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Calling all Citizen Scientists!

Citizen Scientist

FREE, AppMakr for Windows Phone 7! Place Ad Control SDK using AppMakr and get FREE access to the MarketPlace!

Finally, the chaos of the extreme computer scientists have been tamed, someone figured out that...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/24/2011

Taxes, It’s that time again: The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments

I got trapped by the jury duty system and had to appear in person at the courthouse, so while I am...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/24/2011

Free Microsoft Certification Exam for students, limited in number and the bad news

How prepared are you for working with the latest software?  Take a look at Alfred Thompson’s...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/24/2011

WebMatrix: UserVoice Helper

Ok, I will admit it, I thought this would add voice input or something like that to my website, but...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/24/2011

Artificial Intelligence will eat your brain, you could live forever

Will AI eat your brain?  This question recently came up in a conversation.  Is there a...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/23/2011

WebMatrix: OData Helper

Another neat helper for WebMatrix: OData Helper.  Go quickly to this site:...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/23/2011

Alfred Thompson reports that Object Oriented Programming is dead

Good. See the blog at:...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/22/2011

Game engines, 2011, Looking for Silverlight game engines

Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to create a game using a game engine so you don’t have to all of...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/22/2011

Web Matrix: PayPal Helper for WebMatrix

This is FREAKING AWESOME! PayPal on your website in 60 seconds or so!...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/22/2011

WebMatrix: Groupon Helper, a fast easy way to make your web site useful for your audience!

To add a Groupon badge to your web site can be accomplished quickly, in about 60 seconds.  This...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/21/2011

Japan earthquake: Before and after Bing Map

I would say this is a cool feature, but it isn’t, if you want to see the Bing Map and not have the...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/21/2011

XNA and Bing Map Geocoding

  As the Japanese struggle with massive problems, let’s chat about games.  Don’t you feel...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/17/2011

Golden West College: Class assignment

Investigate and report on PayPal and Shopping cart Securing your web site using external services,...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/16/2011

Which SmartPhone is best when the Internet goes down?

The sad events that are unfolding in Japan made me think about which is the best phone to have when...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/14/2011

Bing Map GeoCoding

If you want to get started with Bing Map GeoCoding, there is no better way than the instructions you...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/13/2011

Here are the WebMatrix information for the Caped Crusaders team:...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/12/2011

Japanese Earthquake, a monument to design excellence and a society that works together

It is very sad that the Japanese Earthquake occurred, but when you look at the way buildings held up...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/11/2011

Random numbers, are they really random?

  Output of 25,000 rolls of a 6 sided dice, somewhat distributed using my eyeball, but if I am...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/11/2011

Designing Web pages for Phones, especially the Windows Phone 7, free paper

AppHub did a great job in writing a paper on how to design for the Windows Phone 7 browser, which is...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/10/2011

Hopefully, you aren’t motivated by the Charlie Sheen’s video.  Movie Maker is for fun stuff,...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/09/2011

Community Clips: One of the best and easiest FREE video screen capture available

I like free stuff. Especially free stuff that does cool things. Capturing screen captures on your...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/07/2011

70-511 Exam Guide: The ties that bind, BindingBase, Data Binding, MultiBinding, Binding Group

Objective: Managing Data at the User Interface Layer Sub: Implement value converters in WPF. Links...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/06/2011

70-511, Exam Guide: Sorting Data

Boring.  Sorting Data.  You would figure that sorting data would be the same for every...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/05/2011

70-511, Exam Prep: Click Once Strategy, delivering your apps

Let’s say you are working at a corporation or fed up with the knock on profits taken by the...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/03/2011

70-511 Exam Guide: Windows Principal Object

WindowsPrincipal Class How to: Create a WindowsPrincipal Object Wow, my number of unique visitors to...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/02/2011

70-511 Exam Prep: Validating Data in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control

Walkthrough: Validating Data in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control DataGridView.CellValidating...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 03/01/2011

70-511 Exam Guide: Deployment, Click Once and the Certificate Authority

  In a network that does not have Active Directory installed, but the network contains a...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/28/2011

70-511 Exam Guide: Threading Model, Dispatcher

  Totally AWESOME sample: Threading Model Do what it takes, memorize the DispatchPriority...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/27/2011

Translation tools for the developer, let me translate that… Development tools for language translation

  Building a website that uses English has been a standard for a number of years.  Now if...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/26/2011

Exam 70-511: ActiveX and Windows Forms Control in WPF

Walkthrough: Hosting an ActiveX Control in WPF Walkthrough: Hosting a Windows Forms Composite...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/26/2011

An excellent Windows Phone Application for students and hobbyists to get started developing!

Holey Moley, take a look at Randy Guthrie’s most excellent blog post about an application made by...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/25/2011

70-511 Exam Guide: ApplicationSettingsBase Class

Nothing like writing about 70-511 to get my numbers to fall, so if you are reading this, I REALLY...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/25/2011

Exam 70-511: Show the user the progress of a file download using a Background thread

  How to: Download a File in the Background Still studying for the 70-511 exam.  Learning...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/25/2011

  Soft Skills App Dev Video: MSDN Video: UML with VS 2010 x x Part 1: Brainstorming a Project...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/18/2011

Exam 70-511: Stabilizing and Releasing a Solution

That was weird, Live Writer posted my latest blog on top of the previous one.  Ok so now I have...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/13/2011

Here you go, some links that I found useful for studying for the Exam 70-511.  They are in...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/12/2011

Exam 70-511: Textbox, test wrapping and StackPanel

What if you need to use StackPanel element uses 14-point Courier?  For instance you have the...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/07/2011

WPF Exam Prep 70-511: What Stretch Properties to use with a Viewbox?

From: User Interface Ok, the various Stretch...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/05/2011

Exam 70-511 Prep: Flow Documents in WPF

If you add a flow document to the application so that users can easily search and navigate the...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/04/2011

Class notes from 2/2/2011, Golden West College

  Recommended: Class Syllabus: ASP.NET, Silverlight and Creating Games There will be no paper...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/02/2011

Web Matrix: Microsoft product that is fast to download, fast to install and just works

  Web Matrix is an awesome way to get students to take a look again at the Microsoft line of...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 02/02/2011

Advertisements for your Windows Phone 7 applications

To add a revenue stream for your phone advertisements, you will need to do the following steps:...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 01/31/2011

Free eBook! Windows Phone Game Programming For Beginners

Rob Miles announced a free eBook for Windows Phone Game Programmers, which can be used in the...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 01/25/2011

Super Successful Student Server!

Dan Waters on his blog at:...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 01/25/2011

Thoughts on the Kinect hacks and iPad Hacks

Wow, wouldn’t it be nice to have tools like XNA Game studio to  build an application that used...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 01/24/2011

Can iPhones, Androids or Windows Phone 7 have security vulnerabilities?

  Windows Phone 7 hasn’t been out long and according to the Windows Phone 7...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 01/19/2011

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