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Accessing data functions

These functions access data and return table values. Most of these functions return a table value called a navigation table. Navigation tables are primarily used by the Power Query user interface to provide a navigation experience over the potentially large hierarchical data sets returned.

Name Description
AccessControlEntry.ConditionToIdentities Returns a list of identities that the condition will accept.
Access.Database Returns a structural representation of a Microsoft Access database.
ActiveDirectory.Domains Returns a list of Active Directory domains in the same forest as the specified domain or of the current machine's domain if none is specified.
AdobeAnalytics.Cubes Returns the report suites in Adobe Analytics.
AdoDotNet.DataSource Returns the schema collection for an ADO.NET data source.
AdoDotNet.Query Returns the result of running a native query on an ADO.NET data source.
AnalysisServices.Database Returns a table of multidimensional cubes or tabular models from the Analysis Services database.
AnalysisServices.Databases Returns the Analysis Services databases on a particular host.
AzureStorage.BlobContents Returns the content of the specified blob from an Azure storage vault.
AzureStorage.Blobs Returns a navigational table containing the containers found in the specified account from an Azure storage vault. Each row has the container name and a link to the container blobs.
AzureStorage.DataLake Returns a navigational table containing the documents found in the specified container and its subfolders from Azure Data Lake Storage.
AzureStorage.DataLakeContents Returns the content of the specified file from an Azure Data Lake Storage filesystem.
AzureStorage.Tables Returns a navigational table containing the tables found in the specified account from an Azure storage vault. Each row contains a link to the azure table.
Cdm.Contents This function is unavailable because it requires .NET 4.5.
Csv.Document Returns the contents of the CSV document as a table using the specified encoding.
Cube.AddAndExpandDimensionColumn Merges the specified dimension table into the cube’s filter context and changes the dimensional granularity of the filter context by expanding the specified set of dimension attributes.
Cube.AddMeasureColumn AAdds a column to the cube that contains the results of the measure applied in the row context of each row.
Cube.ApplyParameter Returns a cube after applying a parameter to it.
Cube.AttributeMemberId Returns the unique member identifier from members property value.
Cube.AttributeMemberProperty Returns a property of a dimension attribute.
Cube.CollapseAndRemoveColumns Changes the dimensional granularity of the filter context for the cube by collapsing the attributes mapped to the specified columns.
Cube.Dimensions Returns a table containing the set of available dimensions.
Cube.DisplayFolders Returns a nested tree of tables representing the display folder hierarchy of the objects (for example, dimensions and measures).
Cube.MeasureProperties Returns a table containing the set of available measure properties that are expanded in the cube.
Cube.MeasureProperty Returns a property of a measure (cell property).
Cube.Measures Returns a table containing the set of available measures.
Cube.Parameters Returns a table containing the set of parameters that can be applied to the cube.
Cube.Properties Returns a table containing the set of available properties for dimensions that are expanded in the cube.
Cube.PropertyKey Returns the key of a property.
Cube.ReplaceDimensions Replaces the set of dimensions returned by Cube.Dimensions.
Cube.Transform Applies a list of cube functions.
DB2.Database Returns a table of SQL tables and views available in a Db2 database.
DeltaLake.Metadata Given a Delta Lake table, returns the log entries for that table.
DeltaLake.Table Returns the contents of the Delta Lake table.
Essbase.Cubes Returns the cubes in an Essbase instance grouped by Essbase server.
Excel.CurrentWorkbook Returns the contents of the current Excel workbook.
Excel.Workbook Returns the contents of the Excel workbook.
Exchange.Contents Returns a table of contents from a Microsoft Exchange account.
File.Contents Returns the contents of the specified file as binary.
Folder.Contents Returns a table containing the properties and contents of the files and folders found in the specified folder.
Folder.Files Returns a table containing the properties and contents of the files found in the specified folder and subfolders. Each row contains properties of the folder or file and a link to its content.
GoogleAnalytics.Accounts Returns the Google Analytics accounts for the current credential.
Hdfs.Contents Returns a table containing the properties and contents of the files and folders found in the specified folder from a Hadoop file system. Each row contains properties of the folder or file and a link to its content.
Hdfs.Files Returns a table containing the properties and contents of the files found in the specified folder and subfolders from a Hadoop file system. Each row contains properties of the file and a link to its content.
HdInsight.Containers Returns a navigational table containing the containers found in the specified account from an Azure storage vault. Each row has the container name and table containing its files.
HdInsight.Contents Returns a navigational table containing the containers found in the specified account from an Azure storage vault. Each row has the container name and table containing its files.
HdInsight.Files Returns a table containing the properties and contents of the blobs found in the specified container from an Azure storage vault. Each row contains properties of the file/folder and a link to its content.
Html.Table Returns a table containing the results of running the specified CSS selectors against the provided HTML.
Identity.From Creates an identity.
Identity.IsMemberOf Determines whether an identity is a member of an identity collection.
IdentityProvider.Default The default identity provider for the current host.
Informix.Database Returns a table of SQL tables and views available in an Informix database.
Json.Document Returns the content of the JSON document. The contents can be directly passed to the function as text, or it can be the binary value returned by a function like File.Contents.
Json.FromValue Produces a JSON representation of a given value value with a text encoding specified by encoding.
MySQL.Database Returns a table of SQL tables, views, and stored scalar functions available in a MySQL database.
OData.Feed Returns a table of OData feeds offered by an OData service.
Odbc.DataSource Returns a table of SQL tables and views from the ODBC data source.
Odbc.InferOptions Returns the result of trying to infer SQL capabilities for an ODBC driver.
Odbc.Query Returns the result of running a native query on an ODBC data source.
OleDb.DataSource Returns a table of SQL tables and views from the OLE DB data source.
OleDb.Query Returns the result of running a native query on an OLE DB data source.
Oracle.Database Returns a table of SQL tables and views from the Oracle database.
Pdf.Tables Returns any tables found in a PDF file.
PostgreSQL.Database Returns a table of SQL tables and views available in a PostgreSQL database.
RData.FromBinary Returns a record of data frames from the RData file.
Salesforce.Data Returns the objects from the Salesforce account.
Salesforce.Reports Returns the reports from the Salesforce account.
SapBusinessWarehouse.Cubes Returns the InfoCubes and queries in an SAP Business Warehouse system grouped by InfoArea.
SapHana.Database Returns the packages in an SAP HANA database.
SharePoint.Contents Returns a table containing content from a SharePoint site. Each row contains properties of the folder or file and a link to its content.
SharePoint.Files Returns a table containing documents from a SharePoint site. Each row contains properties of the folder or file and a link to its content.
SharePoint.Tables Returns a table containing content from a SharePoint List.
Soda.Feed Returns a table from the contents at the specified URL formatted according to the SODA 2.0 API. The URL must point to a valid SODA-compliant source that ends in a .csv extension.
Sql.Database Returns a table of SQL tables, views, and stored functions from the SQL Server database.
Sql.Databases Returns a table of databases on a SQL Server.
Sybase.Database Returns a table of SQL tables and views available in a Sybase database.
Teradata.Database Returns a table of SQL tables and views from the Teradata database.
WebAction.Request Creates an action that, when executed, will return the results of performing a method request against url using HTTP as a binary value.
Web.BrowserContents Returns the HTML for the specified URL, as viewed by a web browser.
Web.Contents Returns the contents downloaded from the URL as binary.
Web.Headers Returns the HTTP headers downloaded from the URL as a record value.
Web.Page Returns the contents of the HTML document broken into its constituent structures, as well as a representation of the full document and its text after removing tags.
Xml.Document Returns the contents of the XML document as a hierarchical table (list of records).
Xml.Tables Returns the contents of an XML document as a nested collection of flattened tables.