
Споделяне чрез

Desired State Configuration

Since version 0.80, the PowerToys installer has been released on GitHub with Microsoft.PowerToys.Configure DSC resource that allows you to configure PowerToys using a Winget configuration file.




Microsoft.PowerToys.Configure is installed with PowerToys. Depending on the installer type, it's installed as follows:

  • For the per-user install scope, the module is located in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Microsoft.PowerToys.Configure.
  • For the machine-wide install scope, it's found in %ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Microsoft.PowerToys.Configure.


You can invoke the resource directly using the following Powershell syntax:

Invoke-DscResource -Name PowerToysConfigure -Method Set -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerToys.Configure -Property @{ Awake = @{ Enabled = $false; Mode = "TIMED"; IntervalMinutes = "10" } }

However, creating a configuration.dsc.yaml file that contains the required settings in a simpler format is more convenient. Here's an example:

    - resource: Microsoft.WinGet.DSC/WinGetPackage
      id: installPowerToys
        description: Install PowerToys
        allowPrerelease: true
        id: Microsoft.PowerToys
        source: winget

    - resource: Microsoft.PowerToys.Configure/PowerToysConfigure
        - installPowerToys
        description: Configure PowerToys
          Enabled: false
          OverlayOpacity: 50
          Enabled: true
          FancyzonesEditorHotkey: "Shift+Ctrl+Alt+F"
          Enabled: false
  configurationVersion: 0.2.0

Use the following command to apply the configuration from the file:

winget configure .\configuration.dsc.yaml

This command installs the latest version of PowerToys and uses the PowerToysConfigure resource to apply settings for multiple PowerToys modules. More examples can be found in the PowerToys repo.

Available Configuration Settings by Module


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
Hotkey KeyboardKeys Customize the shortcut to pin or unpin an app window. ✅ Available
FrameEnabled Boolean Show a border around the pinned window. ✅ Available
FrameThickness Int Border thickness in pixels. ✅ Available
FrameColor String Specify a color in a #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
FrameOpacity Int Border opacity in percentage. ✅ Available
FrameAccentColor Boolean Use a custom FrameColor value. ✅ Available
SoundEnabled Boolean Play a sound when pinning a window. ✅ Available
DoNotActivateOnGameMode Boolean Disable activation shortcut when Game Mode is on. ✅ Available
ExcludedApps String '\r'-separated list of executable names to exclude from pinning on top. ✅ Available
RoundCornersEnabled Boolean Enable round corners. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
KeepDisplayOn Boolean This setting is only available when keeping the PC awake. ✅ Available
Mode AwakeMode Possible values: PASSIVE, INDEFINITE, TIMED, EXPIRABLE. ✅ Available
IntervalHours UInt32 When using TIMED mode, specifies the number of hours. ✅ Available
IntervalMinutes UInt32 When using TIMED mode, specifies the number of minutes. ✅ Available
ExpirationDateTime DateTimeOffset When using EXPIRABLE mode, specifies the date and time in a format parsable with DateTimeOffset.TryParse. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to activate this module. ✅ Available
CopiedColorRepresentation String The default color representation to be used. Example :"HEX". ✅ Available
ActivationAction ColorPickerActivationAction Possible values: OpenEditor, OpenColorPickerAndThenEditor, OpenOnlyColorPicker. ✅ Available
VisibleColorFormats ❌ Not available
ShowColorName Boolean This will show the name of the color when picking a color. ✅ Available


Configuring custom color formats through DSC is not yet supported.


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ReparentHotkey KeyboardKeys Shortcut to crop an application's window into a cropped window. ✅ Available
ThumbnailHotkey KeyboardKeys Shortcut to crop and create a thumbnail of another window. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
LaunchAdministrator Boolean Needs to be launched as administrator in order to make changes to the system environment variables. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
FancyzonesShiftDrag Boolean Hold Shift key to activate zones while dragging a window. ✅ Available
FancyzonesMouseSwitch Boolean Use a non-primary mouse button to toggle zone activation. ✅ Available
FancyzonesMouseMiddleClickSpanningMultipleZones Boolean Use middle-click mouse button to toggle multiple zones spanning. ✅ Available
FancyzonesOverrideSnapHotkeys Boolean This overrides the Windows Snap shortcut (Win + arrow) to move windows between zones. ✅ Available
FancyzonesMoveWindowsAcrossMonitors Boolean Move windows between zones across all monitors. ✅ Available
FancyzonesMoveWindowsBasedOnPosition Boolean Move windows based on relative position or zone index. ✅ Available
FancyzonesOverlappingZonesAlgorithm Int When multiple zones overlap algorithm index. ✅ Available
FancyzonesDisplayOrWorkAreaChangeMoveWindows Boolean Keep windows in their zones when the screen resolution or work area changes. ✅ Available
FancyzonesZoneSetChangeMoveWindows Boolean During zone layout changes, windows assigned to a zone will match new size/positions. ✅ Available
FancyzonesAppLastZoneMoveWindows Boolean Move newly created windows to their last known zone. ✅ Available
FancyzonesOpenWindowOnActiveMonitor Boolean Move newly created windows to the current active monitor (Experimental). ✅ Available
FancyzonesRestoreSize Boolean Restore the original size of windows when unsnapping. ✅ Available
FancyzonesQuickLayoutSwitch Boolean Enable quick layout switch. ✅ Available
FancyzonesFlashZonesOnQuickSwitch Boolean Flash zones when switching layout. ✅ Available
UseCursorposEditorStartupscreen Boolean Open editor on the display where the mouse point is. ✅ Available
FancyzonesShowOnAllMonitors Boolean Show zones on all monitors while dragging a window. ✅ Available
FancyzonesSpanZonesAcrossMonitors Boolean Allow zones to span across monitors. ✅ Available
FancyzonesMakeDraggedWindowTransparent Boolean Make dragged window transparent. ✅ Available
FancyzonesAllowChildWindowSnap Boolean Allow child windows snapping. ✅ Available
FancyzonesDisableRoundCornersOnSnap Boolean Disable round corners when window is snapped. ✅ Available
FancyzonesZoneHighlightColor String If not using FancyzonesSystemTheme, highlight color to use in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
FancyzonesHighlightOpacity Int Zone opacity in percentage. ✅ Available
FancyzonesEditorHotkey KeyboardKeys Customize the shortcut to activate this module. ✅ Available
FancyzonesWindowSwitching Boolean Switch between windows in the current zone. ✅ Available
FancyzonesNextTabHotkey KeyboardKeys Next window shortcut. ✅ Available
FancyzonesPrevTabHotkey KeyboardKeys Previous window shortcut. ✅ Available
FancyzonesExcludedApps String '\r'-separated list of executable names to exclude from snapping. ✅ Available
FancyzonesBorderColor String If not using FancyzonesSystemTheme, border color to use in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
FancyzonesInActiveColor String If not using FancyzonesSystemTheme, inactive color to use in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
FancyzonesNumberColor String If not using FancyzonesSystemTheme, number color to use in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
FancyzonesSystemTheme Boolean Use system theme for zone appearance. ✅ Available
FancyzonesShowZoneNumber Boolean Show zone number. ✅ Available


Configuring layouts through DSC is not yet supported.


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ExtendedContextMenuOnly Boolean Show File Locksmith in extended context menu only or in default context menu as well. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationMethod Int Activation method index. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Custom activation shortcut when using Custom for ActivationMethod. ✅ Available
DoNotActivateOnGameMode Boolean Disable activation shortcut when Game Mode is on. ✅ Available
BackgroundColor String Background color in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
SpotlightColor String Spotlight color in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
OverlayOpacity Int Overlay opacity in percentage. ✅ Available
SpotlightRadius Int Spotlight radius in px. ✅ Available
AnimationDurationMs Int Animation duration in milliseconds. ✅ Available
SpotlightInitialZoom Int Spotlight zoom factor at animation start. ✅ Available
ExcludedApps String '\r'-separated list of executable names to prevent module activation. ✅ Available
ShakingMinimumDistance Int When using shake mouse ActivationMethod, the minimum distance for mouse shaking activation, for adjusting sensitivity. ✅ Available
ShakingIntervalMs Int When using shake mouse ActivationMethod, the span of time during which we track mouse movement to detect shaking, for adjusting sensitivity. ✅ Available
ShakingFactor Int When using shake mouse ActivationMethod, Shake factor in percentage. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
LaunchAdministrator Boolean Needs to be opened as administrator in order to make changes to the system environment variables. ✅ Available
ShowStartupWarning Boolean Show a warning at startup. ✅ Available
LoopbackDuplicates Boolean Consider loopback addresses as duplicates. ✅ Available
AdditionalLinesPosition HostsAdditionalLinesPosition Possible values: Top, Bottom. ✅ Available
Encoding HostsEncoding Possible values: Utf8, Utf8Bom. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ImageresizerSelectedSizeIndex Int Default size preset index. ✅ Available
ImageresizerShrinkOnly Boolean Make pictures smaller but not larger. ✅ Available
ImageresizerReplace Boolean Overwrite files. ✅ Available
ImageresizerIgnoreOrientation Boolean Ignore the orientation of pictures. ✅ Available
ImageresizerJpegQualityLevel Int JPEG quality level in percentage. ✅ Available
ImageresizerPngInterlaceOption Int PNG interlacing option index. ✅ Available
ImageresizerTiffCompressOption Int Tiff compression index. ✅ Available
ImageresizerFileName String This format is used as the filename for resized images. ✅ Available
ImageresizerSizes ❌ Not available
ImageresizerKeepDateModified Boolean Remove metadata that doesn't affect rendering. ✅ Available
ImageresizerFallbackEncoder String Fallback encoder to use. ✅ Available
ImageresizerCustomSize ❌ Not available


Configuring custom sizes through DSC is not yet supported.


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActiveConfiguration ❌ Not available
KeyboardConfigurations ❌ Not available


Configuring remappings through DSC is not yet supported.


Measure Tool is the internal name for Screen Ruler.

Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to bring up the command bar. ✅ Available
ContinuousCapture Boolean Capture screen continuously during measuring. ✅ Available
DrawFeetOnCross Boolean Adds feet to the end of cross lines. ✅ Available
PerColorChannelEdgeDetection Boolean Enable a different edge detection algorithm. ✅ Available
PixelTolerance Int Pixel Tolerance for edge detection. ✅ Available
MeasureCrossColor String Line color in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
DefaultMeasureStyle Int Default measure style index. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to turn on or off this mode. ✅ Available
LeftButtonClickColor String Primary button highlight color in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
RightButtonClickColor String Secondary button highlight color in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
AlwaysColor String Always highlight color in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
HighlightRadius Int Highlight radius in pixels. ✅ Available
HighlightFadeDelayMs Int Fade delay in milliseconds. ✅ Available
HighlightFadeDurationMs Int Fade duration in milliseconds. ✅ Available
AutoActivate Boolean Automatically activate on utility startup. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to turn on or off this mode. ✅ Available
ThumbnailSize MouseJumpThumbnailSize Thumbnail size. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to show/hide the crosshairs. ✅ Available
CrosshairsColor String Crosshairs color in #FFFFFFFF. ✅ Available
CrosshairsOpacity Int Crosshairs opacity in percentage. ✅ Available
CrosshairsRadius Int Crosshairs center radius in pixels. ✅ Available
CrosshairsThickness Int Crosshairs thickness in pixels. ✅ Available
CrosshairsBorderColor String Crosshairs border color in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
CrosshairsBorderSize Int Crosshairs border size in pixels. ✅ Available
CrosshairsAutoHide Boolean Automatically hide crosshairs when the mouse pointer is hidden. ✅ Available
CrosshairsIsFixedLengthEnabled Boolean Fix crosshairs length. ✅ Available
CrosshairsFixedLength Int Crosshairs fixed length in pixels. ✅ Available
AutoActivate Boolean Automatically activate on utility startup. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ShowOriginalUI Boolean Show the original Mouse Without Borders UI. ✅ Available
WrapMouse Boolean Move control back to the first machine when mouse moves past the last one. ✅ Available
ShareClipboard Boolean If share clipboard stops working, Ctrl+Alt+Del then Esc may solve the problem. ✅ Available
TransferFile Boolean If a file (<100MB) is copied, it will be transferred to the remote machine clipboard. ✅ Available
HideMouseAtScreenEdge Boolean Hide mouse at the screen edge. ✅ Available
DrawMouseCursor Boolean Mouse cursor may not be visible in Windows 10 and later versions of Windows when there is no physical mouse attached. ✅ Available
ValidateRemoteMachineIP Boolean Reverse DNS lookup to validate machine IP Address. ✅ Available
SameSubnetOnly Boolean Only connect to machines in the same intranet NNN.NNN.. (only works when both machines have IPv4 enabled). ✅ Available
BlockScreenSaverOnOtherMachines Boolean Block screen saver on other machines. ✅ Available
MoveMouseRelatively Boolean Use this option when remote machine's monitor settings are different, or remote machine has multiple monitors. ✅ Available
BlockMouseAtScreenCorners Boolean Block mouse at screen corners to avoid accident machine-switch at screen corners. ✅ Available
ShowClipboardAndNetworkStatusMessages Boolean Show clipboard and network status messages. ✅ Available
EasyMouse Int Easy Mouse mode index. ✅ Available
HotKeySwitchMachine Int Shortcut to switch between machines index. ✅ Available
ToggleEasyMouseShortcut HotkeySettings Shortcut to toggle Easy Mouse. ✅ Available
LockMachineShortcut HotkeySettings Shortcut to lock all machines. ✅ Available
ReconnectShortcut HotkeySettings Shortcut to try reconnecting. ✅ Available
Switch2AllPCShortcut HotkeySettings Shortcut to switch to multiple machine mode. ✅ Available
Name2IP String IP address mapping. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to activate this module. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to activate this module. ✅ Available
AlwaysRunNotElevated Boolean Always run not elevated, even when PowerToys is elevated. ✅ Available
CloseAfterLosingFocus Boolean Automatically close the Peek window after it loses focus. ✅ Available


PowerAccent is the internal name for Quick Accent.

Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationKey PowerAccentActivationKey Possible values: LeftRightArrow, Space, Both. ✅ Available
DoNotActivateOnGameMode Boolean Disable activation shortcut when Game Mode is on. ✅ Available
ToolbarPosition String Toolbar position index. ✅ Available
InputTime Int Input time delay in milliseconds. ✅ Available
SelectedLang String A character set to use. ✅ Available
ExcludedApps String '\r'-separated list of executable names to prevent module activation if they're in a foreground. ✅ Available
ShowUnicodeDescription Boolean Show the Unicode code and name of the currently selected character. ✅ Available
SortByUsageFrequency Boolean Sort characters by usage frequency. ✅ Available
StartSelectionFromTheLeft Boolean Start selection from the left. ✅ Available


PowerLaucher is the internal name for PowerToys Run.

Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
OpenPowerLauncher HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to activate the module. ✅ Available
IgnoreHotkeysInFullscreen Boolean Ignore shortcuts in fullscreen mode. ✅ Available
ClearInputOnLaunch Boolean Clear the previous query on open. ✅ Available
TabSelectsContextButtons Boolean Tab through context buttons. ✅ Available
Theme Theme Possible values: System, Light, Dark, HighContrastOne, HighContrastTwo, HighContrastBlack, HighContrastWhite. ✅ Available
TitleFontSize Int32 Text size in points. ✅ Available
Position StartupPosition Possible values: Cursor, PrimaryMonitor, Focus. ✅ Available
UseCentralizedKeyboardHook Boolean Use centralized keyboard hook. ✅ Available
SearchQueryResultsWithDelay Boolean Input Smoothing. ✅ Available
SearchInputDelay Int32 Immediate plugins delay in milliseconds. ✅ Available
SearchInputDelayFast Int32 Background execution plugins delay in milliseconds. ✅ Available
SearchClickedItemWeight Int32 Selected item weight. ✅ Available
SearchQueryTuningEnabled Boolean Results order tuning. ✅ Available
SearchWaitForSlowResults Boolean Wait for slower plugin results before selecting top item in results. ✅ Available
MaximumNumberOfResults Int Number of results shown before having to scroll. ✅ Available
UsePinyin Boolean Use Pinyin. ✅ Available
GenerateThumbnailsFromFiles Boolean Thumbnail generation for files is turned on. ✅ Available
Plugins explained in the next subsection Thumbnail generation for files is turned on. ✅ Available

PowerToys Run plugins

PowerToys Run plugins can be configured in the Plugins property. A sample can be found in the PowerToys repository.

These are the available properties to configure each plugin:

Name Type Description
Name String Name of the plugin we want to configure
Disabled Boolean The plugin should be disabled
IsGlobal Boolean The results for this plugin are shown in the global results
ActionKeyword String Configure the action keyword of the plugin
WeightBoost Int The weight modifier to help in ordering the results for this plugin


Configuring additional properties of plugins through DSC is not yet supported.


PowerOcr is the internal name for Text Extractor.

Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
ActivationShortcut HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to activate this module. ✅ Available
PreferredLanguage String Should match the full name of one of the languages installed in the system. Example: "English (United States)". ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
EnableSvgPreview Boolean Scalable Vector Graphics Preview Handler Enabled state. ✅ Available
SvgBackgroundColorMode Int Color mode index. ✅ Available
SvgBackgroundSolidColor String When using Solid color SvgBackgroundColorMode, specifies the color in #FFFFFFFF format. ✅ Available
SvgBackgroundCheckeredShade Int When using Checkered pattern SvgBackgroundColorMode, specifies the shade index. ✅ Available
EnableSvgThumbnail Boolean Scalable Vector Graphics Thumbnail Generator Enabled state. ✅ Available
EnableMdPreview Boolean Markdown Preview Handler Enabled state. ✅ Available
EnableMonacoPreview Boolean Source code files Preview Handler Enabled state. ✅ Available
EnableMonacoPreviewWordWrap Boolean Wrap text. ✅ Available
MonacoPreviewTryFormat Boolean Try to format the source for preview. ✅ Available
MonacoPreviewMaxFileSize Int Maximum file size to preview in KB. ✅ Available
EnablePdfPreview Boolean Portable Document Format Preview Handler Enabled state. ✅ Available
EnablePdfThumbnail Boolean Portable Document Format Thumbnail Generator Enabled state. ✅ Available
EnableGcodePreview Boolean Geometric Code Preview Handler Enabled state. ✅ Available
EnableGcodeThumbnail Boolean Geometric Code Thumbnail Generator Enabled state. ✅ Available
EnableStlThumbnail Boolean Stereolithography Thumbnail Generator Enabled state. ✅ Available
StlThumbnailColor String Thumbnail color in #FFFFFFFF format . ✅ Available
EnableQoiPreview Boolean Quite OK Image Preview Handler Enabled state. ✅ Available
EnableQoiThumbnail Boolean Quite OK Image Thumbnail Generator Enabled state. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
MRUEnabled Boolean Enable auto-complete for the search & replace fields. ✅ Available
MaxMRUSize Int Maximum number of recently used items to remember. ✅ Available
ExtendedContextMenuOnly Boolean Show PowerRename in extended context menu only or in default context menu as well. ✅ Available
UseBoostLib Boolean Use Boost Library. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
DefaultRegApp Boolean Make Registry Preview default app for opening .reg files. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
OpenShortcutGuide HotkeySettings Customize the shortcut to activate this module. ✅ Available
OverlayOpacity Int Background opacity in percentage. ✅ Available
UseLegacyPressWinKeyBehavior Boolean If ShortcutGuide should be activated by pressing the Windows key. ✅ Available
PressTimeForGlobalWindowsShortcuts Int Press duration before showing global Windows shortcuts in milliseconds. ✅ Available
PressTimeForTaskbarIconShortcuts Int Press duration before showing taskbar icon shortcuts in milliseconds. ✅ Available
Theme String Theme index. ✅ Available
DisabledApps String Turns off Shortcut Guide when these applications have focus. ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Enabled Boolean The enabled state for this utility. ✅ Available
MuteCameraAndMicrophoneHotkey KeyboardKeys Shortcut for muting the camera and microphone. ✅ Available
MuteMicrophoneHotkey KeyboardKeys Shortcut for muting the microphone. ✅ Available
PushToTalkMicrophoneHotkey KeyboardKeys Shortcut for push to talk. ✅ Available
PushToReverseEnabled Boolean If enabled, allows both push to talk and push to mute, depending on microphone state. ✅ Available
MuteCameraHotkey KeyboardKeys Shortcut for muting the camera. ✅ Available
SelectedCamera String Device name. ✅ Available
SelectedMicrophone String Device name or [All]. ✅ Available
ToolbarPosition String Toolbar position option: "Top center", "Bottom center", "Top right corner", "Top left corner", "Bottom right corner", "Bottom left corner". ✅ Available
ToolbarMonitor String Toolbar monitor option: "Main monitor", "All monitors". ✅ Available
CameraOverlayImagePath String Path to the image used for the camera overlay. ✅ Available
ToolbarHide String When to hide the toolbar: "Never", "When both camera and microphone are unmuted", "When both camera and microphone are muted", "After timeout". ✅ Available
StartupAction String Startup action: "Nothing", "Unmute", "Mute". ✅ Available


Name Type Description Available
Startup Boolean PowerToys is automatically enabled at startup. ✅ Available
EnableWarningsElevatedApps Boolean Show a warning for functionality issues when running alongside elevated applications. ✅ Available
Theme String What theme to use for the Settings application: "system", "dark", "light". ✅ Available
ShowNewUpdatesToastNotification Boolean Show a toast notification when a new PowerToys update is available. ✅ Available
AutoDownloadUpdates Boolean If new updates of PowerToys should be automatically downloaded in the background. ✅ Available
ShowWhatsNewAfterUpdates Boolean After updating PowerToys, open the "What's new" screen. ✅ Available
EnableExperimentation Boolean Opt-in into experimental features. ✅ Available


Refer to the relevant devdocs section in the developer documentation to start working on the DSC module.