
Споделяне чрез

Raw Input

This section describes how the system provides raw input to your application and how an application receives and processes that input. Raw input is sometimes referred to as generic input.

In This Section

Name Description
About Raw Input Discusses user-input from devices such as joysticks, touch screens, and microphones.
Using Raw Input Provides sample code for tasks relating to raw input.
Raw Input Reference Contains the API reference.


Name Description
DefRawInputProc Calls the default raw input procedure to provide default processing for any raw input messages that an application does not process. This function ensures that every message is processed. DefRawInputProc is called with the same parameters received by the window procedure.
GetRawInputBuffer Performs a buffered read of the raw input data.
GetRawInputData Gets the raw input from the specified device.
GetRawInputDeviceInfo Gets information about the raw input device.
GetRawInputDeviceList Enumerates the raw input devices attached to the system.
GetRegisteredRawInputDevices Gets the information about the raw input devices for the current application.
RegisterRawInputDevices Registers the devices that supply the raw input data.


Name Description
GET_RAWINPUT_CODE_WPARAM Gets the input code from wParam in WM_INPUT.
NEXTRAWINPUTBLOCK Gets the location of the next structure in an array of RAWINPUT structures.


Name Description
WM_INPUT Sent to the window that is getting raw input.
WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE Sent to the window that registered to receive raw input.


Name Description
RAWHID Describes the format of the raw input from a Human Interface Device (HID).
RAWINPUT Contains the raw input from a device.
RAWINPUTDEVICE Defines information for the raw input devices.
RAWINPUTDEVICELIST Contains information about a raw input device.
RAWINPUTHEADER Contains the header information that is part of the raw input data.
RAWKEYBOARD Contains information about the state of the keyboard.
RAWMOUSE Contains information about the state of the mouse.
RID_DEVICE_INFO Defines the raw input data coming from any device.
RID_DEVICE_INFO_HID Defines the raw input data coming from the specified HID.
RID_DEVICE_INFO_KEYBOARD Defines the raw input data coming from the specified keyboard.
RID_DEVICE_INFO_MOUSE Defines the raw input data coming from the specified mouse.