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Production Reports and Analytics in Business Central

Production reporting in Business Central allows production and business professionals to get insights and statistics about current and past production activities.

Explore production reports with Report Explorer

To get an overview of available reports, choose All reports at the top of your Home page. This action opens the Role Explorer page, which is filtered to the features in the Report & Analysis option. To find reports related to manufacturing, in the Find field, enter manufacturing. To learn more, go to Finding Reports with the Role Explorer.

Example of reports on the manufacturing role center.


The following table describes some of the key reports for production.

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Helps you track cost in the production process. Production Order - WIP About Production Order - WIP 5802
Ensure that you fulfill sales orders for assembly and production on time. The report shows key availability figures for supply and demand that support decisions about when, and how many, orders you can fulfill. This analysis helps you maintain a smooth production flow, meet delivery deadlines, and optimize inventory levels. Item - Able to Make (Time) About Item - Able to Make (Time) 5871
Helps you decide whether to change component suppliers or replace internal resources with outsourced labor (or vice versa). It can also help you review and modify an item's bill of materials. BOM Cost Share Distribution About BOM Cost Share Distribution 5872
Get an in-depth analysis of the bills of materials (BOMs) for selected manufacturing items. Offers a clear hierarchy of components. Subcomponents are indented below their parent items. Quantity Explosion of BOM About Quantity Explosion of BOM 99000753
Get a comprehensive view of the costs associated with manufactured items, broken down into different cost components. For example, material, capacity, capacity overhead, subcontracting, and manufacturing overhead. Rolled-up Cost Shares About Rolled-up Cost Shares 99000754
Get a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with manufactured items at each level of the bill of materials (BOM). The report shows the cost of materials, labor, and overhead for each component in the BOM. Single-Level Cost Shares About Single-Level Cost Shares 99000755
Analyze the manufacturing costs for an item, including its production bill of materials details, routing operations, and associated expenses. Scrap costs are accounted for, which gives you an accurate total cost for producing items. Detailed Calculation About Detailed Calculation 99000756
Get an overview of where, and in what quantities, you use items in the product structures of other items. Where-Used (Top Level) About Where-Used (Top Level) 99000757
Compare the costs of similar final products. Item BOM Compare list About Item BOM Compare list 99000758
Explore the details of the components and operations needed to complete a production order. Prod. Order - Job Card About Prod. Order - Job Card 99000762
Helps you plan and schedule production activities by estimating the time needed to complete each production order based on factors such as work centers, machine centers, and routing information. Prod. Order - Precalc. Time About Prod. Order - Precalc. Time 99000764
Get a list of your production orders and their costs. Prod. Order - Calculation About Prod. Order - Calculation 99000767
Get a comprehensive analysis of the costs associated with production orders broken down to costs by material, capacity, overhead, and other cost components. Prod. Order Detailed Calc About Prod. Order Detailed Calc 99000768
Analyze the capacity of work centers or machine centers. Capacity Task list About Capacity Task List 99000780
Analyze the load on a work center. Work Center Load About Work Center Load 99000783
Analyze the load on a machine center. Machine Center Load About Machine Center Load 99000784
Get a list of work centers that are overloaded according to the plan. Work Center Load About Work Center Load 99000785
Get a list of machine centers that are overloaded according to the plan. Machine Center Load About Machine Center Load 99000786
Get an overview of the operations to do to build an item, including information about the work center, machine center, personnel, and tools involved. Routing Sheet About Routing Sheet 99000787
Examine your component requirements and assess the availability of stock on the projected due dates. Identify discrepancies between the required components and their inventory levels, and ensure that all materials are available for consumption when they're needed. Proactively address potential shortages and avoid delays in production processes. Prod. Order Shortage list About Prod. Order Shortage List 99000788
Helps you manage and track subcontracting activities efficiently. Subcontractor Dispatch List About Subcontractor Dispatch List 99000788
Analyze your actual costs and variance from expected cost for production orders. The analysis helps you make key decisions about your production and its costs. Production Order Statistics About Production Order Statistics 99000791
This report is a legacy report for production/manufacturing. See report documentation for alternatives. Work Center List About Work Center List (legacy) 99000759
This report is a legacy report for production/manufacturing. See report documentation for alternatives. Machine Center List About Machine Center List (Legacy) 99000760


The following articles describe some of the key tasks for analyzing the state of your business:

See also

Setting Up Manufacturing

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