Windows Embedded Blog
A look at Embedded and other Cool Stuff.
WE-DIG Meeting, July 5th - Managed Code and XNA
Date: Wednesday July 5, 2006 Time: 6:30 - 9:00pm At: Bldg 117, Chinook, Microsoft Campus, Redmond,...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/30/2006
Smart Devices Remote Tools Framework Powertoy Released
The Smart Devices Remote Tools Framework is a powertoy for use by mobile and embedded system...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/30/2006
MEDC Malaysia
Today, June 27th is MEDC Malaysia - the keynote speaker is Tony Mestres, Senior Director in the...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/26/2006
In Malaysia.
I've finally made it to Malaysia - the trip has only taken 28 hours to get from Seattle to the hotel...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/26/2006
Windows CE 6 - Virtual Labs ?
I'm thinking about setting up some Windows CE 6 Virtual Labs, similar to the existing Virtual Labs...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/24/2006
New ICOP eBox 2300 - and Windows Embedded Student Challenge Projects.
Yesterday evening I took delivery of a shiny, new eBox 2300, the box is pretty small (see image...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/23/2006
Electronic Picture Frames - Getting there, or missing the plot ?
I noticed the following posting on Gizmodo - the author is looking for an electronic picture frame,...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/23/2006
Phidgets - jumping in at the deep end.
Yesterday I decided to get Phidgets working with my ICOP eBox II reference board - Since I have a...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/22/2006
.NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP1 available for download
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework version 2.0 Service Pack 1 has been released as a download. The...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/21/2006
Windows CE - Playing with Phidgets...
I don't have any meetings on my calendar today (wow, big surprise!), and all of my sessions and...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/21/2006
MSDN Channel9 - Robotics Studio Video.
Take a look at the Microsoft Robotics Studio video over on MSDN Channel 9 - you get to meet the team...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/20/2006
Microsoft Robotics Studio CTP Available !
Microsoft Robotics Studio Community Tech Preview is now available for download. There's a ton of...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/20/2006
Microsoft Robotics Studio Blog
This looks like it could be an interesting blog to keep an eye on... Microsoft Robotics Studio Blog...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/18/2006
MSDN Tutorials: A look at Windows CE 6 Beta.
If you've attended any of the MEDC 2006 world-wide events you will have received a copy of the...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/15/2006
Bill Gates Announces Transition Plans.
Bill Gates will transition out of a day-to-day role in Microsoft effective July 2008 to spend more...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/15/2006
Shared Source Contest: DVR Engine Live Chat
Microsoft will hold a special online "live chat" June 22 for participants in the 2006 Windows CE...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/15/2006
Virtual TechEd 2006
If you are not able to attend this years TechEd event you can catch up with what's happening over at...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/15/2006
MEDC World-Wide Starbucks order
Here's the Starbucks drinks Loke and I are ordering around the world (apart from Nice/France where...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/14/2006
New Abacus MSN Direct (SPOT) Watch and .NET MicroFramework
Abacus have announced the latest MSN Direct Watch - From the MSN Direct site - The new Abacus® Smart...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/14/2006
Project BoneFish.
ok, here it is, the x-ray of the broken tooth from chewing on fish bone in Nice/France, notice the...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/14/2006
Adapt Your App - Windows Mobile.
Did you know that last year 20% of the Windows Mobile devices that shipped had a square sceeen? -...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/12/2006
A cautionary tale of Fish and Oceans!
Wednesday evening, Nice, France - I'm out for dinner with some of the speakers at MEDC Europe at the...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/09/2006
Windows CE 6 or Windows XP Embedded ?
Windows CE 6 Beta is being given out at MEDC 2006 world-wide events - Windows CE 6 supports 32K...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/08/2006
Windows Mobile - Patterns and Practices
The Mobile Client Software Factory – Community Technical Preview Release is now available for...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/08/2006
W4D - Coping with Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
Windows for Devices have an interesting article discussing coping with Reduction of Hazardous...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/08/2006
Last day of MEDC 2006 Europe.
Today is the last day of MEDC 2006 Europe - This has been three days of sessions, instructor led and...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/08/2006
Windows CE 6 - What's new/interesting.
This year is the 10th year that Windows CE has been shipping ,the first released device running...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/08/2006
MEDC 2006 Europe/France/Nice - Keynote Stage.
Here's a shot of the keyntoe stage for MEDC Europe (which starts tomorrow morning!) - you will...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/05/2006
MEDC Europe - Banners appear at the Acropolis
It's 7pm June 2nd in Nice/France, the MEDC 2006 Europe banners are starting to go up outside the...
Author: mikehall Date: 06/02/2006
MEDC 2006 Tokyo - Crowds eagerly waiting for Mel Sampat to arrive.
Managed to capture an image of the MEDC 2006 Tokyo attendees eagerly waiting for Mel Sampat to...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/31/2006
WEPOS Keynote Demos - Buying "Stuff" around the world.
I'm giving keynote demos at many of the MEDC world-wide events, this means that I'm building a Point...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/31/2006
MEDC 2006 Tokyo finished - next stop Nice/France.
Yesterday morning at 6am Loke and I arrived in Tokyo from Sydney/Australia - we headed for the hotel...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/31/2006
MEDC 2006 Tokyo - Conference Room Names based on Windows CE Products.
MEDC 2006 Japan was based at the Meguro Ga Jo En hotel - this is a really nice hotel and conference...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/31/2006
FurryGoat - Booting from USB Disk on Key.
Steve Makofsky over at the FurryGoat Experience has some helpful hints/tips on how to get booting...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/30/2006
MEDC 2006 Japan - meet the Microsoft Seattle Crew.
It's Tuesday May 30th, we're now in Tokyo getting ready for tomorrow's MEDC 2006 event. Loke and I...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/29/2006
MelSam Blog - Windows Mobile Code Defect.
MelSam has posted his first "Spot the Bug(s)" post on his blog - Looks like this is going to be an...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/29/2006
MEDC 2006 Japan - May 31st
Next stop on the MEDC World Tour is Tokyo - this is going to be a one day event keynoted by Michelle...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/29/2006
MEDC Australia has been and gone, there were two tracks each covering four sessions - on the...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/29/2006
Windows XP Embedded - Custom MFC 8.0 Shell.
I'm sat in the eskybar at Sydney airport waiting for my Qantas flight from Sydney to Tokyo - we've...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/29/2006
Phidgets driver for Windows CE !!
Go check this out, this totally rocks! - Phidgets now have a Windows CE driver available - take a...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/26/2006
Windows Mobile App Compat - MelSam's Blog.
Mel Sampat, Program Manager in the Windows Mobile team has just launched a blog to discuss Windows...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/26/2006
Wednesday 24th May - MEDC 2006 Australia Keynote Rehearsal
It's 2:15pm, Wednesday 24th May, the day before the MEDC Australia event - We're in the Microsoft...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/24/2006
Loke and Andreas after their Starbucks drinks and COM OOF Message.
Yesterday Loke, Andreas and I ordered some interesting drinks at the local Starbucks in Melbourne -...
Author: mikehall Date: 05/23/2006