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Twitter PowerShell Script

Here's the PowerShell script I came up with that I referred to in my previous post that integrates with the social networking scripts to additionally generate a Twitter update with a link to the post. I'm sure this script could be improved - I'm no PowerShell expert - but I've got it to a point where it seems to work reliably. I'm also not sure of the best way to debug PowerShell scripts. Coming to it from the .NET world it's a bit of a shock to the system (at least the way I've been debugging PowerShell). I should probably have read this post first and saved myself a lot of trouble.

## Tweet-Blogpost.ps1  original code by Mike Ormond (
## Take a blogpost URL and post title and post a Twitter status update
## Example Usage: 
##        $postlink = ""
##        $posttitle = "A Bit of an Experiment"
##        $snipusername = "snipr username here" 
##        $snippassword = "snipr API key here"
##        $twitusername = "Twitter username here"
##        $twitpassword = "Twitter password here"
##        .\tweet-blogpost.ps1 $postlink $post.title $snipusername $snipapi $twitusername $twitpassword

param (    [string] $postlink, 
            [string] $posttitle, 
            [string] $snipusername, 
            [string] $snippassword, 
            [string] $twitusername, 
            [string] $twitpassword) 

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(”System.Web") | Out-Null

function SubmitWebRequest(    [string] $RequestUrl, 
                                            [string] $RequestMethod, 
                                            [string] $RequestContentType, 
                                            [string] $PostString, 
                                            [string] $Username, 
                                            [string] $Password)
    $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($RequestUrl)
    $request.Method = $RequestMethod
    $request.ContentType = $RequestContentType
    if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Username))
        $request.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password)
    $formdata = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($PostString)
    $request.ContentLength = $formdata.Length

    $requestStream = $request.GetRequestStream()
    $requestStream.Write($formdata, 0, $formdata.Length)

    $response = $request.GetResponse()

    $reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($response.GetResponseStream())
    $returnvalue = $reader.ReadToEnd()
    return $returnvalue

## Generate the snip URL from

$sniplink = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($postlink)
$snipuser = $snipusername
$snipapi = $snippassword
$snipstring = `
    [String]::Format("sniplink={0}&snipuser={1}&snipapi={2}", $sniplink, $snipuser, $snipapi)

write-progress "Tweeting" "Getting snip URL" -cu $sniplink

$snipResponseText = SubmitWebRequest `
                                    "" `
                                    "POST" `
                                    "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" `
                                    $snipstring `
                                    [String]::Empty `

write-debug "Tweeting - Getting snip URL Response: $($snipResponseText)"

## Grab the snip URL which is in the id element
$sr = new-object System.IO.StringReader($snipResponseText);
$xr = [System.Xml.XmlReader]::Create($sr);
$snipurl = $xr.ReadElementString("id");

## Post update to Twitter

## Check if we need to truncate post title as we're limited to 140 chars total
if ($posttitle.Length > 100)
    $posttitle = $posttitle.Substring(0, 100)

$tweet = "New blogpost: " + $posttitle + " (" + $snipurl + ")"
$tweetstring = [String]::Format("status={0}", $tweet)

write-progress "Tweeting" "Posting status update" -cu $tweetstring

$twitResponseText = SubmitWebRequest `
                                    "" `
                                    "POST" `
                                    "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" `
                                    $tweetstring `
                                    $twitusername `

write-debug "Tweeting - Posting status update Response: $($twitResponseText)"

Technorati Tags: powershell,twitter
