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Quelques échanges en anglais sur le mode humoristique (désolé pour les non anglophones).


When I got to my desk this morning, I noticed a crash in Wall street. Given the nature of the product, this was not unexpected.

Stack trace attached:
ExceptionType: MoneyMarkets.NotEnoughLiquidityException
at WallStreet!WithdrawMoneyToStuffMatress
at WallStreet!PanicAndMoveMoneyToTreasuryBills
at WallStreet!FileForBankruptcy
at WallStreet!BegForFederalBailout
at WallStreet!TryToSellToxicWorthlessInstruments
at WallStreet!IssueCDOAgainstDubiousMortgages
at WallStreet!RepackageMortgagesInExoticInstruments
at WallStreet!LendMoneyToUnverifiedHomeowners


You need to add in the new module, FederalControls.dll, and hook it properly into the WallStreet binary, in an attempt to fix the crash and make sure it doesn't happen again.

I believe they are working on a hotfix but they still need the repro steps to figure out where the exeption appears


Badly formed mortgage bonds can cause general protection defaults