Download Channel 9 Series
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It’s learning season again, and I’m gearing up for lots of Azure this year. Between Build , Ignite , the Microsoft Virtual Academy and the endless stream of content on Channel 9 , it’s easy to feel overwhelmed!
Since bandwidth is a precious commodity, and that I don’t always have the luxury of having an access point, I decided to re-purpose the script I used to download the Build and Ignite sessions. This new script has only one reason to be; it exists to download Series from Channel 9 so that I can watch them on the go.
Going through the list of Series, I was amazed by the amount of new content. I found MVA sessions and a bunch of other interesting topics related to Azure.
Feel free to use the comments section at the bottom of this post to suggest feeds that I should pay attention to.
The Script
To execute this script, I used Windows Powershell ISE and I manually download the Series that interest me. Browse through the series that I identified for myself. Who knows, you may find something of interest.
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function Get-Media{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Object] $url, [Object] $title, [Object] $path ) $u = New-Object System.Uri($url) $name = $title $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($u.Segments[-1]) $fileName = $name + $extension $fileName = $fileName -replace "’", '' $fileName = $fileName -replace "\?", '' $fileName = $fileName -replace ":", '' $fileName = $fileName -replace '/', '' $fileName = $fileName -replace ",", '' $fileName = $fileName -replace '"', '' $fileName if (Test-Path($fileName)) { Write-Host 'Skipping file, already downloaded' -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile (Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $fileName) }} function Get-VideosFromFeed{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Object] $feedUrl, [Object] $folder, [Object] $path ) $feed=[xml](New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($feedUrl) $downloadPath = (Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $folder) if (Test-Path($downloadPath)) { Write-Host 'Skipping folder, already exists' -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { New-Item -Path $downloadPath -ItemType directory -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } foreach($i in $ { foreach($m in ${ foreach($u in $m.content ` | Where-Object { ` $_.url -like '*mid.mp4' ` } | Select-Object -Property @{Name='url'; Expression = {$_.url}}, ` @{Name='title'; Expression = {$i.title}}) { Get-Media -url $u.url -title $u.title -path $downloadPath } } }} $physicalPath = "V:\Videos\Series" # Microsoft Datacenter vNext Preview: Bringing Azure to Your DatacenterGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Data Center Preview' # Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Virtual MachinesGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Virtual Machines' # Adding Microsoft Azure Search to Your Websites and AppsGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Working with Azure Search' # Docker for .NET DevelopersGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Docker for NET Devs' # Storage Spaces Deep DiveGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Storage Spaces Deep Dive' # Cloud DevCampGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Cloud DevCamp' # Microsoft Azure Back End for GamingGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Microsoft Azure Back End for Gaming' # Azure App ServiceGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Azure App Service' # Developing Solutions with Azure DocumentDBGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Developing Solutions with Azure DocumentDB' # Big Data Analytics with HDInsightGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Big Data Analytics with HDInsight' # Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for IT ProsGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for IT Pros' # Java on Microsoft AzureGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Java on Microsoft Azure' # Azure Active Directory Core SkillsGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Azure Active Directory Core Skills' # Managing Linux Workloads in Windows Server and System CenterGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Managing Linux Workloads in Windows Server and System Center' # All About Microsoft Azure Operational InsightsGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'All About Microsoft Azure Operational Insights' # You ve Got Key Values! A Redis Jump StartGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'You ve Got Key Values! A Redis Jump Start' # Azure Solution TrainingGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Azure Solution Training' # Advanced PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Custom ResourcesGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Advanced PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Custom Resources' # Getting Started with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)Get-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Getting Started with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)' # Polyglot Persistence: Choosing the Right Azure Storage MixGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Polyglot Persistence Choosing the Right Azure Storage Mix' # Getting Started with Microsoft Azure Active DirectoryGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Getting Started with Microsoft Azure Active Directory' # MEAN Stack Jump StartGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'MEAN Stack Jump Start' # Managing Your Systems on Microsoft Azure with ChefGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Managing Your Systems on Microsoft Azure with Chef' # Connect(On Demand);Get-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Connect(On Demand)' # Partner Profitability: Cloud Transformation SeriesGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Partner Profitability Cloud Transformation Series' # Web API DesignGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Web API Design' # Developing Microsoft SQL Server DatabasesGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Developing Microsoft SQL Server Databases' # Monitor Workloads with System Center Operations ManagerGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Monitor Workloads with System Center Operations Manager' # Azure HDInsight ServiceGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Azure HDInsight Service' # Automate Workloads with System Center OrchestratorGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Automate Workloads with System Center Orchestrator' # Open Source for DevOps PracticesGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Open Source for DevOps Practices' # Developing Microsoft Azure SolutionsGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions' # Architecting Microsoft Azure SolutionsGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions' # Getting Great Performance out of AzureGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Getting Great Performance out of Azure' # Azure Networking Fundamentals for IT ProsGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Azure Networking Fundamentals for IT Pros' # PHP for AzureGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'PHP for Azure' # You ve Got Documents! A MongoDB Jump StartGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'You ve Got Documents - A MongoDB Jump Start' # Designing Solutions for SQL ServerGet-VideosFromFeed -feedUrl '' -path $physicalPath -folder 'Designing Solutions for SQL Server'
May 29, 2015
Thank You