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New England GiveCamp 2011

Last year, about 100 volunteers from across New England (and Virginia!) spent a weekend at the New England Research and Development (NERD) Center working on web sites and other software projects for two dozen New England non-profit organizations – and contributing an estimated $170,000 in pro bono services!   And now we’re doing it all over again!

New England GiveCamp

I’m thrilled to announce that New England GiveCamp 2011 is now open for volunteer registration.  Projects at GiveCamp span multiple technologies – WordPress, Drupal, ASP.NET, Silverlight, Access, QuickBooks, etc. - so if you can commit the time for the entire weekend (April 29 – May 1) and come with the passion to contribute, you’ll be a key member of a project team assigned to one of the non-profit organizations.   This year we’re especially hoping to recruit additional projects needing pure design skills as well – logo creation, layout, etc. – so if you don’t know a byte from a bit, no problem!

And if you want to chip in but can’t commit the entire weekend, there are opportunities to help out with logistics or ad hoc for the various project teams.  Those who participated last year will attest that this is truly a life-changing experience, and who couldn’t use one of those?

Non-profits: We’re accepting non-profit project proposals through March 20th, so if you know of an organization that can benefit from services at GiveCamp, please pass on the registration URL:  https://newenglandgivecamp.org/non-profits

Sponsorships:   Keeping 120+ people caffeinated and fed for an entire weekend does not come cheap! so we are actively pursuing sponsorships to help defray costs of food and other logistics for GiveCamp.  If your company or organization would be interested in contributing back to the local community by supporting the New England GiveCamp, please have them contact us at negc2011@hotmail.com or review the sponsor page on the GiveCamp site.

Finally, keep tabs on the event via the New England GiveCamp site, follow us on Twitter at @NEGiveCamp, and ‘like’ us on Facebook!