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【IIS7】 そろそろいいことばかりでなく、現実的なことも重要か

仕事柄 しばらく じっくりとサポート技術情報を眺めることに時間が取れなかったんですが、そろそろVistaをお試しいただいている方も増え、色々なことに遭遇しているでしょう。サポート技術情報で見たIIS7を少し書いておきましょう。各技術情報の一番下に該当製品名が列挙されるのはご存じの通りなので、 "Internet Information Services 7.0" で検索をした今日時点の結果ですが、下記がヒットしました。9/10時点、33件。

Error message when you try to install version 2.5 of the UrlScan tool on a computer that is running Internet Information Services 7.0: "Installer cannot install UrlScan because IIS version 4.0, 5.0, 5.1, or 6.0 is not installed on this computer"

(931206) - Describes an issue in which you cannot install the UrlScan tool on a computer that is running Internet Information Services 7.0. ... Also, Request Filtering is available as a role that you can install when you install Internet Information Services 7.0.


• How the Internet Server API filter notification process has changed in Internet Information Services 7.0

(931205) - In IIS 7.0, the SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATION ... This article contains information about how the Internet Server API (ISAPI) filter notification process has changed in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. ... However, in IIS 7.0, the SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATION ...


• You receive an error message when you try to view a Web page from a Web site that uses pass-through authentication in Internet Information Services 7.0

(934515) - Describes a behavior that occurs when a Web page is stored in a UNC directory and when the Web site uses pass-through authentication in IIS 7.0. ... Consider the following scenario: A computer is running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0.


• How to use the Appcmd.exe command-line tool to enable and configure HTTP logging and other features in Internet Information Services 7.0

(930909) - Explains how to use the Appcmd.exe command-line tool in Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 to enable and configure HTTP logging and other features. ... The following features cannot be configured by using the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 Manager: HTTP ...


• The exit message of an Internet Information Services 7.0 FTP site is truncated to only 1,017 characters

(931209) - Describes behavior that occurs if you specify an FTP exit message that is longer than 1,017 characters for an Internet Information Services 7.0 FTP site. ... Click Start , type iis manager in the Start Search box, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 ...

FTPのExitメッセージの文字列長制限が1024 - 7文字 だという話。7文字は221のステータスコード、あとはスペースとLFとCRということらしい。

• Internet Server API authentication filters that were created for earlier versions of Internet Information Services do not work correctly in Internet Information Services 7.0

(931203) - After you upgrade to Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, Internet Server API (ISAPI) authentication filters that were created for earlier versions of IIS do not work correctly. ... In the Windows Features dialog box, expand Internet Information Services , expand World ...


• FIX: HTML documents may not be displayed correctly in Internet Information Services 7.0 after you upgrade from Windows Vista Home Basic

(930901) - After you upgrade from Windows Vista Home Basic, HTML documents may not be displayed correctly in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. ... In the Windows Features dialog box, expand Internet Information Services , and then expand World Wide Web Services .

VistaのEdition間アップグレードを行った際、具体的にはHome Basicから他の上位のEdition、HTMLを正しく処理できなくなる問題の報告です。対策はpkgmgrを使ってコマンドベースで/uu、つまりアンインストールしてGUIで入れ直しと書いてありますが、pkgmgrでもう一回/iuしてもOKということになりますね。

• The URLScan tool and some ISAPI filters do not work correctly after you upgrade to Windows Vista and Internet Information Services 7.0

(931199) - After you upgrade a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer that is running Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.1 to Windows Vista and Internet Information Services 7.0, the URLScan tool and some ISAPI filters do not work correctly. ... Vista and Internet Information Services 7.0, the URLScan ...

XPからVistaへのアップグレードネタで、ISAPIフィルターが正しく動作しないというもの。これはアプリケーションプールでの動作概念により、ロードされるプロセスの実行アカウントが既定ではNetwork Serviceであるので権限が無い状況になっているのが理由。

• How to create a log file that can help troubleshoot IIS Admin Base Objects (ABO) Mapper errors in Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0

(931208) - Describes how to enable the IIS Admin Base Objects (ABO) Mapper error log file in Internet Information Services 7.0. This article discusses how to create a log file that can help troubleshoot Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Admin Base Object (ABO) Mapper errors in IIS 7.0.


• Several Internet Information Services 7.0 features are installed and enabled when you upgrade from Windows Vista Home Basic

(930902) - When you upgrade from Windows Vista Home Basic, several Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 features are installed and enabled. ... In the Windows Features dialog box, expand Internet Information Services , and then expand World Wide Web Services .

Home Basicから上位Editionへのアップグレードを行うといくつかのモジュールがインストールされ、有効になるよ という話。

• You cannot visit an Internet Information Services 7.0 Web site from a remote computer

(931207) - Describes behavior that occurs if some ports are not open in Windows Firewall to allow for traffic from remote computers to an Internet Information Services 7.0 Web site. ... To allow for remote connections to the Internet Information Services 7.0 Web site, add exceptions to Windows Firewall.

リモートコンピュータからIIS7.0ベースのWebサイトにアクセスできないという話。無論、セキュリティ強化によるWindows Firewall設定が必要ということ。

• Error message when you try to visit a Web page that is hosted on a computer that is running Internet Information Services 7.0: "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable"

(931198) - Describes an issue in Internet Information Services 7.0 in which you receive an error message when you try to visit a Web page. ... The computer is running IIS 7.0 and the original release version of the .NET Framework 2.0 (version 2.0.50727).

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework にベータ版の.NET Framework 2.0があると503が出るらしい。503は通常、applicationHost.configを他のマシンからコピーして実際のそのマシン上のモジュール構成が異なる場合に出るケースの方が多いのだが、このケースでも出るとのこと。

• Error message when you try to install the ASP.NET feature in IIS 7.0: "An error has occurred"

(929772) - This issue occurs when you try to install the ASP.NET feature in IIS 7.0 after you ... In Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS 7.0), you may receive an error message that resembles the following when you try to install the Microsoft ASP.NET feature: An error has occurred.

ASP.NET 1.1と2.0がインストールされたXPマシンをVistaにアップグレードするとISAPIフィルタが2重登録されるという問題報告。一度ISAPIフィルタの登録を解除し、Windows機能の有効化または無効化で再度インストールすることが対処策。

• Error message when you request an ASP page that connects to an Access database in IIS 7.0: "Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'"

(926939) - Describes a problem that may occur when you request an ASP page that connects to an Access database in IIS 7.0. ... On a Web server that is running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, you host an active server page (ASP) that connects to a database.


• IIS 7.0 does not return the directory list if you enter an FTP LIST command together with a file mask argument

(931197) - When you access a Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 FTP site that is running on a Windows Vista-based computer, you experience the following symptoms: If you enter an FTP LIST command, IIS 7.0 returns the directory list to the FTP client application as expected.

IIS7付属のFTP(FTP6)に接続した際にワイルドカード付きでディレクトリをリストしようと正しく表示されないという問題報告。dir *.xml とかですね。

• You cannot view Web pages that are hosted on a Web server that you upgraded from Windows XP SP2 to Windows Vista, and you receive an HTTP 404 error message

(930908) - ... that may occur when you upgrade a Web server from Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 ... After you upgrade a Web server from Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) to Windows Vista and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, you cannot view Web pages that are hosted on the Web server.

XPからのアップグレードを行ったマシンで一度もIIS Lockdown Toolを実行していない場合、Vistaのインストーラがセキュリティリスクと判断して、W3SVCサービスを有効にしないために起こる問題報告。404が返るとのこと。

• Error messages that are related to the component that maps ABO interface calls to the configuration system in IIS 7.0 are logged in the %Windir%\System32\Abomapper.log file

(922427) - This article discusses where to find error messages that are related to the component that maps Admin Base Object (ABO) interface calls to the new configuration system in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. ... failed with 8007000d For more information about IIS 7.0, visit the ...

ABOのAPIを利用している場合のエラーはマッパーのログに記録されるという技術情報。設定方法は931208にHOW TOとして記載されている。

• FIX: Error message after you upgrade from Windows XP SP2 to Windows Vista: "Server Application Unavailable. The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable"

(930903) - After you perform the upgrade, all ASP.NET 1.1 and ASP.NET 2.0 applications on the Windows Vista-based computer are moved into the AppPool_Low application pool in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. ... the Start Search box, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager ...

XPからのアップグレードもの。ASP.NET1.1のアプリと2.0のアプリの両方がある場合、そもそもアプリケーションプール一つに対して.NET Frameworkのバージョンは一つしか対応できないのだが、全部AppPool__Lowというアプリケーションプールに集められてしまうために起こる問題報告。アプリケーションプールをちゃんと複数作ってそれぞれに配置する。

• The Windows Process Activation Service feature is not turned off when you turn off the IIS 7.0 feature

(930911) - When you turn off the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 feature on a Windows Vista-based computer, the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) feature is not turned off. ... Click to clear the Windows Process Activation Service check box, and then click OK .


• You receive a "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error message when you try to start a Web site in the Internet Information Services MMC snap-in

(890015) - Describes an issue in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 that occurs when you try to manually start a Web site. ... This issue also occurs in IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista. ... At the command prompt, type the following command: netstat -ano Note For more information about the ...

Webサイトが起動せず、システムイベントでW3SVC 1004、HTTP 15005 が記録される問題。これはIISが既定で利用するポートを他のプロセスが利用している場合に発生する模様。

• The requirements for using the ODBC logging feature in Internet Information Services

(931202) - Contains information about how to use the SQL Native Client ODBC driver and ODBC logging in IIS. This article describes some of the requirements for using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) logging feature in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).

ODBCログをIIS7で利用する場合の条件があるとのこと。SQL Native Client ODBC driver がIIS7では対応していない模様。ロギングの設定方法自身は245243を参照。

• List of registry keys that are migrated when you upgrade from IIS 5.1 on Windows XP to IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista

(930907) - Explains that some registry keys and values are not migrated when you upgrade to IIS 7.0. ... When you upgrade from Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.1 on Microsoft Windows XP to IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista, some IIS registry keys and values are not migrated.


• FIX: CGI applications that set multiple instances of a response header in IIS 7.0 do not work as expected

(932385) - Fixes a problem that occurs when IIS 7.0 is running on Windows Vista. When you use the Virtual Server Administration Web application to change some Web site properties, the changes are not saved as expected.


• You receive an error message when you try to create a Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET project on a Windows Vista-based computer

(936857) - Describes an issue that occurs when both Visual Studio 2005 and IIS 7.0 are installed on a Windows Vista-based computer. You receive an error message when you try to create an ASP.NET project that is hosted in IIS 7.0.


• Host header names that contain an underscore character are not supported in IIS 7.0

(937688) - Explains that underscore characters (_) are not supported in host header names in IIS 7.0. You receive a "The host header specified is invalid" error message.


• FIX: Error message when you try to debug an ASP.NET 2.0 application in Visual Studio 2005 on a Windows Vista-based computer: "Unable to start debugging on the web server. Debugging failed because integrated Windows authentication is not enabled"

(937523) - Describes a problem that occurs when you try to debug an ASP.NET 2.0 application in Visual Studio 2005 on a Windows Vista-based computer, and you receive an error message. Includes a hotfix to resolve the problem.

VS2005でのデバッグでエラーがHome BasicとHome Premiumで出る話。Windows認証のモジュールが無いことによって発生する問題の模様。VS2005SP1ベースのFixがある。

• All ASP.NET applications run in the same worker process after you upgrade a Windows XP-based computer that is running IIS 5.1 to Windows Vista

(930912) - You install Microsoft ASP.NET 1.1 and Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 on a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer that is running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.1. ... For example, both the ASP.NET 1.1 application and the ASP.NET 2.0 application run in the same application pool in IIS 7.0.


• Description of the default settings for the MimeMap property and for the ScriptMaps property in IIS

(936496) - Describes the default settings for the MimeMap property and for the ScriptMaps property in IIS.

• FIX: Internet Information Services 7.0 removes custom values in the Web.config file

(930451) - Fixes a problem that occurs when you modify the configuration for any delegated feature.


• ASP.NET Trace Provider information is removed from the applicationHost.config file after you install Active Server Pages on a Windows Vista-based computer

(931200) - Describes an issue in Internet Information Services in which ASP.NET trace provider information is removed from the applicationHost.config file.

あらら。VistaでASP.NETを入れる。そうして別にその後でASPを入れるとASP.NETのTrace Provider情報がapplicationHost.config から無くなるという問題の報告。

• Error message when you complete a certificate request in Internet Information Services 7.0: "Cannot find the certificate request associated with this certificate file"

(931204) - Describes an issue in IIS 7.0 that occurs when you use the Complete Certificate Request feature and you try to finish processing the certificate. In Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, you use the Complete Certificate Request feature to complete a certificate request.

サーバー証明書 - 証明書の要求の完了 機能でDERを選択するとエラーが起こる問題報告。Base64はOK。

• Error message when you try to visit an HTML page that is hosted in IIS 7.0 in Windows Vista Home Basic and Windows Vista Starter: "HTTP Error 404.4 - Not Found"

(934514) - Explains that Windows Vista Home Basic and Windows Vista Starter have some limitations that causes you to receive an "HTTP Error 404.4" error message when you visit a Web page that is hosted on Internet Information Services 7.0. ... Therefore, you cannot handle HTML pages that are hosted on IIS 7.0.

Home Basicで404.4が返る事象について書いている。これはHome BasicにはIIS7、つまりWebサーバー機能を持っていないことによって起こる。具体的には静的コンテンツを処理するモジュールが無論無いから。

• Server activation fails when you use a SOAP WSDL moniker to activate a COM+ SOAP-enabled server on a computer that is running Windows Vista

(927672) - Server Version Information: Internet Information Services 7.0. This problem is not a COM+ SOAP service-specific problem. This problem occurs because of a Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 security enhancement in Windows Vista.

これは私には濃いネタですね。。。.NET Remotingで起動を行う処理において起動URLにエスケープがダブルで入っているためにIIS7がリクエストに対して404.11を返すという内容。

ということで、XPからVistaへのアップグレード、Home Basic関係、VS2005関係 が現時点では注意が必要な状況ということですね。役に立つといいですけど、またどこかでこの情報はアップデートしないとね。。。



= English = 


[IIS7] It's about time not to write just good and great things but also realistic stuff


Due to the nature of my current work, I couldn't take time to view the related support knowledge base articles but there must be many people trying IIS7 on Vista so I'd like to report what's there. So this post is about IIS7 @ As you may know, all KB articles list the product at the bottom, as of today there are 33 articles about "Internet Information Services 7.0". Above I've summarized comments in Japanese what each of them are but I won't do that for English because you can assume what it's about correctly from the titles.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed