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【IIS7】 来週 Tech・Ed でセッション

来週 横浜で久し振りに大きな場でIIS7.0の話をさせていただきます。
8 月 24 日(金)  9:30 - 10:45 国立大ホール(Room A)

こうやって実践しよう! システム管理者のための IIS 7.0 featuring Windows Server 2008

今でこそかなりの人が「IIS7って」と言ってくれるようになってきましたが、MDC2006で初めて話した時は「おもしろいね、でもまだまだ」と結構言われていました。 Windows Server 2008 June CTP  で Server Core にも搭載され、今となってはかなり引っ張りだこな現状がびっくりします。当時はVistaもまだ製品前だったこともあって動かない?バグ?他のビルドでは?の繰り返しでした。今はVistaも製品、Windows Server 2008 はもう June CTP とかなり進み、気持ちは1999年に2000のRCを触っていたのと同じ感じで変な気持です。

今は本当にIIS7.0がきちんと触れる環境が整い、「IIS7.0っていいね!」ってかなり声がかかるようになり、自分の子供を誉められたみたいにうれしいです。是非 お試しください、そして横浜に来られる方は。。。お楽しみに (^O^)/

= English =

[IIS7] A breakout session at Tech Ed next week 

Next week I'll be delivering a breakout session at Yokohama, it's been a while talking at a large conference.
August 24, Friday  9:30 - 10:45 Room A

This is how you should use it!  IIS7.0 for IT Professionals
featuring Windows Server 2008

These days, everyone would say "How's IIS7?" but when I first introduced it in Japan at MDC2006, "Interesting but not yet..."  was the response I got from most of the people. NOW you can use IIS7 on Windows Server 2008 June CTP Server Core. It is unbelievable how everything has changed and I'm asked to speak at so many occasions. At the introduction time, Vista was still Beta and when something doesn't work, "Is it a bug?" "What about other builds?" was happening every time I was preparing for any seminar. NOW we have the released Vista, June CTP for Windows Server 2008. I feel like what I felt in 1999 when I was touching Windows 2000 RCs, almost there but not yet kind of stage.

NOW we have an environment that you can really try out IIS7 and many people are starting to say "WOW!, IIS7 is cool! " It's like somebody says good things about your kid. I'm really happy even though I was not the guys who built it, it's really good. I'm so proud of what the IIS guys did. Please try it out, it's really worth it. And people who are coming to Yokohama, let's see what I can show you :-)