Line Property (WshRemoteError)
Identifies the line in a script that contains an error.
- Object
WshRemoteError object.
The Line property returns an unsigned long integer.
Notice that some errors do not occur on a particular line. For example, consider the error Expected End If. In this case, there is no line (a line of code is missing). In such a case, the Line property returns zero (0).
The following JScript code demonstrates how the WshRemoteError object exposes the line in which the error occurred.
Dim Controller, RemoteScript
Set Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WSHController")
Set RemoteScript = Controller.CreateScript("test.js", "remoteserver")
WScript.ConnectObject RemoteScript, "remote_"
Do While RemoteScript.Status <> 2
WScript.Sleep 100
Sub remote_Error
Dim theError
Set theError = RemoteScript.Error
WScript.Echo "Error - Line: " & theError.Line & ", Char: " & theError.Character & vbCrLf & "Description: " & theError.Description
WScript.Quit -1
End Sub
var Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WSHController");
var RemoteScript = Controller.CreateScript("test.js", "remoteserver");
WScript.ConnectObject(RemoteScript, "remote_");
while (RemoteScript.Status != 2) {
function remote_Error()
var theError = RemoteScript.Error;
WScript.Echo("Error - Line: " + theError.Line + ", Char: " + theError.Character + "\nDescription: " + theError.Description);
Description Property (WshRemoteError)
Line Property