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ADWS has been released for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003

Ned here. The beta is over, and the new AD Web Service service introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2 has been released to the world for downlevel OS's. ADWS allows AD PowerShell to connect to domain controllers and do... work. It also allows the new AD Administration Center - which is a kissing cousin of the AD Users and and Computers snap-in - to manage AD objects. If you have only Windows 7 clients with RSAT, or a mix of Win2003, Win2008, and Win 2008 R2 DC's, this download is for you:

Download Active Directory Management Gateway Service (Active Directory Web Service for Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008)

For more info on ADAC, take a look here.

I'll talk more about ADAC and ADWS in the coming weeks, but I figured you'd want this sucker sooner than later.

- Ned "I'm an AD" Pyle