
Споделяне чрез

Error Handling Functions

The following functions are used with error handling.

Function Description
Beep Generates simple tones on the speaker.
CaptureStackbackTrace Captures a stack back trace by walking up the stack and recording the information for each frame.
FatalAppExit Displays a message box and terminates the application when the message box is closed.
FlashWindow Flashes the specified window one time.
FlashWindowEx Flashes the specified window.
FormatMessage Formats a message string.
GetErrorMode Retrieves the error mode for the current process.
GetLastError Retrieves the calling thread's last-error code value.
GetThreadErrorMode Retrieves the error mode for the calling thread.
MessageBeep Plays a waveform sound.
RtlLookupFunctionEntry Searches the active function tables for an entry that corresponds to the specified PC value.
RtlNtStatusToDosError Retrieves the system error code that corresponds to the specified NT error code.
RtlPcToFileHeader Retrieves the base address of the image that contains the specified PC value.
RtlUnwind Initiates an unwind of procedure call frames.
RtlUnwind2 Initiates an unwind of procedure call frames.
RtlUnwindEx Initiates an unwind of procedure call frames.
RtlVirtualUnwind Retrieves the invocation context of the function that precedes the specified function context.
SetErrorMode Controls whether the system will handle the specified types of serious errors, or whether the process will handle them.
SetLastError Sets the last-error code for the calling thread.
SetLastErrorEx Sets the last-error code for the calling thread.
SetThreadErrorMode Controls whether the system will handle the specified types of serious errors or whether the calling thread will handle them.