New KB Articles March 22-April 4
Here are the new KB articles related to Directory Services published between 3/22-4/4. Obviously the big news has been the release of the 2008 remote administration tools (RSAT) and Hyper-V RC0. We use Virtual Server heavily for testing and reproducing customer issues, so I was interested to try out Hyper-V. It is a big help being able to use x64 guests, and overall the performance definitely seems improved from Virtual Server. Lots of nice little things also, like the ability to change the boot order of the guest without having to boot into the guest's BIOS.
Description of Windows Server 2008 Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows Vista Service Pack 1 | |
Description of Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) caching behavior in Windows Vista TCP/IP implementations |
Availability of the Windows Vista Service Pack 1 management tools for the Hyper-V release candidate |
Changes to the default NTFS Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) settings in Windows Vista |
When you import an event log file into Excel 2007 on a Windows Server 2008-based computer, event logs are not readable |
A memory leak occurs on an RPC server that is running Windows Server 2008 after the RPC server function runs an RPC client callback function |
How to configure event subscription to pull BMC SEL events into the event logs in Windows Server 2008 |
How to back up the data recovery agent certificate together with the private key in a Windows Server 2003-based domain |
LDAP queries fail for large result sets after security update MS08-003 is applied on a Windows Server 2003-based computer |
If a user account belongs to 16 groups, access to some resources is denied on a computer that is running a 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003 |
You are prompted two times for credentials when you use the Remote Desktop Client to connect to a Windows 2000 Terminal Server from Window Vista or from Windows Server 2008 |
Error message when you start a program that must run with elevated permissions on a Windows Vista-based computer: "The directory name is invalid" |
How to generate a full user-mode dump file in Windows Vista |
NSPI connections from Microsoft Outlook to a Windows Server 2008-based domain controller may fail with an error code: "MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED" |
A Windows Server 2003-based domain controller may request multiple certificates every 8 hours |
Authentication of trusted users fails on a Windows Server 2003-based server if the UPN format is used and if the value of the LmCompatibilityLevel entry is equal to or larger than 3 |
April 15, 2008
I don't see any mention of the missing WINS snap-in? This tool was present in the previous admin toolset and is also present in the Windows Server 2008 resident toolset? Since it isn't mentioned in the RSAT description article, I have to assume its absence is another oversite (like the 4 missing tabs in the ADUC tool)? I must say that the apparent lack of quality in the RSAT release is disturbing.Anonymous
April 15, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
April 15, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
April 15, 2008
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