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Blackbaud FENXT Payable (Preview)

Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT is a comprehensive cloud-based accounting software solution built specifically for nonprofits. Use the Payables connector to manage invoices, vendors, purchase orders and related entities found within The Financial Edge NXT.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Blackbaud Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Blackbaud, Inc.
Privacy policy
Categories Sales and CRM;Productivity

Financial Edge NXT is a comprehensive cloud-based accounting software solution built specifically for nonprofits.

This connector is built on top of Blackbaud's SKY API, and provides operations to help manage invoices, vendors, purchase orders and related entities found within The Financial Edge NXT.

For more information, please view the documentation.


To use this connector, you must have a Blackbaud ID account with access to one or more Blackbaud environments.

In addition, your organization's administrator must also perform an admin-level action within the system to enable this connector to access your Blackbaud environment. More information about these prerequisites can be found in the initial setup documentation.

How to get credentials?

Your organization's administrator will send you an invitation to the organization's Financial Edge NXT environment and configure your user account permissions within the environment. No additional credentials are required to use this connector.

Known issues and limitations

The connector will operate in the context of your user account, and will therefore be subject to your user permissions within the environment.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create a purchase order

Creates a new purchase order.

Create a purchase order line item

Creates a new purchase order line item.

Create a vendor

Creates a new vendor.

Create a vendor action

Creates a new vendor action.

Create a vendor address

Creates a new vendor address.

Create a vendor address contact method

Creates a new contact method for a vendor address.

Create a vendor attachment

Creates a new vendor attachment.

Create a vendor note

Creates a new vendor note.

Create an invoice

Creates a new invoice using the default distributions from the specified vendor.

Create an invoice (single distribution)

Creates a new invoice with a single distribution.

Create an invoice attachment

Creates a new invoice attachment.

Delete a credit memo

Deletes a credit memo.

Delete a vendor address

Deletes a vendor address.

Delete a vendor attachment

Deletes a vendor attachment.

Delete an invoice adjustment

Deletes an invoice adjustment.

Get a purchase order

Returns information about a purchase order.

Get a purchase order line item

Returns information about a purchase order line item.

Get a receipt

Returns information about a receipt.

Get a vendor

Returns information about a vendor.

Get an invoice

Returns information about an invoice.

Get an invoice adjustment

Returns information about an invoice adjustment.

Get invoice 1099 info

Returns the 1099 information for an invoice.

Get vendor 1099 information

Get the 1099 information for a vendor.

List invoice 1099 box numbers

Lists the 1099 box numbers for an invoice.

List invoice adjustments

Lists the adjustments for an invoice.

List invoices

Lists the available invoices.

List purchase order line items

Lists the line items for a purchase order.

List purchase orders

Lists the available purchase orders.

List receipts

Lists the available receipts.

List vendor address contact methods

Lists the contact methods for a vendor address.

List vendor addresses

Lists the addresses for a vendor.

List vendor attachments

Lists the attachments for a vendor.

List vendor contacts

Lists the contacts for a vendor.

List vendor default distributions

Lists the default distributions for a vendor.

List vendor notes and actions

Lists the notes and actions for a vendor.

List vendors

Lists the available vendors.

Update a vendor

Updates a vendor.

Update a vendor address

Updates a vendor address.

Update an invoice

Updates an invoice.

Create a purchase order

Creates a new purchase order.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

type True string

The purchase order type.

Order number
order_number True integer

The purchase order number.

Order date
order_date True date

The order date (ex: '2005-09-18').

order_status True string

The status of the purchase order.

Order from
order_from_contact_id True integer

The vendor contact identifier for the orderer of the purchase order.

Ship via
ship_via True string

The shipping method of the purchase order.

fob string

The freight on board of the purchase order.

terms True string

The term of the purchase order.

buyer string

The buyer of the purchase order.

department string

The department of the purchase order.

Confirm to
ordered_by string

The orderer of the purchase order.

Ship to
ship_to_address_id integer

The identifier of the ship to address of the purchase order.

expiration_date date-time

The expiration date of the purchase order (required for Blanket purchase orders).

attention string

The staff member for attention of the purchase order.

comments string

The purchase order comments.


Created purchase order

Create a purchase order line item

Creates a new purchase order line item.


Name Key Required Type Description
Purchase order ID
purchase_order_id True integer

The system record ID of the purchase order.

type True string

The type of the line item. Currently, only Regular line items is supported.

description string

The description of the line item.

Unit of measure
unit_of_measure string

The unit of measure.

quantity_ordered True decimal

The quantity ordered.

Unit cost
unit_cost True decimal

The line item unit cost.

Extended cost
extended_cost True decimal

The line item extended cost.

Vendor part number
vendor_part_number string

The vendor part number of the line item.

Product ID
product_id True integer

The product identifier for the line item.

department string

The department for the line item.

Requested by
requested_by string

The staff member that requested the line item.

Deliver to
deliver_to string

The staff member to deliver to for the line item.

Post status
post_status True string

The post status for the line item.

Post date
post_date date

The line item post date (ex: '2005-09-18').

Internal notes
notes string

Internal notes of the line item.

External notes
comments string

External notes for the line item.

Create a vendor

Creates a new vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
vendor_name True string

The vendor name. Character limit: 60.

vendor_type string

The type of vendor.

Vendor ID
ui_defined_id string

The user-defined identifier for the vendor.

Tax ID number
tax_id_number string

The vendor tax ID number.

Customer number
customer_number string

The vendor customer number.

vendor_status string

The vendor status.

Issue 1099 statement?
issue_1099s boolean

Issue a 1099 statement for the vendor?

Address description
description True string

The address description.

Address country
country string

The country of the address.

Address lines
address_line string

The street/address lines for the address. Character limit: 150.

Address city
city string

The city of the address.

Address state
state string

The state or province (or suburb in NZ) for the address.

Address postal code
postal string

The postal code or ZIP of the address. Character limit: 12.

Address county
county string

The county of the address.

Address is primary?
is_primary boolean

Is this the vendor's primary address?

Send invoices?
is_invoices boolean

Send invoices to this address?

Send POs?
is_pos boolean

Send purchase orders to this address?

Send 1099s?
is_1099 boolean

Send 1099s to this address?

Contact title
title string

The title of the primary contact.

Contact first name
first_name string

The first name of the primary contact.

Contact middle name
middle_name string

The middle initial or name of the primary contact.

Contact last name
last_name string

The last name of the primary contact.

Contact suffix
suffix string

The suffix of the primary contact.

Contact position
position string

The position of the primary contact.

Credit limit?
has_credit_limit boolean

Does the payment default have a credit limit?

Credit limit amount
credit_limit decimal

The payment default credit limit.

Payment terms
payment_terms string

The terms of the payment (NET).

Payment account
account_name string

The account from which to pay invoices.

Payment method
payment_method string

The payment method.

Payment option
payment_option string

The payment option.

GST branch
gst_branch string

The GST branch identifier for this vendor (only applicable for AU versions).

GST tax type ID
gst_tax_type_id integer

The tax type identifier for the vendor (only applicable for CA and AU versions).

PSB activity code ID
psb_activity_code_id integer

The PSB activity code identifier for the vendor (only applicable for CA versions).


Created vendor

Create a vendor action

Creates a new vendor action.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

type True string

The action type.

date True date

The action date (ex: '2005-09-18').

description string

The action description. Character limit: 255.

Assigned to
assign_to True string

The user to whom the action will be assigned.

Is complete?
is_complete boolean

Is the action complete?

Completed on
completed_date date

The action completed date (ex: '2005-09-18').


Created vendor action

Create a vendor address

Creates a new vendor address.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

description True string

The address description.

country string

The country of the address.

Address lines
address_line string

The street/address lines for the address. Character limit: 150.

city string

The city of the address.

state string

The state or province (or suburb in NZ) for the address.

Postal code
postal string

The postal code or ZIP of the address. Character limit: 12.

county string

The county of the address.

Is primary?
is_primary boolean

Is this the vendor's primary address?

Send invoices?
is_invoices boolean

Send invoices to this address?

Send POs?
is_pos boolean

Send purchase orders to this address?

Send 1099s?
issue_1099s boolean

Send 1099s to this address?

Payee name
payee_name string

The payee name.

Contact title
title string

The title of the primary contact.

Contact first name
first_name string

The first name of the primary contact.

Contact middle name
middle_name string

The middle initial or name of the primary contact.

Contact last name
last_name string

The last name of the primary contact.

Contact suffix
suffix string

The suffix of the primary contact.

Contact position
position string

The position of the primary contact.


Created vendor address

Create a vendor address contact method

Creates a new contact method for a vendor address.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

Address ID
address_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor address.

Contact type
contact_type string

The contact method type.

Contact info
contact_info True string

The contact information (email address, phone number, etc.) for this method.


Created vendor address contact method

Create a vendor attachment

Creates a new vendor attachment.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
parent_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

type True string

The attachment type.

name True string

The name of the attachment. Character limit: 150.

Attachment type
media_type True string

User-defined category of this attachment. Available values are the entries in the Media Type table for the parent record. Use the value types defined in /mediaTypes

url string

The URL for the attachment. This is required for link attachments and ignored for physical attachments.

File contents
file binary

The binary contents of the file attachment. This is required for physical attachments and ignored for link attachments.

File name
file_name string

The file name for the attachment. This is required for physical attachments and ignored for link attachments.


Created vendor attachment

Create a vendor note

Creates a new vendor note.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

type True string

The note type.

date True date

The note date (ex: '2005-09-18').

description string

The note description. Character limit: 255.

content string

The note text.


Created vendor note

Create an invoice

Creates a new invoice using the default distributions from the specified vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

Invoice number
invoice_number True string

The invoice number.

Invoice date
invoice_date True date

The invoice date (ex: '2005-09-18').

Due date
due_date True date

The invoice due date (ex: '2005-09-18').

Post status
post_status True string

The post status for the invoice.

Post date
post_date True date

The invoice post date (ex: '2005-09-18').

amount True decimal

The invoice amount.

description True string

The invoice description.

Approval status
approval_status True string

The approval status for the invoice.

Credit account
credit_account_number True string

The credit account number to use when generating distributions.

Distribute discounts?
distribute_discounts boolean

Distribute discounts to invoice expense accounts?

Payment method
payment_method True string

The invoice payment method.

Remit to
address_id True integer

The remit to address for the invoice.

Paid from
paid_from string

The bank from which the invoice is paid.

Card account ID
credit_card_account_id integer

The system record ID of the credit card account from which the invoice is paid.

Card ID
credit_card_id integer

The system record ID of the credit card from which the invoice is paid.

Hold payment?
hold_payment boolean

Hold payment on this invoice?

Separate payment?
create_separate_payment boolean

Always create a separate payment for this invoice?

box number
number True string

The box number.

state string

The state for the box number.

amount True decimal

The box number amount.


Created invoice

Create an invoice (single distribution)

Creates a new invoice with a single distribution.


Name Key Required Type Description
body True dynamic

The invoice to create.


Created invoice

Create an invoice attachment

Creates a new invoice attachment.


Name Key Required Type Description
Invoice ID
parent_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice.

type True string

The attachment type.

name True string

The name of the attachment. Character limit: 150.

Attachment type
media_type True string

User-defined category of this attachment. Available values are the entries in the Media Type table for the parent record. Use the value types defined in /mediaTypes

url string

The URL for the attachment. This is required for link attachments and ignored for physical attachments.

File contents
file binary

The binary contents of the file attachment. This is required for physical attachments and ignored for link attachments.

File name
file_name string

The file name for the attachment. This is required for physical attachments and ignored for link attachments.


Created invoice attachment

Delete a credit memo

Deletes a credit memo.


Name Key Required Type Description
Credit memo ID
credit_memo_id True integer

The system record ID of the credit memo.

Delete a vendor address

Deletes a vendor address.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

Address ID
address_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor address to delete.

Delete a vendor attachment

Deletes a vendor attachment.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

Attachment ID
attachment_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor attachment to delete.

Delete an invoice adjustment

Deletes an invoice adjustment.


Name Key Required Type Description
Invoice ID
invoice_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice.

Adjustment ID
adjustment_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice adjustment to delete.

Get a purchase order

Returns information about a purchase order.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
purchase_order_id True integer

The system record ID of the purchase order.


Purchase order

Get a purchase order line item

Returns information about a purchase order line item.


Name Key Required Type Description
Purchase order ID
purchase_order_id True integer

The system record ID of the purchase order.

Line item ID
line_item_id True integer

The system record ID of the line item.


Line item

Get a receipt

Returns information about a receipt.


Name Key Required Type Description
Receipt ID
receipt_id True integer

The system record ID of the receipt.



Get a vendor

Returns information about a vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.



Get an invoice

Returns information about an invoice.


Name Key Required Type Description
Invoice ID
invoice_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice.



Get an invoice adjustment

Returns information about an invoice adjustment.


Name Key Required Type Description
Invoice ID
invoice_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice.

Adjustment ID
adjustment_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice adjustment.


Invoice adjustment

Get invoice 1099 info

Returns the 1099 information for an invoice.


Name Key Required Type Description
Invoice ID
invoice_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice.


Form 1099

Get vendor 1099 information

Get the 1099 information for a vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.


1099 information

List invoice 1099 box numbers

Lists the 1099 box numbers for an invoice.


Name Key Required Type Description
Invoice ID
invoice_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List invoice adjustments

Lists the adjustments for an invoice.


Name Key Required Type Description
Invoice ID
invoice_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List invoices

Lists the available invoices.


Name Key Required Type Description
From date
from_date date-time

Filter the results to invoices dated on or after the specified date.

To date
to_date date-time

Filter the results to invoices dated on or before the specified date.

Vendor name
vendor_name string

Search text to match for vendor name.

invoice_status string

The invoice status.

Post status
post_status string

The invoice post status.

Payment method
payment_method string

The invoice payment method.

Search text
search_text string

Search text to match for vendor name, invoice number, description or purchase order number.

limit integer

Represents the number of records to return. The default is 100. The maximum is 500.

offset integer

Represents the number of records to skip. For use with pagination.

Added on or after
date_added date-time

Filter the results to invoices added on or after the specified date.

Added by
added_by string

Filter the results to invoices added by the specified user.

Modified on or after
last_modified date-time

Filter the results to invoices modified on or after the specified date.

Modified by
last_modified_by string

Filter the results to invoices last modified by the specified user.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List purchase order line items

Lists the line items for a purchase order.


Name Key Required Type Description
Purchase order ID
purchase_order_id True integer

The system record ID of the purchase order.

limit integer

Represents the number of records to return. The default is 100. The maximum is 500.

offset integer

Represents the number of records to skip. For use with pagination.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List purchase orders

Lists the available purchase orders.


Name Key Required Type Description
From date
from_date date-time

Filter the results to purchase orders dated on or after the specified date.

To date
to_date date-time

Filter the results to purchase orders dated on or before the specified date.

type string

The purchase order type.

Search text
search_text string

Search text to match for vendor name or purchase order number.

limit integer

Represents the number of records to return. The default is 100. The maximum is 500.

offset integer

Represents the number of records to skip. For use with pagination.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List receipts

Lists the available receipts.


Name Key Required Type Description
Purchase order ID
purchase_order_id integer

Filter the results to receipts associated with the specified purchase order.

Received by
received_by string

Filter the results to receipts received by the specified user.

From date
from_date date-time

Filter the results to receipts dated on or after the specified date.

To date
to_date date-time

Filter the results to receipts dated on or before the specified date.

Vendor name
vendor_name string

Search text to match for vendor name.

Search text
search_text string

Search text to match for receipt description, receipt number, receipt date, purchase order number, or invoice number.

limit integer

Represents the number of records to return. The default is 100. The maximum is 500.

offset integer

Represents the number of records to skip. For use with pagination.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List vendor address contact methods

Lists the contact methods for a vendor address.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

Address ID
address_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor address.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List vendor addresses

Lists the addresses for a vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List vendor attachments

Lists the attachments for a vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List vendor contacts

Lists the contacts for a vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List vendor default distributions

Lists the default distributions for a vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

limit integer

Represents the number of records to return. The default is 100. The maximum is 500.

offset integer

Represents the number of records to skip. For use with pagination.



List vendor notes and actions

Lists the notes and actions for a vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

List vendors

Lists the available vendors.


Name Key Required Type Description
status string

The vendor status.

Vendor name
vendor_name string

Search text to match for vendor name.

Vendor ID
ui_vendor_id string

The user-visible identifier for the vendor.

Customer number
customer_number string

The customer number for the vendor.

limit integer

Represents the number of records to return. The default is 100. The maximum is 500.

offset integer

Represents the number of records to skip. For use with pagination.

Added on or after
date_added date-time

Filter the results to vendors added on or after the specified date.

Added by
added_by string

Filter the results to vendors added by the specified user.

Modified on or after
last_modified date-time

Filter the results to vendors modified on or after the specified date.

Modified by
last_modified_by string

Filter the results to vendors last modified by the specified user.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Update a vendor

Updates a vendor.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor to update.

vendor_name string

The vendor name. Character limit: 60.

vendor_type string

The type of vendor.

Customer number
customer_number string

The vendor customer number.

vendor_status string

The vendor status.

Issue 1099 statement?
issue_1099s boolean

Issue a 1099 statement for the vendor?

Credit limit?
has_credit_limit boolean

Does the payment default have a credit limit?

Credit limit amount
credit_limit decimal

The payment default credit limit.

Payment terms
payment_terms string

The terms of the payment (NET).

Payment account
account_name string

The account from which to pay invoices.

Payment method
payment_method string

The payment method.

Payment option
payment_option string

The payment option.


Created vendor

Update a vendor address

Updates a vendor address.


Name Key Required Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

Address ID
address_id True integer

The system record ID of the vendor address to update.

description string

The address description.

country string

The country of the address.

Address lines
address_line string

The street/address lines for the address. Character limit: 150.

city string

The city of the address.

state string

The state or province (or suburb in NZ) for the address.

Postal code
postal string

The postal code or ZIP of the address. Character limit: 12.

county string

The county of the address.

Is primary?
is_primary boolean

Is this the vendor's primary address?

Send invoices?
is_invoices boolean

Send invoices to this address?

Send POs?
is_pos boolean

Send purchase orders to this address?

Send 1099s?
issue_1099s boolean

Send 1099s to this address?

Contact title
title string

The title of the primary contact.

Contact first name
first_name string

The first name of the primary contact.

Contact middle name
middle_name string

The middle initial or name of the primary contact.

Contact last name
last_name string

The last name of the primary contact.

Contact suffix
suffix string

The suffix of the primary contact.

Contact position
position string

The position of the primary contact.


Created vendor address

Update an invoice

Updates an invoice.


Name Key Required Type Description
Invoice ID
invoice_id True integer

The system record ID of the invoice to update.

Invoice number
invoice_number string

The invoice number.

Invoice date
invoice_date date

The invoice date (ex: '2005-09-18').

Due date
due_date date

The invoice due date (ex: '2005-09-18').

Post status
post_status string

The post status for the invoice.

Post date
post_date date

The invoice post date (ex: '2005-09-18').

amount decimal

The invoice amount.

description string

The invoice description.

Approval status
status string

The approval status for the invoice.

Distribute discounts?
distribute_discounts boolean

Distribute discounts to invoice expense accounts?

Payment method
payment_method string

The invoice payment method.

Remit to
address_id integer

The remit to address for the invoice.

Paid from
paid_from string

The bank from which the invoice is paid.

Card account ID
credit_card_account_id integer

The system record ID of the credit card account from which the invoice is paid.

Card ID
credit_card_id integer

The system record ID of the credit card from which the invoice is paid.

Hold payment?
hold_payment boolean

Hold payment on this invoice?

Separate payment?
create_separate_payment boolean

Always create a separate payment for this invoice?


Created invoice



Address contact method

Name Path Type Description
contact_method_id integer

The system record ID of the address contact method.

contact_type string

The contact method type.

contact_info string

The contact method information.



Name Path Type Description
id integer

The system record ID of the attachment.

type string

The attachment type.

name string

The name of the attachment.

url string

The URL for the attachment. Only applicable for link attachments.

Attachment type
media_type string

User-defined category of this attachment.

date_attached date-time

The date the attachment was added.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.AttachmentSummary

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.


Created invoice

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created invoice.


Created invoice attachment

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created attachment.


Created purchase order

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created purchase order.


Created vendor

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created vendor.


Created vendor action

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created vendor action.


Created vendor address

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created vendor address.


Created vendor address contact method

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created vendor address contact method.


Created vendor attachment

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created attachment.


Created vendor note

Name Path Type Description
record_id integer

The ID of the newly created vendor note.


An object containing the custom field details.

Name Path Type Description
field_name string

The name of the custom field.

type string

The type of data that the custom field represents.

value string

The value of the custom field.

is required?
is_required boolean

Is the custom field required?

date date-time

The date on the custom field.

comments string

The comment on the custom field.



Name Path Type Description
distribution_id integer

The distribution identifier.

type_code string

The journal entry transaction type for the distribution.

Account number
account_number string

The account number for the distribution.

percent decimal

The distribution journal entry amount percentage.

default_distribution_splits array of APApi.DefaultDistributionSplit

The list of splits for the default distribution.

Custom field
custom_fields array of APApi.CustomField

The list of custom fields for the distribution.



Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.DefaultDistribution

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.



Name Path Type Description
distribution_split_id integer

The distribution split identifier.

percent decimal

The distribution journal entry amount percentage.

ui_project_id string

The user-visible identifier of the project for the distribution split.

account_class string

The account class for the distribution split.

transaction_code_values array of APApi.TransactionCodeValue

The distribution transaction code values.


An object containing the distribution details.

Name Path Type Description
distribution_id integer

The distribution identifier.

type_code string

The journal entry transaction type for the distribution.

account number
account_number string

The account number for the distribution.

amount decimal

The distribution journal entry amount.

description string

The description for the distribution.

distribution_splits array of APApi.DistributionSplit

The list of splits for the distribution.

custom field
custom_fields array of APApi.CustomField

The list of custom fields for the distribution.



Name Path Type Description
distribution_split_id integer

The distribution split identifier.

amount decimal

The distribution journal entry amount.

ui_project_id string

The user-visible identifier of the project for the distribution split.

account_class string

The account class for the distribution split.

transaction_code_values array of APApi.TransactionCodeValue

The distribution transaction code values.


Form 1099

Name Path Type Description
amount decimal

The amount distributed to 1099.

Excluded amount
excluded_amount decimal

The amount excluded from 1099.


Invoice adjustment

Name Path Type Description
adjustment_id integer

The invoice adjustment identifier.

adjustment_date date-time

The date of the invoice adjustment.

Post status
post_status string

The post status for the invoice adjustment.

Post date
post_date date-time

The post date for the invoice adjustment.

reason string

The reason for the invoice adjustment.

notes string

The notes for the invoice adjustment.

adjustment_distributions.count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

adjustment_distributions.value array of APApi.Distribution

The list of distributions for the invoice adjustment.


Invoice adjustment

Name Path Type Description
adjustment_id integer

The invoice adjustment identifier.

adjustment_date date-time

The date of the invoice adjustment.

Post status
post_status string

The post status for the invoice adjustment.

Post date
post_date date-time

The post date for the invoice adjustment.

reason string

The reason for the invoice adjustment.

notes string

The notes for the invoice adjustment.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.InvoiceAdjustmentSummary

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.



Name Path Type Description
invoice_id integer

The system record ID of the invoice.

Vendor ID
vendor_id integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

vendor_name string

The vendor name.

Invoice number
invoice_number string

The invoice number.

Invoice date
invoice_date date-time

The date of the invoice.

Due date
due_date date

The invoice due date (ex: '2005-09-18').

Post status
post_status string

The invoice post status.

Post date
post_date date

The invoice post date (ex: '2005-09-18').

amount decimal

The amount of the invoice.

Total paid
total_paid decimal

The total amount paid on the invoice.

balance decimal

The current balance on the invoice.

description string

The description of the invoice.

Approval status
status string

The approval status for the invoice.

Distribute discounts?
distribute_discounts boolean

Distribute discounts to invoice expense accounts?

Purchase order number
purchase_order_number string

The purchase order number associated with the invoice.

Payment method
invoice_payment_detail.payment_method string

The invoice payment method.

address ID
invoice_payment_detail.remit_to.address_id integer

The system record ID of the remit to address for the invoice.

invoice_payment_detail.remit_to.description string

The address description.

country string

The country of the address.

address lines
invoice_payment_detail.remit_to.address_line string

The street/address lines for the address.

city string

The city of the address.

invoice_payment_detail.remit_to.state string

The state or province (or suburb in NZ) for the address.

postal code
invoice_payment_detail.remit_to.postal string

The postal code or ZIP of the address.

invoice_payment_detail.remit_to.county string

The county of the address.

contact name
invoice_payment_detail.remit_to.contact_name string

The full name of the contact for the address.

Paid from
invoice_payment_detail.paid_from string

The bank from which the invoice is paid.

Card account ID
invoice_payment_detail.credit_card_account_id integer

The system record ID of the credit card account from which the invoice is paid.

Card account name
invoice_payment_detail.credit_card_account_name string

The name of the credit card account from which the invoice is paid.

Card ID
invoice_payment_detail.credit_card_id integer

The system record ID of the credit card from which the invoice is paid.

Card name
invoice_payment_detail.credit_card_name string

The name of the credit card from which the invoice was paid.

Hold payment?
invoice_payment_detail.hold_payment boolean

Hold payment on this invoice?

Separate payment?
invoice_payment_detail.create_separate_payment boolean

Always create a separate payment for this invoice?

invoice_payment_detail.payments array of APApi.InvoicePaymentSummary

The list of payments on the invoice.

distributions array of APApi.Distribution

The list of distributions for the invoice.

Custom field
custom_fields array of APApi.CustomField

The list of custom fields for the invoice.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the invoice was created.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who created the invoice.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the invoice was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the invoice.


An object containing summary information about a payment for the invoice.

Name Path Type Description
transaction ID
br_transaction_id integer

The transaction ID for the payment.

transaction number
transaction_number string

The transaction number for this payment.

payment_date date-time

The date for this payment (ex: '2005-09-18').

payment_status string

The status of the payment.

amount decimal

The amount of the payment.

checks identifier
checks_7_id integer

The checks identifier from Financial Edge 7.



Name Path Type Description
invoice_id integer

The system record ID of the invoice.

Vendor ID
vendor_id integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

vendor_name string

The vendor name.

Vendor status
vendor_status string

The vendor status.

Invoice number
invoice_number string

The invoice number.

Invoice date
invoice_date date-time

The date of the invoice.

description string

The description of the invoice.

amount decimal

The amount of the invoice.

Amount due
amount_due decimal

The amount still due on the invoice.

balance decimal

The current balance on the invoice.

status string

The invoice status.

Post status
post_status string

The invoice post status.

Payment method
payment_method string

The invoice payment method.

age string

The age of the invoice.

Is past due?
is_past_due boolean

Is the invoice past due?

Purchase order number
purchase_order_number string

The purchase order number associated with the invoice.

GST tax type
gst_tax_type string

The tax type for the invoice (only applicable for CA and AU versions).

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the invoice was created.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who created the invoice.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the invoice was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the invoice.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.InvoiceSummary

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.


Box number

Name Path Type Description
Box number
number string

The box number.

state string

The state for the box number.

percent decimal

The box number percent.

amount decimal

The box number amount.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

results array of APApi.Invoice1099BoxNumber

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.


Line item

Name Path Type Description
Vendor ID
vendor_id integer

The vendor identifier for the purchase order line item.

Vendor name
vendor_name string

The vendor name for the purchase order line item.

Order number
order_number integer

The purchase order number.

line_item_id integer

The line item identifier.

Line number
line_number integer

The number of the line item.

type string

The line item type.

Product ID
product_id integer

The product identifier of the line item.

Product code
product_code string

The product code of the line item.

Vendor part number
vendor_part_number string

The vendor part number of the line item.

description string

The description of the line item.

Unit of measure
unit_of_measure string

The unit of measure of the line item.

Quantity ordered
quantity_ordered decimal

The quantity ordered of the line item.

Quantity received
quantity_received decimal

The quantity received of the line item.

Quantity rejected
quantity_rejected decimal

The quantity rejected of the line item.

Quantity cancelled
quantity_cancelled decimal

The quantity cancelled of the line item.

Unit cost
unit_cost decimal

The unit of cost of the line item.

Extended cost
extended_cost decimal

The extended cost of the line item.

Post status
post_status string

The line item post status.

Post date
post_date date-time

The post date of the line item.

comments string

The comments of the line item.

status string

The receipt status of the line item.

department string

The department of the line item.

Deliver to
deliver_to string

The staff member to deliver to for the line item.

distributions array of APApi.Distribution

The list of distributions for the line item.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the line item was added.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who added the line item.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the line item was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the line item.


Line item

Name Path Type Description
line_item_id integer

The line item identifier.

Line number
line_number integer

The number of the line item.

type string

The line item type.

Product ID
product_id integer

The product identifier of the line item.

Product code
product_code string

The product code of the line item.

Vendor part number
vendor_part_number string

The vendor part number of the line item.

description string

The description of the line item.

Unit of measure
unit_of_measure string

The unit of measure of the line item.

Quantity ordered
quantity_ordered decimal

The quantity ordered of the line item.

Quantity received
quantity_received decimal

The quantity received of the line item.

Quantity rejected
quantity_rejected decimal

The quantity rejected of the line item.

Quantity cancelled
quantity_cancelled decimal

The quantity cancelled of the line item.

Unit cost
unit_cost decimal

The unit of cost of the line item.

Extended cost
extended_cost decimal

The extended cost of the line item.

Post status
post_status string

The line item post status.

Post date
post_date date-time

The post date of the line item.

comments string

The comments of the line item.

status string

The receipt status of the line item.

department string

The department of the line item.

Deliver to
deliver_to string

The staff member to deliver to for the line item.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the line item was added.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who added the line item.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the line item was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the line item.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.LineItemSummary

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.


Purchase order

Name Path Type Description
purchase_order_id integer

The system record ID of the purchase order.

Vendor ID
vendor_id integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

vendor_name string

The vendor name.

type string

The purchase order type.

Order number
order_number integer

The purchase order number.

Order date
order_date date-time

The date of the purchase order.

order_status string

The purchase order status.

Order from contact ID
ordered_from_contact_id integer

The contact identifier for the orderer of the purchase order.

Ship via
ship_via string

The shipping method of the purchase order.

fob string

The freight on board of the purchase order.

terms string

The purchase order terms.

buyer string

The buyer of the purchase order.

department string

The department of the purchase order.

Confirm to
ordered_by string

The orderer of the purchase order.

Ship to
ship_to_address string

The ship to address of the purchase order.

attention string

The staff member for attention of the purchase order.

comments string

The purchase order comments.

order_total decimal

The total of the purchase order.

Receipted total
receipted_total decimal

The receipted total of the purchase order.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the purchase order was created.

Custom field
custom_fields array of APApi.CustomField

The list of custom fields for the purchase order.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who created the purchase order.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the purchase order was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the purchase order.


Purchase order

Name Path Type Description
purchase_order_id integer

The system record ID of the purchase order.

Vendor ID
vendor_id integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

vendor_name string

The vendor name.

type string

The purchase order type.

Order number
order_number integer

The purchase order number.

Order date
order_date date-time

The date of the purchase order.

order_status string

The purchase order status.

order_total decimal

The total of the purchase order.

Receipted total
receipted_total decimal

The receipted total of the purchase order.

terms string

The purchase order terms.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the purchase order was created.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who created the purchase order.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the purchase order was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the purchase order.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.PurchaseOrderSummary

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.



Name Path Type Description
receipt_id integer

The system record ID of the receipt.

Receipt number
receipt_number integer

The receipt number.

Received by
received_by string

The receiver of the receipt.

Receipt date
receipt_date date-time

The date of the receipt.

description string

The description of the receipt.

Receipt total
receipt_total decimal

The total amount of the receipt.

Vendor ID
vendor_id integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

vendor_name string

The vendor name.

Purchase order ID
purchase_order_id integer

The system record ID of the purchase order associated with the receipt.

Purchase order number
purchase_order_number string

The purchase order number associated with the receipt.

Invoice ID
invoice_id integer

The system record ID of the invoice associated with the receipt.

Invoice number
invoice_number string

The invoice number associated with the receipt.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the receipt was created.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who created the receipt.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the receipt was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the receipt.



Name Path Type Description
receipt_id integer

The system record ID of the receipt.

Receipt number
receipt_number integer

The receipt number.

Received by
received_by string

The receiver of the receipt.

Receipt date
receipt_date date-time

The date of the receipt.

description string

The description of the receipt.

Receipt total
receipt_total decimal

The total amount of the receipt.

Vendor ID
vendor_id integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

vendor_name string

The vendor name.

Purchase order ID
purchase_order_id integer

The system record ID of the purchase order associated with the receipt.

Purchase order number
purchase_order_number string

The purchase order number associated with the receipt.

Invoice ID
invoice_id integer

The system record ID of the invoice associated with the receipt.

Invoice number
invoice_number string

The invoice number associated with the receipt.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the receipt was created.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who created the receipt.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the receipt was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the receipt.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.ReceiptSummary

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.


Transaction code value

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The transaction code value ID.

name string

The transaction code name.

value string

The transaction code value.

inactive boolean

Is the transaction code value inactive?


1099 information

Name Path Type Description
default_box_numbers array of APApi.VendorDefaultBoxNumber

The default box numbers for the vendor.


Vendor address

Name Path Type Description
address_id integer

The address identifier.

description string

The address description.

country string

The country of the address.

Address lines
address_line string

The street/address lines for the address.

city string

The city of the address.

state string

The state or province (or suburb in NZ) for the address.

Postal code
postal string

The postal code or ZIP of the address.

county string

The county of the address.

Is primary?
is_primary boolean

Is this the vendor's primary address?

Send invoices?
is_invoices boolean

Send invoices to this address?

Send POs?
is_pos boolean

Send purchase orders to this address?

Send 1099s?
is_1099 boolean

Send 1099s to this address?

Payee name
payee_name string

The payee name.

Contact title
title string

The title for the primary contact.

Contact first name
first_name string

The first name of the primary contact.

Contact middle name
middle_name string

The middle initial or name of the primary contact.

Contact last name
last_name string

The last name of the primary contact.

Contact suffix
suffix string

The suffix of the primary contact.

Contact position
position string

The position of the primary contact.

Contact method
address_contact_methods array of APApi.AddressContactMethod

The list of contact methods for the address.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

results array of APApi.VendorAddress

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.


Vendor address contact method

Name Path Type Description
contact_method_id integer

The address contact method identifier.

Contact type
contact_type string

The contact type.

Contact info
contact_info string

The contact information.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

results array of APApi.VendorAddressContactMethod

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.



Name Path Type Description
vendor_contact_id integer

The system record ID of the contact.

contact_display_name string

The display name for the contact.

Address description
address_description string

The address description for the contact.

address_line string

The address lines for the contact.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.VendorContact

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.


Box number

Name Path Type Description
Box number
number string

The box number.

Reporting state
state string

The reporting state for the box number.

percent decimal

The percent for the box number.



Name Path Type Description
vendor_id integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

Vendor ID
ui_defined_id string

The user-defined identifier for the vendor.

Tax ID number
tax_id_number string

The vendor tax ID number.

PSB activity code ID
psb_activity_code_id integer

The PSB activity code ID for the vendor (only applicable for CA versions).

PSB activity code
psb_activity_code string

The PSB activity code for the vendor (only applicable for CA versions).

PSB activity code description
psb_activity_code_desc string

The PSB activity code description for the vendor (only applicable for CA versions).

GST tax type
gst_tax_type string

The GST tax type for the vendor (only applicable for CA and AU versions).

GST tax type description
gst_tax_type_desc string

The GST tax type description for the vendor (only applicable for CA and AU versions).

GST branch
gst_branch string

The branch for the vendor (only applicable for AU versions).

vendor_name string

The vendor name.

vendor_type string

The type of vendor.

Customer number
customer_number string

The vendor customer number.

vendor_status string

The vendor status.

Issue 1099 statement?
issue_1099s boolean

Issue a 1099 statement for the vendor?

Balance due
balance_due decimal

The balance due for the vendor.

addresses array of APApi.VendorAddress

The list of addresses for the vendor.

Custom field
custom_fields array of APApi.CustomField

The list of custom fields for the vendor.

Payment default
vendor_payment_default APApi.VendorPaymentDefault

The vendor's payment defaults.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the vendor was created.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who created the vendor.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the vendor was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the vendor.



Name Path Type Description
note_action_id integer

The system record ID of the note or action.

Record type
note_type string

The record type (note or action).

type string

The note or action type.

date date-time

The date of the note or action.

description string

The note or action description.

content string

The content of the note.

Assigned to
assign_to string

The user to whom the action is assigned.

Is complete?
is_complete boolean

Is the action complete?

Completed on
completed_date date-time

The action completed date.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

results array of APApi.VendorNoteAction

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.


The vendor's payment defaults.

Name Path Type Description
credit limit?
has_credit_limit boolean

Does the payment default have a credit limit?

credit limit amount
credit_limit decimal

The payment default credit limit.

payment_terms string

The terms of the payment (NET).

account name
account_name string

The account from which to pay invoices.

payment_method string

The payment method.

payment_option string

The payment option.



Name Path Type Description
vendor_id integer

The system record ID of the vendor.

Vendor ID
ui_defined_id string

The user-defined identifier for the vendor.

vendor_name string

The vendor name.

Customer number
customer_number string

The vendor customer number.

vendor_status string

The vendor status.

Issue 1099 statement?
issue_1099s boolean

Issue a 1099 statement for the vendor?

Balance due
balance_due decimal

The balance due for the vendor.

Payment method
payment_method string

The default payment method for the vendor.

primary_address.address_id integer

The system record ID of the address.

primary_address.description string

The address description.

country string

The country of the address.

primary_address.address_line string

The street/address lines for the address.

city string

The city of the address.

primary_address.state string

The state or province (or suburb in NZ) for the address.

postal code
primary_address.postal string

The postal code or ZIP of the address.

primary_address.county string

The county of the address.

is primary?
primary_address.is_primary boolean

Is this the vendor's primary address?

send invoices?
primary_address.is_invoices boolean

Send invoices to this address?

send POs?
primary_address.is_pos boolean

Send purchase orders to this address?

send 1099s?
primary_address.is_1099 boolean

Send 1099s to this address?

contact title
primary_address.title string

The title for the primary contact.

contact first name
primary_address.first_name string

The first name of the primary contact.

contact middle name
primary_address.middle_name string

The middle initial or name of the primary contact.

contact last name
primary_address.last_name string

The last name of the primary contact.

contact suffix
primary_address.suffix string

The suffix of the primary contact.

contact position
primary_address.position string

The position of the primary contact.

primary_address.address_contact_methods array of APApi.AddressContactMethod

The list of contact methods for the address.

Payment default
payment_defaults APApi.VendorPaymentDefault

The vendor's payment defaults.

Date added
date_added date-time

The date when the vendor was created.

Added by
added_by string

The name of the user who created the vendor.

Date modified
date_modified date-time

The date when the vendor was last modified.

Modified by
modified_by string

The name of the user who last modified the vendor.


Fetching data all at once quickly becomes unmanageable. The collection entity helps by returning paginated chunks of large data sets. This entity includes helpful metadata and properties to paginate and iterate through the data.

Name Path Type Description
count integer

The number of items available for retrieval into the collection after applying any request parameters.

value array of APApi.VendorSummary

The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection.