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Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information from Alfred Thompson

Alfred Thompson's blog about teaching computer science at the K-12 level. Alfred was a high school computer science teacher for 8 years. He has also taught grades K-8 as a computer specialist.

Windows Phone 7 Development for Absolute Beginners

I’m excited about this. It is a series of videos designed as a four day workshop for learning...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/16/2010

I got a new Xbox 360 with a Kinect device last week. I spent much of a day “testing” it out and some...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/15/2010

EduBlogger Nominations 2010

I have this whole mixed emotion thing with the EduBlogger awards. On one hand I think that everyone...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/13/2010

Lines Can Be Fun

Graphics can be a lot of fun for students. Well honestly they are fun  for a lot of adults....

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/12/2010

XNA and Game Development and Expression Web and Web Design Talks

Last summer I helped present two talks at the CSTA CS & IT Symposium. In both cases I had small...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/11/2010

Microsoft Technology Associate Certifications Revisited

Last July I wrote about the Microsoft Technology Associate program and I thought it was time to...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/10/2010

How Does Kinect Work?

Chances are you have heard about the Kinect for Xbox 360 which lets you play games without a...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/09/2010

Well we are really and truly into November now. Over the weekend we went back to Eastern Standard...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/08/2010

Three New Chances to Get Involved in the Imagine Cup

I talked about these new Imagine Cup events briefly on my links post on Monday but I wanted to pull...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/05/2010

Teaching real-world programming

The title of this post is borrowed from an article at the MIT (original article at Teaching...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/02/2010

The big thing going on last week was the Microsoft WorldWide Innovative Educators forum in South...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 11/01/2010

Microsoft Free Tools for Teachers

Every so often I do a talk on various free software tools that Microsoft has available for teachers....

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/29/2010

An Exploratory Computer Science Course

One of the great things I get to do these days is to participate in advisory boards for Programming...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/28/2010

Imagine Cup 2011 IT Challenge

Imagine Cup 2011 is the premier student technology competition. Inspired by the UN Millennium...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/27/2010

Welcoming Andrew Parsons to the US Academic Team

The latest person to join the US Academic Developer Evangelist team is Andrew Parsons. Andrew is...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/26/2010

Busy week last week but than most weeks are. Also a long week since I was working a booth at the New...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/25/2010

New Hampshire TechFest 2010

I spent most of Saturday at the New Hampshire TechFest at Windham High School. NH Tech Fest is a...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/23/2010

Computer Class or Computer Science Class

There is much too much confusion about the difference between a “computer course” and a “computer...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/22/2010

President Obama Recognizes Science Superstars

Earlier this week President Obama hosted the winners of a number of major STEM (Science, Technology,...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/21/2010

Finding a Place For Computer Science Education

While I spend a lot of time, some of it laying awake at night, thinking about the state of...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/20/2010

Well things are heating up with the Imagine Cup. Last week was the round one entry for the fall...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/18/2010

Kodu Kamp for Educators

OK so you know I am a big fan of Kodu. Perhaps you read about the Kodu workshop I did for students...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/15/2010

What does your school need?

The What Our School Needs contest is being run by the Bing team at Microsoft. You are using Bing for...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/14/2010

Kodu Programming For Kids

I’ve demoed Kodu a number of times and I’ve showed it to individual children briefly as well. Last...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/13/2010

What are you using?

I blog about a lot of resources here and I’m curious about what sorts of things teachers are...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/12/2010

Yesterday was 10/10/10 which a lot of geek types had fun with. Of course 101010 in binary is 42 in...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/11/2010

Small Basic Curriculum

Small Basic is, in my opinion, one of the really cool platforms for introducing programming to...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/08/2010

What a week. On Friday I gave a keynote talk at the 16th Annual Technology and Learning Conference...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 10/04/2010

Would you play this game?

I love puzzles and small little programming projects. When you can combine those two at get a...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/28/2010

Last week I wrote a post about the Imagine Cup. (Imagine Cup–Solving the Worlds Problems Through...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/27/2010

Imagine Cup–Solving the Worlds Problems Through Software

There are many indications that today’s students are motivated as much, if not more, by the chance...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/23/2010

Pretty Code

Way back in the old days when programmers coded using simple text editors and command line editors...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/21/2010

I’m happy to see that the Microsoft student website won the “Outstanding Website”...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/20/2010

NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing 2010

I really like this award program so I am happy to promote it on my blog. The following is from the...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/17/2010

Pex for Fun

Can you read code in C#, F# or Visual Basic? Do you like programming puzzles we (well the Pex Team,...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/17/2010

Being Careful About Examples

Yesterday I posted some very simple sample code. I have to admit that I spent a lot of time on some...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/15/2010

How Many Letters Are There in The Alphabet?

You saw the title and a single number came to mind. If you are English speaking your probably...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/14/2010

Lots of good links this week. And if you are visiting via the web I wrote a rare week-end post on...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/13/2010

Objects When? If Ever?

This post started as a comment on Mark Guzdial’s blog (Moti asks: Objects Never? Well, Hardly Ever!)...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/11/2010

It turns out the be complicated to figure out what the most popular blog posts are for a particular...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/10/2010

How I Wound Up in Computer Science

The Computer Science Women blog ( and on Twitter @Compsciwoman) has been...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/09/2010

Visualizations and Sorting

I love visualizations. One of my all time favorites are the programs that show how different sorting...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/08/2010

Happy Labor Day! Well here in the US anyway. Technically a public/work holiday and I do plan to...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/06/2010

Students And Intellectual Property Rights

Earlier this week a friend sent me a couple of links to articles on intellectual property and...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/03/2010

Dr. James Parrish–Interesting New Blog and Imagine Cup Advice

Dr. James Parrish is on the faculty at the University of Arkansas Little Rock and has recently...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/02/2010

DreamSpark–Software for Learning

I’ve talked about DreamSpark before of course but the start of the school year seems like a...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 09/01/2010

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