Vittorio Bertocci
Scatter thoughts
UniqueID maintenance in the store
The comments to my blog stopped working. I am working on it, but in the meanwhile here there's the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/17/2007
UniqueID and PPID
[edit: Caleb points out that I could be clearer in stating that using just the PPID for...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/15/2007
Using Simple STS and managed cards with the simple WPF sample
Well, what a alliterative title :-) I've been asked in several occasions how to use managed cards,...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/09/2007
I've got the power!
That is to say, my router works/all my battery powered gadgets are recharging/the food moved back...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/16/2006
CardSpace and OSS
A customer asked me to forward him some info about how CardSpace is being received by the industry....
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/05/2006
WCF on Windows Mobile
Well, I guess a lot of people waited for this. Being able to write WS-* apps on phone? THIS IS...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 11/21/2006
Gartner healthcare summit, WiFi on planes, WPF WCF & caching CardSpace tokens, Vista, Id World... and neurotransmitters
Well, what a week :) Monday and Tuesdsay, @ S.Diego for the Gartner Healthcare Summit. Ben Flock...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 11/20/2006
Using Windows CardSpace for securing a WPF smartclient, in WCF & token caching sauce
Hello everybody. It's some time that I have this sample in the buffer: I am publishing now in a...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 11/17/2006
WS-MTOMPolicy published
Let's welcome MTOM Serialization Policy Assertion, or WS-MTOMPolicy for friends and close relatives...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/30/2006
Generating a managed card backed by a smartcard
I've recently been asked for a CardSpace example which demonstrates the use of a smartcard. Well,...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/28/2006
Identity Theft: The Michelle Brown Story
When something is part of your daily experience, it's really hard to think that for somebody else it...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/13/2006
CardSpace: how images are mapped on cards
Architects and developers often overlook it, but the details of how things are rendered is of great...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/11/2006
WS-Trust on Channel9: what WCF and CardSpace don't tell you
Last week Charles and I locked ourselves in a conference room, and I spent a good hour filling a big...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/05/2006
Writing Managed Cards with Style: WPF Card Toy
Few months ago I stepped in Jaime's office and I pitched to him the idea of a Managed Card writer...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 09/22/2006
Announcing the Windows Communication Foundation Live Service Trace Viewer
by Craig McMurtry and Vittorio Bertocci Announcing the ... Windows Communication Foundation Live...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 09/19/2006
Cardspace: some changes with the RC1 wave
Hello there! I'm totally drowning in stuff to do these days, but this post is quick to write and can...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 09/07/2006
Polfer case study published!
It's with great pleasure and pride that I write these lines. The first case study we publish about a...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 08/22/2006
CardSpace & Workflow Foundation: creating managed cards as a workflow activity
Recently I posted mainly about CardSpace, but my mission is actually about all our application...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 08/22/2006
WS-MetadataExchange updated: it's all about the resource, baby!
Oh joy!The WS-MetadaExchange specification has been updated. You can find the new spec here:...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 08/16/2006
Boost TabletPc pen responsiveness
Weeell. As you know, I love sketching little pictures for supporting my point in my posts, and the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 08/06/2006
Detecting CardSpace support in the browser
Garrett shares some of his JS-flavoured wizardry: with that snippet you can find out on the fly if...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 08/04/2006
CardSpace: a closer look to the CRD format
I'm receiving a lot of questions about the CRD file format, that is to say the format used by...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 08/02/2006
CardSpace: cascading managed cards, or chains or trust
The product is not out yet, and I already think of the stuff I'd like in vNext.. :) Today's wishful...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 08/01/2006
CardSpace: frequent flyer programs, or Federation for the Masses
The idea of federation usually conjures images of enterprise partnerships, people in blue suites...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/31/2006
Please wait for your seat to reboot...
In the last year I really spent an amazing amount of time on airplaines, flying around the globe to...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/18/2006
CardSpace Sandbox!
You asked for it, we made it :-) I'm just back from vacation, and on the first day or work 1) we...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/18/2006
CardSpace: Steven blogs, and Nigel is back on business!
Finally Steven is blogging! I always wondered when he'd start sharing his great experience on the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/18/2006
Caleb explains CardSpace... for free!
Time to give Caleb well deserved real estate in this blog. He's explaining the most intricated...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/15/2006
Spiderman reveals his Identity!
Maybe not that technical, but Identity related :-) After years of successful anonimity, Spiderman...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/14/2006
TechEd: Great traffic at the CardSpace booth
Me, Garrett, Richard and Caleb are very busy these days! CardSpace is getting a lot of interest, and...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/14/2006
TechEd: come and have a chat!
I'm here in Boston for TechEd. Boys, it's HUGE :-) Come to see me at the TLC: I will be most of the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/12/2006
Infocard->Windows CardSpace
I was sentimentally attached to the name "Infocard", as I was to "Indigo" and "Avalon"... but I've...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/09/2006
Breakpoints in a custom WF designer? Now you can!
Let's break the Infocard series for a short WF flavoured pause. After months, I finally managed to...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/02/2006
MSDN Architecture Webcast: Using "Infocard" to Safely Manage Customer Identity in Retail (Level 200)
If you don't mind my thick Italian accent, tomorrow I have yet another webcast on Infocard! Abstract...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/25/2006
Windows Live ID: Infocard!!!
or "la sagra della federazione" :). Windows Live embraces Federation, claim based authe tication and...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/23/2006
So you want to adopt Infocard?
Good news, you’re in very good company. I’ve spent the last few months flying around the Globe,...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/19/2006
3 years of blabbering
Ah, BTW it's more than 3 years that I preach from this soapbox :-)
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/26/2006
W for WS-Policy
WS-Policy made it as well! It was finally submitted to a standard body: W3C was the logical choice,...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/26/2006
On Identity [mis]Management & Minority Report
While I'm on the topic, I just recalled something that never fails to bother me everytime I watch...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/11/2006
Memorable sentence about passwords
As announced, the Longhorn Server SDR is here! I'm happily attending a session delivered by our...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/11/2006
Paper: Why phishing works
An interesting paper, which decomposes the effectiveness of phishing through the analysis of its...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/03/2006
Stanislaw Lem
A f a n t a s t i c writer. His stories so delicate and deep and geek appealing. Got to read him...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/28/2006
Webcast: Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, and Identity in Financial Services (Level 200)
I was just presenting to my wife the material for my next webcast on Infocard, and I realized I...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/27/2006
Windows "Longhorn" Server - Software Design Review (SDR) Event
Longhorn Server. The ideal host for all the stuff I usually preach about from here, as we all know...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/24/2006
Infocard within web applications
You asked for it, it's here. Check out the excellent article from our own Mike Jones about how to...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/17/2006