetTypeOptions method returns the type formatting options for output generated by the engine. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetTypeOptions The GetTypeOptions method returns the type formatting options for output generated by the engine. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetTypeSize The GetTypeSize method returns the number of bytes of memory an instance of the specified type requires. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
GetTypeSize The GetTypeSize method returns the number of bytes of memory an instance of the specified type requires. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
GetTypeSize The GetTypeSize method returns the number of bytes of memory an instance of the specified type requires. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
GetTypeSize The GetTypeSize method returns the size of the type represented by this object. |
GetTypeSize The GetTypeSize function returns the size in the target's memory of an instance of the specified type. |
GetUchar The GetUChar method returns a UCHAR version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetUlong The GetUlong method returns a ULONG version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetUlong The GetUlong method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. |
GetUlong64 The GetUlong64 method returns a ULONG64 version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetUlong64 The GetUlong64 method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. If it finds an FA entry with the specified tag, it gets the ULONG64 value from the entry's data block. |
GetUlongPtr The GetUlongPtr method returns an unsigned integer version (extended to ULONG64) of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetUnnamedArgStr The GetUnnamedArgStr method returns an unnamed string argument from the command line used to invoke the current extension command. |
GetUnnamedArgU64 The GetUnnamedArgU64 method returns the value of an unnamed expression argument from the command line used to invoke the current extension command. |
GetUshort The GetUshort method returns a USHORT version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetValidRange The GetValidRange method retrieves a set of module-relative addresses for which this storage is valid and whether it is guaranteed within said range. |
GetValidRegionVirtual The GetValidRegionVirtual method locates the first valid region of memory in a specified memory range. |
GetValue The GetValue method gets the value of one of the target's registers. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
GetValue The GetValue method gets the value of one of the target's registers. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
GetValue The GetValue method returns the value of the constant packed into a VARIANT. |
GetValue Returns the value of the constant in a VARIANT data structure. |
GetValue For fields which have a constant value defined within the symbolic information, the GetValue method will return the constant value of the field. |
GetValue For fields which have a constant value defined within the symbolic information, the GetValue method will return the constant value of the field. |
GetValue The GetValue method is the getter for the property accessor. It is called whenever a client wishes to fetch the underlying value of the property. |
GetValues The GetValues method gets the value of several of the target's registers. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
GetValues The GetValues method gets the value of several of the target's registers. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
GetValues2 The GetValues2 method fetches the value of several of the target's registers. |
GetVersion The IDebugHostModule::GetVersion method, when called on a module, gets module version information from the module headers. |
GetVersion The IDebugHostModule2::GetVersion method, when called on a module, gets module version information from the module headers. |
GetVersion The GetVersion method, when called on a module, gets module version information from the module headers. |
GetVersion The GetVersion method, when called on a module, gets module version information from the module headers. |
GetVersion The GetVersion method, when called on a module, gets module version information from the module headers. |
GetVirtualBaseOffsetLocation The GetVirtualBaseOffsetLocation method returns the location of the "offset" of the base class relative to the parent class. |
GetVirtualTranslationPhysicalOffsets This method returns the physical addresses of the system paging structures at different levels of the paging hierarchy. |
GetVirtualTranslationPhysicalOffsets Learn how this method returns the physical addresses of the system paging structures at different levels of the paging hierarchy. |
GetVirtualTranslationPhysicalOffsets Learn how the GetVirtualTranslationPhysicalOffsets method returns the physical addresses of the system paging structures at different levels of the paging hierarchy. |
GetW32Bool The GetW32Bool method returns a BOOL version of the ExtRemoteData object, which represents the contents of the target's memory. |
GetWindbgExtensionApis32 Learn how the GetWindbgExtensionApis32 method returns a structure that facilitates using the WdbgExts API. |
GetWindbgExtensionApis32 Learn about the GetWindbgExtensionApis32 method, which returns a structure that facilitates using the WdbgExts API. |
GetWindbgExtensionApis32 The GetWindbgExtensionApis32 method returns a structure that facilitates using the WdbgExts API. |
GetWindbgExtensionApis64 Learn how the GetWindbgExtensionApis64 method returns a structure that facilitates using the WdbgExts API. |
GetWindbgExtensionApis64 Learn about the GetWindbgExtensionApis64 method, which returns a structure that facilitates using the WdbgExts API. |
GetWindbgExtensionApis64 The GetWindbgExtensionApis64 method returns a structure that facilitates using the WdbgExts API. |
HasArg The HasArg method indicates whether a specified named argument is present in the command line used to invoke the current extension command. |
HasCharArg The HasCharArg method indicates whether a specified single-character named argument is present in the command line used to invoke the current extension command. |
HasExtensionData The HasExtensionData method indicates whether a given context has a particular extension blob associated with it. |
HasField The HasField method determines if the type of the data represented by this object contains the specified member. |
HasNode The HasNode method determines if there is a current item in the list iteration. |
HasUnnamedArg The HasUnnamedArg method indicates whether a specified unnamed argument is present in the command line used to invoke the current extension command. |
Initialize The Initialize method is called by the engine to initialize an EngExtCpp extension library after loading it. |
InitializeObject A data model can be registered as the canonical visualizer or as an extension for a given native type through the data model manager's RegisterModelForTypeSignature or RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature methods. |
Input The Input method requests an input string from the debugger engine. |
InputWide The InputWide method requests an input string from the debugger engine. |
InvokeMain If the script has a "main function" which is intended to execute from a UI invocation, it indicates such via a true return from the IsInvocable method. |
InvokeMain If the script has a "main function" which is intended to execute from a UI invocation, it indicates such via a true return from the IsInvocable method. |
IsEnabled The IsEnabled method returns whether or not the breakpoint is enabled. |
IsEqualTo Returns whether two IDebugHostContext objects are equal by value. |
IsEqualTo Returns whether two IDebugHostContext objects are equal by value. |
IsEqualTo The IsEqualTo method compares a host context to another host context. If the two contexts are equivalent, an indication of this is returned. Note that this comparison is not interface equivalence. |
IsGeneric The IDebugHostType::IsGeneric method, when called on a type, gets whether the type is a generic or template. |
IsGeneric The IDebugHostType2::IsGeneric method, when called on a type, gets whether the type is a generic or template. |
IsGeneric The IsGeneric method, when called on a type, gets whether the type is a generic or template. |
IsInlineScope The IsInlineScope method determines if the local variable is scoped within an inlined function. |
IsInvocable The IsInvocable method returns whether or not the script is invocable -- that is, whether it has a "main function" as defined by its language or provider. |
IsInvocable The IsInvocable method returns whether or not the script is invocable -- that is, whether it has a "main function" as defined by its language or provider. |
IsKernelDebuggerEnabled The IsKernelDebuggerEnabled method checks whether kernel debugging is enabled for the local kernel. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
IsKernelDebuggerEnabled The IsKernelDebuggerEnabled method checks whether kernel debugging is enabled for the local kernel. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
IsKernelDebuggerEnabled The IsKernelDebuggerEnabled method checks whether kernel debugging is enabled for the local kernel. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
IsKernelDebuggerEnabled The IsKernelDebuggerEnabled method checks whether kernel debugging is enabled for the local kernel. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
IsManagedModule Checks whether the engine is using managed debugging support when it retrieves information for a module. |
IsMatch The IsMatch method compares a particular module against a signature, comparing the module name and version to the name and version range indicated in the signature. |
IsMatch The IsMatch method returns an indication of whether a particular type instance matches the criteria specified in the type signature. |
IsNoReturnFunction The IsNoReturnFunction method determines if the function is a non-returning function. |
IsPhysicalAddressLocation The IsPhysicalAddressLocation method returns whether a given location represents a physical address or not. |
IsPhysicalAddressLocation The IsPhysicalAddressLocation method returns whether a given location represents a physical address or not. |
IsPointer64Bit Learn how the IsPointer64Bit method determines if the effective processor uses 64-bit pointers. |
IsPointer64Bit Learn about the IsPointer64Bit method, which determines if the effective processor uses 64-bit pointers. |
IsPointer64Bit The IsPointer64Bit method determines if the effective processor uses 64-bit pointers. |
IsPtr64 The IsPtr64 function determines if the target uses 64-bit pointers. |
IsTransitionPoint The IDataModelScriptDebugStack interface represents a segment of a call stack -- that portion of the call stack which is contained within the context of one script. |
IsTypedef The IsTypedef method is the only method capable of seeing whether a type is a typedef. |
IsTypedef The IsTypedef method is the only method capable of seeing whether a type is a typedef. |
IsValidTagToSet The IsValidTagToSet method determines whether it is OK to set the data of a specified tag. |
IsVirtual The IsVirtual method determines whether the base class is virtual. |
IsVirtualAddress Indicates whether the location refers to a virtual address. |
LaunchAndDebugPlmAppWide Launches and attaches to a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) application. |
LaunchPlmBgTaskForDebugWide Launches a suspended Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) background task. |
LaunchPlmPackageForDebugWide Launches a suspended Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) application. |
LinearizeLocation Takes a location which may represent something other than a virtual memory address and attempts to linearize the location into a virtual memory address within the given context. |
LinearizeLocation Takes a location which may represent something other than a virtual memory address and attempts to linearize the location into a virtual memory address within the given context. |
LinearizeLocation Takes a location which may represent something other than a virtual memory address and attempts to linearize the location into a virtual memory address within the given context. |
LinearizeLocation Takes a location which may represent something other than a virtual memory address and attempts to linearize the location into a virtual memory address within the given context. |
ListType The ListType function calls a specified callback function for every element in a linked list. |
LoadModule The LoadModule callback method is called by the engine when a module-load debugging event occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
LoadModule The LoadModule callback method is called by the engine when a module-load debugging event occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacksWide. |
LoadModule The IDebugEventContextCallbacks::LoadModule callback method is called by the engine when a module-load debugging event occurs in the target. |
Location The Location function (dbgmodel.h) copy constructs a new Location. A C-COM access structure that defines the location for an object. |
Location The Location(constLocation&) function copy constructs a new Location using the specified address of another Location. |
Location Constructs a location from an offset into the virtual address space of the target. |
Next The Next method changes the current item to the next item in the list. |
NextEntry The NextEntry method gets the next FA entry, after a given FA entry, in a DebugFailureAnalysis object. |
NotifyDebugEvent Whenever any event occurs which breaks into the script debugger, the debug code itself makes a call to the interface via the NotifyDebugEvent method. |
NotifyDestruct The NotifyDestruct method on a dynamic concept provider is a callback made by the core data model at the start of destruction of the object which is a dynamic concept provider. |
NotifyParent The NotifyParent call is used by the core data model to inform the dynamic provider of the single parent model which is created to allow for bridging the "multiple parent models" paradigm. |
NotifyParentChange The NotifyParent method on a dynamic concept provider is a callback made by the core data model when a static manipulation of the object's single parent model is made. |
NotifyScriptChange It is required that a script provider notify the debug host upon certain operations occurring with a method call to the NotifyScriptChange method on the associated context. |
OnSessionAccessible The OnSessionAccessible method is called by the engine to inform the EngExtCpp extension library when the debugging session becomes accessible. |
OnSessionActive The OnSessionActive method is called by the engine to inform the EngExtCpp extension library when the debugging session becomes active. |
OnSessionInaccessible The OnSessionInaccessible method is called by the engine to inform the EngExtCpp extension library when the debugging session becomes inaccessible. |
OnSessionInactive The OnSessionInactive method is called by the engine to inform the EngExtCpp extension library when the debugging session becomes inactive. |
OpenDumpFile The OpenDumpFile method opens a dump file as a debugger target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
OpenDumpFile The OpenDumpFile method opens a dump file as a debugger target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
OpenDumpFile The OpenDumpFile method opens a dump file as a debugger target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
OpenDumpFile The OpenDumpFile method opens a dump file as a debugger target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
OpenDumpFile The OpenDumpFile method opens a dump file as a debugger target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
OpenDumpFileWide The OpenDumpFileWide method opens a dump file as a debugger target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
OpenDumpFileWide The OpenDumpFileWide method opens a dump file as a debugger target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
OpenDumpFileWide2 The OpenDumpFileWide2 method opens a dump file as a debugger target. |
OpenLogFile Learn how the OpenLogFile method opens a log file that will receive output from the client objects. |
OpenLogFile Learn about the OpenLogFile method, which opens a log file that receives output from the client objects. |
OpenLogFile The OpenLogFile method opens a log file that will receive output from the client objects. |
OpenLogFile2 The OpenLogFile2 method opens a log file that will receive output from the client objects. |
OpenLogFile2Wide The OpenLogFile2Wide method opens a log file that will receive output from the client objects. |
OpenLogFileWide The OpenLogFileWide method opens a log file that will receive output from the client objects. |
operator- Subtraction operator for the location function. |
operator!= Not equal to comparison operator for the location function. |
operator* The operator* overloaded operator returns the typed data that is pointed to by the typed data represented by this object. |
operator[] The operator[] overloaded operator returns the typed data in the specified array element of the typed data represented by this object. |
operator+ The addition operator for the location function. |
operator+= The addition assignment operator for the location function. |
operator= The copy assignment operator for the location function. |
operator= The assignment operator for the location function. |
operator= The operator= overloaded assignment operator sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
operator= The operator= overloaded assignment operator sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
operator= The operator= overloaded assignment operator sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
operator= The operator= overloaded assignment operator sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
operator= The operator= overloaded assignment operator sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
operator= The operator= method of the ExtRemoteTyped class. The ExtRemoteTyped class provides the ability to manipulate typed data on the target. |
operator= The operator= overloaded assignment operator sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
operator= The operator= overloaded assignment operator sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by copying the information from another object. |
operator-= The subtraction assignment operator for the location function. |
operator== Equivalence operator for the location function. |
OutFullValue The OutFullValue method prints the type and value of the typed data represented by this object. |
Output Learn how the Output method formats a string and send the result to output callbacks that have been registered with the engine's clients. |
Output Learn how the Output method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that have been registered with the engine's clients. |
Output The Output method formats a string and send the result to output callbacks that have been registered with the engine's clients. |
Output The Output callback method is called by the engine to send output from the client to the IDebugOutputCallbacks object that is registered with the client. |
Output This method is not used. |
Output The Output callback method is called by the engine to send output from the client to the IDebugOutputCallbacksWide object that is registered with the client. |
Output2 Returns notifications for the IDebugOutputCallbacks2 interface. |
OutputAsType The IDebugSymbolGroup::OutputAsType method changes the type of a symbol in a symbol group. The symbol's entry is updated to represent the new type. |
OutputAsType The IDebugSymbolGroup2::OutputAsType method changes the type of a symbol in a symbol group. The symbol's entry is updated to represent the new type. |
OutputAsTypeWide The OutputAsTypeWide method changes the type of a symbol in a symbol group. The symbol's entry is updated to represent the new type. |
OutputContextStackTrace The OutputContextStackTrace method prints the call stack specified by an array of stack frames and corresponding register contexts. |
OutputContextStackTraceEx The OutputContextStackTraceEx method prints the call stack specified by an array of stack frames and corresponding register contexts. |
OutputCurrentState Learn how the OutputCurrentState method prints the current state of the current target to the debugger console. |
OutputCurrentState Learn about the OutputCurrentState method, which prints the current state of the current target to the debugger console. |
OutputCurrentState The OutputCurrentState method prints the current state of the current target to the debugger console. |
OutputDisassembly Learn how the OutputDisassembly method disassembles a processor instruction and sends the disassembly to the output callbacks. |
OutputDisassembly Learn about the OutputDisassembly method, which disassembles a processor instruction and sends the disassembly to the output callbacks. |
OutputDisassembly The OutputDisassembly method disassembles a processor instruction and sends the disassembly to the output callbacks. |
OutputDisassemblyLines Learn how the OutputDisassemblyLines method disassembles several processor instructions and sends the resulting assembly instructions to the output callbacks. |
OutputDisassemblyLines This method disassembles several processor instructions and sends the resulting assembly instructions to the output callbacks. |
OutputDisassemblyLines Learn how this method disassembles several processor instructions and sends the resulting assembly instructions to the output callbacks. |
OutputIdentity The OutputIdentity method formats and outputs a string describing the computer and user this client represents. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
OutputIdentity The IDebugClient2::OutputIdentity method formats and outputs a string describing the computer and user this client represents. |
OutputIdentity The IDebugClient3::OutputIdentity method formats and outputs a string describing the computer and user this client represents. |
OutputIdentity The IDebugClient4::OutputIdentity method formats and outputs a string describing the computer and user this client represents. |
OutputIdentity The IDebugClient5::OutputIdentity method formats and outputs a string describing the computer and user this client represents. |
OutputIdentityWide The OutputIdentityWide method formats and outputs a string describing the computer and user this client represents. |
OutputPrompt Learn how the OutputPrompt method formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
OutputPrompt Learn about the OutputPrompt method, which formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
OutputPrompt The OutputPrompt method formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
OutputPromptVaList Learn how the OutputPromptVaList method formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
OutputPromptVaList Learn about the OutputPromptVaList method, which formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
OutputPromptVaList The OutputPromptVaList method formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
OutputPromptVaListWide The OutputPromptVaListWide method formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
OutputPromptWide The OutputPromptWide method formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
OutputRegisters The OutputRegisters method formats and sends the target's registers to the clients as output. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
OutputRegisters The OutputRegisters method formats and sends the target's registers to the clients as output. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
OutputRegisters2 The OutputRegisters2 method formats and outputs the target's registers. |
OutputServers The OutputServers method lists the servers running on a given computer. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
OutputServers The OutputServers method lists the servers running on a given computer. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
OutputServers The OutputServers method lists the servers running on a given computer. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
OutputServers The OutputServers method lists the servers running on a given computer. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
OutputServers The OutputServers method lists the servers running on a given computer. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
OutputServersWide The OutputServersWide method lists the servers running on a given computer. |
OutputStackTrace Learn how the OutputStackTrace method outputs either the supplied stack frame or the current stack frames. |
OutputStackTrace Learn about the OutputStackTrace method, which outputs either the supplied stack frame or the current stack frames. |
OutputStackTrace The OutputStackTrace method outputs either the supplied stack frame or the current stack frames. |
OutputStackTraceEx The OutputStackTraceEx method outputs either the supplied stack frame or the current stack frames. |
OutputSymbolByInlineContext Specifies an output symbol by using an inline context. |
OutputSymbolByOffset The OutputSymbolByOffset method looks up a symbol by address and prints the symbol name and other symbol information to the debugger console. |
OutputSymbols The OutputSymbols method prints the specified symbols to the debugger console. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup interface. |
OutputSymbols The OutputSymbols method prints the specified symbols to the debugger console. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface. |
OutputTextReplacements The IDebugControl2::OutputTextReplacements method prints all the currently defined user-named aliases to the debugger's output stream. |
OutputTextReplacements The OutputTextReplacements method prints all the currently defined user-named aliases to the debugger's output stream. This method belongs to IDebugControl3. |
OutputTypedDataPhysical The IDebugSymbols::OutputTypedDataPhysical method formats the contents of a variable in the target's physical memory, and sends it to the output callbacks. |
OutputTypedDataPhysical The IDebugSymbols2::OutputTypedDataPhysical method formats the contents of a variable in the target's physical memory, and sends it to the output callbacks. |
OutputTypedDataPhysical The IDebugSymbols3::OutputTypedDataPhysical method formats the contents of a variable in the target's physical memory, and sends it to the output callbacks. |
OutputTypedDataVirtual The IDebugSymbols::OutputTypedDataVirtual method formats the contents of a variable in the target's virtual memory, and sends it to the output callbacks. |
OutputTypedDataVirtual The IDebugSymbols2::OutputTypedDataVirtual method formats the contents of a variable in the target's virtual memory, and sends it to the output callbacks. |
OutputTypedDataVirtual The IDebugSymbols3::OutputTypedDataVirtual method formats the contents of a variable in the target's virtual memory, and sends it to the output callbacks. |
OutputVaList Learn how the OutputVaList method formats a string and sends the result to the output callbacks that are registered with the engine's clients. |
OutputVaList Learn about the OutputVaList method, which formats a string and sends the result to the output callbacks that are registered with the engine's clients. |
OutputVaList The OutputVaList method formats a string and sends the result to the output callbacks that are registered with the engine's clients. |
OutputVaListWide The OutputVaListWide method formats a string and sends the result to the output callbacks that are registered with the engine's clients. |
OutputVersionInformation Learn how the OutputVersionInformation method prints version information about the debugger engine to the debugger console. |
OutputVersionInformation Learn about the OutputVersionInformation method, which prints version information about the debugger engine to the debugger console. |
OutputVersionInformation The OutputVersionInformation method prints version information about the debugger engine to the debugger console. |
OutputWide The OutputWide method formats a string and send the result to output callbacks that have been registered with the engine's clients. |
OutSimpleValue The OutSimpleValue method prints the value of the typed data represented by this object. |
OutTypeDefinition The OutTypeDefinition method prints the type of the typed data represented by this object. |
OutTypeName The OutTypeName method prints the type name of the typed data represented by this object. |
OverrideContextObject The OverrideContextObject method is an method which is used to permanently alter the context object which this key reference will pass to any underlying property accessor's GetValue or SetValue methods. |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_CALL Callback functions of the type PDEBUG_EXTENSION_CALL are called by the engine to execute extension commands. You can give these functions any name you want, as long as it contains no uppercase letters. |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_CANUNLOAD The DebugExtensionCanUnload callback function checks whether a debug extension can unload after the uninitialization call. |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_INITIALIZE The DebugExtensionInitialize callback function is called by the engine after loading a DbgEng extension DLL.C++ CALLBACK* PDEBUG_EXTENSION_INITIALIZE DebugExtensionInitialize; |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_KNOWN_STRUCT The engine calls the KnownStructOutput callback function to request information about structures that the extension DLL can format for printing. The engine calls this function for the following reasons. |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_KNOWN_STRUCT_EX The DebugExtensionKnownStructEx callback function is called by extensions in order to dump structures that are well known to them. |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_NOTIFY The engine calls the DebugExtensionNotify callback function to inform the extension DLL when a session changes its active or accessible status.C++ CALLBACK* PDEBUG_EXTENSION_NOTIFY DebugExtensionNotify; |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_PROVIDE_VALUE The DebugExtensionProvideValue callback function sets pseudo-register values.C++ CALLBACK* PDEBUG_EXTENSION_PROVIDE_VALUE DebugExtensionProvideValue; |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_QUERY_VALUE_NAMES The DebugExtensionQueryValueNames callback function recovers pseudo-register values.C++ CALLBACK* PDEBUG_EXTENSION_QUERY_VALUE_NAMES DebugExtensionQueryValueNames; |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_UNINITIALIZE The DebugExtensionUninitialize callback function is called by the engine to uninitialize the DbgEng extension DLL before it is unloaded. |
PDEBUG_EXTENSION_UNLOAD The DebugExtensionUnload callback function unloads the debug extension. |
PDEBUG_STACK_PROVIDER_BEGINTHREADSTACKRECONSTRUCTION The BeginThreadStackReconstruction callback function causes debugger to pass the stream to the dump stack provider prior to thread enumeration. |
PDEBUG_STACK_PROVIDER_ENDTHREADSTACKRECONSTRUCTION The EndThreadStackReconstruction callback function may be called after stack reconstruction to clean up state. |
PDEBUG_STACK_PROVIDER_FREESTACKSYMFRAMES The FreeStackSymFrames callback function frees memory from a stack provider. |
PDEBUG_STACK_PROVIDER_RECONSTRUCTSTACK The ReconstructStack callback function queries dump stream provider on a per-thread basis. |
PollUserInterrupt The PollUserInterrupt method is used to inquire whether the user of the debug host has requested an interruption of the current operation. |
PopOutputLinePrefix Restores a previously saved output line prefix. |
Populate The Populate method is called by the client in order to change or synchronize the "content" of the script. |
Populate The Populate method is called by the client in order to change or synchronize the "content" of the script. |
Prev The Prev method changes the current item to the previous item in the list. |
ProblemClassDelete IDebugFailureAnalysis3::ProblemClassDelete is used for failure analysis processing. |
ProblemClassIsSet IDebugFailureAnalysis3::ProblemClassIsSet is used for failure analysis processing. |
ProblemClassSet IDebugFailureAnalysis3::ProblemClassSet is used for failure analysis processing. |
ProblemClassSetBSTR IDebugFailureAnalysis3::ProblemClassSetBSTR is used for failure analysis processing. |
PSYM_DUMP_FIELD_CALLBACK The PSYM_DUMP_FIELD_CALLBACK callback function is called by the debugger engine during the IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO Ioctl operation with information about a member in the specified symbol. |
PushOutputLinePrefix Saves an output line prefix. |
PushOutputLinePrefixWide Saves a wide string output line prefix. |
PWINDBG_CHECK_CONTROL_C The PWINDBG_CHECK_CONTROL_C (CheckControlC) function checks to see if the user pressed CTRL+C. Use PWINDBG_CHECK_CONTROL_C in all loops to allow the user to press CTRL+C to end long processes. |
PWINDBG_CHECK_VERSION The PWINDBG_CHECK_VERSION (CheckVersion) callback function verifies that the extension module version matches the debugger version, and outputs a warning message if there is a mismatch. |
PWINDBG_DISASM The PWINDBG_DISASM (Disasm) function disassembles the instruction pointed to by lpOffset and places the printable string into lpBuffer. |
PWINDBG_EXTENSION_API_VERSION The PWINDBG_EXTENSION_API_VERSION (ExtensionApiVersion) callback function returns version information about the extension DLL. |
PWINDBG_EXTENSION_DLL_INIT The PWINDBG_EXTENSION_DLL_INIT ( WinDbgExtensionDllInit) callback function is used to load and initialize the extension module. |
PWINDBG_GET_EXPRESSION The PWINDBG_GET_EXPRESSION (GetExpression) function returns the value of expression. The expression is evaluated using the current expression evaluator, and can contain aliases. |
PWINDBG_GET_SYMBOL The PWINDBG_GET_SYMBOL (GetSymbol) function locates the symbol nearest to address. |
PWINDBG_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE (GetContext) function implements the functionality that is similar to the Microsoft Win32 GetThreadContext routine. It returns the context of the process being debugged. |
PWINDBG_IOCTL_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_IOCTL_ROUTINE (Ioctl) function performs a variety of different operations. Much of its functionality mirrors the functionality of other functions in wdbgexts.h. |
PWINDBG_OUTPUT_ROUTINE The callback function implements the functionality to print a formatted string to the Debugger Command window. |
PWINDBG_READ_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_READ_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE (ReadMemory) function works like the Win32 ReadProcessMemory function. It reads memory from the process being debugged. The entire area to be read must be accessible, or the operation fails. |
PWINDBG_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE (SetContext) function is similar to the Win32 SetThreadContext routine. It sets the context of the process being debugged. |
PWINDBG_STACKTRACE_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_STACKTRACE_ROUTINE (StackTrace) function retrieves a stack trace for the process being debugged. Returns the number of frames read into the buffer pointed to by StackFrames. |
PWINDBG_WRITE_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_WRITE_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE (WriteMemory) function works like the Win32 WriteProcessMemory routine. It writes memory to the process being debugged. The entire area to be written must be accessible, or the operation fails. |
QueryHostContextExtension The QueryHostContextExtension method provides a way to lookup a context extension and its information using an identifier GUID. |
QueryInterface The standard COM QueryInterface method. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. This method belongs to the IActionableConcept interface. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. This method belongs to the IActionEnumerator interface. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. This method belongs to the IActionQueryConcept interface. |
QueryInterface The IComparableConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves a pointer to the requested interface. This method belongs to the IConstructableConcept interface. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelManager::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelManager2::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelManager3::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelNameBinder::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScript::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptClient::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptDebug::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptDebug2::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpoint::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpointEnumerator::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptDebugClient::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptDebugStack::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptDebugStackFrame::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptDebugVariableSetEnumerator::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptHostContext::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptManager::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptProvider::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptProviderEnumerator::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptTemplate::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDataModelScriptTemplateEnumerator::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHost::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostBaseClass::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on the current object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostConstant::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostContext::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on a host context object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on the current context. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a pointer to a specified interface on a context object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a pointer to a specified interface on a context object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostData::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostErrorSink::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostEvaluator::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostEvaluator2::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostExtensibility::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for an interface on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostField::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on a field object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on the current object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on the current object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on the current object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method queries for a specific interface on the current object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves a pointer to the requested interface. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves a pointer to the requested interface. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves a pointer to the requested interface. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostMemory::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostMemory2::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostModule::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostModule2::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostModule3::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces of a module. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves a pointer to the specified interface on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves a pointer to the specified interface on an object. |
QueryInterface Retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. This method calls IUnknown AddRef on the pointer it returns. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostPublic::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostScriptHost::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostStatus::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostSymbol::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostSymbol2::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostSymbols::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostType::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostType2::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The QueryInterface method retrieves a pointer to the requested interface. |
QueryInterface The IDebugHostTypeSignature::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDynamicConceptProviderConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IDynamicKeyProviderConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IEquatableConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IHostDataModelAccess::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IIndexableConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IIterableConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IKeyEnumerator::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IKeyStore::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IModelIterator::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IModelKeyReference::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IModelKeyReference2::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IModelMethod::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IModelObject::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IModelPropertyAccessor::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface Learn how CastToPreferredRuntimeType method is called whenever a client wishes to attempt to convert to a runtime type instance. |
QueryInterface Retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryInterface The IStringDisplayableConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object. |
QueryPlmPackageList Query a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) package list. |
QueryPlmPackageWide Query a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) package. |
QueryVirtual The QueryVirtual method provides information about the specified pages in the target's virtual address space. |
Read The Read method reads the contents of the target's memory, represented by the ExtRemoteData object, and then caches the data. |
ReadBuffer The ReadBuffer method reads data from the target's memory. The data is located in the beginning of the region represented by the ExtRemoteData object. However, the size of the data can be different. |
ReadBugCheckData Learn how the ReadBugCheckData method reads the kernel bug check code and related parameters. |
ReadBugCheckData Learn about the ReadBugCheckData method, which reads the kernel bug check code and related parameters. |
ReadBugCheckData The ReadBugCheckData method reads the kernel bug check code and related parameters. |
ReadBusData Learn about the ReadBusData method, which reads data from a system bus. You can specify which bus data type to read from. |
ReadBusData Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces2.ReadBusData method, which reads data from a system bus. You can specify which bus data type to read from. |
ReadBusData Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces3.ReadBusData method, which reads data from a system bus. You can specify which bus data type to read from. |
ReadBusData The ReadBusData method reads data from a system bus. |
ReadBytes The IDebugHostMemory::ReadBytes method reads a number of bytes from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadBytes The IDebugHostMemory2::ReadBytes method reads a number of bytes from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadBytes The ReadBytes method reads a number of bytes from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadBytes The ReadBytes method reads a number of bytes from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadBytes The ReadBytes method reads a number of bytes from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadControl Learn about the ReadControl method, which reads implementation-specific system data. You can specify which processor's data to read. |
ReadControl Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces2.ReadControl method, which reads implementation-specific system data. You can specify which processor's data to read. |
ReadControl Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces3.ReadControl method, which reads implementation-specific system data. You can specify which processor's data to read. |
ReadControl The ReadControl method reads implementation-specific system data. |
ReadControlSpace The ReadControlSpace function reads the processor-specific control space into the array pointed to by buf. |
ReadControlSpace64 The ReadControlSpace64 function reads the processor-specific control space into the array pointed to by buf. |
ReadDebuggerData Learn about the ReadDebuggerData method, which returns information about the target that the debugger engine has queried or determined during the current session. |
ReadDebuggerData Learn how the ReadDebuggerData method returns information about the target that the debugger engine has queried or determined during the current session. |
ReadDebuggerData The IDebugDataSpaces3.ReadDebuggerData method returns information about the target that the debugger engine has queried or determined during the current session. |
ReadDebuggerData The ReadDebuggerData method returns information about the target that the debugger engine has queried or determined during the current session. |
ReadExtensionData The ReadExtensionData method reads extension data from the host context. |
ReadHandleData Learn how the ReadHandleData method retrieves information about a system object specified by a system handle. |
ReadHandleData Learn about the ReadHandleData method, which retrieves information about a system object specified by a system handle. |
ReadHandleData The ReadHandleData method retrieves information about a system object specified by a system handle. |
ReadImageNtHeaders Learn about the ReadImageNtHeaders method, which returns the NT headers for the specified image loaded in the target. |
ReadImageNtHeaders The ReadImageNtHeaders method returns the NT headers for the specified image loaded in the target. |
ReadIntrinsics The ReadIntrinsics method reads one or more intrinsic values from the target's address space defined by the given context and location. |
ReadIo Learn about the ReadIo method, which reads from the system and bus I/O memory. See the method parameters and their requirements. |
ReadIo Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces2.ReadIo method, which reads from the system and bus I/O memory. See the method parameters and their requirements. |
ReadIo Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces3.ReadIo method, which reads from the system and bus I/O memory. See the method parameters and their requirements. |
ReadIo The ReadIo method reads from the system and bus I/O memory. |
ReadIoSpace The ReadIoSpace function reads from the system I/O locations. |
ReadIoSpace64 The ReadIoSpace64 function reads from the system I/O locations. |
ReadIoSpaceEx The ReadIoSpaceEx function is an extended version of ReadIoSpace. |
ReadIoSpaceEx64 The ReadIoSpaceEx64 function is an extended version of ReadIoSpace64. |
ReadListEntry The ReadListEntry function reads a doubly-linked list entry from the target's memory. |
ReadMsr Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces.ReadMsr method, which reads a specified Model-Specific Register (MSR). |
ReadMsr Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces2.ReadMsr method, which reads a specified Model-Specific Register (MSR). |
ReadMsr Learn about the IDebugDataSpaces3.ReadMsr method, which reads a specified Model-Specific Register (MSR). |
ReadMsr The ReadMsr method reads a specified Model-Specific Register (MSR). |
ReadMsr The ReadMsr function reads the contents of a Model-Specific Register (MSR). |
ReadMultiByteStringVirtual The ReadMultiByteStringVirtual method reads a null-terminated, multibyte string from the target. |
ReadMultiByteStringVirtualWide The ReadMultiByteStringVirtualWide method reads a null-terminated, multibyte string from the target and converts it to Unicode. |
ReadOrdinalIntrinsics |
ReadPhysical The ReadPhysical method reads the target's memory from the specified physical address. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
ReadPhysical The ReadPhysical method reads the target's memory from the specified physical address. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
ReadPhysical The ReadPhysical method reads the target's memory from the specified physical address. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
ReadPhysical The ReadPhysical method reads the target's memory from the specified physical address. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
ReadPhysical The ReadPhysical function reads from physical memory. |
ReadPhysical2 The ReadPhysical2 method reads the target's memory from the specified physical address. |
ReadPhysicalWithFlags The ReadPhysicalWithFlags function reads from physical memory. |
ReadPointer The ReadPointer function reads a pointer from the target. |
ReadPointers The IDebugHostMemory::ReadPointers method reads a number of pointers from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadPointers The IDebugHostMemory2::ReadPointers method reads a number of pointers from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadPointers The ReadPointers method reads a number of pointers from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadPointers The ReadPointers method reads a number of pointers from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadPointers The ReadPointers method reads a number of pointers from the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
ReadPointersVirtual The ReadPointersVirtual method is a convenience method for reading pointers from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to IDebugDataSpaces. |
ReadPointersVirtual The ReadPointersVirtual method is a convenience method for reading pointers from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to IDebugDataSpaces2. |
ReadPointersVirtual The ReadPointersVirtual method is a convenience method for reading pointers from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to IDebugDataSpaces3. |
ReadPointersVirtual The ReadPointersVirtual method is a convenience method for reading pointers from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to IDebugDataSpaces4. |
ReadProcessorSystemData The ReadProcessorSystemData method returns data about the specified processor. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
ReadProcessorSystemData The ReadProcessorSystemData method returns data about the specified processor. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
ReadProcessorSystemData The ReadProcessorSystemData method returns data about the specified processor. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
ReadProcessorSystemData The ReadProcessorSystemData method returns data about the specified processor. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
ReadPtr The ReadPtr function reads a pointer from the target. ReadPointer should be used instead of this function as the return value of ReadPointer is more consistent with the rest of the WdbgExts API. |
ReadTagged Learn about the ReadTagged method, which reads the tagged data that might be associated with a debugger session. |
ReadTagged The ReadTagged method reads the tagged data that might be associated with a debugger session. |
ReadTypedDataPhysical The ReadTypedDataPhysical method reads the value of a variable from the target computer's physical memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
ReadTypedDataPhysical The ReadTypedDataPhysical method reads the value of a variable from the target computer's physical memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
ReadTypedDataPhysical The ReadTypedDataPhysical method reads the value of a variable from the target computer's physical memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
ReadTypedDataVirtual The ReadTypedDataVirtual method reads the value of a variable in the target's virtual memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
ReadTypedDataVirtual The ReadTypedDataVirtual method reads the value of a variable in the target's virtual memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
ReadTypedDataVirtual The ReadTypedDataVirtual method reads the value of a variable in the target's virtual memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
ReadUnicodeStringVirtual The ReadUnicodeStringVirtual method reads a null-terminated, Unicode string from the target and converts it to a multibyte string. |
ReadUnicodeStringVirtualWide The ReadUnicodeStringVirtualWide method reads a null-terminated, Unicode string from the target. |
ReadVirtual The ReadVirtual method reads memory from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
ReadVirtual The ReadVirtual method reads memory from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
ReadVirtual The ReadVirtual method reads memory from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
ReadVirtual The ReadVirtual method reads memory from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
ReadVirtualUncached The ReadVirtualUncached method reads memory from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
ReadVirtualUncached The ReadVirtualUncached method reads memory from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
ReadVirtualUncached The ReadVirtualUncached method reads memory from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
ReadVirtualUncached The ReadVirtualUncached method reads memory from the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager::RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method registers a data model for a given type signature as an extension. |
RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager2::RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method registers a data model for a given type signature as an extension. |
RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature The RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method registers a data model for a given type signature as an extension. |
RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature The RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method registers a data model for a given type signature as an extension. |
RegisterModelForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager::RegisterModelForTypeSignature method registers a canonical visualizer for a given type signature. |
RegisterModelForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager2::RegisterModelForTypeSignature method registers a canonical visualizer for a given type signature. |
RegisterModelForTypeSignature The RegisterModelForTypeSignature method registers a canonical visualizer for a given type signature. |
RegisterModelForTypeSignature The RegisterModelForTypeSignature method registers a canonical visualizer for a given type signature. |
RegisterNamedModel The IDataModelManager::RegisterNamedModel method registers a given data model under a well known name so that it is easily discoverable. |
RegisterNamedModel The IDataModelManager2::RegisterNamedModel method registers a data model under a well known name so that it is easily discoverable. |
RegisterNamedModel The RegisterNamedModel method registers a data model under a well known name so that it is easily discoverable. |
RegisterNamedModel The RegisterNamedModel method registers a data model under a well known name so that it is easily discoverable. |
RegisterScriptProvider The RegisterScriptProvider method informs the data model that a new script provider exists which is capable of bridging a new language to the data model. |
Release The standard COM Release method. |
Release The IActionableConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IActionEnumerator interface. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IActionQueryConcept interface. |
Release The IComparableConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. This method belongs to the IConstructableConcept interface. |
Release The IDataModelConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelManager::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelManager2::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method releases the specified data model manager. |
Release The IDataModelNameBinder::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScript::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptClient::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptDebug::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptDebug2::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpoint::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpointEnumerator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptDebugClient::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptDebugStack::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptDebugStackFrame::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptDebugVariableSetEnumerator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptHostContext::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptManager::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptProvider::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptProviderEnumerator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptTemplate::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDataModelScriptTemplateEnumerator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHost::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostBaseClass::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostConstant::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostContext::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the host context. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for the context object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for the context extension. |
Release The IDebugHostData::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostErrorSink::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostEvaluator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostEvaluator2::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostExtensibility::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an object. |
Release The Release method releases the reference to the host extensibility object. |
Release The IDebugHostField::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the field object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the function introspection object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the function introspection object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the function introspection object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the function local details object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the function local details object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the IDebugHostFunctionLocalDetailsEnumerator object. |
Release The Release method releases the reference to the function local storage object. |
Release The Release method releases the reference to the function local storage object. |
Release The Release method decrements the reference count for an object. |
Release The IDebugHostMemory::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostMemory2::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostMemory3::Release method releases a reference to the memory object. |
Release The IDebugHostMemory4::Release method releases a reference to the memory object. |
Release The IDebugHostMemory5::Release method releases a reference to the memory object. |
Release The IDebugHostModule::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostModule2::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostModule3::Release method decrements the reference count of the module object. |
Release The IDebugHostModule4::Release method decrements the reference count of the module object. |
Release The IDebugHostModule5::Release method decrements the reference count of the module object. |
Release The IDebugHostModuleSignature::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostPublic::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostScriptHost::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostStatus::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostSymbol::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostSymbol2::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostSymbols::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostType::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDebugHostType2::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method releases a reference to the type. |
Release The IDebugHostTypeSignature::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDynamicConceptProviderConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IDynamicKeyProviderConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IEquatableConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IHostDataModelAccess::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IIndexableConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IIterableConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IKeyEnumerator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IKeyStore::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IModelIterator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IModelKeyReference::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IModelKeyReference2::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IModelMethod::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IModelObject::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IModelPropertyAccessor::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IPreferredRuntimeTypeConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IRawEnumerator::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The IStringDisplayableConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object. |
Release The Release method releases any resources held by this object. |
ReleaseHostContextExtension The ReleaseHostContextExtension method is used to release the reservation of a host context blob as acquired from the ExtendHostContext method |
Reload The Reload method deletes the engine's symbol information for the specified module and reload these symbols as needed. This method belongs to IDebugSymbols. |
Reload The Reload method deletes the engine's symbol information for the specified module and reload these symbols as needed. This method belongs to IDebugSymbols2. |
Reload The Reload method deletes the engine's symbol information for the specified module and reload these symbols as needed. This method belongs to IDebugSymbols3. |
ReloadSymbols The ReloadSymbols function deletes symbol information from the debugger so that it can be reloaded as needed. This function behaves the same way as the debugger command .reload. |
ReloadWide The ReloadWide method deletes the engine's symbol information for the specified module and reload these symbols as needed. |
Remove The Remove method removes the breakpoint from its containing list. The breakpoint no longer semantically exists after this method returns. |
RemoveAssemblyOptions The RemoveAssemblyOptions method turns off some of the assembly and disassembly options. |
RemoveBreakpoint Learn how the RemoveBreakpoint method removes a breakpoint. See the parameters, returns, and remarks. |
RemoveBreakpoint Learn about the IDebugControl2.RemoveBreakpoint method, which removes a breakpoint. This method might also return other error values. |
RemoveBreakpoint The RemoveBreakpoint method removes a breakpoint. |
RemoveBreakpoint2 The RemoveBreakpoint2 method removes a breakpoint. |
RemoveEngineOptions Learn how the RemoveEngineOptions method turns off some of the engine's options. You can specify which options to turn off. |
RemoveEngineOptions Learn about the RemoveEngineOptions method, which turns off some of the engine's options. You can specify which options to turn off. |
RemoveEngineOptions The RemoveEngineOptions method turns off some of the engine's options. |
RemoveExtension Learn how the RemoveExtension method unloads an extension library. You can specify the handle of the library to unload. |
RemoveExtension Learn about the IDebugControl2.RemoveExtension method, which unloads an extension library. You can specify the handle of the extension library to unload. |
RemoveExtension The RemoveExtension method unloads an extension library. |
RemoveFlags The RemoveFlags method removes flags from a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
RemoveFlags The RemoveFlags method removes flags from a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
RemoveParentModel The RemoveParentModel will remove a specified parent model from the parent search chain of the given object. |
RemoveProcessOptions The RemoveProcessOptions method removes process options from those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
RemoveProcessOptions The RemoveProcessOptions method removes process options from those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
RemoveProcessOptions The RemoveProcessOptions method removes process options from those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
RemoveProcessOptions The RemoveProcessOptions method removes process options from those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
RemoveProcessOptions The RemoveProcessOptions method removes process options from those options that affect the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
RemoveSymbolByIndex The RemoveSymbolByIndex method removes the specified symbol from a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup interface. |
RemoveSymbolByIndex The RemoveSymbolByIndex method removes the specified symbol from a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface. |
RemoveSymbolByName The RemoveSymbolByName method removes the specified symbol from a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup interface. |
RemoveSymbolByName The RemoveSymbolByName method removes the specified symbol from a symbol group. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface. |
RemoveSymbolByNameWide The RemoveSymbolByNameWide method removes the specified symbol from a symbol group. |
RemoveSymbolOptions The RemoveSymbolOptions method turns off some of the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
RemoveSymbolOptions The RemoveSymbolOptions method turns off some of the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
RemoveSymbolOptions The RemoveSymbolOptions method turns off some of the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
RemoveSyntheticModule The RemoveSyntheticModule method removes a synthetic module from the module list the debugger maintains for the current process. |
RemoveSyntheticSymbol The RemoveSyntheticSymbol method removes a synthetic symbol from a module in the current process. |
RemoveTextReplacements The RemoveTextReplacements method removes all user-named aliases. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
RemoveTextReplacements The RemoveTextReplacements method removes all user-named aliases. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
RemoveTypeOptions The RemoveTypeOptions method turns off some type formatting options for output generated by the engine. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
RemoveTypeOptions The RemoveTypeOptions method turns off some type formatting options for output generated by the engine. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
Rename The Rename method assigns a new name to the script. |
Rename The Rename method assigns a new name to the script. |
ReportError If an error occurs during execution or invocation of the script, the script provider calls the ReportError method to notify the user interface of the error. |
ReportError The ReportError method is a callback on the error sink to notify it that an error has occurred and allow the sink to route the error to whatever UI or mechanism is appropriate. |
Request The (IDebugAdvanced2) Request method performs a variety of different operations specified by the Request parameter. |
Request The (IDebugAdvanced3) Request method performs a variety of different operations specified by the Request parameter. |
Reset The Reset method resets the enumerator to the first action. This method belongs to the IActionEnumerator interface. |
Reset The Reset method resets the position of the enumerator to where it was just after the enumerator was created -- that is, before the first enumerated breakpoint. |
Reset The Reset method resets the position of the enumerator to where it was immediately after creation -- that is, before the first element of the set. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the first element. |
Reset The Reset method resets the enumerator to the position it was at when it was first created -- before the first template produced. |
Reset The Reset method resets the enumerator back to its initial state. |
Reset The Reset method resets the enumerator back to its initial state. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to its initial state. A subsequent GetNext call will return the first symbol in the set in enumerator order. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to its initial state. |
Reset The Reset method on an iterator returned from the iterable concept will restore the position of the iterator to where it was when the iterator was first created (before the first element). |
Reset Resets the enumerator to its initial state. A subsequent GetNext call will return the first raw element (native field, base class, etc...) in enumerator order. |
ResetManagedStatus Clears and reinitializes the engine's managed code debugging support of the runtime debugging APIs provided by the common language runtime (CLR). |
ResetScope The ResetScope method resets the current scope to the default scope of the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
ResetScope The ResetScope method resets the current scope to the default scope of the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
ResetScope The ResetScope method resets the current scope to the default scope of the current thread. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
ResumePlmPackageWide Resumes a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) package. |
ReturnInput Learn how the ReturnInput method is used by IDebugInputCallbacks objects to send an input string to the engine following a request for input. |
ReturnInput Learn about the ReturnInput method, which is used by IDebugInputCallbacks objects to send an input string to the engine following a request for input. |
ReturnInput The ReturnInput method is used by IDebugInputCallbacks objects to send an input string to the engine following a request for input. |
ReturnInputWide The ReturnInputWide method is used by IDebugInputCallbacks objects to send an input string to the engine following a request for input. |
SearchMemory The SearchMemory function searches the target's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. |
SearchVirtual The SearchVirtual method searches the target's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
SearchVirtual The SearchVirtual method searches the target's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
SearchVirtual The SearchVirtual method searches the target's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
SearchVirtual The SearchVirtual method searches the target's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
SearchVirtual2 The SearchVirtual2 method searches the process's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. |
SessionStatus The SessionStatus callback method is called by the engine when a change occurs in the debugger session. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
SessionStatus The SessionStatus callback method is called by the engine when a change occurs in the debugger session. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacksWide. |
SessionStatus Session status is synchronous like the other wait callbacks but it is called as the state of the session is changing rather than at specific events so its return value does not influence waiting. |
Set The Set method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. |
Set The Set method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. |
Set The Set method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. |
Set The Set(constDEBUG_TYPED_DATA) method sets the region of the target's memory represented by the ExtRemoteData object. |
Set The Set method sets the region of the target's memory represented by the ExtRemoteData object. |
Set The Set(bool,ULONG64,ULONG,ULONG64) method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. |
Set The Set(PCSTR) method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. This method does not return a value. |
Set The Set(PCSTR,ULONG64) method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. This method does not return a value. |
Set The Set(PCSTR,ULONG64,bool,PULONG64,PCSTR) method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. This method does not return a value. |
Set The Set method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object. |
SetAdditionalXML IDebugFailureAnalysis3::SetAdditionalXML is used for failure analysis processing. |
SetArg The SetArg method sets a named argument for the current extension command. |
SetArgStr The SetArgStr method sets a named string argument for the current expression command. |
SetArgU64 The SetArgU64 method sets a named expression argument for the current expression command. |
SetAssemblyOptions The SetAssemblyOptions method sets the assembly and disassembly options that affect how the debugger engine assembles and disassembles processor instructions for the target. |
SetAt The SetAt method attempts to set the value at a particular N-dimensional index from within the indexed object. |
SetBoolean The SetBoolean convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetBreakpoint The IDataModelScriptDebug::SetBreakpoint method sets a breakpoint within a script when a script debugger is enabled. |
SetBreakpoint The IDataModelScriptDebug2::SetBreakpoint method sets a breakpoint within a script when a script debugger is enabled. |
SetBreakpointAtFunction Sets a breakpoint on the function given by the supplied name. |
SetBuffer The SetBuffer method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. If it finds an FA entry with the specified tag, it overwrites the data block of the FA entry with the bytes in a specified buffer. |
SetChar The SetChar convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetClientContext The SetClientContext method is reserved for internal use. |
SetCodeLevel Learn how the SetCodeLevel method sets the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. |
SetCodeLevel Learn about the SetCodeLevel method, which sets the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. |
SetCodeLevel The SetCodeLevel method sets the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. |
SetCommand The SetCommand method sets the command that is executed when a breakpoint is triggered. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
SetCommand The SetCommand method sets the command that is executed when a breakpoint is triggered. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
SetCommandWide The SetCommandWide method sets the command that is executed when a breakpoint is triggered. |
SetConcept The SetConcept method on a dynamic concept provider is effectively an override of the SetConcept method on IModelObject. |
SetConcept The SetConcept method will place a specified concept on the object instance specified by the this pointer. |
SetContextForDataModel The SetContextForDataModel method is used by the implementation of a data model to place implementation data on instance objects. |
SetCurrentProcessId The (IDebugSystemObjects) SetCurrentProcessId method makes the specified process the current process. |
SetCurrentProcessId The (IDebugSystemObjects2) SetCurrentProcessId method makes the specified process the current process. |
SetCurrentProcessId The SetCurrentProcessId method makes the specified process the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
SetCurrentProcessId The (IDebugSystemObjects4) SetCurrentProcessId method makes the specified process the current process. |
SetCurrentSystemId The SetCurrentSystemId method makes the specified target the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
SetCurrentSystemId The SetCurrentSystemId method makes the specified target the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
SetCurrentThreadId The (IDebugSystemObjects) SetCurrentThreadId method sets the current thread by specifying an engine thread ID. |
SetCurrentThreadId The (IDebugSystemObjects2) SetCurrentThreadId method sets the current thread by specifying an engine thread ID. |
SetCurrentThreadId The (IDebugSystemObjects3) SetCurrentThreadId method sets the current thread by specifying an engine thread ID. |
SetCurrentThreadId The (IDebugSystemObjects4) SetCurrentThreadId method sets the current thread by specifying an engine thread ID. |
SetData The SetData convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetDataParameters The SetDataParameters method sets the parameters for a processor breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
SetDataParameters The SetDataParameters method sets the parameters for a processor breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
SetDouble The SetDouble convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetEffectiveProcessorType Learn how the SetEffectiveProcessorType method sets the effective processor type of the processor of the computer that is running the target. |
SetEffectiveProcessorType Learn about the SetEffectiveProcessorType method, which sets the effective processor type of the processor of the computer that is running the target. |
SetEffectiveProcessorType The SetEffectiveProcessorType method sets the effective processor type of the processor of the computer that is running the target. |
SetEngineOptions Learn how the SetEngineOptions method changes the engine's options. You can also see a description of the engine options. |
SetEngineOptions Learn about the IDebugControl2.SetEngineOptions method, which changes the engine's options that you specify. |
SetEngineOptions The SetEngineOptions method changes the engine's options. |
SetEventCallbacks The SetEventCallbacks method registers an event callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
SetEventCallbacks The SetEventCallbacks method registers an event callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
SetEventCallbacks The SetEventCallbacks method registers an event callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
SetEventCallbacks The SetEventCallbacks method registers an event callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
SetEventCallbacks The SetEventCallbacks method registers an event callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
SetEventCallbacksWide The SetEventCallbacksWide method registers an event callbacks object with this client. |
SetEventContextCallbacks Registers an event callbacks object with this client. |
SetEventFilter The IDataModelScriptDebug::SetEventFilter method changes the break-on-event behavior for a particular event. |
SetEventFilter The IDataModelScriptDebug2::SetEventFilter method changes the break-on-event behavior for a particular event. |
SetEventFilterCommand Learn how the SetEventFilterCommand method sets a debugger command for the engine to execute when a specified event occurs. |
SetEventFilterCommand Learn about the SetEventFilterCommand method, which sets a debugger command for the engine to execute when a specified event occurs. |
SetEventFilterCommand The SetEventFilterCommand method sets a debugger command for the engine to execute when a specified event occurs. |
SetEventFilterCommandWide The SetEventFilterCommandWide method sets a debugger command for the engine to execute when a specified event occurs. |
SetExceptionFilterParameters Learn how the SetExceptionFilterParameters method changes the break status and handling status for some exception filters. |
SetExceptionFilterParameters Learn about the SetExceptionFilterParameters method, which changes the break status and handling status for some exception filters. |
SetExceptionFilterParameters The SetExceptionFilterParameters method changes the break status and handling status for some exception filters. |
SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand This method sets the command that's executed by the debugger engine on the second chance of a specified exception. |
SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand Learn how the SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand method sets the command that's executed by the debugger engine on the second chance of a specified exception. |
SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand The SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand method sets the command that will be executed by the debugger engine on the second chance of a specified exception. |
SetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWide The SetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWide method sets the command that will be executed by the debugger engine on the second chance of a specified exception. |
SetExecutionStatus The SetExecutionStatus method requests that the debugger engine enter an executable state. Actual execution doesn't happen until the next time WaitForEvent is called. |
SetExecutionStatus The SetExecutionStatus method requests that the debugger engine enter an executable state. Actual execution doesn't occur until the next time WaitForEvent is called. |
SetExecutionStatus The SetExecutionStatus method requests that the debugger engine enter an executable state. Actual execution will not occur until the next time WaitForEvent is called. |
SetExpressionSyntax The SetExpressionSyntax method sets the syntax that the engine will use to evaluate expressions. |
SetExpressionSyntaxByName The SetExpressionSyntaxByName method sets the syntax that the engine will use to evaluate expressions. |
SetExpressionSyntaxByNameWide The SetExpressionSyntaxByNameWide method sets the syntax that the engine will use to evaluate expressions. |
SetExtensionCommand The SetExtensionCommand method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. |
SetFlags The SetFlags method sets the flags for a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
SetFlags The SetFlags method sets the flags for a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
SetFloat The SetFloat convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetImagePath The SetImagePath method sets the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
SetImagePath The SetImagePath method sets the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
SetImagePath The SetImagePath method sets the executable image path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
SetImagePathWide The SetImagePathWide method sets the executable image path. |
SetImplicitProcessDataOffset The SetImplicitProcessDataOffset method sets the implicit process for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
SetImplicitProcessDataOffset The SetImplicitProcessDataOffset method sets the implicit process for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
SetImplicitProcessDataOffset The SetImplicitProcessDataOffset method sets the implicit process for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
SetImplicitThreadDataOffset The SetImplicitThreadDataOffset method sets the implicit thread for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects2 interface. |
SetImplicitThreadDataOffset The SetImplicitThreadDataOffset method sets the implicit thread for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects3 interface. |
SetImplicitThreadDataOffset The SetImplicitThreadDataOffset method sets the implicit thread for the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugSystemObjects4 interface. |
SetInputCallbacks The SetInputCallbacks method registers an input callbacks object with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
SetInputCallbacks The SetInputCallbacks method registers an input callbacks object with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
SetInputCallbacks The SetInputCallbacks method registers an input callbacks object with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
SetInputCallbacks The SetInputCallbacks method registers an input callbacks object with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
SetInputCallbacks The SetInputCallbacks method registers an input callbacks object with the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
SetInterrupt Learn how the SetInterrupt method registers a user interrupt or breaks into the debugger. This article includes the necessary parameter information. |
SetInterrupt Learn about the SetInterrupt method, which registers a user interrupt or breaks into the debugger. |
SetInterrupt The SetInterrupt method registers a user interrupt or breaks into the debugger. |
SetInterruptTimeout Learn how the SetInterruptTimeout method sets the number of seconds that the debugger engine should wait when requesting a break into the debugger. |
SetInterruptTimeout Learn about the SetInterruptTimeout method, which sets the number of seconds that the debugger engine should wait when requesting a break into the debugger. |
SetInterruptTimeout The SetInterruptTimeout method sets the number of seconds that the debugger engine should wait when requesting a break into the debugger. |
SetKernelConnectionOptions The SetKernelConnectionOptions method updates some of the connection options for a live kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
SetKernelConnectionOptions The SetKernelConnectionOptions method updates some of the connection options for a live kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
SetKernelConnectionOptions The SetKernelConnectionOptions method updates some of the connection options for a live kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
SetKernelConnectionOptions The SetKernelConnectionOptions method updates some of the connection options for a live kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
SetKernelConnectionOptions The SetKernelConnectionOptions method updates some of the connection options for a live kernel target. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
SetKernelConnectionOptionsWide The SetKernelConnectionOptionsWide method updates some of the connection options for a live kernel target. |
SetKey The SetKey method on a dynamic key provider is effectively an override of the SetKey method on IModelObject. |
SetKey The SetKey method is analogous to the SetKey method on IModelObject. |
SetKey The IModelKeyReference::SetKey method, when called on a key reference, overwrites the object that is the value of the underlying key. |
SetKey The IModelKeyReference2::SetKey method, when called on a key reference, overwrites the object that is the value of the underlying key. |
SetKey The SetKey method is the method a client will turn to in order to create a key on an object (and potentially associate metadata with the created key). |
SetKeyValue The SetKeyValue method is analogous to the SetKeyValue method on IModelObject. |
SetKeyValue The IModelKeyReference::SetKeyValue method, when called on a key reference, sets the value of the object that is the value of the underlying key. |
SetKeyValue The IModelKeyReference2::SetKeyValue method, when called on a key reference, sets the value of the object that is the value of the underlying key. |
SetKeyValue The SetKeyValue method is the first method a client will turn to in order to set the value of a key. This method cannot be used to create a new key on an object. |
SetLogMask Learn how the SetLogMask method sets the output mask for the currently open log file. |
SetLogMask Learn about the IDebugControl2.SetLogMask method, which sets the output mask for the currently open log file. |
SetLogMask The SetLogMask method sets the output mask for the currently open log file. |
SetLong The SetLong convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetLong64 The SetLong64 convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetLongPtr The SetLongPtr convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetMatchThreadId The SetMatchThreadId method sets the engine thread ID of the thread that can trigger a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
SetMatchThreadId The SetMatchThreadId method sets the engine thread ID of the thread that can trigger a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
SetNextEventIndex The SetNextEventIndex method sets the next event for the current target by selecting the event from the static list of events for the target, if such a list exists. |
SetNotifyEventHandle Learn how the SetNotifyEventHandle method sets the event that will be signaled after the next exception in a target. |
SetNotifyEventHandle Learn about the SetNotifyEventHandle method, which sets the event that will be signaled after the next exception in a target. |
SetNotifyEventHandle The SetNotifyEventHandle method sets the event that will be signaled after the next exception in a target. |
SetOffset The SetOffset method sets the location that triggers a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint interface. |
SetOffset The SetOffset method sets the location that triggers a breakpoint. This method belongs to the IDebugBreakpoint2 interface. |
SetOffsetExpression The SetOffsetExpression methods set an expression string that evaluates to the location that triggers a breakpoint. This method belongs to IDebugBreakpoint. |
SetOffsetExpression The SetOffsetExpression methods set an expression string that evaluates to the location that triggers a breakpoint. This method belongs to IDebugBreakpoint2. |
SetOffsetExpressionWide The SetOffsetExpressionWide methods set an expression string that evaluates to the location that triggers a breakpoint. |
SetOtherOutputMask The SetOtherOutputMask method sets the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
SetOtherOutputMask The SetOtherOutputMask method sets the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
SetOtherOutputMask The SetOtherOutputMask method sets the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
SetOtherOutputMask The SetOtherOutputMask method sets the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
SetOtherOutputMask The SetOtherOutputMask method sets the output mask for another client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
SetOutputCallbacks The SetOutputCallbacks method registers an output callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
SetOutputCallbacks The SetOutputCallbacks method registers an output callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
SetOutputCallbacks The SetOutputCallbacks method registers an output callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
SetOutputCallbacks The SetOutputCallbacks method registers an output callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
SetOutputCallbacks The SetOutputCallbacks method registers an output callbacks object with this client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
SetOutputCallbacksWide The SetOutputCallbacksWide method registers an output callbacks object with this client. |
SetOutputLinePrefix Sets a prefix for multiple lines of output. |
SetOutputLinePrefixWide Sets a wide string prefix for output lines. |
SetOutputMask The SetOutputMask method sets the output mask for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
SetOutputMask The SetOutputMask method sets the output mask for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
SetOutputMask The SetOutputMask method sets the output mask for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
SetOutputMask The SetOutputMask method sets the output mask for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
SetOutputMask The SetOutputMask method sets the output mask for the client. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
SetOutputWidth Controls the width of an output line for commands that produce formatted output. |
SetPassCount The IDebugBreakpoint::SetPassCount method sets the number of times that the target must reach the breakpoint location before the breakpoint is triggered. |
SetPassCount The IDebugBreakpoint2::SetPassCount method sets the number of times that the target must reach the breakpoint location before the breakpoint is triggered. |
SetPrint The SetPrint method sets the typed data represented by the ExtRemoteTyped object by formatting an expression and then evaluating that expression. |
SetProcessOptions The SetProcessOptions method sets the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
SetProcessOptions The SetProcessOptions method sets the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
SetProcessOptions The SetProcessOptions method sets the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
SetProcessOptions The SetProcessOptions method sets the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
SetProcessOptions The SetProcessOptions method sets the process options affecting the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
SetProperties The SetProperties method sets the name or description (or both) of a tag in a DebugFailureAnalysisTags object. |
SetPseudoValues The SetPseudoValues method sets the value of several pseudo-registers. |
SetPtr The SetPtr convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetQuitLockString Sets a quit lock string. |
SetQuitLockStringWide Sets a quit lock Unicode character string. |
SetRadix The SetRadix method sets the default radix used by the debugger engine when it evaluates and displays MASM expressions, and when it displays symbol information. |
SetRadix The SetRadix method sets the default radix used by the debugger engine when it evaluates and displays MASM expressions and symbol information. |
SetRadix The SetRadix method sets the default radix (number base) used by the debugger engine when it evaluates and displays MASM expressions, and when it displays symbol information. |
SetScope The IDebugSymbols::SetScope method sets the current scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
SetScope The SetScope method sets the current scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
SetScope The SetScope method sets the current scope. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
SetScopeEx Sets the scope as an extended frame structure. |
SetScopeFrameByIndex The SetScopeFrameByIndex method sets the current scope to the scope of one of the frames on the call stack. |
SetScopeFrameByIndexEx Sets the current frame by using an index. |
SetScopeFromJitDebugInfo Recovers just-in-time (JIT) debugging information and sets current debugger scope context based on that information. |
SetScopeFromStoredEvent The SetScopeFromStoredEvent method sets the current scope to the scope of the stored event. |
SetScriptFullFilePathName The SetScriptFullFilePathName method sets the full path name of the script file. |
SetShort The SetShort convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetSourcePath The IDebugSymbols::SetSourcePath method sets the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
SetSourcePath The SetSourcePath method sets the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
SetSourcePath The SetSourcePath method sets the source path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
SetSourcePathWide The SetSourcePathWide method sets the source path. |
SetSpecificFilterArgument Learn how the SetSpecificFilterArgument method sets the value of filter argument for the specific filters that can have an argument. |
SetSpecificFilterArgument Learn about the SetSpecificFilterArgument method, which sets the value of filter argument for the specific filters that can have an argument. |
SetSpecificFilterArgument The SetSpecificFilterArgument method sets the value of filter argument for the specific filters that can have an argument. |
SetSpecificFilterArgumentWide The SetSpecificFilterArgumentWide method sets the value of filter argument for the specific filters that can have an argument. |
SetSpecificFilterParameters Learn how the SetSpecificFilterParameters method changes the break status and handling status for some specific event filters. |
SetSpecificFilterParameters Learn about the SetSpecificFilterParameters method, which changes the break status and handling status for some specific event filters. |
SetSpecificFilterParameters The SetSpecificFilterParameters method changes the break status and handling status for some specific event filters. |
SetStdBool The SetStdBool convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetString The SetString method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. If it finds an FA entry with the specified tag, it sets (overwrites) the data block of the FA entry to a specified string value. |
SetSymbolOptions The SetSymbolOptions method changes the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
SetSymbolOptions The SetSymbolOptions method changes the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
SetSymbolOptions The SetSymbolOptions method changes the engine's global symbol options. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
SetSymbolPath The IDebugSymbols::SetSymbolPath method sets the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
SetSymbolPath The SetSymbolPath method sets the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
SetSymbolPath The SetSymbolPath method sets the symbol path. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
SetSymbolPathWide The SetSymbolPathWide method sets the symbol path. |
SetSystemErrorControl Learn how the IDebugControl.SetSystemErrorControl method sets the control values for handling system errors. |
SetSystemErrorControl Learn about the SetSystemErrorControl method, which sets the control values for handling system errors. |
SetSystemErrorControl The SetSystemErrorControl method sets the control values for handling system errors. |
SetTextMacro Learn how the IDebugControl.SetTextMacro method sets the value of a fixed-name alias. Includes the necessary parameter information. |
SetTextMacro Learn about the IDebugControl2.SetTextMacro method, which sets the value of a fixed-name alias. |
SetTextMacro The SetTextMacro method sets the value of a fixed-name alias. |
SetTextMacroWide The SetTextMacroWide method sets the value of a fixed-name alias. |
SetTextReplacement The SetTextReplacement method sets the value of a user-named alias. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
SetTextReplacement The SetTextReplacement method sets the value of a user-named alias. This method belongs to the IDebugControl3 interface. |
SetTextReplacementWide The SetTextReplacementWide method sets the value of a user-named alias. |
SetThreadContext The (IDebugAdvanced) SetThreadContext method sets the current thread context represented by the CONTEXT structure for the target's effective processor. |
SetThreadContext The (IDebugAdvanced2) SetThreadContext method sets the current thread context represented by the CONTEXT structure for the target's effective processor. |
SetThreadContext The (IDebugAdvanced3) SetThreadContext method sets the current thread context represented by the CONTEXT structure for the target's effective processor. |
SetThreadForOperation The SetThreadForOperation function sets the thread to use for the next StackTrace call. |
SetThreadForOperation64 The SetThreadForOperation64 function sets the thread to use for the next StackTrace call. |
SetType The SetType method sets the data type that is associated with a tag in a DebugFailureAnalysisTags object. |
SetTypeAndLink The SetTypeAndLink method sets the type information for the typed list. |
SetTypeOptions The SetTypeOptions method changes the type formatting options for output generated by the engine. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
SetTypeOptions The SetTypeOptions method changes the type formatting options for output generated by the engine. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
SetUchar The SetUchar convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetUlong The SetUlong convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetUlong The SetUlong method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. If it finds an FA entry with the specified tag, it sets (overwrites) the data block of the FA entry to a specified ULONG value. |
SetUlong64 The SetUlong64 convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetUlong64 The SetUlong64 method searches a DebugFailureAnalysis object for the first FA entry that has a specified tag. If it finds an FA entry with the specified tag, it sets (overwrites) the data block of the FA entry to a specified ULONG64 value. |
SetUlongPtr The SetUlongPtr convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetUnnamedArg The SetUnnamedArg method sets an unnamed argument for the current extension command. |
SetUnnamedArgStr The SetUnnamedArgStr method sets an unnamed string argument for the current extension command. |
SetUnnamedArgU64 The SetUnnamedArgU64 method sets the value of an unnamed expression argument for the current extension command. |
SetUshort The SetUshort convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
SetValue The SetValue method sets the value of one of the target's registers. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
SetValue The SetValue method sets the value of one of the target's registers. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
SetValue The SetValue method is the setter for the property accessor. It is called whenever a client wishes to assign a value to the underlying property. |
SetValues The SetValues method sets the value of several of the target's registers. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters interface. |
SetValues The SetValues method sets the value of several of the target's registers. This method belongs to the IDebugRegisters2 interface. |
SetValues2 The SetValues2 method sets the value of several of the target's registers. |
SetW32Bool The SetW32Bool convenience method is provided by the ExtRemoteData class, which provides a wrapper for a small section of a target's memory. |
StartDebugging The IDataModelScriptDebug::StartDebugging method turns on the debugger for a particular script but does not begin execution break or stepping. |
StartDebugging The IDataModelScriptDebug2::StartDebugging method turns on the debugger for a particular script but does not begin execution break or stepping. |
StartEnumTagged Learn about the StartEnumTagged method, which initializes an enumeration over the tagged data associated with a debugger session. |
StartEnumTagged The StartEnumTagged method initializes an enumeration over the tagged data associated with a debugger session. |
StartHead The StartHead method initializes the list for iterating forward starting at the head. |
StartInput The StartInput callback method is called by the engine to indicate that it is waiting for a line of input. |
StartProcessServer The StartProcessServer method starts a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
StartProcessServer The StartProcessServer method starts a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
StartProcessServer The StartProcessServer method starts a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
StartProcessServer The StartProcessServer method starts a process server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
StartProcessServer The StartProcessServer method starts a process server. |
StartProcessServerWide The StartProcessServerWide method starts a process server. |
StartServer The StartServer method starts a debugging server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
StartServer The StartServer method starts a debugging server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
StartServer The StartServer method starts a debugging server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
StartServer The StartServer method starts a debugging server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
StartServer The StartServer method starts a debugging server. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
StartServerWide The StartServerWide method starts a debugging server. |
StartSymbolMatch The StartSymbolMatch method initializes a search for symbols whose names match a given pattern. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
StartSymbolMatch The StartSymbolMatch method initializes a search for symbols whose names match a given pattern. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
StartSymbolMatch The StartSymbolMatch method initializes a search for symbols whose names match a given pattern. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
StartSymbolMatchWide The StartSymbolMatchWide method initializes a search for symbols whose names match a given pattern. |
StartTail The StartTail method initializes the list for iterating backward, starting at the head. |
StopDebugging The IDataModelScriptDebug::StopDebugging method stops debugging activity after the StartDebugging method was successfully called. |
StopDebugging The IDataModelScriptDebug2::StopDebugging method stops debugging activity after the StartDebugging method was successfully called. |
SuspendPlmPackageWide Suspends a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) package. |
SwitchBack The SwitchBack method restores the debugger engine context to its previous state, reverting any temporary context changes made by the SwitchTo method. |
SwitchTo The SwitchTo method changes or switches the debugger engine context to the IDebugHostContext from which the IDebugHostContextControl was retrieved. |
SwitchTo The SwitchTo method switches the context to the specified context. |
SymbolSearchInfo The SymbolSearchInfo function (dbgmodel.h) constructs a SymbolSearchInfo, a search record passed to EnumerateChildrenEx to restrict symbol searches. Does not take any parameters. |
SymbolSearchInfo The SymbolSearchInfo constructor function (dbgmodel.h) constructs a SymbolSearchInfo, a search record passed to EnumerateChildrenEx to restrict symbol searches. |
SystemError The SystemError callback method is called by the engine when a system error occurs in the target. This method belongs to the IDebugEventCallbacks interface. |
SystemError The SystemError callback method is called by the engine when a system error occurs in the target. This method belongs to the IDebugEventCallbacksWide interface. |
SystemError The SystemError callback method is called by the engine when a system error occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventContextCallbacks. |
TerminateCurrentProcess The TerminateCurrentProcess method attempts to terminate the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
TerminateCurrentProcess The TerminateCurrentProcess method attempts to terminate the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
TerminateCurrentProcess The TerminateCurrentProcess method attempts to terminate the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
TerminateCurrentProcess The TerminateCurrentProcess method attempts to terminate the current process. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
TerminatePlmPackageWide Ends a Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) package. |
TerminateProcesses The TerminateProcesses method attempts to terminate all processes in all targets. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
TerminateProcesses The TerminateProcesses method attempts to terminate all processes in all targets. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
TerminateProcesses The TerminateProcesses method attempts to terminate all processes in all targets. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
TerminateProcesses The TerminateProcesses method attempts to terminate all processes in all targets. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
TerminateProcesses The TerminateProcesses method attempts to terminate all processes in all targets. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
ToDisplayString The ToDisplayString method is called whenever a client wishes to convert an object into a string to display (to console, in the UI, etc...). |
TranslateVirtualToPhysical The TranslateVirtualToPhysical function translates a virtual memory address into a physical memory address. |
TryCastToRuntimeType The TryCastToRuntimeType method will ask the debug host to perform an analysis and determine the actual runtime type (most derived class) of the given object. |
TypeSearchInfo The TypeSearchInfo function (dbgmodel.h) constructs a TypeSearchInfo structure, a search record passed to EnumerateChildrenEx for SymbolType searches. |
TypeSearchInfo The TypeSearchInfo(TypeKind) function (dbgmodel.h) constructs a TypeSearchInfo structure using the specified TypeKind. |
Uninitialize The Uninitialize method is called by the engine to uninitialize an EngExtCpp extension library before it is unloaded. |
Unlink The Unlink method undoes the Execute operation. Any object model manipulations or extensibility points established during the execution of the script are undone. |
Unlink The Unlink method undoes the Execute operation. Any object model manipulations or extensibility points established during the execution of the script are undone. |
UnloadModule The UnloadModule callback method is called by the engine when a module-unload debugging event occurs in the target. This method belongs to IDebugEventCallbacks. |
UnloadModule The IDebugEventCallbacksWide::UnloadModule callback method is called by the engine when a module-unload debugging event occurs in the target. |
UnloadModule The IDebugEventContextCallbacks::UnloadModule callback method is called by the engine when a module-unload debugging event occurs in the target. |
UnregisterExtensionForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager::UnregisterExtensionForTypeSignature method undoes a prior call to the RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method. |
UnregisterExtensionForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager2::UnregisterExtensionForTypeSignature method undoes a prior call to the RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method. |
UnregisterExtensionForTypeSignature The UnregisterExtensionForTypeSignature method undoes a prior call to the RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method. |
UnregisterExtensionForTypeSignature The UnregisterExtensionForTypeSignature method undoes a prior call to the RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method. |
UnregisterModelForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager::UnregisterModelForTypeSignature method undoes a prior call to the RegisterModelForTypeSignature method. |
UnregisterModelForTypeSignature The IDataModelManager2::UnregisterModelForTypeSignature method undoes a prior call to the RegisterModelForTypeSignature method. |
UnregisterModelForTypeSignature The UnregisterModelForTypeSignature method undoes a prior call to the RegisterModelForTypeSignature method. |
UnregisterModelForTypeSignature The UnregisterModelForTypeSignature method undoes a prior call to the RegisterModelForTypeSignature method. |
UnregisterNamedModel The IDataModelManager::UnregisterNamedModel method undoes a prior call to the RegisterNamedModel method. |
UnregisterNamedModel The IDataModelManager2::UnregisterNamedModel method undoes a prior call to the RegisterNamedModel method. |
UnregisterNamedModel The UnregisterNamedModel method undoes a prior call to the RegisterNamedModel method. |
UnregisterNamedModel The UnregisterNamedModel method undoes a prior call to the RegisterNamedModel method. |
UnregisterScriptProvider The UnregisterScriptProvider method undoes a call to the RegisterScriptProvider method. |
VirtualToPhysical The VirtualToPhysical method translates a location in the target's virtual address space into a physical memory address. |
VirtualToPhysical Learn about the VirtualToPhysical method, which translates a location in the target's virtual address space into a physical memory address. |
VirtualToPhysical Learn how this method translates a location in the target's virtual address space into a physical memory address. |
WaitForEvent Learn how the WaitForEvent method waits for an event that breaks into the debugger engine application. |
WaitForEvent Learn about the WaitForEvent method, which waits for an event that breaks into the debugger engine application. |
WaitForEvent The WaitForEvent method waits for an event that breaks into the debugger engine application. |
WaitForProcessServerEnd The WaitForProcessServerEnd method waits for a local process server to exit. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
WaitForProcessServerEnd The WaitForProcessServerEnd method waits for a local process server to exit. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
WaitForProcessServerEnd The WaitForProcessServerEnd method waits for a local process server to exit. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
WaitForProcessServerEnd The WaitForProcessServerEnd method waits for a local process server to exit. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
Write Writes to the debug output stream. |
Write The Write method writes the data cached by the ExtRemoteData object to the region of memory on the target, represented by this object. |
WriteBuffer The WriteBuffer method writes data to the target's memory. The data is located in the beginning of the region represented by the ExtRemoteData object. However, the size of the data can be different. |
WriteBusData The WriteBusData method writes data to a system bus. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
WriteBusData The WriteBusData method writes data to a system bus. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
WriteBusData The WriteBusData method writes data to a system bus. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
WriteBusData The WriteBusData method writes data to a system bus. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
WriteBytes The IDebugHostMemory::WriteBytes method writes a number of bytes to the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
WriteBytes The IDebugHostMemory2::WriteBytes method writes a number of bytes to the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
WriteBytes The IDebugHostMemory3::WriteBytes method writes a number of bytes to the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
WriteBytes The IDebugHostMemory4::WriteBytes method writes a number of bytes to the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
WriteBytes The IDebugHostMemory5::WriteBytes method writes a number of bytes to the address space of the target for a given context and location. |
WriteControl The WriteControl method writes implementation-specific system data. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
WriteControl The WriteControl method writes implementation-specific system data. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
WriteControl The WriteControl method writes implementation-specific system data. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
WriteControl The WriteControl method writes implementation-specific system data. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
WriteControlSpace The WriteControlSpace function writes to the processor-specific control space of the current target. |
WriteDumpFile The WriteDumpFile method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient interface. |
WriteDumpFile The WriteDumpFile method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
WriteDumpFile The WriteDumpFile method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
WriteDumpFile The WriteDumpFile method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
WriteDumpFile The WriteDumpFile method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
WriteDumpFile2 The WriteDumpFile2 method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient2 interface. |
WriteDumpFile2 The WriteDumpFile2 method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient3 interface. |
WriteDumpFile2 The WriteDumpFile2 method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
WriteDumpFile2 The WriteDumpFile2 method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
WriteDumpFileWide The WriteDumpFileWide method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient4 interface. |
WriteDumpFileWide The WriteDumpFileWide method creates a user-mode or kernel-modecrash dump file. This method belongs to the IDebugClient5 interface. |
WriteIo The WriteIo method writes to the system and bus I/O memory. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
WriteIo The WriteIo method writes to the system and bus I/O memory. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
WriteIo The WriteIo method writes to the system and bus I/O memory. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
WriteIo The WriteIo method writes to the system and bus I/O memory. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
WriteIoSpace The WriteIoSpace function writes to the system I/O locations. |
WriteIoSpace64 The WriteIoSpace64 function writes to the system I/O locations. |
WriteIoSpaceEx The WriteIoSpaceEx function is an extended version of WriteIoSpace. |
WriteIoSpaceEx64 The WriteIoSpaceEx64 function is an extended version of WriteIoSpace64. |
WriteMsr The WriteMsr method writes a value to the specified Model-Specific Register (MSR). This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
WriteMsr The WriteMsr method writes a value to the specified Model-Specific Register (MSR). This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
WriteMsr The WriteMsr method writes a value to the specified Model-Specific Register (MSR). This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
WriteMsr The WriteMsr method writes a value to the specified Model-Specific Register (MSR). This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
WriteMsr The WriteMsr function writes to a Model-Specific Register (MSR). |
WritePhysical The WritePhysical method writes data to the specified physical address in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
WritePhysical The WritePhysical method writes data to the specified physical address in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
WritePhysical The WritePhysical method writes data to the specified physical address in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
WritePhysical The WritePhysical method writes data to the specified physical address in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
WritePhysical The WritePhysical function writes to physical memory. |
WritePhysical2 The WritePhysical2 method writes data to the specified physical address in the target's memory. |
WritePhysicalWithFlags The WritePhysicalWithFlags function writes to physical memory. |
WritePointer The WritePointer function writes a pointer to the target. |
WritePointers Takes a number of pointers as held in unsigned 64-bit values, truncates them to the native pointer size of the target, and writes them into the address space of the target as defined by the inpassed context and location. |
WritePointers Takes a number of pointers as held in unsigned 64-bit values, truncates them to the native pointer size of the target,and writes them into the address space of the target as defined by the inpassed context and location. |
WritePointers The IDebugHostMemory3::WritePointers method writes a number of pointers into the address space of the target. |
WritePointers The IDebugHostMemory4::WritePointers method writes a number of pointers into the address space of the target. |
WritePointers The IDebugHostMemory5::WritePointers method writes a number of pointers into the address space of the target. |
WritePointersVirtual The WritePointersVirtual method is a convenience method for writing pointers to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to IDebugDataSpaces. |
WritePointersVirtual The WritePointersVirtual method is a convenience method for writing pointers to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to IDebugDataSpaces2. |
WritePointersVirtual The WritePointersVirtual method is a convenience method for writing pointers to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to IDebugDataSpaces3. |
WritePointersVirtual The WritePointersVirtual method is a convenience method for writing pointers to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to IDebugDataSpaces4. |
WriteSymbol The WriteSymbol methods set the value of the specified symbol. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup interface. |
WriteSymbol The WriteSymbol methods set the value of the specified symbol. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface. |
WriteSymbolWide The WriteSymbolWide method sets the value of the specified symbol. |
WriteTypedDataPhysical The WriteTypedDataPhysical method writes the value of a variable in the target computer's physical memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols interface. |
WriteTypedDataPhysical The WriteTypedDataPhysical method writes the value of a variable in the target computer's physical memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols2 interface. |
WriteTypedDataPhysical The WriteTypedDataPhysical method writes the value of a variable in the target computer's physical memory. This method belongs to the IDebugSymbols3 interface. |
WriteTypedDataVirtual The IDebugSymbols::WriteTypedDataVirtual method writes data to the target's virtual address space. The number of bytes written is the size of the specified type. |
WriteTypedDataVirtual The IDebugSymbols2::WriteTypedDataVirtual method writes data to the target's virtual address space. The number of bytes written is the size of the specified type. |
WriteTypedDataVirtual The IDebugSymbols3::WriteTypedDataVirtual method writes data to the target's virtual address space. The number of bytes written is the size of the type. |
WriteVirtual The WriteVirtual method writes data to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
WriteVirtual The WriteVirtual method writes data to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
WriteVirtual The WriteVirtual method writes data to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
WriteVirtual The WriteVirtual method writes data to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
WriteVirtualUncached The WriteVirtualUncached method writes data to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces interface. |
WriteVirtualUncached The WriteVirtualUncached method writes data to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces2 interface. |
WriteVirtualUncached The WriteVirtualUncached method writes data to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces3 interface. |
WriteVirtualUncached The WriteVirtualUncached method writes data to the target's virtual address space. This method belongs to the IDebugDataSpaces4 interface. |
IActionableConcept A concept mechanism for implementing actions. Clients may choose to either implement this interface or place appropriate metadata on effective void(void) methods. (dbgmodel.h) |
IActionEnumerator An enumerator for actions on an object. (dbgmodel.h) |
IActionQueryConcept A concept which is automatically implemented by the data model for any object which has (or can have) actions on it. (dbgmodel.h) |
ICodeAddressConcept The ICodeAddressConcept allows the the use of a code address model that is code addressable. (dbgmodel.h) |
IComparableConcept The IComparableConcept interface compares this object to another object of arbitrary type. E_NOT_SET is returned if the comparison cannot be performed. |
IConstructableConcept A concept that a data model can support in order to allow for construction of the object. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDataModelConcept Any object which represents a data model which is registered under a name or is registered for a particular type signature must implement this concept and add it to the data model object via IModelObject::SetConcept. |
IDataModelManager The core interface for the data model manager. This is the interface by which new objects are created, intrinsic values are boxed and unboxed, and models are registered for types. |
IDataModelManager2 The second version of the interface for the data model manager. This is the interface by which new objects are created, intrinsic values are boxed and unboxed, and models are registered for types. |
IDataModelManager3 The third version of the interface for the data model manager. This is the interface by which new objects are created, intrinsic values are boxed and unboxed, and models are registered for types. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDataModelManager4 The fourth version of the interface for the data model manager. This is the interface by which new objects are created, intrinsic values are boxed and unboxed, and models are registered for types. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDataModelNameBinder Interface to a name binder – a component which can associate names in a context with objects or symbols. |
IDataModelScript An abstraction of a particular script which is being managed by the provider. Each script which is loaded or being edited has a separate IDataModelScript instance. |
IDataModelScript2 This is the second version of the core script interface. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDataModelScriptClient Interface a component directly using debugger script must implement as a multi-way communication channel with the script. |
IDataModelScriptDebug The core interface that a script provider must provide in order to make a script debuggable. |
IDataModelScriptDebug2 An optional interface on scripts (objects which implement IDataModelScript). |
IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpoint An interface to a breakpoint on the script. |
IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpointEnumerator An enumerator of breakpoints within the script. |
IDataModelScriptDebugClient The client of the script debugger implements this interface as a part of a two-way communication channel with the script debugger. |
IDataModelScriptDebugStack An interface to a stack in the script. The script provider implements this interface to expose the notion of a call stack to the script debugger. |
IDataModelScriptDebugStackFrame An interface to a stack frame in the script. The script provider implements this interface to expose the notion of a particular stack frame within the call stack. |
IDataModelScriptDebugVariableSetEnumerator Enumerates a set of variables (arguments, parameters, locals, etc...) |
IDataModelScriptHostContext Implemented by the underlying host debugger, represents information about where the debug host is bridging the script. |
IDataModelScriptManager The core interface to the script management capabilities of the data model manager. Queried from the data model manager. |
IDataModelScriptProvider Any script provider implementing a bridge between a dynamic language and the data model must implement this interface to represent the provider. |
IDataModelScriptProviderEnumerator An enumerator which returns a set of known script providers. |
IDataModelScriptTemplate Any script provider wanting to have pre-filled template content implements this interface per template. |
IDataModelScriptTemplateEnumerator An enumerator which enumerates an available set of script templates. |
IDebugAdvanced IDebugAdvanced interface |
IDebugAdvanced2 IDebugAdvanced2 interface |
IDebugAdvanced3 IDebugAdvanced3 interface |
IDebugAdvanced4 IDebugAdvanced4 interface |
IDebugBreakpoint IDebugBreakpoint interface |
IDebugBreakpoint2 IDebugBreakpoint2 interface |
IDebugBreakpoint3 IDebugBreakpoint3 interface |
IDebugClient IDebugClient interface |
IDebugClient2 IDebugClient2 interface |
IDebugClient3 IDebugClient3 interface |
IDebugClient4 IDebugClient4 interface |
IDebugClient5 IDebugClient5 interface |
IDebugClient6 This interface supports event context callbacks. |
IDebugClient7 The IDebugClient7 interface is reserved for internal use. |
IDebugClient8 The IDebugClient8 interface |
IDebugControl IDebugControl interface |
IDebugControl2 IDebugControl2 interface |
IDebugControl3 IDebugControl3 interface |
IDebugControl4 IDebugControl4 interface |
IDebugControl5 IDebugControl5 interface |
IDebugControl6 IDebugControl6 interface |
IDebugControl7 IDebugControl7 interface |
IDebugDataSpaces IDebugDataSpaces interface |
IDebugDataSpaces2 IDebugDataSpaces2 interface |
IDebugDataSpaces3 IDebugDataSpaces3 interface |
IDebugDataSpaces4 IDebugDataSpaces4 interface |
IDebugEventCallbacks IDebugEventCallbacks interface |
IDebugEventCallbacksWide IDebugEventCallbacksWide interface |
IDebugEventContextCallbacks This interface supports event context callbacks and replaces the use of the IDebugClient::SetEventCallbacks method. |
IDebugFAEntryTags When the !analyze debugger command runs, the analysis engine can load and run extension analysis plug-ins. It creates a DebugFailureAnalysisTags object. |
IDebugFailureAnalysis IDebugFailureAnalysis is used for failure analysis processing. |
IDebugFailureAnalysis2 When the !analyze debugger command runs, the analysis engine can load and run extension analysis plug-ins. It creates a DebugFailureAnalysis object. |
IDebugFailureAnalysis3 IDebugFailureAnalysis3 is used for failure analysis processing. |
IDebugHost The core interface to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostBaseClass An (IDebugHostSymbol derived) interface to a base class. |
IDebugHostBaseClass2 The second version of an extended specialization of IDebugHostSymbol which represents a base class. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostConstant Represents a constant within symbolic information (a non-type template argument in C++). |
IDebugHostContext Represents a context of the debugger answers questions about (what session, process, thread). (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostContext2 Represents a context of the debugger answers questions about (what session, process, thread). Version 2. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostContextAlternator This dbgmodel.h interface allows to change the "current" context (the internal state) of the debugger (IDebugHostContext). |
IDebugHostContextControl This dbgmodel.h interface allows to change the "current" context (the internal state) of the debugger (IDebugHostContext). |
IDebugHostContextExtensibility An OPTIONAL dbgmodel.h interface for hosts to support that allows certain extensions. |
IDebugHostContextExtension An optional dbgmodel interface on host contexts that allows for extensibility based modification. |
IDebugHostContextTargetComposition An interface which bridges the extensibility of the upper edge interfaces (the data model) with those of the lower edge (target composition) for a particular host context. |
IDebugHostData An (IDebugHostSymbol derived) interface to data. |
IDebugHostErrorSink An interface to which errors will be sinked. |
IDebugHostEvaluator The IDebugHostEvaluator (dbgmodel.h) interface provides access to the language based expression evaluator in the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostEvaluator2 The IDebugHostEvaluator2 (dbgmodel.h) interface provides access to the language based expression evaluator in the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostEvaluator3 The version 3 expression evaluator interface to the underlying debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostExtensibility The extensibility interface to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostExtensibility2 The version 2 of the extensibility interface to the underlying debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostExtensibility3 The version 3 of the extensibility interface to the underlying debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostField Represents a field within a structure or class. |
IDebugHostField2 Version 2 of IDebugHostField, which is a specialization of IDebugHostSymbol, which represents a field of a class or struct. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionIntrospection A host optional interface which provides detailed information about a function. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionIntrospection2 The version 2 of a host optional interface which provides detailed information about a function. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionIntrospection3 The version 3 of a host optional interface which provides detailed information about a function. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalDetails A host optional interface which provides details about a function local variable. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalDetails2 The version 2 of a host optional interface which provides details about a function local variable. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalDetailsEnumerator A host optional dbgmodel.h interface which enumerates locals & arguments of a function and provides details about their backing storage and types. |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalStorage Optional introspection interfaces that defines where a local is stored. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalStorage2 The version 2 of an optional introspection interface that defines where a local is stored. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalStorageEnumerator IDebugHostFunctionLocalStorageEnumerator provides an interface to storage for the local (what registers or memory locations. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostMemory The IDebugHostMemory (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostMemory2 The IDebugHostMemory2 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostMemory3 The IDebugHostMemory3 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostMemory4 The IDebugHostMemory4 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostMemory5 The IDebugHostMemory5 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostModule The IDebugHostModule (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModule2 The IDebugHostModule2 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModule3 The IDebugHostModule3 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModule4 The IDebugHostModule4 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModule5 The IDebugHostModule5 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModuleSignature Represents a module signature -- a definition which will match a set of modules by name and/or version. |
IDebugHostPublic An (IDebugHostSymbol derived) interface to a public symbol (address/name only). |
IDebugHostScriptHost An interface which the underlying debugger host must implement in order to manage data model scripts. |
IDebugHostStatus An interface allowing a client to query for the status of the host. |
IDebugHostStatus2 The version 2 of an interface allowing a client to query for the status of the host. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostSymbol The IDebugHostSymbol (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide access to a particular symbol. |
IDebugHostSymbol2 The IDebugHostSymbol2 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide access to a particular symbol. |
IDebugHostSymbol3 The IDebugHostSymbol3(dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide access to a particular symbol. |
IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator An enumerator which runs through children of a symbol. |
IDebugHostSymbols The symbols interface to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostSymbols2 Version 2 of the symbols interface to the underlying debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostSymbolsTargetComposition IDebugHostSymbolsTargetComposition provides interfaces which bridges the extensibility of the upper edge interfaces (the data model) with those of the lower edge (target composition) for symbols. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostSymbolSubstitutionEnumerator An interface for enumerating symbols with substitution text. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostTaggedUnionRangeEnumerator IDebugHostTaggedUnionRangeEnumerator enumerates a set of tag ranges for a tagged union case. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostType The IDebugHostType (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType2 The IDebugHostType2 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType3 The IDebugHostType3 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType4 The IDebugHostType4 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType5 The IDebugHostType5 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType6 The IDebugHostType6 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostTypeSignature Represents a type signature against which type instances can be matched. |
IDebugInputCallbacks IDebugInputCallbacks interface |
IDebugOutputCallbacks IDebugOutputCallbacks interface |
IDebugOutputCallbacks2 The IDebugOutputCallbacks2 interface allows clients to receive full debugger markup language (DML) content for presentation. |
IDebugOutputCallbacksWide IDebugOutputCallbacksWide interface |
IDebugOutputStream Supports the debug output stream. |
IDebugPlmClient The IDebugPlmClient (dbgeng.h) interface defines methods that support Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) for the debug client. |
IDebugPlmClient2 The IDebugPlmClient2 (dbgeng.h) interface defines methods that support Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) for the debug client. |
IDebugPlmClient3 The IDebugPlmClient3 (dbgeng.h) interface defines methods that support Process Lifecycle Management (PLM) for the debug client. |
IDebugRegisters IDebugRegisters interface |
IDebugRegisters2 IDebugRegisters2 interface |
IDebugSymbolGroup IDebugSymbolGroup interface |
IDebugSymbolGroup2 IDebugSymbolGroup2 interface |
IDebugSymbols IDebugSymbols interface |
IDebugSymbols2 IDebugSymbols2 interface |
IDebugSymbols3 IDebugSymbols3 interface |
IDebugSymbols4 This interface supports determination of the symbol of an inline frame. |
IDebugSymbols5 This interface supports using index values for the current frame. |
IDebugSystemObjects IDebugSystemObjects interface |
IDebugSystemObjects2 IDebugSystemObjects2 interface |
IDebugSystemObjects3 IDebugSystemObjects3 interface |
IDebugSystemObjects4 IDebugSystemObjects4 interface |
IDeconstructableConcept A concept that a data model can support in order to decompose an object into a set of arguments which can be passed to the constructable concept in order to create a new identical instance of the object (dbgmodel.h). |
IDynamicConceptProviderConcept The IDynamicConceptProviderConcept (dbgmodel.h) interface provides methods that allow a client to take over the storage of keys and values for an object. |
IDynamicKeyProviderConcept The IDynamicKeyProviderConcept (dbgmodel.h) interface provides methods that allow a client to take over the storage of keys and values for an object. |
IEquatableConcept Supports the ability to compare this object to another (of arbitrary type) for equality. |
IFilteredNamespacePropertyToken Provides an extension to the data model functionality for manipulating namespaces. (dbgmodel.h) |
IHostDataModelAccess IHostDataModelAccess is the bridge interface between the legacy IDebug* interfaces of Debugging Tools for Windows and the data model. |
IIndexableConcept Any object which is a container that supports random access retrieval of elements from given N-dimensional indexers implements IIndexableConcept. |
IIterableConcept The object is a container and can be iterated. |
IKeyEnumerator An enumerator which runs through keys on an object. |
IKeyStore A key/value store. Typically used for metadata. |
IModelIterator An iterator of contained objects (client implemented and returned by IIterableConcept). |
IModelKeyReference The IModelKeyReference (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide a reference to a key on a data model object. |
IModelKeyReference2 The IModelKeyReference2 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide a reference to a key on a data model object. |
IModelMethod Represents a method which can be called. |
IModelObject The IModelObject interface encapsulates the notion of an object -- whether that object is an integer, a string, some complex type in the target address space of the debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IModelObject2 The IModelObject2 interface encapsulates the notion of an object -- whether that object is an integer, a string, some complex type in the target address space of the debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IModelPropertyAccessor The data model representation of a property accessor (get/set). |
INamedModelsEnumerator An interface which enumerates registered named models and their associated name. (dbgmodel.h) |
IObjectWrapperConcept An object which is a wrapper for another object can implement this concept to indicate such. (dbgmodel.h) |
IPreferredRuntimeTypeConcept Interface which clients can implement if they can provide better dynamic runtime type analysis for a given type than the debugger can acquire through RTTI or v-table analysis. |
IRawEnumerator An interface which enumerates the raw children (base classes, fields, etc...) of an object (and their values and associated metadata). |
IStringDisplayableConcept Interface which clients must implement on any object which is convertible to a display string. |
ArrayDimension Defines the memory layout of one dimension of an array. |
BUSDATA The IG_GET_BUS_DATA Ioctl operation reads data from a system bus and the IG_SET_BUS_DATA Ioctl operation writes data to a system bus. |
DBGKD_GET_VERSION64 The IG_GET_KERNEL_VERSION Ioctl operation receives information related to the operating system version of the target. |
DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_PARAMETERS The DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_PARAMETERS structure contains most of the parameters for describing a breakpoint. |
DEBUG_CACHED_SYMBOL_INFO Defines information about cached symbols. |
DEBUG_CLIENT_CONTEXT Contains a debug client constant to provide to the IDebugClient7::SetClientContext method. |
DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_OPTIONS The DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_OPTIONS structure specifies the process creation options to use when creating a new process. |
DEBUG_EVENT_CONTEXT Defines context information about an event. |
DEBUG_EXCEPTION_FILTER_PARAMETERS The DEBUG_EXCEPTION_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure contains the parameters for an exception filter. |
DEBUG_GET_TEXT_COMPLETIONS_IN The _DEBUG_GET_TEXT_COMPLETIONS_IN structure defines information about the type of text completions to get. |
DEBUG_GET_TEXT_COMPLETIONS_OUT The _DEBUG_GET_TEXT_COMPLETIONS_OUT structure defines information about the type of text completions to receive. |
DEBUG_HANDLE_DATA_BASIC The DEBUG_HANDLE_DATA_BASIC structure contains handle-related information about a system object. |
DEBUG_LAST_EVENT_INFO_BREAKPOINT Describes the breakpoint of the last event. |
DEBUG_LAST_EVENT_INFO_EXCEPTION Describes the exception of the last event. |
DEBUG_LAST_EVENT_INFO_EXIT_PROCESS Describes the exit process of the last event. |
DEBUG_LAST_EVENT_INFO_EXIT_THREAD Describes the exit thread of the last event. |
DEBUG_LAST_EVENT_INFO_LOAD_MODULE Describes the load module of the last event. |
DEBUG_LAST_EVENT_INFO_SYSTEM_ERROR Describes the system error of the last event. |
DEBUG_LAST_EVENT_INFO_UNLOAD_MODULE Describes the unload module of the last event. |
DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID The DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID structure describes a symbol within a module. |
DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS The DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS structure contains most of the parameters for describing a module. |
DEBUG_OFFSET_REGION Defines a debug offset region. |
DEBUG_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFICATION_ALL This union contains relevant information for a processor the supported processors. |
DEBUG_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFICATION_IA64 Identifies an Intel Itanium architecture (IA64) processor. |
DEBUG_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFICATION_X86 Identifies an x86 processor. |
DEBUG_READ_USER_MINIDUMP_STREAM Describes a user minidump to read. |
DEBUG_REGISTER_DESCRIPTION The DEBUG_REGISTER_DESCRIPTION structure is returned by GetDescription to describe a processor's register. |
DEBUG_SPECIFIC_FILTER_PARAMETERS The DEBUG_SPECIFIC_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure contains the parameters for a specific event filter. |
DEBUG_STACK_FRAME The DEBUG_STACK_FRAME structure describes a stack frame and the address of the current instruction for the stack frame. |
DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX The DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX structure describes a stack frame and the address of the current instruction for the stack frame. |
DEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY The DEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY structure describes a symbol in a symbol group. |
DEBUG_SYMBOL_PARAMETERS The DEBUG_SYMBOL_PARAMETERS structure describes a symbol in a symbol group. |
DEBUG_SYMBOL_SOURCE_ENTRY The DEBUG_SYMBOL_SOURCE_ENTRY structure describes a section of the source code and a corresponding region of the target's memory. |
DEBUG_THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION The DEBUG_THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION structure describes an operating system thread. |
DEBUG_TYPED_DATA The DEBUG_TYPED_DATA structure describes typed data in the memory of the target. |
DEBUG_VALUE The DEBUG_VALUE structure holds register and expression values. |
EXT_TYPED_DATA The EXT_TYPED_DATA structure is passed to and returned from the DEBUG_REQUEST_EXT_TYPED_DATA_ANSI Request operation. It contains the input and output parameters for the operation as well as specifying which particular suboperation to perform. |
ExtendedArrayDimension The ExtendedArrayDimension struct provides details about an array dimension, including how to interpret the remainder of the information in the array dimension, lower bounds, length, and stride. |
ExtKnownStruct The ExtKnownStruct structure is used to specify how a target's structure can be formatted for output. |
FA_ENTRY A DebugFailureAnalysis object has a collection of failure analysis entries (FA entries). Each FA entry is represented by an FA_ENTRY structure. For more information, see Failure Analysis Entries, Tags, and Data Types. |
FIELD_INFO The FIELD_INFO structure is used by the IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFOIoctl operation to provide information about a member in a structure. |
INLINE_FRAME_CONTEXT Describes inline frame context. |
Location Defines the location for an object. This particular variant of Location is the C-COM access struct. |
NDIS_KDNET_ADD_PF The KDNETPF transport support NDIS_KDNET_ADD_PF structure describes the data required to add a PF to the BDF port. |
NDIS_KDNET_BDF The KDNETPF transport support NDIS_KDNET_BDF structure describes the PCI location of the port to query. |
NDIS_KDNET_ENUMERATE_PFS The KDNETPF transport support NDIS_KDNET_ENUMERATE_PFS structure describes the data required to enumerate the list of PF. |
NDIS_KDNET_PF_ENUM_ELEMENT KDNETPF transport support API NDIS_KDNET_PF_ENUM_ELEMENT is a PF element array structure. |
NDIS_KDNET_QUERY_PF_INFORMATION KDNETPF transport support API NDIS_KDNET_QUERY_PF_INFORMATION structure describes the data required to query the PF management data. |
NDIS_KDNET_REMOVE_PF The KDNETPF transport support API NDIS_KDNET_REMOVE_PF structure describes the data required to remove a PF from the BDF port. |
POINTER_SEARCH_PHYSICAL The IG_POINTER_SEARCH_PHYSICAL Ioctl operation searches the target's physical memory for pointers lying within a specified range. |
READCONTROLSPACE Learn how the ReadControlSpace function reads the processor-specific control space into the array pointed to by buf. |
READCONTROLSPACE64 Learn how the ReadControlSpace64 function reads the processor-specific control space into the array pointed to by buf. |
ScriptDebugEventInformation A struct containing information about a particular debug event. |
ScriptDebugPosition Defines a position within a script. |
SEARCHMEMORY Learn how the SearchMemory function searches the target's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. |
STACK_SRC_INFO Defines stack source information. |
STACK_SYM_FRAME_INFO Defines stack source information for an extended stack frame. |
SYM_DUMP_PARAM The IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO Ioctl operation provides information about the type of a symbol. |
SYMBOL_INFO_EX The SYMBOL_INFO_EX structure describes the extended line symbol information. |
SymbolSearchInfo The SymbolSearchInfo (dbgmodel.h) structure contains a search record that is passed to EnumerateChildrenEx in order to restrict symbol searches. |
TypeSearchInfo The TypeSearchInfo (dbgmodel.h) structure contains a search record passed to EnumerateChildrenEx specifically for SymbolType searches. |
WDBGEXTS_THREAD_OS_INFO The IG_GET_THREAD_OS_INFO Ioctl operation returns information about an operating system thread in the target. When calling Ioctl with IoctlType set to IG_GET_THREAD_OS_INFO, IpvData should contain an instance of the WDBGEXTS_THREAD_OS_INFO structure. |