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Quickstart: Move and transform data with dataflows and data pipelines

In this tutorial, you discover how the dataflow and data pipeline experience can create a powerful and comprehensive Data Factory solution.


To get started, you must have the following prerequisites:

Dataflows compared to pipelines

Dataflows Gen2 lets you to use a low-code interface and 300+ data and AI-based transformations to you easily clean, prep, and transform data with more flexibility than any other tool. Data Pipelines enable rich out-of-the-box data orchestration capabilities to compose flexible data workflows that meet your enterprise needs. In a pipeline, you can create logical groupings of activities that perform a task, which might include calling a Dataflow to clean and prep your data. While there's some functionality overlap between the two, the choice of which to use for a specific scenario depends on whether you require the full richness of pipelines or can use the simpler but more limited capabilities of dataflows. For more information, see the Fabric decision guide

Transform data with dataflows

Follow these steps to set up your dataflow.

Step 1: Create a dataflow

  1. Choose your Fabric enabled workspace, and then select New. Then select Dataflow Gen2.

    Screenshot showing where to start creating a dataflow gen2.

  2. The dataflow editor window appears. Select the Import from SQL Server card.

    Screenshot showing the dataflow editor window.

Step 2: Get data

  1. On the Connect to data source dialog presented next, enter the details to connect to your Azure SQL database, then select Next. For this example, you use the AdventureWorksLT sample database configured when you set up the Azure SQL database in the prerequisites.

    Screenshot showing how to connect to an Azure SQL database.

  2. Select the data you’d like to transform and then select Create. For this quickstart, select SalesLT.Customer from the AdventureWorksLT sample data provided for Azure SQL DB, and then the Select related tables button to automatically include two other related tables.

    Screenshot showing where to choose from the available data.

Step 3: Transform your data

  1. If it isn't selected, select the Diagram view button along the status bar at the bottom of the page, or select Diagram view under the View menu at the top of the Power Query editor. Either of these options can toggle the diagram view.

    Screenshot showing where to select diagram view.

  2. Right-click your SalesLT Customer query, or select the vertical ellipsis on the right of the query, then select Merge queries.

    Screenshot showing where to find the Merge queries option.

  3. Configure the merge by selecting the SalesLTOrderHeader table as the right table for the merge, the CustomerID column from each table as the join column, and Left outer as the join kind. Then select OK to add the merge query.

    Screenshot of the Merge configuration screen.

  4. Select the Add data destination button, which looks like a database symbol with an arrow above it, from the new merge query you created. Then select Azure SQL database as the destination type.

    Screenshot highlighting the Add data destination button on the newly created merge query.

  5. Provide the details for your Azure SQL database connection where the merge query is to be published. In this example, you can use the AdventureWorksLT database we used as the data source for the destination too.

    Screenshot showing the Connect to data destination dialog with sample values populated.

  6. Choose a database to store the data, and provide a table name, then select Next.

    Screenshot showing the Choose destination target window.

  7. You can leave the default settings on the Choose destination settings dialog, and just select Save settings without making any changes here.

    Screenshot showing the Choose destination settings dialog.

  8. Select Publish back on the dataflow editor page, to publish the dataflow.

    Screenshot highlighting the Publish button on the dataflow gen2 editor.

Move data with data pipelines

Now that you created a Dataflow Gen2, you can operate on it in a pipeline. In this example, you copy the data generated from the dataflow into text format in an Azure Blob Storage account.

Step 1: Create a new data pipeline

  1. From your workspace, select New, and then select Data pipeline.

    Screenshot showing where to start a new data pipeline.

  2. Name your pipeline then select Create.

    Screenshot showing the new pipeline creation prompt with a sample pipeline name.

Step 2: Configure your dataflow

  1. Add a new dataflow activity to your data pipeline by selecting Dataflow in the Activities tab.

    Screenshot showing where to select the Dataflow option.

  2. Select the dataflow on the pipeline canvas, and then the Settings tab. Choose the dataflow you created previously from the drop-down list.

    Screenshot showing how to choose the dataflow you created.

  3. Select Save, and then Run to run the dataflow to initially populate its merged query table you designed in the prior step.

    Screenshot showing where to select Run.

Step 3: Use the copy assistant to add a copy activity

  1. Select Copy data on the canvas to open the Copy Assistant tool to get started. Or select Use copy assistant from the Copy data drop down list under the Activities tab on the ribbon.

    Screenshot showing the two ways to access the copy assistant.

  2. Choose your data source by selecting a data source type. In this tutorial, you use the Azure SQL Database used previously when you created the dataflow to generate a new merge query. Scroll down below the sample data offerings and select the Azure tab, then Azure SQL Database. Then select Next to continue.

    Screenshot showing where to choose a data source.

  3. Create a connection to your data source by selecting Create new connection. Fill in the required connection information on the panel, and enter the AdventureWorksLT for the database, where we generated the merge query in the dataflow. Then select Next.

    Screenshot showing where to create a new connection.

  4. Select the table you generated in the dataflow step earlier, and then select Next.

    Screenshot showing how to select from available tables.

  5. For your destination, choose Azure Blob Storage and then select Next.

    Screenshot showing the Azure Blob Storage data destination.

  6. Create a connection to your destination by selecting Create new connection. Provide the details for your connection, then select Next.

    Screenshot showing how to create a connection.

  7. Select your Folder path and provide a File name, then select Next.

    Screenshot showing how to select folder path and file name.

  8. Select Next again to accept the default file format, column delimiter, row delimiter and compression type, optionally including a header.

    Screenshot showing the configuration options for the file in Azure Blob Storage.

  9. Finalize your settings. Then, review and select Save + Run to finish the process.

    Screenshot showing how to review copy data settings.

Step 5: Design your data pipeline and save to run and load data

  1. To run the Copy activity after the Dataflow activity, drag from Succeeded on the Dataflow activity to the Copy activity. The Copy activity only runs after the Dataflow activity succeeds.

    Screenshot showing how to make the dataflow run take place after the copy activity.

  2. Select Save to save your data pipeline. Then select Run to run your data pipeline and load your data.

    Screenshot showing where to select Save and Run.

Schedule pipeline execution

Once you finish developing and testing your pipeline, you can schedule it to execute automatically.

  1. On the Home tab of the pipeline editor window, select Schedule.

    A screenshot of the Schedule button on the menu of the Home tab in the pipeline editor.

  2. Configure the schedule as required. The example here schedules the pipeline to execute daily at 8:00 PM until the end of the year.

    Screenshot showing the schedule configuration for a pipeline to run daily at 8:00 PM until the end of the year.

This sample shows you how to create and configure a Dataflow Gen2 to create a merge query and store it in an Azure SQL database, then copy data from the database into a text file in Azure Blob Storage. You learned how to:

  • Create a dataflow.
  • Transform data with the dataflow.
  • Create a data pipeline using the dataflow.
  • Order the execution of steps in the pipeline.
  • Copy data with the Copy Assistant.
  • Run and schedule your data pipeline.

Next, advance to learn more about monitoring your pipeline runs.