NDF Functions
The following functions enable software developers to use the functionality provided by the Network Diagnostic Framework (NDF). When network issues occur, NDF can diagnose the root cause and handle the necessary resolution gracefully, sometimes even performing the necessary repairs.
These functions are for developers implementing basic NDF functionality in their applications.
- CopyHelperAttribute
- CopyRepairInfo
- CopyRootCauseInfo
- FreeRepairInfoExs
- FreeRepairInfos
- FreeRootCauseInfos
- FreeHelperAttributes
- FreeUiInfo
- NdfCancelIncident
- NdfCloseIncident
- NdfCreateConnectivityIncident
- NdfCreateDNSIncident
- NdfCreateGroupingIncident
- NdfCreateInboundIncident
- NdfCreateIncident
- NdfCreateNetConnectionIncident
- NdfCreatePnrpIncident
- NdfCreateSharingIncident
- NdfCreateWebIncident
- NdfCreateWebIncidentEx
- NdfCreateWinSockIncident
- NdfDiagnoseIncident
- NdfExecuteDiagnosis
- NdfGetTraceFile
- NdfRepairIncident
- UtilAssembleStringsWithAlloc
- UtilLoadStringWithAlloc
- UtilStringCopyWithAlloc