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Terminal/RDP - Unable to RDP your Windows Server 2003 Server

您無法遠端連線 (RDP) 到您的 Windows Server 2003 伺服器
1. 伺服器沒有在聽 TCP port 3389 (netstat -ano)
2. Terminal Services 服務有啟動
3. MSINFO32 顯示 TDTCP & RDPWD system driver 狀態 (Status) 呈現停止 (Stop)
4. TDTCP.sys 有在 system32 目錄下,版本及檔案大小也是正確的
5. 裝置管理員中已經找不到 TDTCP 裝置 (顯示隱藏裝置然後設定依連線顯示裝置 view "Devices by Connection")


- Reinstall the RDP-TCP connection and the problem persisted still
- Reinstall the TDTCP device with Devcon script,TDTCP device was added back, and RDP worked successfully.
    Run the following commands:
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf root\RDP_MOU
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf root\RDP_KBD
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf RDP.serviceinstall
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf root\legacy_RDPWD
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf rdpdr.serviceinstall
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf rdpdr.serviceinstall
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf legacy_TDPIPE
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf legacy_TDPTCP
    devcon install %windir%\inf\machine.inf legacy_termservice
    Note: Ignore any error messages you may encounter, provide us the output result (including the error messages if there is any)
- You may get the following devices with exclamation mark after running the devcon script, they can be safely deleted
