Encodian - Word

Extensive features for the manipulation and creation of Word file formats
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Standard | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Standard | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Encodian Support |
URL | https://support.encodian.com |
support@encodian.com |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Encodian |
Website | https://www.encodian.com |
Privacy policy | https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010885513-Privacy-Policy |
Categories | Content and Files;Collaboration |
Encodian 'Flowr' Word for Power Automate
The 'Encodian Flowr Word' connector provide enterprise grade and simple to use Power Automate actions for creating, merging, splitting and manipulating Word documents.
The Encodian 'Flowr' Word connector is supported by Power Automate, Azure Logic Apps and Power Apps.
Register Account
An Encodian subscription is required to use the Encodian 'Flowr' Word connector.
Complete the sign-up form to register for a 30-day trial and obtain an API Key
Click here for a step by step guide on how to create an Encodian connection in Power Automate
Contact Encodian Support to request assistance
Encodian action documentation can be found here, and example flows can be found here
Further Information
Visit Encodian website for subscription plan pricing.
Once your 30-day trial expires, your Encodian subscription is automatically transitioned to Encodian's 'Free' subscription tier unless a paid plan has been purchased.
Creating a connection
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | The API Key for this api | True |
Throttling Limits
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Word - Add Headers and Footers
Add HTML headers and/or footers to the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/11348579020572
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Header - All Pages
allPagesHeaderHtml | string |
The HTML header to add to all pages |
Footer - All Pages
allPagesFooterHtml | string |
The HTML footer to add to all pages |
Header - First Page
firstPageHeaderHtml | string |
The HTML header to add to the first page |
Header - Even Pages
evenPageHeaderHtml | string |
The HTML header to add to all even pages |
Header - Odd Pages
oddPageHeaderHtml | string |
The HTML header to add to all odd pages |
Footer - First Page
firstPageFooterHtml | string |
The HTML footer to add to the first page |
Footer - Even Pages
evenPageFooterHtml | string |
The HTML footer to add to all even pages |
Footer - Odd Pages
oddPageFooterHtml | string |
The HTML footer to add to all odd pages |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Add Image Watermark
Add an image watermark to the specified Microsoft Word document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4411329161361
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Watermark Filename
watermarkFilename | True | string |
The filename for the watermark image file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.jpg' and not 'file' |
Watermark File Content
watermarkFileContent | True | byte |
The content of the watermark image file |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
scale | double |
Set the scale factor expressed as a fraction of the image. The default value is 1, valid values range from 0 to 65.5 |
Semi Transparent
isSemiTransparent | boolean |
Set whether the text watermark should be semi transparent |
Align Image
alignImage | boolean |
Assure that the image provided is aligned to the EXIF orientation tags |
Word - Add Text Watermark
Add a text watermark to the specified Microsoft Word document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4411284008593
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
text | True | string |
The text to embed as a watermark within the Microsoft Word file |
orientation | string |
Set the orientation of the text watermark |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
font | string |
Set the font type applied to the text watermark, the default font is set to Calibri |
Text Colour
textColour | string |
Set the HTML colour applied to the text watermark, the default colour is set to #808080 (Grey) |
Text Size
textSize | integer |
Set the font size applied to the text watermark, The default size is set to 0 (Auto) |
Semi Transparent
isSemiTransparent | boolean |
Set whether the text watermark should be semi transparent |
Word - Compare
Compare differences between Microsoft Word Documents - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018576278-Compare-Word-Documents
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content - One
fileContentOne | True | byte |
The file content of the first Microsoft Word or PDF file to compare. |
File Content - Two
fileContentTwo | True | byte |
The file content of the second Microsoft Word or PDF file to compare. |
author | string |
Set the name of the author used to denote differences in the output document. |
Ignore Formatting
ignoreFormatting | boolean |
Specifies whether to ignore document formatting differences |
Case Insensitive
caseInsensitive | boolean |
Specifies whether to compare differences in documents as case insensitive |
Ignore Comments
ignoreComments | boolean |
Specifies whether to compare differences in comments |
Ignore Tables
ignoreTables | boolean |
Specifies whether to compare the differences in data contained in tables |
Ignore Fields
ignoreFields | boolean |
Specifies whether to compare differences in fields. By default fields |
Ignore Footnotes
ignoreFootnotes | boolean |
Specifies whether to compare differences in footnotes and endnotes |
Ignore Textboxes
ignoreTextboxes | boolean |
Specifies whether to compare differences in the data contained within text boxes |
Ignore Headers and Footers
ignoreHeadersAndFooters | boolean |
Specifies whether to compare differences in the data contained within headers and footers |
Word - Delete Pages
Delete specified pages from the Microsoft Word file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14903494355996
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the Microsoft Word file |
Start Page
startPage | integer |
Set the page number to begin deleting pages from |
End Page
endPage | integer |
Set the page number to stop deleting pages on. The default value is set to the last page of the Microsoft Word document provided |
Page Numbers
pageNumbers | string |
A comma separated list of page numbers of the pages to delete: 1,3,4 |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Disable Tracked Changes
Disable tracked changes on the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/6695370804125
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word document |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Word - Enable Tracked Changes
Enable tracked changes on the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/6695385009053
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word document |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Word - Extract Images
Extract specified images from the Microsoft Word file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15433980042908
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Start Page
startPage | integer |
Set the page number to begin extracting images from |
End Page
endPage | integer |
Set the page number to stop extracting images on. The default value is set to the last page of the Microsoft Word document provided |
Page Numbers
pageNumbers | string |
A comma separated list of page numbers of the pages to extract images from: 1,3,4 |
Image Indexes
imageIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the images to extract: 1,3,4 |
Include Body Images
includeBodyImages | boolean |
Whether to extract images found in the body of the Word document |
Include Header Images
includeHeaderImages | boolean |
Whether to extract images found in the headers of the Word document |
Include Footer Images
includeFooterImages | boolean |
Whether to extract images found in the footers of the Word document |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Extract Pages
Extract specified pages from the Microsoft Word file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14902696561948
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the Microsoft Word file |
Start Page
startPage | integer |
Set the page number to begin extracting pages from |
End Page
endPage | integer |
Set the page number to stop extracting pages on. The default value is set to the last page of the Microsoft Word document provided |
Page Numbers
pageNumbers | string |
A comma separated list of page numbers of the pages to extract: 1,3,4 |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Extract Text
Extract text contained within the Microsoft Word file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/10583756977180
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the Microsoft Word file |
Start Page
startPage | integer |
Sets the page number to begin text layer extraction from |
End Page
endPage | integer |
Sets the page number to end text layer extraction from. The default value is set to the last page of the Microsoft Word document provided |
Remove Comments
removeComments | boolean |
Set whether comments should be removed prior to extracting text from the the Microsoft Word file |
Accept Changes
acceptChanges | boolean |
Set whether tracked changes should be accepted prior to extracting text from the the Microsoft Word file |
Remove Headers And Footers
removeHeadersAndFooters | boolean |
Set whether headers and footers should be removed from the the Microsoft Word file |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Extract Tracked Changes
Extract all the tracked changes (Revisions and comments) for the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/6634950400669
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Include Comments
includeComments | boolean |
Set whether comments should be included within the tracked changes result(s) |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Manage Tracked Changes
Process Tracked Changes within the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/10074318228765
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
FileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
FileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Accept Insertions
acceptInsertions | string |
Set whether to accept or reject insertions |
Accept Deletions
acceptDeletions | string |
Set whether to accept or reject deletions |
Accept Format Changes
acceptFormatChanges | string |
Set whether to accept or reject format changes |
Accept Movements
acceptMovements | string |
Set whether to accept or reject content movements |
Remove Comments
removeComments | boolean |
Set whether to remove comments |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Merge Files
Merge an array of Microsoft Word documents to a single Microsoft Word document (DOCX) - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360023972213-Merge-document-array-to-Word
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
outputFilename | True | string |
The filename of the output DOCX document |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source file |
Sort Position
sortPosition | integer |
Set the sort position within the document array |
Format Mode
wordInputFormatMode | string |
Set how formatting is handled when documents are merged into the first document in the array. |
Time Zone
timezone | string |
Set a specific time zone for date and time processing |
Compliance Level
WordComplianceLevel | string |
Specify which OOXML specification will be used when saving in the DOCX format |
Word - Optimise
Optimise a Microsoft Word Document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15275076156700
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
version | True | string |
Specify the Microsoft Word version to optimise for |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Populate
Populate a Microsoft Word Document (DOCX) with the JSON data provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360019620578-Populate-Word-Document
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The Microsoft Word Document (DOCX) to populate |
Document Data
documentData | True | string |
The JSON data to populate the Microsoft Word Document with |
JSON Parse Mode
jsonParseMode | string |
Sets the JSON parsing mode for simple values (null, boolean, number, integer, and string) |
Allow Missing Values
allowMissingMembers | boolean |
Sets the engine to allow missing values within the 'Document Data' |
Inline Errors
inlineErrorMessages | boolean |
Produces errors within the resultant document as opposed to rejecting the request with a HTTP 4** error |
Remove Empty Paragraphs
removeEmptyParagraphs | boolean |
Sets the engine to automatically removes any empty paragraphs upon execution |
Date Time Formats
dateTimeFormat | string |
Set one or more specfic formats for parsing DateTime values |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Time Zone
timezone | string |
Set a specific time zone for date and time processing |
Word - Remove Headers and Footers
Remove headers and/or footers from the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/11349707504540
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Remove All Headers
removeAllHeaders | boolean |
Set to remove all headers |
Remove All Footers
removeAllFooters | boolean |
Set to remove all footers |
Header - First Page
removeFirstPageHeader | boolean |
Set to remove the header from the first page |
Header - Even Pages
removeEvenPageHeader | boolean |
Set to remove the header from even pages |
Header - Odd Pages
removeOddPageHeader | boolean |
Set to remove the header from odd pages |
Footer - First Page
removeFirstPageFooter | boolean |
Set to remove the footer from the first page |
Footer - Even Pages
removeEvenPageFooter | boolean |
Set to remove the footer from even pages |
Footer - Odd Pages
removeOddPageFooter | boolean |
Set to remove the footer from odd pages |
Word - Remove Table of Contents
Remove the 'Table of Contents' from the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14544663512860
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Table Of Contents Indexes
tableOfContentsIndexes | string |
Set the index number(s) of the Tables of Contents to be removed |
Word - Remove Watermark
Remove the watermark from the Word file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7752587767965
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Replace Text
Find and replace text contained within a Microsoft Word document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15949925002268
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | byte |
The file content of the source file |
Search Text
searchText | True | string |
The text to locate and replace with the 'Replacement Text' value |
Is Expression
isExpression | boolean |
Set whether the 'Search Text' value should be evaluated as a regular expression, the default value is 'false' |
Replacement Text
replacementText | True | string |
The value to replace the 'Search Text' text with |
Find Whole Words Only
findWholeWordsOnly | boolean |
Set whether only entire words should be found |
Case Sensitive
caseSensitive | boolean |
Set if the 'Search Text' value should be evaluated as case sensitive |
font | string |
The font name to be used on the 'Replacement Text'. If the 'Font' is not set, it will inherit the current font used in the document |
Font - Colour
fontColour | string |
The font colour to be used on the 'Replacement Text', the default setting is 'Inherit' |
Font - Size
fontSize | integer |
The size of the font to be used for the 'Replacement Text'. If font size is not set, it will inherit the current font size used in the document |
Style - Background Colour
styleBackgroundColour | string |
The background colour to be used on the 'Replacement Text', the default setting is 'Inherit' |
Style - Bold
styleBold | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is set to be 'Bold', the default is 'Inherit' |
Style - Italic
styleItalic | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is set to be 'Italic', the default is 'Inherit' |
Style - Strikethrough
styleStrikethrough | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is 'Struck Through', the default is 'Inherit' |
Style - Double Strikethrough
styleDoubleStrikethrough | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is 'Double-struck Through', the default is 'Inherit' |
Style - Subscript
styleSubscript | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is 'Subscript', the default is 'Inherit' |
Style - Superscript
styleSuperscript | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is 'Superscript', the default is 'Inherit' |
Style - Underline
styleUnderline | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' should be 'Underlined', the default value is 'Inherit' |
Word Spacing
wordSpacing | float |
The word spacing to apply to the 'Replacement Text'. If 'Word Spacing' is not set, it will inherit the current word spacing used in the document |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Word - Replace Text With Image
Find and replace text contained within a Word document with an image - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15089626493340
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
FileName | True | string |
The filename of the source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
FileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source file |
Search Text
SearchText | True | string |
The text to locate and replace with the specified image |
Image File Content
imageFileContent | True | byte |
The content of the image file |
Skip First Page
skipFirstPage | boolean |
Set whether to ignore the first page when searching for the text fragment |
Apply To
applyTo | string |
Set which pages within the document to search for the text fragment |
Page Numbers
pageNumbers | string |
Specify the page numbers to search for the text fragment, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'. |
Ignore Page Numbers
pageNumbersIgnore | string |
Specify the page numbers not to search for the text fragment, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'. |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Secure
Secure and protect a Microsoft Word document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/6634150180253
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Protection Type
wordProtectionType | string |
Set the protection type for the Microsoft Word document |
Protection Password
password | string |
Set the password used to protect the Microsoft Word document |
Secure on Open
secureOnOpen | boolean |
Set whether a password should be required to open the Microsoft Word document |
Secure on Open Password
secureOnOpenPassword | string |
Set the password used to open the Microsoft Word document |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Word - Set Metadata
Set the metadata of the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15942705445788
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
author | string |
The author of the document |
category | string |
The category of the document |
comments | string |
The document comments value |
company | string |
The document company value |
created | string |
The date the document was created |
Hyperlink Base
hyperlinkBase | string |
Set the base value used for evaluating relative hyperlinks within the document |
keywords | string |
The keywords associated with the document |
Last Modified
lastModified | string |
The date the document was modified |
Last Modified By
lastModifiedBy | string |
The last author who modified the document |
Last Printed
lastPrinted | string |
The date the document was last printed |
manager | string |
The manager of the document |
Revision Number
revisionNumber | integer |
The document revision number |
status | string |
The status of the document |
subject | string |
The subject of the document |
title | string |
The title of the document |
Total Editing Time
totalEditingTime | integer |
The total time spent editing the document |
Custom Properties
customProperties | string |
A JSON collection of keypair values to set as metadata entries on the document provided |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Split
Split the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14575340646940
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the Microsoft Word file |
Split Type
splitType | True | string |
Select how to split the file |
Split Configuration
splitConfiguration | string |
Provide a split configuration |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Word - Update Hyperlinks
Find and update hyperlinks contained within a Microsoft Word document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7136687719837
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source file |
Search On
searchOn | True | string |
Set whether the search should be performed on the hyperlink text or URL value |
Search Value
searchValue | True | string |
The hyperlink text or URL value to locate |
Is Expression
isExpression | boolean |
Set whether the 'Search Value' value should be evaluated as a regular expression, the default value is 'false' |
Text Current Value
hyperlinkLabelValueCurrent | string |
The text value to replace, leave blank to replace the entire value |
Text New Value
hyperlinkLabelValueNew | string |
The new value to set |
URL Current Value
hyperlinkUrlValueCurrent | string |
The URL value to replace, leave blank to replace the entire value |
URL New Value
hyperlinkUrlValueNew | string |
The new URL value to set |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Word - Update Table of Contents
Update the 'Table of Contents' in the Microsoft Word document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/10594864447260
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source Microsoft Word file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.docx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Word file |
Time Zone
timezone | string |
Set a specific time zone for date and time processing |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
fileName | string |
The filename of the file |
File Content
fileContent | byte |
The file content of the file |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
text | string |
The text extracted from the word document provided |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
JSON - Tracked Changes
trackedChangesJson | string |
A JSON formatted string containing tracked changes details |
JSON - Comments
commentsJson | string |
A JSON formatted string containing comments |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
documents | array of DocumentArray |
The array of documents to be processed |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Images | array of DocumentArray |
The array of images extracted from the Word document |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |