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M3 Sweatt's blog

Thoughts on time, technology, products and services at Microsoft

Laptop caution: coffee isn't the only thing that may burn your lap

This from Harry McCracken on MSN Tech and Gadgets on the disclaimer that graces the bottom of the...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/28/2007

Your questions: "have you noticed a change at Microsoft with Bill Gates' move to part-time?"

Steve asks... "With Bill Gates recent switch to part-time, have you noticed a change in daily...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/28/2007

PCs that barely resemble PCs: PC Design Contest 2007 winners

Thanks to LifeHacker for this link to CNET for ZDNet Korea's photo report on "PCs that barely...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/24/2007

Your questions: "what type of camcorder should I buy?"

As I have a hobby of using camcorders in dangerous situations (for office satire and home movies ;)...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/24/2007

Live search, New York to London: "Ya can't get there from here"

From my friend, JuliAnn... many thanks. "This is why the Internet is the greatest media created in...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/22/2007

Your questions: "What's the corporate culture like at Microsoft?"

Stephen asks a few questions (including what I do at Microsoft)... "What are your personal opinions...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/21/2007

Dell's EC280 is an answer to the Apple Mac mini... but only if you live in China

MSN reported last month (as did BusinessWeek and others) that the new Dell EC280 was unveiled in...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/21/2007

Have it your way: Dell makes Windows Vista and Windows XP available

It has been a busy week, and between catching up at work and a backlog of email, sick kids and just...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/20/2007

Returning from SoCal, back in sunny Seattle

Seattle (or Redmond) has nothing like SeaWorld or Legoland, from the perspective of a six year old...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/15/2007

Thoughts on the new Apple TV (seeing it live with iTunes) and Xbox 360

Peter Svensson is a technology writer for the Associated Press, and the Seattle Times picked up his...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/07/2007

.ani exploit via e-mail: you'd think hackers would know how to spell 'Britney Spears'

As I noted yesterday in my blog, there is a new patch that addresses the animated cursor...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/05/2007

Quick note for consumers on security: turn on Automatic Updates

What's all this talk about animated cursors and exploits on Windows? Some times, email attachments...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/04/2007

Your questions: Tech & Gadgets asks "Is your digital photo collection under control?"

MSN Tech and Gadgets is asking the question I have heard numerous times: "Is your digital photo...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/03/2007

Apple-EMI deal announced, but no Beatles catalogue on-line yet

Today's press conference at EMI Music's HQ in London with Apple CEO Steve Jobs launched DRM-free...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/02/2007

Your questions: How I Work at the office

How I Work: M3 Sweatt No matter what anyone tells you, there’s still a bunch of paper in this...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 04/01/2007

Your questions: how do I connect an Xbox 360 to my Windows PC?

A question from an Xbox 360 owner with a Media Center PC: "how do I connect an Xbox 360 to my...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/30/2007

Courtesy of the Microsoft Download Notifications today (Go to the Profile Center to...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/30/2007

Remember: April 1st is not this year's daylight saving time 'spring forward' date

If you did not apply the updates to your various PCs and devices as noted on our...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/30/2007

Your questions: Who do you work with in COSD at Microsoft?

A question received this afternoon from a friend in SiValley (thanks, Kim P.) "So, who do you work...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/30/2007

BBC reports: the new Xbox 360 Elite, coming in April '07

Back from the eye doctor, and 'though I thought my vision was off... Black is the new black: this...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/28/2007

Your questions: which software applications work with Windows Vista?

A question from a customer last night: "Is there a list of software applications that work with...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/24/2007

PC World's "35 Things Every PC User Should Know" and other Windows Tips

Christopher Null of PC World shares 35 Things Every PC User Should Know in his column, now up on MSN...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/24/2007

Thoughts on Microsoft Search and the big News/NBC Web Video deals

A few random thoughts. BusinessWeek has an interesting article this week on "Where Is Microsoft...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/23/2007

Your questions: What are the numbers on your blog? How about

After getting back to my regular day job this week (in addition to daylight saving time and time...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/17/2007

DST Support Central in Redmond, Day 5 - closing down

Live here from the DST Support Central in Redmond... it's now 5:30 PM in our Redmond facility and...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/12/2007

Breakfast in Redmond for DST Support Central staff, Day 4

Daylight saving time breakfast today courtesy of the team on site today (thanks, Jason). Pretty full...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/11/2007

It's 2:00... no, make that 3:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time

All of my devices in the DST are now reading 3:00 AM given that we just switched over to daylight...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/11/2007

DST Support Central in Redmond, Day 3

Live here from the DST Support Central in Redmond... it's now 2:00 AM in our Charlotte facility and...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/11/2007

Your questions: Getting Microsoft OS daylight saving time updates via WSUS

I have seen a couple of comments on getting the OS updates for DST from WSUS, so here are few...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/08/2007

Microsoft Windows Mobile Newsletter on DST 2007: Update your WM5 device now

I received my latest newsletter from Microsoft (yes, I subscribe), the same day that I received a...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/07/2007

Help desk guidelines on Daylight Saving Time for Microsoft Office Outlook Calendars

The Exchange team has posted a helpdesk oriented document (below) that provides recommendations and...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/07/2007

CNET on IT Pros and consumer guidance for handling daylight saving time changes

It's so hard to get all of the details in a small sound bite. ;) I had the pleasure last week to...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/05/2007

Your questions: Have the DST 2007 updates for Microsoft CRM been released?

"have the DST 2007 updates for Microsoft CRM been released?" A: Yes, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/04/2007

FYI: Update to Windows Mobile Devices Daylight saving time 2007 updates

Latest info on the new updates for Windows Mobile Devices, which replace the previously released...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/03/2007

Your questions: How do we get the daylight saving time OS updates via WSUS?

"How can customers leverage WSUS to obtain the daylight saving time OS updates?" WSUS can only be...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/03/2007

Outlook Time Zone Data Update Tool with New Hotfix Patch Available for DST

Microsoft Outlook Time Zone Data Update Tool and New Patch Please find attached the documentation...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 03/01/2007

Info on the hotfix package for the Outlook tool for daylight saving time

I'm posting some information courtesy of our Outlook team as we just released the hotfix package for...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/28/2007

MSN Tech & Gadgets on daylight saving time changes

MSN Tech & Gadgets has an article this week, "Time to Reset," on preparing for daylight saving...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/27/2007

Your questions: "Just what is rebasing in daylight saving time?"

In order to be prepared for the DST 2007 changes, we recommend that customers install the Windows OS...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/26/2007

New extended tech chats on daylight saving time 6am-6pm Pacific

As I noted previously, we started hosting technical chats on daylight saving time on thursday. Now...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/23/2007

Technical Chats on daylight saving time start Thursday, February 22

An FYI that we are hosting daily daylight saving time Technical Chat sessions for customers...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/21/2007

Your questions: "How does Windows handle historical events with daylight saving time updates?"

I received a question from a customer who had applied the Windows OS update for daylight saving time...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/20/2007

Our public webcast of last Tuesday on how our own IT group is handling the changes related to...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/20/2007

Apple's webpage for daylight saving time, Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4 updates

I noticed that this week Apple updated their web page on daylight saving time (launched at the end...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/18/2007

Do you skip or watch commericals on a DVR?

In my last home town newspaper, the venerable Mercury News, there's an interesting entry on the gmsv...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/18/2007

Joris Evers on CNET News with my quote on daylight saving time

Joris Evers quoted me this week in his CNET article "Wake up to the 'daylight-saving' bug" on the...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/17/2007

Video clip: Microsoft's Rich Kaplan on daylight saving time changes

Our own Rich Kaplan on the local ABC news covering the upcoming daylight saving time changes. "Of...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 02/14/2007

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