
Споделяне чрез

High DPI Reference


Topic Description
AdjustWindowRectExForDpi A variant of AdjustWindowRectEx that returns values scaled to a specific DPI.
AreDpiAwarenessContextsEqual Determines whether two DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT values are equivalent.
EnableNonClientDpiScaling Enables automatic scaling of the non-client area of the specified top-level window.
GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext Retrieves the DPI_AWARENESS value from a DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT
GetDpiForMonitor Queries the DPI information associated with a monitor.
GetDpiForSystem Returns the system DPI.
GetDpiForWindow Returns the current DPI for the specified window.
GetProcessDpiAwareness Retrieves the DPI virtualization mode of the specified process.
GetSystemMetricsForDpi A variant of GetSystemMetrics that returns values scaled to a specific DPI.
GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext Retrieves the active DPI awareness context for the current thread.
GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext Retrieves the DPI awareness context for a window.
IsValidDpiAwarenessContext Determines if a DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT is valid and supported by the current system.
LogicalToPhysicalPointForPerMonitorDPI Converts a point in a window from logical coordinates into physical coordinates, regardless of the DPI awareness of the caller.
PhysicalToLogicalPointForPerMonitorDPI Converts a point in a window from physical coordinates into logical coordinates, regardless of the DPI awareness of the caller.
SetProcessDpiAwareness Sets the DPI virtualization mode for the current process.
SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext Changes the active DPI awareness context for the current thread.
SystemParametersInfoForDpi A variant of SystemParametersInfo that returns values scaled to a specific DPI.
SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext Sets the DPI awareness context for the current process.
SetDialogDpiChangeBehavior Overrides the default per-monitor DPI scaling behavior of a dialog.
GetDialogDpiChangeBehavior Retrieves the per-monitor DPI scaling behavior of a dialog.
SetDialogControlDpiChangeBehavior Overrides the default per-monitor DPI scaling behavior of a child window in a dialog.
GetDialogControlDpiChangeBehavior Retrieves any per-monitor DPI scaling behavior overrides of a child window in a dialog.
OpenThemeDataForDpi A variant of OpenThemeData that opens theme handles associated with a specific DPI.
GetSystemDpiForProcess Retrieves the system DPI associated with a given process.
GetDpiFromDpiAwarenessContext Retrieves the DPI from a given DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT handle.
SetThreadDpiHostingBehavior Overrides the default DPI hosting behavior of the current thread.
GetThreadDpiHostingBehavior Retrieves the DPI hosting behavior of the current thread.
GetWindowDpiHostingBehavior Retrieves the DPI hosting behavior of the specified window.



Topic Description
DPI_AWARENESS Represents DPI coordinate virtualization modes.
DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT A token which represents a DPI virtualization mode and associated behaviors.
DIALOG_CONTROL_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS Describes per-monitor DPI scaling behavior overrides for child windows within dialogs.
DIALOG_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS Describes per-monitor DPI scaling behavior overrides for dialogs.
MONITOR_DPI_TYPE Represents the type of DPI associated with a monitor.
PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS Represents the DPI coordinate virtualization mode of a process.
DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR Represents the DPI hosting behavior for a window.



Topic Description
WM_DPICHANGED Notifies a top-level window that its DPI has changed.
WM_DPICHANGED_BEFOREPARENT Notifies a child window that the DPI associated with its containing window has changed. Delivered before the parent window is notified.
WM_DPICHANGED_AFTERPARENT Notifies a child window that the DPI associated with its containing window has changed. Delivered after the parent window is notified.
WM_GETDPISCALEDSIZE Allows top-level windows to resize non-linearly in response to DPI changes.