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Orleans streaming APIs

Applications interact with streams via APIs that are very similar to the well-known Reactive Extensions (Rx) in .NET. The main difference is that Orleans stream extensions are asynchronous, to make processing more efficient in Orleans' distributed and scalable compute fabric.

Async stream

An application starts by using a stream provider to get a handle to a stream. You can read more about stream providers here, but for now, you can think of it as a stream factory that allows implementers to customize streams behavior and semantics:

IStreamProvider streamProvider = base.GetStreamProvider("SimpleStreamProvider");
StreamId streamId = StreamId.Create("MyStreamNamespace", Guid);
IAsyncStream<T> stream = streamProvider.GetStream<T>(streamId);
IStreamProvider streamProvider = base.GetStreamProvider("SimpleStreamProvider");
IAsyncStream<T> stream = streamProvider.GetStream<T>(Guid, "MyStreamNamespace");

An application can get a reference to the stream provider either by calling the Grain.GetStreamProvider method when inside a grain, or by calling the GrainClient.GetStreamProvider method when on the client.

Orleans.Streams.IAsyncStream<T> is a logical, strongly typed handle to a virtual stream. It's similar in spirit to Orleans Grain Reference. Calls to GetStreamProvider and GetStream are purely local. The arguments to GetStream are a GUID and an additional string that we call a stream namespace (which can be null). Together the GUID and the namespace string comprise the stream identity (similar in spirit to the arguments to IGrainFactory.GetGrain). The combination of GUID and namespace string provide extra flexibility in determining stream identities. Just like grain 7 may exist within the Grain type PlayerGrain and a different grain 7 may exist within the grain type ChatRoomGrain, Stream 123 may exist with the stream namespace PlayerEventsStream and a different stream 123 may exist within the stream namespace ChatRoomMessagesStream.

Producing and consuming

IAsyncStream<T> implements both the IAsyncObserver<T> and IAsyncObservable<T> interfaces. That way an application can use the stream either to produce new events into the stream by using Orleans.Streams.IAsyncObserver<T> or to subscribe to and consume events from a stream by using Orleans.Streams.IAsyncObservable<T>.

public interface IAsyncObserver<in T>
    Task OnNextAsync(T item, StreamSequenceToken token = null);
    Task OnCompletedAsync();
    Task OnErrorAsync(Exception ex);

public interface IAsyncObservable<T>
    Task<StreamSubscriptionHandle<T>> SubscribeAsync(IAsyncObserver<T> observer);

To produce events into the stream, an application just calls

await stream.OnNextAsync<T>(event)

To subscribe to a stream, an application calls

StreamSubscriptionHandle<T> subscriptionHandle = await stream.SubscribeAsync(IAsyncObserver)

The argument to SubscribeAsync can either be an object that implements the IAsyncObserver<T> interface or a combination of lambda functions to process incoming events. More options for SubscribeAsync are available via AsyncObservableExtensions class. SubscribeAsync returns a StreamSubscriptionHandle<T>, which is an opaque handle that can be used to unsubscribe from the stream (similar in spirit to an asynchronous version of IDisposable).

await subscriptionHandle.UnsubscribeAsync()

It is important to note that the subscription is for a grain, not for activation. Once the grain code is subscribed to the stream, this subscription surpasses the life of this activation and stays durable forever, until the grain code (potentially in a different activation) explicitly unsubscribes. This is the heart of a virtual stream abstraction: not only do all streams always exist, logically, but also a stream subscription is durable and lives beyond a particular physical activation that created the subscription.


An Orleans stream may have multiple producers and multiple consumers. A message published by a producer will be delivered to all consumers that were subscribed to the stream before the message was published.

In addition, the consumer can subscribe to the same stream multiple times. Each time it subscribes it gets back a unique StreamSubscriptionHandle<T>. If a grain (or client) is subscribed X times to the same stream, it will receive the same event X times, once for each subscription. The consumer can also unsubscribe from an individual subscription. It can find all its current subscriptions by calling:

IList<StreamSubscriptionHandle<T>> allMyHandles =
    await IAsyncStream<T>.GetAllSubscriptionHandles();

Recovering from failures

If the producer of a stream dies (or its grain is deactivated), there is nothing it needs to do. The next time this grain wants to produce more events it can get the stream handle again and produce new events in the same way.

Consumer logic is a little bit more involved. As we said before, once a consumer grain is subscribed to a stream, this subscription is valid until the grain explicitly unsubscribes. If the consumer of the stream dies (or its grain is deactivated) and a new event is generated on the stream, the consumer grain will be automatically re-activated (just like any regular Orleans grain is automatically activated when a message is sent to it). The only thing that the grain code needs to do now is to provide an IAsyncObserver<T> to process the data. The consumer needs to re-attach processing logic as part of the OnActivateAsync() method. To do that it can call:

StreamSubscriptionHandle<int> newHandle =
    await subscriptionHandle.ResumeAsync(IAsyncObserver);

The consumer uses the previous handle it got when it first subscribed to "resume processing". Notice that ResumeAsync merely updates an existing subscription with the new instance of IAsyncObserver logic and does not change the fact that this consumer is already subscribed to this stream.

How does the consumer get an old subscriptionHandle? There are 2 options. The consumer may have persisted the handle it was given back from the original SubscribeAsync operation and can use it now. Alternatively, if the consumer does not have the handle, it can ask the IAsyncStream<T> for all its active subscription handles, by calling:

IList<StreamSubscriptionHandle<T>> allMyHandles =
    await IAsyncStream<T>.GetAllSubscriptionHandles();

The consumer can now resume all of them or unsubscribe from some if it wishes to.


If the consumer grain implements the IAsyncObserver<T> interface directly (public class MyGrain<T> : Grain, IAsyncObserver<T>), it should in theory not be required to re-attach the IAsyncObserver and thus will not need to call ResumeAsync. The streaming runtime should be able to automatically figure out that the grain already implements IAsyncObserver and will just invoke those IAsyncObserver methods. However, the streaming runtime currently does not support this and the grain code still needs to explicitly call ResumeAsync, even if the grain implements IAsyncObserver directly.

Explicit and implicit subscriptions

By default, a stream consumer has to explicitly subscribe to the stream. This subscription would usually be triggered by some external message that the grain (or client) receives that instructs it to subscribe. For example, in a chat service when a user joins a chat room his grain receives a JoinChatGroup message with the chat name, which will cause the user grain to subscribe to this chat stream.

In addition, Orleans streams also support implicit subscriptions. In this model, the grain does not explicitly subscribe to the stream. This grain is subscribed automatically, implicitly, just based on its grain identity and an ImplicitStreamSubscriptionAttribute. Implicit subscriptions' main value is allowing the stream activity to trigger the grain activation (hence triggering the subscription) automatically. For example, using SMS streams, if one grain wanted to produce a stream and another grain process this stream, the producer would need to know the identity of the consumer grain and make a grain call to it telling it to subscribe to the stream. Only after that can it start sending events. Instead, using implicit subscriptions, the producer can just start producing events to a stream, and the consumer grain will automatically be activated and subscribe to the stream. In that case, the producer doesn't care at all who is reading the events

The grain implementation MyGrainType can declare an attribute [ImplicitStreamSubscription("MyStreamNamespace")]. This tells the streaming runtime that when an event is generated on a stream whose identity is GUID XXX and "MyStreamNamespace" namespace, it should be delivered to the grain whose identity is XXX of type MyGrainType. That is, the runtime maps stream <XXX, MyStreamNamespace> to consumer grain <XXX, MyGrainType>.

The presence of ImplicitStreamSubscriptioncauses the streaming runtime to automatically subscribe this grain to a stream and deliver the stream events to it. However, the grain code still needs to tell the runtime how it wants events to be processed. Essentially, it needs to attach the IAsyncObserver. Therefore, when the grain is activated, the grain code inside OnActivateAsync needs to call:

IStreamProvider streamProvider =

StreamId streamId =
    StreamId.Create("MyStreamNamespace", this.GetPrimaryKey());
IAsyncStream<T> stream =

StreamSubscriptionHandle<T> subscription =
    await stream.SubscribeAsync(IAsyncObserver<T>);
IStreamProvider streamProvider =

IAsyncStream<T> stream =
    streamProvider.GetStream<T>(this.GetPrimaryKey(), "MyStreamNamespace");

StreamSubscriptionHandle<T> subscription =
    await stream.SubscribeAsync(IAsyncObserver<T>);

Writing subscription logic

Below are the guidelines on how to write the subscription logic for various cases: explicit and implicit subscriptions, rewindable and non-rewindable streams. The main difference between explicit and implicit subscriptions is that for implicit the grain always has exactly one implicit subscription for every stream namespace; there is no way to create multiple subscriptions (there is no subscription multiplicity), there is no way to unsubscribe, and the grain logic always only needs to attach the processing logic. That also means that for implicit subscriptions there is never a need to resume a subscription. On the other hand, for explicit subscriptions, one needs to Resume the subscription, otherwise, if the grain subscribes again it will result in the grain being subscribed multiple times.

Implicit subscriptions:

For implicit subscriptions, the grain still needs to subscribe to attach the processing logic. This can be done in the consumer grain by implementing the IStreamSubscriptionObserver and IAsyncObserver<T> interfaces, allowing the grain to activate separately from subscribing. To subscribe to the stream, the grain creates a handle and calls await handle.ResumeAsync(this) in its OnSubscribed(...) method.

To process messages, the IAsyncObserver<T>.OnNextAsync(...) method is implemented to receive stream data and a sequence token. Alternatively, the ResumeAsync method may take a set of delegates representing the methods of the IAsyncObserver<T> interface, onNextAsync, onErrorAsync, and onCompletedAsync.

public Task OnNextAsync(string item, StreamSequenceToken? token = null)
    _logger.LogInformation($"Received an item from the stream: {item}");

public async Task OnSubscribed(IStreamSubscriptionHandleFactory handleFactory)
    var handle = handleFactory.Create<string>();
    await handle.ResumeAsync(this);
public override async Task OnActivateAsync()
    var streamProvider = this.GetStreamProvider(PROVIDER_NAME);
    var stream =
            this.GetPrimaryKey(), "MyStreamNamespace");

    await stream.SubscribeAsync(OnNextAsync);

Explicit subscriptions:

For explicit subscriptions, a grain must call SubscribeAsync to subscribe to the stream. This creates a subscription, as well as attaches the processing logic. The explicit subscription will exist until the grain unsubscribes, so if a grain gets deactivated and reactivated, the grain is still explicitly subscribed, but no processing logic will be attached. In this case, the grain needs to re-attach the processing logic. To do that, in its OnActivateAsync, the grain first needs to find out what subscriptions it has, by calling IAsyncStream<T>.GetAllSubscriptionHandles(). The grain must execute ResumeAsync on each handle it wishes to continue processing or UnsubscribeAsync on any handles it is done with. The grain can also optionally specify the StreamSequenceToken as an argument to the ResumeAsync calls, which will cause this explicit subscription to start consuming from that token.

public async override Task OnActivateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    var streamProvider = this.GetStreamProvider(PROVIDER_NAME);
    var streamId = StreamId.Create("MyStreamNamespace", this.GetPrimaryKey());
    var stream = streamProvider.GetStream<string>(streamId);

    var subscriptionHandles = await stream.GetAllSubscriptionHandles();
    foreach (var handle in subscriptionHandles)
       await handle.ResumeAsync(this);
public async override Task OnActivateAsync()
    var streamProvider = this.GetStreamProvider(PROVIDER_NAME);
    var stream =
        streamProvider.GetStream<string>(this.GetPrimaryKey(), "MyStreamNamespace");

    var subscriptionHandles = await stream.GetAllSubscriptionHandles();
    if (!subscriptionHandles.IsNullOrEmpty())
            async x => await x.ResumeAsync(OnNextAsync));

Stream order and sequence tokens

The order of event delivery between an individual producer and an individual consumer depends on the stream provider.

With SMS the producer explicitly controls the order of events seen by the consumer by controlling the way the producer publishes them. By default (if the SimpleMessageStreamProviderOptions.FireAndForgetDelivery option for SMS provider is set to false) and if the producer awaits every OnNextAsync call, the events arrive in FIFO order. In SMS it is up to the producer to decide how to handle delivery failures that will be indicated by a broken Task returned by the OnNextAsync call.

Azure Queue streams do not guarantee FIFO order, since the underlying Azure Queues do not guarantee the order in failure cases. (They do guarantee FIFO order in failure-free executions.) When a producer produces the event into Azure Queue, if the queue operation fails, it is up to the producer to attempt another queue and later on deal with potential duplicate messages. On the delivery side, the Orleans Streaming runtime dequeues the event from the queue and attempts to deliver it for processing to consumers. The Orleans Streaming runtime deletes the event from the queue only upon successful processing. If the delivery or processing fails, the event is not deleted from the queue and will automatically re-appear in the queue later. The Streaming runtime will try to deliver it again, thus potentially breaking the FIFO order. The above behavior matches the normal semantics of Azure Queues.

Application Defined Order: To deal with the above ordering issues, an application can optionally specify its ordering. This is achieved via a StreamSequenceToken, which is an opaque IComparable object that can be used to order events. A producer can pass an optional StreamSequenceToken to the OnNext call. This StreamSequenceToken will be passed to the consumer and will be delivered together with the event. That way, an application can reason and reconstruct its order independently of the streaming runtime.

Rewindable streams

Some streams only allow an application to subscribe to them starting at the latest point in time, while other streams allow "going back in time". The latter capability is dependent on the underlying queuing technology and the particular stream provider. For example, Azure Queues only allow consuming the latest enqueued events, while EventHub allows replaying events from an arbitrary point in time (up to some expiration time). Streams that support going back in time are called rewindable streams.

The consumer of a rewindable stream can pass a StreamSequenceToken to the SubscribeAsync call. The runtime will deliver events to it starting from that StreamSequenceToken. A null token means the consumer wants to receive events starting from the latest.

The ability to rewind a stream is very useful in recovery scenarios. For example, consider a grain that subscribes to a stream and periodically checkpoints its state together with the latest sequence token. When recovering from a failure, the grain can re-subscribe to the same stream from the latest checkpointed sequence token, thereby recovering without losing any events that were generated since the last checkpoint.

Event Hubs provider is rewindable. You can find its code on GitHub: Orleans/Azure/Orleans.Streaming.EventHubs. SMS and Azure Queue providers are not rewindable.

Stateless automatically scaled-out processing

By default, Orleans Streaming is targeted to support a large number of relatively small streams, each processed by one or more stateful grains. Collectively, the processing of all the streams together is sharded among a large number of regular (stateful) grains. The application code controls this sharding by assigning stream ids and grain ids and by explicitly subscribing. The goal is sharded stateful processing.

However, there is also an interesting scenario of automatically scaled-out stateless processing. In this scenario, an application has a small number of streams (or even one large stream) and the goal is stateless processing. An example is a global stream of events, where the processing involves decoding each event and potentially forwarding it to other streams for further stateful processing. The stateless scaled-out stream processing can be supported in Orleans via StatelessWorkerAttribute grains.

Current Status of Stateless Automatically Scaled-Out Processing: This is not yet implemented. An attempt to subscribe to a stream from a StatelessWorker grain will result in undefined behavior. We are considering to support this option.

Grains and Orleans clients

Orleans streams work uniformly across grains and Orleans clients. That is, the same APIs can be used inside a grain and in an Orleans client to produce and consume events. This greatly simplifies the application logic, making special client-side APIs, such as Grain Observers, redundant.

Fully managed and reliable streaming pub-sub

To track stream subscriptions, Orleans uses a runtime component called Streaming Pub-Sub which serves as a rendezvous point for stream consumers and stream producers. Pub-sub tracks all stream subscriptions and persists them, and matches stream consumers with stream producers.

Applications can choose where and how the Pub-Sub data is stored. The Pub-Sub component itself is implemented as grains (called PubSubRendezvousGrain), which use Orleans declarative persistence. PubSubRendezvousGrain uses the storage provider named PubSubStore. As with any grain, you can designate an implementation for a storage provider. For Streaming Pub-Sub you can change the implementation of the PubSubStore at silo construction time using the silo host builder:

The following configures the Pub-Sub to store its state in Azure tables.

    options => options.ConfigureTableServiceClient("<Secret>"));
    options => options.ConnectionString = "<Secret>");

That way Pub-Sub data will be durably stored in Azure Table. For initial development, you can use memory storage as well. In addition to Pub-Sub, the Orleans Streaming Runtime delivers events from producers to consumers, manages all runtime resources allocated to actively used streams, and transparently garbage collects runtime resources from unused streams.


To use streams you need to enable stream providers via the silo host or cluster client builders. You can read more about stream providers here. Sample stream provider setup:

        optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder.Configure(
            options => options.ConfigureTableServiceClient("<Secret>")))
        options => options.ConfigureTableServiceClient("<Secret>"));
        optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder.Configure(
            options => options.ConnectionString = "<Secret>"))
        options => options.ConnectionString = "<Secret>");

See also

Orleans Stream Providers