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WebDAV API Functions

The following functions are used in the WebDAV API.

Function Description
DavAddConnection Creates a secure connection to a WebDAV server or to a remote file or directory on a WebDAV server.
DavAuthCallback The WebDAV client calls the application-defined DavAuthCallback callback function to prompt the user for credentials.
DavCancelConnectionsToServer Closes all connections to a WebDAV server or to a remote file or directory on a WebDAV server.
DavDeleteConnection Closes a connection that was created by using the DavAddConnection function.
DavFlushFile Flushes the data from the local version of a remote file to the WebDAV server.
DavFreeCredCallback The WebDAV client calls the application-defined DavFreeCredCallback callback function to free the credential information that was retrieved by the DavAuthCallback callback function.
DavGetExtendedError Retrieves the extended error code information that the WebDAV server returned for the previous failed I/O operation.
DavGetHTTPFromUNCPath Converts the specified UNC path to an equivalent HTTP path.
DavGetTheLockOwnerOfTheFile Returns the file lock owner for a file that is locked on a WebDAV server.
DavGetUNCFromHTTPPath Converts the specified HTTP path to an equivalent UNC path.
DavInvalidateCache Invalidates the contents of the local cache for a remote file on a WebDAV server.
DavRegisterAuthCallback Registers an application-defined callback function that the WebDAV client can use to prompt the user for credentials.
DavUnregisterAuthCallback Unregisters a registered callback function that the WebDAV client uses to prompt the user for credentials.