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Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information from Alfred Thompson

Alfred Thompson's blog about teaching computer science at the K-12 level. Alfred was a high school computer science teacher for 8 years. He has also taught grades K-8 as a computer specialist.

So You Want To Teach Your Kids To Program?

In all honestly I tend to avoid Slashdot. Oh I scan it for the news from time to time but I work...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/01/2011

Random Hacks of Kindness June 2011

Are you interesting in public service, of  using you computer science, web development, ...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/31/2011

Atlanta (Georgia) Area Windows Phone Camp for Students

Tara Walker is running a three-day Microsoft Mobile Development appLab at the Library at the...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/31/2011

Windows Phone 7 Games in Visual Basic

I’ve been working all week in C#. Now C# is a wonderful language if you are going to use...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/27/2011

Never Underestimate a 13-Year Old With a Computer and a Dream

Now I taught middle school during the longest year of my life. And I do guest talks at middle...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/24/2011

Data! I need more data!

Big data! I don’t know how many times lately I have read or heard that computer science...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/21/2011

How Many Letters In An Alphabet

My mind tends to wonder a bit when I drive long distances. Sometimes it goes in very weird...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/20/2011

Seven Rules for Beginning Programmers

Paul Vick posted these Seven Rules for Beginning Programmers earlier this week and I have been...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/19/2011

Programming Competition as Learning

As I write this I am at St Joseph’s College in Patchogue, NY for their annual high school...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/18/2011

Always Mount A Scratch Monkey

Do today’s students know what a scratch disk or a scratch tape it? Most of them probably do not....

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/17/2011

Interesting Posts 16 May 2011

Computer Science teacher Pat Yongpradit  seems to be everywhere on the educational blogosphere...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/16/2011

Returning Data From A Second Form

The other day I received a query about using second forms in Visual Basic. I found a link to some...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/14/2011

University Computer Science Faculty Blogs

I read a lot of blogs. Perhaps too many. But there are a few blogs I could not do without. I thought...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/13/2011

What Can You Do With What You Know?

We’ve all heard the saying “It is not who you know but what you know.” While the truth of that can...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/12/2011

Computer Science As Competitive Sport

I was reading Stacey Armstrong's blog this morning. He was writing about the end of the Texas CS...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/11/2011

Programming with C# and XNA 0.5: Jump Start

Pat Yongpradit, a talented young HS CS teacher I have written about before, has created a 5 week...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/10/2011

Interesting Links Post 9 May 2011

I had a great week last week. Long but great. I finished up with two conferences where for once I...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/09/2011

Teaching Students To Create Their Own Business

One of the things that I tell students when I do career talks is that it has never been easier to...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/06/2011

Kodu Cup Submission Deadline is May 10th 2011

Just a reminder that the submission deadline for the Microsoft Kodu Cup is next week on May 10th,...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/05/2011

Mid Atlantic Developer Expo is Coming!

This event looks interesting. If you are in the mid-Atlantic (say around Virginia) and interested in...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/05/2011

Why Not C#

Someone recently passed on same objection to using C# as a first or otherwise early programming...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/04/2011

Most Read Posts–April 2011

I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the top read blog posts from April 2011. I look...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/03/2011

I had an interesting week last week. Took a couple of vacation days – one to go snowboarding with my...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 05/02/2011

Academic Feedback Survey–Closing May 1st 2011

If you are a computer science or information technology professor/instructor/teacher would you help...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/28/2011

Where Do Female Computer Scientists Come From

As someone who is mildly addicted to statistics and who has a degree in Sociology (really) I found...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/28/2011

Problem Solving For All Times

I am not a carpenter. I know carpenters. One of my friends and co-workers is a well-trained...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/27/2011

DreamSpark, AppHub and Windows Phone Development

So are your graduating high school seniors bored? or perhaps you are still looking for things to do...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/26/2011

Apparently some people actually do read this blog. I have talked to a couple of people recently who...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/25/2011

Learning With Visualizations

A picture is worth a thousand words so what is a video worth? Add some music and off you go reaching...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/20/2011

XNA Game Development Tutorial

From the makers of the “XNA Game Studio Beginner’s Guide” DVD’s, the next evolution of Game...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/19/2011

The Internet is the Answer for School Reform–Or Not

A friend of mine sent me links (via Slashdot which I occasionally read for the articles myself) that...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/18/2011

Interesting Links Post 18 April 2011

Imagine Cup US is over and now we start thinking and planning for the Worldwide Imagine Cup finals...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/18/2011

Boring is Bad

I have long been an advocate that teaching should be as much about sharing enthusiasm and it is...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/16/2011

Kinect For Windows is Coming

You know you want it. Ever since the Kinect was announced back when it was code-named Project Natal...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/15/2011

Books for Computer Science Students

Ever since I was told about a list of Movies for Computer Science Students and wrote some comments...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/14/2011

Be Careful What You Wish For

Mark Guzdial had a guest post by Eric Roberts of Stanford today titled - Guest Post: Eric Roberts on...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/13/2011

Champions for The US Imagine Cup 2011

We just announced the winners in the US Imagine Cup for game development and software design. The...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/11/2011

XozGaming–High School Team in the US Imagine Cup Finals

XozGaming is an Imagine Cup game development team made up of two high school juniors from...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/11/2011

Final US Imagine Cup Teams Announced - 2011

After a trip to Seattle (space needle, Pike Place Market, etc.) last night the US Imagine Cup teams...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/10/2011

US Imagine Cup Finals 2011– Up and Running

I have been in the Seattle area (mostly Bellevue and Redmond) the past couple of days for the US...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/09/2011

Computer Science Curricula In Flux

I don’t know when I have ever seen as much going on with computer science curriculum going on at one...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/07/2011

Imagine Cup Stories

Today I am on my way out to Redmond WA for the US Final of the Imagine Cup. Here I will see 22 teams...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 04/07/2011

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