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License dashboard in commercial marketplace analytics

This article provides information about the License dashboard in the commercial marketplace program in Partner Center. The License dashboard shows the following information:

  • Number of customers who purchased licenses
  • Total number of licenses purchased
  • Total number of licenses deployed
  • Number of licenses purchased and deployed by the customer
  • Distribution of licenses across countries and regions


The maximum latency for data reporting is 48 hours.

License page dashboard filters

Screenshot of filter selections on the Insights screen of the License dashboard.

The page has dashboard-level filters for the following:

  • Offer type
  • Offer name
  • Offer plan name
  • Customer name
  • Country/region

Each filter is expandable with multiple options that are dynamic based on the selected date range.

Customers widget

The Customers widget shows the current number of customers. The trend chart shows the month-over-month number of customers.

Screenshot of the Customers widget on the Insights screen of the License dashboard.

Select the ellipsis (...) to copy the widget image, download aggregated widget data as a .csv file, or download the image as a PDF.

License widget

This widget shows the current number of provisioned and assigned licenses. The trend chart shows the month-over-month number of provisioned and assigned licenses. View the data for the last six or 12 months, or choose a custom date range.

Screenshot of the License widget on the Insights screen of the License dashboard.

Select the ellipsis (...) to copy the widget image, download aggregated widget data as a .csv file, or download the image as a PDF.

Analysis widget

The Analysis widget shows the number and percentage of provisioned and assigned licenses per offer and plan. The trend chart shows the month-over-month number of provisioned and assigned licenses. Using this widget, you can filter the data by Customers or Products.

Screenshot of the Analysis widget on the Insights screen of the License dashboard.

Select the ellipsis (...) to copy the widget image, download aggregated widget data as a .csv file, or download the image as a PDF.

Geographical spread

The Geographical spread widget shows the distribution of licenses across different countries and regions.

Screenshot of the License Distribution widget on the Insights screen of the License dashboard.

Select the ellipsis (...) to copy the widget image, download aggregated widget data as a .csv file, or download the image as a PDF.

License data dictionary


To download the data in CSV, you can use the Download data option, available at the top of the page.

Column Name Definition
CustomerCountry Customer’s billing country/region
CustomerCountryCode Customer’s billing country code
CustomerName Customer name
ActivationDate Date when licenses were activated
ProductDisplayName Offer title as shown in commercial marketplace
ProductId Product ID
PlanName Name of the plan in the offer
ServiceId Unique identifier used in the package to map the plan with the license checks
LicenseState License state
LicensesAssigned Number of licenses the customer assigned to their users
LicensesProvisioned Number of licenses activated into the customer’s account
OfferType Type of marketplace offer